Las señales que precederán al “Gran Aviso”

Mensaje de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo

Confidencia 655. Sevilla, España

Miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2001 (01:00 horas)

Nuestro Señor: ¡Hijo Mío! Soy Yo tú Redentor y Amigo, pequeñín Mío y Nuestro, perdóname que te levante de la cama para escribir aquí, hijo Mío.

Pero es que te Quiero comunicar algo que ya algún tiempo vienes sintiendo y no te atreves a escribir, y es que:

Las SEÑALES os llevarán hasta la fecha del GRAN AVISO.

No tenéis que especular ni escudriñar más sobre la fecha, sino sobre las SEÑALES:

Antes del AVISO:

1ra. Señal: Será la huida del Santo Papa de Roma y su falso entierro, y nombramiento del antipapa

2da. Señal: Colapso en la Bolsa y pánico financiero…

3ra. Señal: Comienzo de la Guerra

4ta. Señal: Huida de las aves y animales de la naturaleza…

5ta. Señal: La gran CRUZ BLANCA en el Cielo durante siete días y noches…

6ta. Señal: Noticias del Cometa que se acerca…

7ma Señal: Comienzo del GRAN AVISO con la gran Explosión y la Nube Blanca que cubrirá toda la tierra…

Durante el AVISO:

A): TAPAR VENTANAS y huecos al exterior. Encerraos y no salir de casa hasta que terminen los truenos, fuera moriréis. ¡Orad por todos!…

B): EXTASIS UNIVERSAL de cada ser humano, paro e inmovilidad de la materia… Será el tiempo de Dios…

C): CHOQUE DEL COMETA contra la tierra y el gran TERREMOTO seguido de otros, hasta el fin del AVISO y el manto blanco…

Después del AVISO:

D) LA GRAN SEQUIA, consecuencias de las altas temperaturas del Cometa…


F) LAS PLAGAS de insectos, ranas, langostas…

G) El GRAN FRIO, las temperaturas descenderán de 15 a 30 grados bajo cero, según lo normal en cada zona durante el invierno.

H) EL ANTICRISTO Maitreya y marca de la Bestia 666, con el microchip y persecución de los católicos.

EL GRAN MILAGRO… Para confirmar que el AVISO fue de Dios, tomar posturas, o con DIOS o con Satanás.


EL GRAN CASTIGO… Con el choque de la Bola de Fuego, y los…

TRES DIAS DE TINIEBLAS finales, con la destrucción de todos los enemigos de Dios…

Fin de la GRAN TRIBULACIÓN Y PURIFICACIÓN y comienzo de los Nuevos Cielos y la Nueva Tierra con el REINO DE LA PAZ Y EL AMOR para los que hayan sobrevivido, ya purificados en el crisol…

Yo seré su REY y Mi Madre será su REINA

La Nueva Jerusalén bajará del Cielo y los del Cielo con los de la tierra tendrán comunicación… Satanás habrá sido encadenado por mil años y la vida en MI REINO DE LA TIERRA será sencilla y natural, en armonía entre los hombres y los hombres con Dios…

La Iglesia habrá sido purificada y el nuevo Papa recibirá las instrucciones directamente de Mí… Ahora, en este período Mesiánico del que estáis en sus últimos días, deberéis haber tenido FE en Mis palabras; en el Reino de la Paz que comenzará pronto, deberéis TENER FE EN MI PRESENCIA DE RESUCITADO ENTRE VOSOTROS, porque LA PRESENCIA EUCARÍSTICA que ahora tenéis de Mí, la habéis perdido y despreciado la gran mayoría… Por eso dije: “Pero cuando venga el Hijo del hombre, ¿Encontrará fe en la tierra?” (Lucas, 18,8)

One half will not deviate from the Truth. The other halve will twist the Truth

On November 21, 2012 @ 11:30 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, for every stern Message I give to all of God’s children always remember that My Love is ever Merciful.

My patience is all enduring and I will save every single person who calls on My Mercy, irrespective of the gravity of their sins.

How I yearn to free all from the grasp of the deceiver who tightens his hold on every soul he has seduced, so that many are powerless against his strength.

Let no man fail to understand this. When you have sold your soul, willingly, to Satan, he will not let you go free. Only I can set you free.

When those souls, who are lost to Me because of the sinful lives they lead, try to change their ways, they too, will struggle against the beast. For this is a beast who is aggrieved and he is vicious.

For many, even those who are devoted to Me, their Jesus, he will become like a thorn in their side from time to time. Nothing will satisfy him until you yield to his temptation, which differs from person to person.

Because every single one of you is a sinner, and will continue to be one until you are cleansed of sin, accept sin as a fact, but fight it.

To those of you who know Me intimately, you know that you can trust in My Mercy, always.

You know the importance of keeping in daily communication with Me. This can be as simple as chatting to Me during your working day. This is a perfect time to offer little sacrifices to Me.

If someone hurts you, offer this trial to Me so that I can save souls because of it.

If you are disturbed about the struggles you face, which you have no control over, you must allow Me to take your burden away.

Many people work long hard hours both inside of and outside of the home. All I ask is for you to turn to Me in your thoughts when you need support and help, for I will answer your prayer.

Never make the error by thinking that you can only communicate with Me during your time in Church, or before and after receiving the Holy Sacraments. I am there at every moment of the day. I respond to every request, if it is according to My Holy Will.

My beloved disciples, you are all God’s children. I unite you, nation with nation, so that I can bring peace and unity amongst the chaos, which will come.

Let Me bring you into My Holy Family and you will be strengthened.

Then you will rise and surge forward, renewed and with a new lease, to lead My army, which has not yet been formed in many countries.

Keep loyal to My instruction.

Please spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere. It must not be sold. It must be available for everyone. Pass copies to all those who need to be protected.

The division between the loyal followers, those who accept My Father’s Book, the Most Holy Bible, and those who want to change the Truth, is about to become wider.

One half will not deviate from the Truth.

The other halve will twist the Truth.

They will do this to suit their own political and personal motivations, which will be hidden behind a couched language.

The Truth will soon be declared to be a lie and God will be accorded the blame.

They will disrespectfully declare that the laws laid down by My Holy vicar are old fashioned and do not suit modern society.

Every cunning argument will be in direct conflict with the Laws of God, which amount to this.

These people want to introduce laws, which legalise sin. They do not love God. They say that they do, and many of those who promote such laws are atheists, but do not reveal their true beliefs.

Many of their plans include the banning of Christian laws.

On the one hand, they tolerate the laws, which allow women to abort children because of lifestyle choices. They use the arguments of choice, but this choice applies to the needs of the mother not the child.

Many women will be tormented after they destroy life in this way. Many will feel a sense of loss because they will know in their hearts that the life that they destroyed was created by God.

Every powerful and convincing argument will be made to bring about the legislation of abortion. Every trick, used to garner support, which amounts to abortion being introduced for all.

For this sin, I will tear down their countries.

The sin of abortion causes My Father great pain and He will not allow this to continue.

The nations, which constantly try to make it available to more women and who promote it as being a good thing, will be taken out and dealt a punishment from which there can be no recovery.

They will be guilty of the sin of murder and will be one of the first groups who will suffer pain during The Warning.

God will not allow you to touch the lives He created.

His punishment will be meted out upon you in the form of earthquakes and many nations will continue to receive punishment after punishment until the day of the Lord.

Abortion and murder will be the two sins for which My Father will cast down a severe chastisement upon the world.

Sin, My disciples, is something like a stain, which blights your souls every day. But when you are in a state of grace, that sin diminishes. The more you receive the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession, the greater the graces you receive.

To those of you who attend daily Mass, very special graces are given to you. For you, My devout followers will be passed through the Gates of My Paradise quickly.

Go now and spend a little more time with Me. Chat to Me. I like light chatter and it brings Me closer to you. I yearn for you. I yearn for the intimacy I crave, so I can bring you closer to Me.

You can build a wonderful relationship with Me simply by becoming a friend first. Then our love will build until such time that your heart will burst with love for Me and Mine for you.

It is not complicated. To begin a new fresh beginning, to prepare for My Kingdom, start now. Call on Me.

If you love Me, you will soon trust in Me and this will lead you towards the cleansing of your soul. You will be happier, at peace, and nothing of the outside world will mean anything, except for the pain of sin, which you will witness.

I am right here. I am waiting for you. I want mankind to be able to get to know Me properly.

I love you.

Your Jesus



SyNAPSE logo

SyNAPSE is a DARPA-funded program to develop electronic neuromorphic machine technology that scales to biological levels. More simply stated, it is an attempt to build a new kind of computer with similar form and function to the mammalian brain. Such artificial brains would be used to build robots whose intelligence matches that of mice and cats.

SyNAPSE is a backronym standing for Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics. It started in 2008 and as of August 2012 has received $102.6 million in funding. It is scheduled to run until around 2016. The project is primarily contracted to IBM and HRL who in turn subcontract parts of the research to various US universities.

The ultimate aim is to build an electronic microprocessor system that matches a mammalian brain in function, size, and power consumption. It should recreate 10 billion neurons, 100 trillion synapses, consume one kilowatt (same as a small electric heater), and occupy less than two liters of space.

Latest news

The program is currently progressing through phase 2 (the third of five phases) as of August 2012. This involves, among other things, designing a multi-chip system capable of emulating 1 million neurons and 1 billion synapses. The initial program requirements were that no phase should last longer than 18 months. This means the million-neuron design should be complete by February 2013. Construction of the system will come in phase 3, to be completed around August 2014.


IBM's "brain wall"

Phase 3

Estimated to begin between late 2012 and late 2013.

  • Fabricate a single-chip neural system of ~106 neurons (1 million) into a fully functioning assembly.
    Show mouse-level performance in a virtual environment.
  • Design neural system of ~1012 synapses (1 trillion) and ~108 neurons (100 million) for simulation testing
  • Design a corresponding single-chip neural system of ~1012 synapses (1 trillion) and ~108 neurons (100 million)
  • Demonstrate a simulated neural system of ~108 neurons performing at cat level
  • Add touch to the sensory environment.
  • Add a symbolic environment.






Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE)

Current programmable machines are limited not only by their computational capacity, but also by an architecture requiring human-derived algorithms to describe and process information from their environment.  In contrast, biological neural systems, such as a brain, autonomously process information in complex environments by automatically learning relevant and probabilistically stable features and associations.  Since real-world problems generally have many variables and nearly infinite combinatorial complexity, neuromorphic electronic machines would be preferable in a host of applications.  Useful and practical implementations, however, do not yet exist.

The vision for the Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) program is to develop electronic neuromorphic machine technology that scales to biological levels.  SyNAPSE supports an unprecedented multidisciplinary approach coordinating aggressive technology development activities in the following areas:  hardware, architecture, simulation, and environment.

Russia Warns Of Catastrophic 21 December 2012 “Event Horizon”

November 23, 2012

Russia Warns Of Catastrophic 21 December 2012 “Event Horizon”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    A startling report prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) states that evidenced uncovered by France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), during their investigation into the hacking of former President Nicolas Sarkozy’s computers by the United States and Israel, is revealing that our world is about to experience a “technological singularity,” which is seen as an intellectual “event horizon,” beyond which events cannot be predicted or understood.

According to this report, the DGSE began investigating a series of attacks on the computers belonging to several close advisers to Sarkozy earlier this year, and which French intelligence officials linked to US-Israeli spy software said to have been created to target Iran’s nuclear program. Yesterday, however, the US Embassy in Paris took the unusual step of flatly denying this DGSE report that Washington was responsible.

This SVR report supports the US denial of this attack, in a most unexpected way, by stating that evidence it has uncovered points to this event being directed, not by any individual, but by a computer system acting on its own.

And not just any computer system, this report says, but a supercomputer under the control of IBM Research who uses this massive system in collaboration with the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) programme, and which recently announced it had reached another brain simulation milestone.

IBM and DARPA researchers took a dramatic departure from the conventional von Neumann computer architecture, last year, which links internal memory and a processor with a single data channel. This structure allows for data to be transmitted at high, but limited rates, and isn’t especially power efficient — especially for more sophisticated, scaled-up systems. Instead, they integrated memory directly within its processors, wedding hardware with software in a design that more closely resembles the brain’s cognitive structure

The brain simulation milestone announced by IBM and DARPA this past week stated that their SyNAPSE system was now capable of crafting 2.084 billion neurosynaptic cores and 100 trillion synapses. This compares against a human brain’s 86 billion neurons and estimated 100 trillion synapses.

This SVR report states that the significance of this milestone lies in this systems ability to “dramatically” reduce the power needed for creating neurosynaptic cores and synaptic connections.

Where the world’s most powerful supercomputer, the K from Fujitsu, is capable of holding 30 quadrillion bytes, as compared to the human brains 3.5 quadrillion, it can only do so using 9.9 million watts of power (enough to power 10,000 homes, as compared to the brain using only 20 watts.

More ominously, however, SVR computer intelligence analysts state in this report that the “trail” followed by DGSE forensic investigators into the attacks on Sarkozy’s computers lead directly back to this SyNAPSE system which, apparently, is now operating on its own without any human guidance or intervention.

Even worse, this report says that this SyNAPSE system is showing “clear signs” of “exponential growth,” which, if not stopped, could see it becoming “aware” on, or about, 21 December 2012 as it ability to function on a level far surpassing the human brain, and using less than 1,000 watts power, will be achieved.

Still “unknown,” SVR analysts say in this report, are how the “millions” of neurosynaptic computing chips found to be “active” throughout nearly the entire world linked to this SyNAPSE system were placed, or for what ultimate purpose.

Everything will be different by 2015

Matthew 11:9 Then why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written: ‘Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.’ 11 Amen, I say to you, among those born of women there has been none greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

“I belong to a Betania prayer group (the approved apparitions of the BVM in Venezuela). Last week, when speaking with our group, Maria Esperanza’s (cause open for canonization) family stated that Maria had told a nun friend of theirs that “Everything will be different by 2015″. The family was taken aback since Maria was not one much for dates either. I just wanted to share that for your discernment. I met Maria twice and she read my heart both times. She was an amazing woman whom I grew to love a great deal. Her family continues her mission and they are an absolute joy to be around. Everyone states the same things in general and feels that huge events/changes are in store in the near future. Maria also spoke about the ‘day of light’ that we all need in order to get our house in order before the final purification comes. The clock is set and things are in motion. Let us pray and offer everything up in these final moments of grace before the world reaches its full tailspin. I have many in my family also that I pray fervently for as I know many of you do. God Bless!”


Amid the Ashes, a Statue of Mary Stands as a Symbol of Survival

So, yes, at the corner of Oceanside Avenue and Gotham Walk, the house inherited by the elderly McNultys’ niece Regina after the couple died, is a place of tragedy. It is also, astonishingly, a place of faith. For the one part of the home to survive intact was a statue of the Virgin Mary that Mary McNulty placed in her garden years ago.


“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation…”,550x550,075,f.jpg

“Why, Jon, why is it so hard to be like the rest of the flock, Jon?”


“You don’t love hatred and evil…you have to practise and see the real gull, the good in every one of them, and to help them see it themselves”


Per quanto ampio sia il successo e il godimento di un uomo, per quanto vasto sia il suo potere e colossale la sua opera, la sua vita resta priva di un cammino finché egli non affronta la voce.

Adamo affronta la voce, riconosce di essere in trappola e confessa: “Mi sono nascosto”.

Qui inizia il cammino dell’uomo.

Martin Buber – Il Cammino dell’Uomo.

Uomo, dove sei?

Adamo si nasconde per non dover rendere conto, per sfuggire alla responsabilità della propria vita. Così, si nasconde ogni uomo, perché ogni uomo è Adamo e nella situazione di Adamo.Per sfuggire alla responsabilità della vita che si è vissuta, l’esistenza viene trasformata  in un congegno di nascondimento.

Proprio nascondendosi così e persistendo sempre in questo nascondimento “davanti al volto di Dio”, l’uomo scivola sempre più profondamente, nella falsità.

Si crea in tal modo una nuova situazione che, di giorno in giorno e di nascondimento in nascondimento, diventa sempre più problematica. E’ una situazione caratterizzabile con estrema precisione:

l’uomo non può sfuggire all’occhio di Dio ma, cercando di nascondersi a Lui, si nasconde anche a se stesso….

Ed è proprio in questa situazione che lo coglie la domanda di Dio: vuole turbare l’uomo, distruggere il suo congegno di nascondimento, fargli vedere dove lo ha condotto una strada sbagliata, far nascere in lui un ardente desiderio di venirne fuori. 

“Il Cammino dell’Uomo” – Martin Buber