You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time

Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation

My child, I am the woman clothed with the sun and it is the sun, which represents the Light of God in the world. Without the sun, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Life. Without God, there is only death.

My role as the Mother of Salvation, where I will assist my Son in this His final Mission, His final Plan to complete His Father’s Covenant to bring salvation to every soul, means that I will do all that I can to bring Him the souls He so desires. I wish it to be known that I have been appointed, not only the Queen of Heaven, but Queen over the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve nations will reign in the New Jerusalem. The twelve stars, on my crown, which were placed upon my head by my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, during my Coronation, signify this prophecy. Each of these stars represents the twelve nations, which will evolve on the Day of Judgment.

All souls, including those who will rise from the dead, as well as those who are alive in the world today and who remain in the Light of God, will make the transition into the New Heaven and the New Earth. They will join as one, in union with my Son, and they will be resurrected into perfect body and soul, just as it was when my Son rose from the dead. This state of perfection is the Greatest Gift from God and proves how merciful He is. This is the salvation, which my Son promised, when he endured His Agony on the Cross. And because of His great Love for humanity, He wishes to save every single soul and, especially, those who are lost to Him.

I now give all of you a special Gift, blessed by my Son, so that all souls will be granted immunity from the fires of Hell and be granted salvation. My Son desires that every soul be saved, no matter how grievous their sin. I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation. You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time. You must recite this Prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month commencing on Mondays, in the morning time. You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times.

This is the prayer you must say for each of the seven days.

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer:

My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls, the Gift of eternal salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Through your intercession I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.

Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls, who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference and who adore false doctrine and false gods.

We beseech you dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

My promise to assist my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Plan for humanity is to draw all of you, who recognise my role as Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix, together, so that the whole world can unite as one in union with Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Redeemer.

Go in peace. I will always pray for you dear children and I will always respond to your call to redeem mankind in the Eyes of God.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation


Instead he disguises evil as good

The greatest horror I witnessed in My Time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end

On March 25, 2013 @ 2:50 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws. He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with every reason why I should turn away from the Will of My Father. He wanted to torment Me and so he displayed the power he would still have, despite My death on the Cross.

I was shown the final destruction of My Church on earth; the seizure of power within it by masonic sects; the immorality of man; the lack of shame on the part of God’s children, as they engaged in vile sins of the flesh; the murder of innocents and the falling into error by those who profess to speak in My Name.

So powerful is Satan that he planted doubts in My Mind about My being the Son of man. I, in My Divinity, could not succumb to sin but I tell you this, so that humanity can understand how evil can tempt you to turn away from Me.

Satan does not present evil in the most obvious ways. Instead he disguises evil as good. He is cunning and can trick even the most holy amongst you, into believing that a lie is the Truth.

As people fall away from My Teachings they will embrace sin willingly and with greed in their hearts. Without direction they will always fall from grace.

When My Name is being wiped off the face of the earth,

man will be unable to find God.

Whatever religion you follow it does not matter because your only route to God is through Me, His only Son. Because of My death on the Cross, I saved you – including every man, woman and child alive in the world today- from the fires of Hell. If you do not accept this then you cannot enter the Gates of Paradise. It is only through the Son that you can be presented to the Father. Reject Me, Jesus Christ, and you reject your salvation.

How little you have learned about sin and the way in which it separates you from God. The spread of sin has never been so rampant since God created the world.  You sinners have reached new depths, which disgust Me.

You have exposed even the little ones, who were entrusted into your care, to behave like demons. You lack charity, love and compassion for one another and yet many of you display your acts of faith for the world to see and admire. Just as the Pharisees dictated the Laws of God, but did not practice them, nor did they show humility, so too, will those of you who say you come in My Name cave in to the sin of pride.

So much do you still need to learn about My Voice and My Teachings, which still fall on deaf ears. Then there are those who spend all their time proclaiming their knowledge of God, say they know the prophecies, which have still to be revealed, but know nothing. Were it not for My great Mercy you would be unfit to enter My Kingdom.

The time has come for all those who claim to guide God’s children, in the ways of the Lord, to beg Me, Jesus Christ, for the Gift of Humility.

It is time for you to listen to the Truth, as it was given to you, for you don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes.

Your Jesus

march 13th 2013 – The false prophet is ready

He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces

On March 8, 2013 @ 2:05 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, Satan is in a rage against My Church on earth and his infestation continues to spread within its walls.

The cunning imposter, who has lain in waiting in the wings, patiently, will soon declare his reign over My poor unsuspecting sacred servants. The pain he will inflict is too hard for Me to bear, and yet, his reign will culminate in the final purging of evil from within the core of My Church.

He has carefully manipulated his position and soon his pompous demeanor will be seen amidst his splendid court. His pride, arrogance and self-obsession will be carefully hidden from the world in the beginning.

To the outside world, a sigh of relief will be heard as the trumpets peal out to announce his term as head of My Church.

My Body is My Church, but it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, he will pledge his loyalty, for he does not possess any love for Me.  His loyalty is to the beast and how he will laugh and sneer at My sacred servants who will support him. 

He who dares to sit in My Temple, and who has been sent by the evil one, cannot speak the truth, for he does not come from Me. He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces before he will spit it out from his vile mouth.

My Body is My Church. My Church is still alive but only those who speak the Truth and adhere to the Holy Word of God can be part of My Church on earth.

Now that the final insult is to be manifested against Me, Jesus Christ, through the Chair of Peter, you will finally understand the Truth.

The Book of Truth, foretold to Daniel, for the time of the end, will not be taken lightly by members of My Church, for its content will sicken My beloved sacred servants when they realise that I speak the Truth.

The false prophet – he who poses as the leader of My Church – is ready to wear the robes, which were not made for him.

He will desecrate My Holy Eucharist and will divide My Church in half and then by half again.

He will make efforts to dismiss those loyal followers of My beloved Holy Vicar Pope Benedict XVI, appointed by Me.

He will root out all those who are loyal to My Teachings and throw them to the wolves.

His actions won’t become apparent immediately, but soon the signs will be seen as he sets out to seek the support of influential world leaders and those in high places.

When the abomination takes root the changes will be sudden.

Announcement by him to create a united Catholic Church by linking up with all faiths and other religions will come soon after.

He will head up the new one-world religion and will reign over pagan religions. He will embrace atheism by wavering the stigma he will say is attached in the pursuit of so-called human rights.

All sins, in the Eyes of God, will be deemed acceptable by this new inclusive-Church.

Any one who dares to challenge him will be sought out and punished. Those priests, bishops and cardinals who oppose him will be excommunicated and stripped of their titles. Other will be bullied and persecuted with many priests having to go into hiding.

To those poor sacred servants of Mine who recognise My Voice now, please hear Me as I reach out to you to bring you comfort. I would never ask you to reject My Church on earth for it was I, your beloved Saviour, who created it. I offered My Body up as the Living Sacrifice to save you. You have been given the responsibility to testify on My behalf in order to save the souls of those whom you instruct and guide.

All you can do is trust in Me and continue to serve Me. What you must not do is to accept any doctrine presented to you and which you will know, instantly, is not in accordance with My Teachings.  You must do what your heart tells you, but know this.

This period is going to cause you deep pain and the raw grief you will experience when you see how My Church will be desecrated will leave you weeping. But you must recognize the lies which are to be presented to you for what they are – an affront to My death on the Cross.

This destruction may result in the collapse of the structure of My Church.

The changes and adaptations of buildings along with the new temple created for the one world church will be crafted and placed in Rome

Be assured that, just as My Temple is desecrated, that I, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all mankind, will be discarded and thrown into the gutter.

Your Jesus

This Christmas is a turning point in the history of the human race

God the Father: The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you

On December 20, 2012 @ 7:15 pm

My dearest daughter, I call on all My children to uphold the Name of My only Son, Jesus Christ, and show Him the honour, which has been accorded to Him amongst humanity.

My Angels in My Holy Kingdom, ring out and rejoice because of the Mercy, which is to be granted to all, through My Son.

This great Divine Gift will be used to vanquish the darkness, which covers the world. It will be by My Divine Intervention that I will be able to save most of My children.

This Christmas, a time of great rejoicing as you celebrate the birth of the Saviour I gave the world, is a turning point in the history of the human race.

As your Father, I bless you all and bestow, with a deep compassion, this great Gift of Mercy. I gather you, all of My Creation, so that I can cleanse you of every doubt, every sin and every blasphemy against the Laws of My Kingdom.

This great cleansing of the earth will take some time, but I will hasten these times of persecution.

Your suffering, by the hands of corrupt governments, who do not accept My Laws, will be difficult but will not last too long.

I will give all of My enemies time to open their eyes to the Truth of the glorious Paradise I have awaiting to unveil to the world.

Rejoice. Praise My Son, for it is because of Him, that I present the New Paradise where the Reign, promised to Him by Me, will evolve.

The time for great change, for the good of all, is upon you.

My Power will be shown in all its strength and glory for the world to witness.

I Am the Beginning. I Am the End. My New Kingdom, the New Paradise, will finally replace the old. The earth was tarnished by the sin of Adam and Eve.

The perfect creation of man was destroyed when sin brought to an end the Gift of immortality. Soon I will reverse all that was sullied by the contamination caused by Satan and his demons. They will no longer be masters of temptation.

I will now send My Son to reclaim the Throne, which was created for Him.

The battle for this Throne is fierce, but My Power prevails and every miracle will be used to bring My Family back safely into the Divine Sacred Heart of My Son.

You are, My children, lost and in pain. Now I send My Son to begin the process to take you to your rightful home.

I love you, dearest children of Mine. I have never forsaken you, although you could be forgiven for believing this.

You are now being called. No man will be excluded from this announcement from Heaven.

Pray, children, that all will respond to My Son’s Mercy.

Your beloved Father
God the Most High







Amados filhos do Meu Coração Imaculado:



O mal penetra, não espreita, penetra; já não espreita, penetra nas criaturas débeis, naquelas que não são firmes, naquelas em que o humano prevalece mais do que o espiritual.

O mal lança-se sobre as almas dos Meus filhos aos quais ataca principalmente para desencorajá-los.
O mal ataca com grande força a unidade, pois sabe bem que os Meus são lentos a perceber este ataque e sucumbem na desunião. Embora não o reconheçais até lhe terdes permitido causar estragos.



A teoria é fácil de manter, a prática é o mérito absoluto. Na prática, forma-se o ser interior do verdadeiro cristão: um cristão em crescimento, que vê tudo o que está a ocorrer, não por temor mas como um despertar relativamente ao que está por acontecer.


 Vem pelos Seus o Dono da Colheita…

Vem com o Poder do Céu no meio das Suas poderosas Legiões, sendo ouvido nos Céus e na Terra.

Vem acompanhado pelos Seus que moram com Ele nas alturas e permanecem na Sua Vontade, sendo Um só com Ele.



Enquanto isso, o mal luta em campo aberto contra os Meus Filhos. A serpente ataca o pensamento, a visão, as emoções, a mente, a palavra e o coração dos homens.

Eu, que com o Meu Manto resguardo os Universos e perscruto os corações, vejo boas intenções mas não boas ações…

Eu, que vejo os Universos, doo-me por vós, Povo obstinado e arrogante…

Eu, que vejo os Universos, sou amada pelos Meus Anjos Custódios que amam a humanidade e se entregam por vós; Eles virão pelos fiéis e inocentes, não em carruagens de fogo, mas na Vontade de Meu Filho e todos os olhos os verão e todas as bocas reconhecerão a Omnipotência Divina.

I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones

On November 25, 2012 @ 5:25 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am Christ, the Saviour of the human race and I will soon take up My Crown and reign over the earth at last.

The Crown of Thorns still remain, however, in place on My Sacred Head, until the great day comes when I will finally sit upon the throne promised to Me by My Father.

I Am the only True King, the only True God, yet I wear a Crown of Thorns so cruelly placed by the hands of ungrateful man.

Not for Me will they place a crown of emeralds or precious stones. Not even today. No, instead they still hurt Me by cruelly rejecting the salvation which I achieved for them when they crucified Me.

I have waited and waited for humanity to lift their eyes and open them in order to see the Truth.

Yet, so few Christians follow My Teachings. They are weakened by external pressures and remain silent as the world embraces sin as being a good thing.

My Crown has been prepared and I will arrive in Glory. No man will fail to see Me as I come from Heaven.

This event will take place over a number of hours and it will take a strong man of faith to shout and rejoice.

So many will be shamed and frightened when they see Me. Even then, if they ask Me to forgive them, I will do so right up until the very last second.

Beware of those who claim to be Me. This is very important for I will only come on the one day.

I will not walk the earth as a man for this has not been permitted by My Father. Let no such man deceive you.

My reign is near and let all those who fail to acknowledge Me, My Existence, or the prophecies contained in My Father’s Book know that it cannot be stopped.

Satan and those who follow him have no power over Me. The only power which matters is the Power of God who loves all of His children.

Prepare for My New Kingdom and be joyful. Look forward to the day for this will be the day when all human suffering ends for good.

Only those who follow My Teachings will experience My New Paradise.

My disciples must create a circle of prayer in order to save the souls of those who will not come to Me even on the last day.

Please pray the Litany Prayer for the Grace of Immunity for those who do not have the strength to help themselves.

Your Jesus



Sunday, November 11, 2012


It is with an extremely heavy heart that I deliver this particular message. Very seldom do I hear the Father speak, but when He does, it is extremely powerful. I pray now that you truly take to heart what you are hearing, and that you are taking the necessary steps to repent, and purify yourselves before your Creator. I can not stress this enough, pray constantly to be found worthy through the precious blood of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Stop sinning. Turn to Him in all things. He will hear your cries and redeem you through His Son.
I am an angry and jealous God, and My voice WILL BE HEARD in your land. I am roaring as a lion and My voice will thunder as it sweeps across this country of America. To whom is given much, much is required, and oh how you have disappointed Me. You were a land sanctified and set apart, to be an example of My freeing power. I gave you so much! I blessed you abundantly, because you dedicated yourselves to Me and Me alone. You looked to Me for all your protection and provision, and I blessed you with overwhelming prosperity and riches, riches of My glory. But oh how you have strayed. A capital city that once consecrated this nation to Me now has in it a man who boasts in complete and total defiance, the power of the nation itself, and its accomplishments and technologies, to rise again and rebuild bigger and better after the recent storms of judgement. There have been so very few who have turned to Me in their times of need and acknowledged that I alone have what they are seeking ultimately. You have absolutely NO POWER outside of Me! Instead, I see nothing more than arrogance and pride and rebellion. Your judgements have been in times past, delayed because of the prayers of the faithful interceeding for the masses who continue to mock Me, but this will be no more. My arm of protection has quickly drawn back and you will know that I am not to be mocked. I will allow your nation to implode, and grant unto you your desire. You will reap what has been sown. You believe you have all the answers and are relying on your own strengths to sustain you, repeatedly wallowing in your filth and your sins, and this is nauseating to My nostrils. It is sorrowful to My heart, that My people would choose continually the desires of the flesh that bring nothing more than temporary satisfaction, rather than the desires of My heart, which would bring you peace, joy, and unending love. Your sins of idolatry, greed, pride, fornication, deceit, and murder will be your demise.
(At this point, Father shows me His Son Yeshua, standing before me, stripped and bloody and in a great amount of pain. The leaders and soldiers are whipping Him and beating Him and spitting on Him, mocking Him and insulting Him. Then I see them rip off a light linen garment as He winces in agony.)
Do you see what you are doing My people?? You are crucifying My Son again and again and again with your wicked ways. MY SON’S BLOOD WAS WHAT BOUGHT YOUR VERY LIFE FOR ETERNITY AND YET YOU TORTURE HIM DAILY IN YOUR LACK OF OBEDIENCE TO ALL HE REPRESENTS. How long do I look the other way and allow such rebellion and disregard? Tell Me?
(I then see a vision of Yeshua taking his last breath, and the curtain in the temple being torn in two.)
I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO CRUCIFY HIM AGAIN! It is done, His sacrifice is complete. I will now tear your nation into two. You are a nation divided in half as the veil in the sanctuary was divided. You will now be vulnerable and weak and needy. You will know at last that you are nothing without Me. The die is cast.

(definition of die is cast: past the point of no return)

To My watchman and My faithful remnant, I tell you, My warnings to this country are coming to a close. There is little more to speak of repentance. The judgements upon you will fall as dominoes, and will not stop until My Word is fulfilled. Of this I promise and I remain always faithful to My Word. You must not cease to pray, for yourselves for more faith, discernment, and wisdom in these times. Pray for all your loved ones for direction, and guidance, and peace that only comes through Me in the coming storms fast approaching. Do not stop interceeding for the lost, the ones given over to darkness. Pray for the courage to stand in the midst of terror reigning. Your people will soon be stripped of their freedoms and their comforts. Your dictator will be exposed very soon for who he really is and who he represents even more so than he already has. Your basic rights as citizens wil l be questioned and in danger. You will be facing much opposition as you are told that you will not have food for your families unless you comply with this beast system I have allowed to dominate for a time. Do not fear! And do not succumb to the pressure. You will be treated with dissension and disregard by your leaders. Stand firm! Stand in the light of My love, and My provisions. You are not of this world! You belong to My Kingdom, and My Kingdom will reign forever and ever! Remember this always. Look forward to the fast approaching day when you will join countless other saints at My banquet meal, the Marraige Consumation of the Bridegroom and the Bride. All of Heaven is eagerly awaiting that glorious day! I say to you My precious chosen, look up! Your redemption draweth nigh!


Galatians 6:7
King James Version (KJV)
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Luke 12:48
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.


Luke 21:28
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

 Our Holy Merciful Father,

We humbly bow before You and Your throne, on our faces and on our knees, imploring You in Your infinite mercy to forgive us. Please Father, lessen the degrees of the judgements because of the prayers of your faithful remnant. Protect us and provide for us as we seek Your face constantly. Bathe us in Your grace, and Your oil of anointing, and prepare our hearts for what is soon to transpire in our lives and the fate of this country of America. We trust You in all things, and we anxiously await the glorious return of Your son Yeshua, and the end of all evil for all time. Thank you for Your son Father, our precious King of Kings Yeshua. Thank you for His blood that redeems us, and that holds the answers to our destiny. In His Holy name we pray, Yeshua, Amen and amen.

Prepararsi per l’Avvertimento

Gesù ci invita a prepararci per l’Avvertimento e non aspettare con ansia ma grande gioia e riconoscenza, il più grande segno della Misericordia di Dio sin dal sacrificio di Gesù sulla Croce, perché, secondo Gesù, grazie all’Avvertimento, molte persone si convertiranno. Coloro che saranno ben preparati e in stato di grazia, saranno riempiti di un grande amore e di una grande gioia.

Siamo anche chiamati a pregare per i nostri fratelli e sorelle non credenti, in particolare nelle nostre case e famiglie, ma anche per il nostro paese e per l’umanità per permettere di liberare le anime che sono cadute sotto l’influenza di Satana, e prepararci al Nuovo Paradiso.

Il gruppo di preghiera vorrebbe anche essere una rete per preparare, se necessario, il tempo che seguirà l’Avvertimento, accogliere con amore le anime convertite, guidarle e spiegar loro cosa sta succedendo.