Il satellite Goce rientrato nell’atmosfera
Cessato allarme dall’Agenzia Spaziale

Il satellite europeo Goce (Gravity Field and Steady State Ocean Circulation Explorer) è rientrato nell’atmosfera intorno alla 1,00 di lunedì e si è probabilmente disintegrato senza danni. Lo ha dichiarato l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (Esa). Dunque nessun impatto in Italia di frammenti del satellite e pericolo scongiurato.,pericolo del resto già escluso dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Secondo gli ultimi aggiornamenti dell’Esa, le più probabili zone in cui potrebbero cadere i frammenti sono l’oceano Pacifico, l’oceano Indiano e parte dell’Asia.


Satellite falling to Earth

(CNN) — A European satellite that ran out of fuel will start falling in the next few days, and fragments of the disintegrating 2,000-pound spacecraft are expected to strike the Earth’s surface.

Nobody knows where or when the fragments will hit, but the European Space Agency has said the parts are likely to fall into the ocean or unpopulated areas. Potential spots will be narrowed down closer to re-entry, ESA said on its website.

Re-entry probably will occur Sunday or Monday, Rune Floberghagen, mission manager for the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Explorer, better known as GOCE, told the New York Times.


FS-ISAC CAPP Exercise for Financial Institutions

FS-ISAC Financial Institution CAPP Exercise
October 16 – 17, 2013 and
October 23 – 24, 2013

These CAPP Exercise sessions are designed for financial institutions that provide payment services.  For more information, click here for a downloadable summary.

What would your financial institution do in the event of a cyber attack on your online banking environment?

Over a two-day period in the fall of 2013, the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS‐ISAC), in conjunction with the Payments Risk Council (PRC), is conducting a simulated attack on payment processes to help you assess your company’s readiness in the event of such an attack or event.

A similar exercise was conducted in 2012 that helped the industry identify ways to prevent, detect and respond to cyber attacks against payment processes. In a time when account takeovers, breaches at technology companies, denial of service attacks and other cyber‐crimes are affecting the industry, it is imperative that your company knows how to react if it happens to you.



Writing the introduction for a new investigative book (titled Beast Tech) by myself and retired California police detective, Terry Cook, my friend John McTernan said: “There is not a more spine-chilling section in the entire Bible than Revelation 13;. This chapter describes a world dictator, who appears just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. He is commonly known as the Antichrist or the Beast.

This Beast uses a universal numbering system placed on people called “the Mark of the Beast.” No one can buy or sell without this “Mark.” It seems that everyone knows about the number “666,” even those with little knowledge of the Bible, as it is identified as the infamous “devil’s number.” This is probably one of the most widely known verses in the entire Bible.

And he causeth all…to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six [(666]). (Revelation 13:16-18)

For centuries, the fulfillment of these verses was a mystery. No one could understand how a marking system would control buying and selling throughout the entire world. It no longer takes “simple faith” to believe this, as the literal fulfillment is now coming together with incredible speed right before your eyes.

Computers, the Internet, Wi-Fi, social media, all modern technology, plus worldwide trends, (such as a one-world economic system and government), are creating conditions that can fulfill Revelation 13:16–18. As the Prophet Daniel wrote twenty-five hundred years ago, knowledge would explode at the very time the 666 Surveillance System came together.

Starting in 2013, the federal government has the Utah Data Center (UDC) nearly in full operation. This is a $2 billion complex with one hundred thousand square feet of computer space. All of the Global Information Grid will be routed through the UDC with computers that can store Yottabytes (1,024 bytes). Everything that is digitalized about you will be stored there, down to parking tickets. Nothing will be left out.

To handle this vast information, the computers will operate at petaflop speed pera second (1,015). To transmit this vast amount of information, researchers invented chips with built-in lasers which use multiple wavelengths of light that can transmit data at terabit speed per second (1,012).


Ancora un vulcano di fango vicino Roma, che sta succedendo?

È recente la notizia di un secondo, anzi ad essere precisi, di un terzo vulcano di fango spuntato dal nulla nella provincia di Roma, questa volta sotto il mare a circa 100m dalla costa di Ostia. I primi due erano nati a fine Agosto nella zona di Fiumicino all’interno di una rotonda stradale in via Coccia di Morto. In un nostro recente articolo avevamo parlato proprio del primo evento ma visto il recente accadimento, non possiamo non affrontare nuovamente la questione.

Sebbene questi vulcani di fango non siano particolarmente pericolosi sen non per le esalazioni gassose tossiche che emanano, e non rarissimi in Italia, l’irruenza di questi ultimi neonati “Romani” li pone senz’altro su di un livello di inconsuetudine abbastanza elevato, pur avendo ben presente la vicina area vulcanica dei Colli Albani la cui attività estinta avrebbe determinato la presenza di queste “bolle” di gas all’interno del terreno. Ma le dichiarazioni ufficiali ci dicono che sia nei primi due casi che in quest’ultimo c’entrerebbe la mano dell’uomo. Opere di scavo stradale per quanto riguarda i vulcanetti di Fiumicino e trivellazioni per la costruzione di un nuovo porto per quel che riguarda il vulcanetto sottomarino di ostia.

Nascite non spontanee quindi ma indotte, almeno a quanto dichiarato dalle autorità. E qui nascono varie domande, la prima è senz’altro la seguente “Perché l’amministrazione comunale ha negato che nella zona dei vulcanetti di Fiumicino ci fossero dei lavori in corso ?” C’erano o non c’erano? Seconda domanda, se si tratta di piccole sacche di gas, come dichiarato dalla protezione civile, come mai da oltre un mese l’attività dei primi due vulcanetti non si arresta? Erano bolle di gas molto grandi a quanto pare! Terza domanda, come mai le persone che hanno visto i vulcani da vicino hanno riferito di un forte odore di zolfo nell’aria? Nelle analisi effettuate dalla protezione civile l’idrogeno solforato, quello che da il tipico odore di uova marce, ovvero il gas che fuoriesce dalle zone vulcaniche attive, viene menzionato solo come “in tracce”. Tracce molto evidenti a quanto pare.


Strength of gravity shifts – and this time it’s serious

Did gravity, the force that pins us to Earth’s surface and holds stars together, just shift? Maybe, just maybe. The latest measurement of G, the so-called constant that puts a figure on the gravitational attraction between two objects, has come up higher than the current official value.

Measurements of G are notoriously unreliable, so the constant is in permanent flux and the official value is an average. However, the recent deviation is particularly puzzling, as it is at once starkly different to the official value and yet very similar to a measurement made back in 2001, not what you would expect if the discrepancy was due to random experimental errors.

It’s possible that both experiments suffer from a hidden, persistent error, but the result is also prompting serious consideration of a weirder possibility: that G itself can change. That’s a pretty radical option, but if correct, it would take us a step closer to tackling one very big mystery – dark energy, the unknown entity accelerating the expansion of the universe.

“If G has changed by this tiny amount then we would expect that G depends on a new field,” says cosmologist Tony Padilla of the University of Nottingham, UK. “One could imagine a scenario in which this field plays a role in dark energy.”


NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft is spinning out of control


Nature News Blog

NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft is spinning out of control


Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.

Posted on behalf of Ron Cowen

NASA’s Deep Impact spacecraft is in deep trouble. The craft, famous for blasting a projectile into the Comet Tempel 1 in 2005, lost contact with Earth sometime between 11 August and 14 August. Recent commands to put the craft in hibernation, or safe mode, were unsuccessful and Deep Impact is now spinning out of control, says principal investigator Michael A’Hearn of the University of Maryland in College Park. The mission was renamed Epoxi when it was extended to observe comets and stars with transiting exoplanets.

Engineers have traced the problem to a software communications glitch that reset the craft’s computer. They are now working on commands that could bring Deep Impact back in operation. They may try to communicate with the spacecraft this weekend, but the team first has to figure out its most likely orientation and whether to broadcast signals to the vehicle’s high-gain or low-gain antenna.
