Si comprehendis non est Deus


« Quid ergo dicamus, fratres, de Deo? Si enim quod vis dicere, si cepisti, non est Deus: si comprehendere potuisti, aliud pro Deo comprehendisti. Si quasi comprehendere potuisti, cogitatione tua te decepisti. Hoc ergo non est, si comprehendisti: si autem hoc est, non comprehendisti. Quid ergo vis loqui, quod comprehendere non potuisti? »


Youth rioting in Stockholm, PM calls for calm

Firemen extinguish a burning car in Kista after youths rioted in suburbs in the greater Stockholm area on May 21, 2013. Youths in the immigrant-heavy Stockholm suburb of Husby torched cars and threw rocks at police, in riots believed to be linked to the deadly police shooting of a local resident. Photo: JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP/Getty Images

Rioters have set fire to 30 cars and torched a school and a nursery in poor immigrant suburbs of Stockholm. Three nights of unrest in one of Europe’s richest capitals has marred Sweden’s reputation for social justice.

Swedish police said Wednesday they had arrested eight young men during a third night of urban unrest in low-income suburbs of Stockholm from Tuesday into Wednesday.

The rioting had erupted on Sunday after police shot dead a 69-year-old man on May 13.

Police said officers had acted in self-defense when the man wielded a machete in the northwestern suburb of Husby. The shooting was being investigated by a special police unit.

A group Megafonen which works with youth in deprived areas, accused police of being heavy-handed and targeting immigrants indiscriminately. Cuts in services and closures of youth centers have fuelled discontent, said its spokesman Rami al-Khamisi.



Si comincerà ad averne un’idea a giugno, quando l’Ira di Dio inizierà a manifestarsi. Sì, accadranno eventi strani, collegati alla cometa e al suo asteroide nascosto. Il sole baluginerà e produrrà vari effetti sulle persone, sul clima e sulla crescita vegetativa. Ma, figli Miei, questo sarà solo l’inizio. Dopo di ciò il Santo Padre verrà portato via, e gli eventi a seguire, fino al Grande Avvertimento, si verificheranno per ordine. Osservateli.

Figli Miei, è tempo che voi>

Mary Jane Even


Il cuore dell’uomo racchiude, sì, un  potenziale nascosto, un germe di vita, ma questo rischia di essere soffocato nella sua crescita da rovi ed erbacce.

Chi voglia seguire gli impulsi della natura, lasciandosi portare qua e là solo al ritmo delle passioni, non riuscirà mai a sviluppare una personalità profonda.

La naturalezza non è nell’assenza di forma nè nella deformità. D’altro canto, chi impone alla propria natura un giogo troppo rigoroso, tentando di conformarla per forza ad un ideale che rimanga esterno potrà sì talvolta giungere a liberare una parte di sè stesso, ma rischierà anche di farsi violenza al punto da acquisire una personalità snaturata e fittizia. Sarà sempre a spese della vera libertà.

Poiché la nostra intelligenza delle cose resta parziale e limitata, il volere e il fare lasciati a sé stessi non perverrano mai a creare una personalità completa. Non è in loro potere. E queste facoltà cederanno sotto lo sforzo, disgreagandosi prima di aver raggiunto lo scopo. Così, le potenze virtuali che portiamo in noi, come in ceppi, vorranno volgersi verso una luce che le guidi sicura, verso una forza che le liberi e permetta loro di fiorire.

Sono la luce e la forza della grazia divina… conformarsi al disegno di Dio… tagliando e potando, per lasciare al cuore la libertà di crescere secondo l’appello ricevuto, senza per questo spezzare i suoi doni naturali o forzarne la crescita…. una volta giunti alla sommità della montagna, si può senza pericolo seguire i moti del cuore.

Poiché il cuore allora è sperduto nel cuore di Dio, batte dello stesso ritmo e segue gli stessi impulsi…..

Edith Stein

Russia staffs Mediterranean fleet. Turkey weighs payback for Syrian bombings

Russian Navy Admiral Viktor Chirkov said Sunday, May 12, that the process is underway for creating a permanent staff to run Russian fleet operations in the Mediterranean Sea.  Speaking at Sevastopol, the Black Sea fleet’s home port, Adm. Chirkov said a staff of 20 officers was already in place. And the Mediterranean deployment would comprise five to six warships and their service vessels as well possibly as nuclear submarines which, say our military sources, are armed with nuclear ballistic missiles.


Messages from Jesus Given to a Chosen Child in Chicago (May 4-10, 2013)
May 4, 2013 (11:26am)
Tell My beloved children the battle is on and is stronger than ever.  This is a spiritual battle for souls.  The only way you will survive is through prayer.  The devil knows all your weaknesses and will use them to his advantage to win your souls.  My dear children, you are being told over and over that My Hour of Mercy may come to the end when you least expect it.  Are you ready?  Some say the Lord would never deny you mercy.  This is true to an extent however once My Divine Justice takes over it will be more difficult for you to obtain mercy since the enemy will keep you from being in the state of grace and this is how you are safe from his snares.  Oh, My children, wake up before it’s too late to turn back.  Once the door to My graces is closed it will be almost impossible to open it again.  My dear ones, the Administration is working over time to keep you in the dark relating to how they are dismantling your Constitution and bringing down your economy.  They think they have all their plans ready to pull the rug out from under you but through the grace of God and your prayers, they will fail.  Oh, My children, they want so much to be in control of your lives.  If you only knew how much they count on your not knowing what they are up to.  They will do anything to keep their power as you have been told so often.  Be prepared for the attacks to start.  Always be aware of your surroundings and be alert.  Always keep blessed articles on you to protect you.  Stay in prayer My little ones.  The battle still rages on.
I love you, Jesus.
May 5, 2013 (11:56am)
Tell My beloved children there is a lot going on in your Churches.  It may seem hard to believe but sorry to say many of My priests are not acting in accord with My wishes.  They need your prayers.   Unfortunately the Church has been infiltrated by those who want to destroy the Church.  Some of My beloved priests have been wrongly influenced by these people.  They aren’t aware that they have been taught erroneous teachings and have spread  their ideas to their parishioners.  The way to know the truth is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in finding the truth.  My dear ones, I know some of you are not convinced of what you are hearing but none the less it is true.  So many of My beloved priests have left the Church since they were confused and didn’t know what to believe.  Outside influences also were responsible for so many of My priests leaving the priesthood.  My dear ones, the enemy is so clever and wily he can cause a lot of harm in your faith if you are not aware of what the Church teaches.  It would be good to get a Catholic Catechism and learn some of the basic teachings.  Oh, My dear children I know it’s hard to hear these things but you must be able to defend your faith or you will fall for erroneous ideas that will cause you to question your Catholic beliefs.  My children, I’m asking for more prayers and fasting for your country.  The paid terrorists have been given their orders as to where they should strike next.  If you are prepared spiritually through prayer and fasting you have nothing to fear.  You will be safe and protected.  However I can’t promise that protection if you refuse to pray and trust in the Lord.  I am always here waiting for your response to My plea.  Please don’t disappoint Me.
I love you, Jesus.
May 6, 2013 (10:02am)
Tell My beloved children to stay as close to home as you can.  You don’t know where or when these activists will strike next.  They usually try to get large crowds as their targets.  They may change their tactics since they know people will be avoiding these things.  My dear ones, are you paying attention to what is being covered in the conservative media?  The documents spoken of here are being talked about and exposed every day.  Soon the regular media will have to take up the account of these documents and more of the public will be made aware of how the government tried to destroy or doctor these documents so the American public would never know the truth.  There are more documents to come as the Administration tries to make little of them and accuse those talking about them as extreme conspirators.  Oh, My dear children, there will be more distractions to keep you from knowing what the Administration has been up to.  Please pay close attention to the advice given here.  Those who will be taking over in the future administration are working very hard to get the facts so they can be presented for the impeachment of your president and for his being accused of treason.  His cohorts and supporters will fight to the end to keep this from happening but they will fail.  Eventually your president and his co-conspirators will be punished by imprisonment where they will lose their power to do any more harm.  Remember, My dear ones, the best is yet to come for your country.  Keep trusting  and praying for now is the time for the battle to get stronger until God will come to your aide.
I love you, Jesus.
May 7, 2013 (9:29am)
Tell My beloved children that now that all the documents are being exposed the Administration is scrambling trying to come up with a plan to thwart this news which is being spoken of in all the media.  Don’t be surprised if there is another attack to divert the attention away from what these people were involved in.  My dear children, there is so much this Administration will be accused of and also found guilty of.  The American people will be stunned as to what these evil individuals have gotten away with.  There will now be documents that have been hidden which will be found and brought out into the open.  Again there will be lies and denials of any wrong doing but the facts will prove otherwise.  Once this president has been exposed he will be impeached.  There will then be a need for another president since all those who would have been in line for this position will be in prison.  I know this all sounds absurd, My children, but you will believe when you see it all happening.  It is then that the chosen man to be your next president will be elected and the country will begin its turn around back to One Nation Under God.  Believe, My dear ones, this is all going to happen through your prayers and God’s mercy and grace.
I love you, Jesus.
May 8, 2013 (9:06am)
Tell My beloved children the Administration is desperate now that they are being exposed.  As mentioned earlier they are frantic trying to come up with some lies to diffuse the facts.  Oh, My children, they know they have to find some way to divert the attention away from them.  Soon there will be a major attack in some city in your country.  Since you don’t know where or when you must be on your guard at all times.  The best way to protect yourself is through prayer.  My dear children, you are living at a time like none other in history.  Your country is so close to being taken over by radical influences.  However as you were told every plan these evil people try will fail.  If you continue your prayers and fastings things will move more quickly and these people will be taken out.  They will lose any power or influence they may have had.  Continue to praise and thank God for His Mercy and care for your country.  All will be well.
I love you, Jesus.
May 9, 2013 (12:48pm)
Tell My beloved children the Administration thinks they have fooled the public with their lies but this incident they are being accused of will not end and there will be more documents that they will not be able to dismiss.  You may ask how would the Lord be telling you information regarding up to date goings on in your government.  This is to show you the power of prayer.  If it wasn’t for your constant prayers and fastings this government would have continued their agenda until your country was under Atheistic Communism.  You stopped all that from becoming a reality.  Right now your government thinks they have gotten away with all the atrocities they caused to happen.  As you were told everything they do will fail when it comes to continuing with their evil agenda to control you.  Oh, My children, there are so many good people in the conservative media and others in your Congress who will continue their probe into the accusations against this government especially your president.  He will eventually be found guilty of treason among other things and will lose his presidency.  Shortly after that the man chosen for these times will then take his place as your new president after he is elected into office.  I know how difficult it is for you to comprehend how this could possibly happen, but it will take a miracle which will occur.  Please continue your trust in these words, My dear ones.  There is hope for your country and for your future.
I love you, Jesus.
May 10, 2013 (10:39am)
Tell My beloved children to pray for the truth to come out regarding the scandal involving your Ambassador and the Administration.  The sooner the truth is revealed and accepted by the public, the sooner your new president will be able to be your leader.  My dear children, you have no idea how important your prayers are at this time.  Even though we know the final outcome is positive, your prayers and fasting are still needed.  You are very dear to My heart and I’m very proud of all of you who are taking these messages seriously.
I love you, Jesus.

May 5, 2013

Received by Rick Leach Sunday May 5, 2013


I received this Sunday May 5th in the chapel.



My Son, let us begin to write:


It has been some time since we really talked.  Things are about to unfold in the coming weeks.  All of the evil people’s lives are about to be exposed and their power will be lost.  The people who placed them in office will run tired from having to keep after them.  Their luster will be lost and never returned.  Your people of your country will then have a choice to make, either they can demand new government people who will replace these evil ones or they can do nothing and allow more evil people to step in.  It will be truly up to your country what path it will take.  Please send this out and ask whoever reads this message from Me, your Jesus, to pray and ask for God’s Will to be done.


Love Jesus