I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones

On November 25, 2012 @ 5:25 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am Christ, the Saviour of the human race and I will soon take up My Crown and reign over the earth at last.

The Crown of Thorns still remain, however, in place on My Sacred Head, until the great day comes when I will finally sit upon the throne promised to Me by My Father.

I Am the only True King, the only True God, yet I wear a Crown of Thorns so cruelly placed by the hands of ungrateful man.

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones. Not even today. No, instead they still hurt Me by cruelly rejecting the salvation which I achieved for them when they crucified Me.

I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth.

Yet, so few Christians follow My Teachings. They are weakened by external pressures and remain silent as the world embraces sin as being a good thing.

My Crown has been prepared and I will arrive in Glory. No man will fail to see Me as I come from Heaven.

This event will take place over a number of hours and it will take a strong man of faith to shout and rejoice.

So many will be shamed and frightened when they see Me. Even then, if they ask Me to forgive them, I will do so right up until the very last second.

Beware of those who claim to be Me. This is very important for I will only come on the one day.

I will not walk the earth as a man for this has not been permitted by My Father. Let no such man deceive you.

My reign is near and let all those who fail to acknowledge Me, My Existence, or the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book know that it cannot be stopped.

Satan and those who follow him have no power over Me. The only power which matters is the Power of God who loves all of His children.

Prepare for My New Kingdom and be joyful. Look forward to the day for this will be the day when all human suffering ends for good.

Only those who follow My Teachings will experience My New Paradise.

My disciples must create a circle of prayer in order to save the souls of those who will not come to Me even on the last day.

Please pray the Litany Prayer for the Grace of Immunity for those who do not have the strength to help themselves.

Your Jesus





Sunspot AR1620 doubled in size again yesterday. It is now a behemoth almost 10 times as wide as Earth. A movie from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the sunspot materializing over the past 48 hours:

So far the sunspot has been relatively quiet, producing no strong flares. However, the sunspot’s magnetic field is rapidly changing as the sunspot grows, and rapidly-changing magnetic fields have a tendency to reconnect and erupt. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of M-class eruptions in the next 24 hours



Justine: You want to meet on the terrace, and sip wine, the three of us?
Claire: It would make me happy.
Justine: Do you know what I think of your plan?
Claire: No. I was hoping that you might like it.
Justine: I think it’s a piece of shit.
Claire: Please, Justine. I just want it to be nice…
Justine: Nice? Why don’t we meet on the fucking toilet?
Claire: Fine, then – let’s not…
Justine: You’re damn right let’s not!
Claire: I really hate you sometimes.

The time for My Divine Intervention is to take place soon.

God the Father: I offer you the most perfect future.

On November 22, 2012 @ 7:00 pm

My dearest daughter the Light of My Love falls over the earth today, in the hope that My children’s hearts can be stirred.

For those who do not know Me, and there are many who are afraid to approach Me, you should know that I desire to take you into My Son’s Kingdom.

I Am the God of Love and the God who bequeathed to you the Gift of Salvation.

You must not discard this Gift for it was given to humanity so that they could unite again to enjoy the Paradise, which I created for them in the first place.

This is the time for the day of the Lord and you, My children, are being prepared for this great day.

The time for My Divine Intervention, so that you can be saved to enter the gates of My Son’s Kingdom, is to take place soon.

When the prophecies foretold, in My Holy Book, begin to take place you will finally accept the Truth.

The Truth I have promised humanity, for these times, is being given to you now.

Why, you may ask do I need My children to be given the Truth of My Holy Word again?

It is because so few believe in My existence in the world today. They no longer heed My Ten Commandments.

Arrogance has replaced humility amongst My children, including many sacred servants who were appointed to impart the Truth. Many disregard the Truth of My Word and, even more, have never been taught the meaning of their existence on earth.

So many souls can now be redeemed because of My Love and I have, therefore, given you instructions, through My beloved Son, as to what is expected of you.

Embrace the Truth. Remind those close to you of My Great Love for My children.

As any good Father I will warn My children of the dangers they face.

I will never allow them to walk blindly into the web of deceit, which has fallen upon mankind like a fisherman’s net over an unsuspecting shoal of fish.

I will not allow those who try to stop My Holy Word, from being heard, or those who try to trip up the Word of My Son. Nor will I fail, in My duty, to warn My children of the punishments they will face if they continue to offend Me by their treatment of others.

I Am your Father. I Am responsible for gathering My children together again and I will use everything necessary in order to salvage My children from harm.

Every tactic, every trick will be used by Satan and his dedicated followers to stop you from hearing the Truth.

This I solemnly promise. You will be taken swiftly into My Arms and into the protection of My Son’s Great Mercy.

The battle for souls has commenced, although this may not be apparent to many of you.

In order for you to enjoy My New Paradise on earth, you must accept My Hand as it is reaches out to you. Do not be afraid for I cover all those who honour Me, their Eternal Father and My Precious Son, with My Seal.

Heed My Call. Be strong. Close your ears to the whispers of the beast as he uses those souls, who are stained with the sin of pride, to take you away from Me.

I offer you the most perfect future. You must not reject this Paradise for this is your inheritance. How many of you would reject an inheritance of great wealth in the world? Very few. Do not make the mistake of turning your back on this Gift.

Anyone who tries to stop you needs your prayers, for I love all of My children.

I, your Father, will ensure that My great plan, to herald the Second Coming of My Son, will not be delayed.

Come to Me, through My Son, and you will want for nothing. I love you. I weep for many of you, too stubborn to see that this is, indeed, the call from Heaven, promised to prepare you for the New Era of Peace.

Your Beloved Father

God the Most High


L’uomo che cammina


“Non parla per attirare su di sé un briciolo d’amore. Quello che vuole, non per sé lo vuole. Quello che vuole è che noi ci sopportiamo nel vivere insieme.

Non dice: amatemi. Dice: amatevi. Un abisso tra queste due parole. Lui è da un lato dell’abisso e noi restiamo dall’altro.

E’ forse l’unico uomo che abbia mai davvero parlato…

Cerca semplicemente qualcuno che lo ascolti. E’ una ricerca quasi sempre delusa, il suo cammino è quello delle delusioni, da un villaggio all’altro, da una sordità alla seguente..

Forse non abbiamo mai avuto altra scelta che tra una parola folle e una parola vana.

L’homme qui marche – Christian Bobin

Israel Successfully Test-Fires Magic Wand, Successor to Iron Dome Interceptor

Iron Dome intercepted nearly 421 rockets in the latest Israel-Gaza conflict.

By Vasudevan Sridharan: Subscribe to Vasudevan’s RSS feed

November 26, 2012 10:09 AM GMT

Israeli soldiers watch as an Iron Dome launcher fires an interceptor rocket near the southern city of Beersheba November 17, 2012 - Reuters

Israel has successfully test-fired Magic Wand, the successor to the Iron Dome interceptor that featured prominently in the recent Gaza conflict. And now, even before the aftershocks of the Israel-Gaza conflict dissipate, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have tested the next generation of anti-missile systems.
