‘Like a nuclear bomb’: Deadly fertilizer plant blast devastates Texas town

(CNN) — The full extent of the devastation will have to wait until the light of day Thursday. But residents of the small Texas town of West already know what to expect.

“There are a lot of people that got hurt,” West Mayor Tommy Muska forewarned Wednesday night. “There are a lot of people that will not be here tomorrow.”

A massive explosion at a fertilizer plant on the edge of the town killed an estimated five to 15 people, wounded more than 160, leveled dozens of homes and prompted authorities to evacuate half their community of 2,800.

“It was like a nuclear bomb went off,” Muska said. “Big old mushroom cloud.”


Si dimentica forse una donna del suo bambino

13 Giubilate, o cieli; rallegrati, o terra,
gridate di gioia, o monti,
perché il Signore consola il suo popolo
e ha pietà dei suoi miseri.
14 Sion ha detto: «Il Signore mi ha abbandonato,
il Signore mi ha dimenticato».
15 Si dimentica forse una donna del suo bambino,
così da non commuoversi per il figlio delle sue viscere?
Anche se queste donne si dimenticassero,
io invece non ti dimenticherò mai.
16 Ecco, ti ho disegnato sulle palme delle mie mani,
le tue mura sono sempre davanti a me.

Isaia 49

Dutch ING Bank Suffers “Technical Glitch”, Clients Report Negative Balances

UPDATE: Another Dutch bank – Rabobank – is apparently having ‘technical’ issues now

Following yesterday’s discussion of the brink-like nature of the Dutch economy (and banking system), it is perhaps just a coincidence that ING is suffering from a major failure in its Internet Banking. It is unclear how many customers are affected but judging by the scale of responses on Twitter (#ING) it is widespread. Some customers are reporting overdrafts, and incorrect balances; and are reporting cards not working at supermarkets. We are sure this will just bolster confidence in uninsured depositors at the bank – especially since, as Ad.nl reports, no one at ING was reachable for comment.


Si dimette il presidente di Bank of Cyprus, perdite fino al 40% per i correntisti. A picco la Borsa di Atene

Il presidente di Bank of Cyprus, Andreas Artemis, ha rassegnato le dimissioni in relazione ai termini del salvataggio della maggiore banca dell’isola. Lo riferisce la televisione cipriota. Il tutto avviene poco dopo che Fitch ha declassato a un livello equivalente all’insolvenza Bank of Cyprus e Laiki Bank, i due maggiori istituti dell’isola, dopo l’intesa sulla loro ristrutturazione che porterà allo smantellamento della seconda e alla fusione dei suoi asset sani con la prima, dove tuttavia i depositi superiori ai 100mila euro subiranno un prelievo forzoso. Prelievo che – la conferma è arrivata oggi dal ministro delle Finanze, Michalis Sarris, potrebbero arrivare a toccare il 40 per cento.

Intanto sulla scia degli ultimi sviluppi a Cipro, l’indice generale della Borsa di Atene è sceso oggi, per la prima volta nel 2013, al di sotto dei 900 punti, registrando una flessione superiore al 4 per cento.

the time for the division is soon

The time for the division is soon and you must prepare

On March 21, 2013 @ 8:00 pm

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My dearly beloved daughter, how My Heart breaks because of the sorrow, which is being felt by souls who are in disarray because of the flight of My last pope, My beloved Benedict.

You, My cherished souls, feel so confused and, somewhat, alone. I feel your pain and you must pray hard for My Hand of Mercy, so that I can reach out to comfort your sorrowful hearts.

This will be a time of betrayal for you, My daughter, as many of those who have sided with this Holy Mission will walk away. You must increase the time you spend in Eucharistic Adoration to seven days a week and only then will you be able to walk alone and without fear, to complete the tasks, which I will give you, many of which will be extremely difficult.

You must stay strong, all of you, at this time. You must not listen to those voices of condemnation, which will grate on your nerves and which will increase in great quantities as Holy Week arrives.

Every slander, every lie, every wicked objection to these, My Holy Messages for the world, will be your cross to bear for the next ten days. Not for one moment will you be allowed, My followers, to rest, to pray, or to contemplate upon My Most Holy Word.

Be aware that without the protection of the Holy Rosary, which must be said daily, that you will leave yourselves open to doubts, which do not come from Me.

The time for the division is soon and you must prepare. I wish to give you a special grace to help you to withstand the persecution and the pressures, which will be placed upon you, to encourage you to withdraw from My Messages. It will take great faith, trust and nerves of steel, to focus on My Holy Word, and so, you must say this Crusade Prayer, once a day, from now on.

Crusade Prayer (102) To sustain faith and belief in God’s Message for the world

“Dearest Jesus, when I am down, lift me up.
When I doubt, enlighten me.

When I am in sorrow, show me Your Love.

When I criticise, help me to remain silent.

When I judge another in public, seal my lips.

When I utter blasphemies, in Your Name, redeem me and bring me back into Your protection.

When I lack courage, give me the sword I need to do battle and save the souls You desire.

When I resist Your Love help me to surrender and abandon myself, completely, within Your Loving care.

When I wander away, help me to find the Path of Truth.

When I question Your Word, give me the answers I seek.

Help me to be patient, loving and kind, even to those who curse You.

Help me to forgive those who offend me and give me the grace I need to follow You to the ends of the earth. Amen.”

Go, My precious followers, and remember that your duty is to Me, your Church and My Teachings. Take the Sword of Salvation and with it fight with Me to take every single soul, including those who sin against Me, into My Kingdom.

Your Jesus

wars all over the world

The Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity

On March 16, 2013 @ 3:25 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the tides will unleash and the destruction, caused by many wars, will commence as foretold.

The timing of the arrival of the false prophet will coincide with the declaration of wars all over the world. These wars will be triggered instantly and men will cower in fear as the implications become clear. Wars will take root and roll out like storms in the desert, where they will gain momentum and catch all of those who feel that their peace is guaranteed, like a thief in the night.

So many countries will be involved that it will take everyone by surprise. Soon the antichrist will make himself known in the midst of the carnage. Confusion, fear and loss of crops will compound the problem. Not long after, the Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity. Starved of food, starved of spirit, starved of help, mankind will grasp at anything or anyone, which offers respite.

The stage will have been set for the antichrist to arrive and announce himself to the world. By this time, mankind will be so relieved because of the man of peace, who offers so much hope, that they will become his willing slaves. They will fall for his elaborate plan to restructure the world and bring all nations together. The plan, they will be told, will be for the good of all and to rid the world of terrorism. The enemies, he will say he fights, and whom he will exert control over, are innocent victims used by him in the deceit, which he will present to the world.

When peace, or what seems like a truce, is restored, then will come the next stage, the unity of all nations, all religions, all countries, into one. This is when the union between the false prophet and the antichrist will become clear.

Those who will have been given the Truth, and whose names are in the Book of the Living, will know what is happening. Others, blind to the Truth of My Teachings, will not be so fortunate. Then it will be a matter of waiting. My Patience will mean that I will strive to save and protect those who will not be able to discern the Truth.

My Patience and My Mercy will result in Divine Intervention on a grand scale to save all God’s children from the grasp of the beast, whose only objective is to encourage sin. For there is one thing you must know; behind the charming allure of the antichrist will lie the plan to encourage sin, so that humanity will make the final choice – to side with the beast in defiance of God. When that time comes and after every attempt is made by Me to save souls it will be over.

Only the elect will be taken into My Kingdom.

Your Jesus

San Paolo

Seconda Lettera ai Tessalonicesi


La venuta del Signore e ciò che la precederà

Nessuno vi inganni in alcun modo! Prima infatti dovrà avvenire l’apostasia e dovrà esser rivelato l’uomo iniquo, il figlio della perdizione, colui che si contrappone e s’innalza sopra ogni essere che viene detto Dio o è oggetto di culto, fino a sedere nel tempio di Dio, additando se stesso come Dio.