Francesco e la fine del mondo

Francesco e la fine del mondo

“Il Mio amato Papa, Benedetto XVI, è l’ultimo vero Papa su questa Terra. ..Essi, figlia Mia, sono stati inviati per preparare i figli di Dio ad accettare il prossimo papa, il quale verrà dopo il Mio amato Vicario, Papa Benedetto. Questo papa potrà anche essere eletto dai membri all’interno della Chiesa Cattolica, ma egli sarà il falso profeta.”

L’ora della venuta di Gesù.

L’ora della venuta di Gesù.

Carbonia 13.05.19

ore 16.49

Maria Santissima viene a te o ancella del Signore.

Scrivi: …tic-tac …tic-tac, ecco, le lancette dell’orologio battono già l’ora della venuta di Gesù, il suo tempo è giunto al suo ritorno sulla Terra. Mettetevi in purezza figlioli, rinunciate al peccato, vivete secondo il santo Vangelo di Gesù e professate i comandamenti.

Roma è per essere presa dal nemico, i fuochi della notte saranno il segno della grande invasione.
Hanno profanato il tempio di Dio, ora si troveranno a subire il loro tradimento. Dio punisce i traditori consegnandoli nelle mani dei loro nemici.
Il palcoscenico è chiuso, le luci sono state spente, …la grande meretrice cala il sipario sulla sua scena, berrà il calice amaro della sofferenza.
La dittatura è finita, Dio interviene a far pulizia dei malfattori, la luce risplenderà nuova nella Chiesa di Dio perché Dio stesso metterà la sua Presenza.

Benedite Colui che vi ha chiamati figli, e oggi viene a donarvi la vita in Sé. Il vostro Dio Amore, il vostro Dio Creatore, il vostro Salvatore è di ritorno figlioli, accoglieteLo con tutto il vostro amore e cantate a Lui la vostra gioia.

Saranno ore tremende per i miserabili traditori e sarà gioia immensa per gli eletti di Dio. Ecco, il sole sta per manifestare la sua agonia, la Terra verrà colpita dai suoi raggi ardenti, il fuoco arderà sulla Terra.

Pentitevi o uomini, chiedete perdono per i vostri peccati, prostrati al Dio Vero, al Solo, all’Unico Dio, e chiedete la sua misericordia per non aver creduto in Lui. Piegate le vostre ginocchia in preghiera, supplicate il suo perdono. Abbiate pietà di voi stessi o uomini, non siate stolti, non siate spavaldi, l’ira di Dio sarà terribile per chi non si sarà ravveduto. Convertitevi figli miei, convertitevi a Colui che vi ha tanto amati e tanto desidera abbracciarvi a Sé.

Le ore di questo calvario sono alla fine,
sta per succedere la crocifissione di questa Umanità perversa.

Dio ha fretta di aprire il suo Nuovo Regno sulla Terra, per tutti i suoi figli, i benedetti del Signore entreranno a far parte della Dimensione dell’Amore Perfetto, e godranno la visione del loro Dio Amore, in eterno.

Sta per scatenarsi l’uragano, la Terra tremerà in ogni luogo, i venti saranno talmente forti da spazzare via ogni cosa. La Terra sarà ribaltata, scossa come una tovaglia affinché nulla resti di ciò che non appartiene a Dio.

È l’ora sesta, è l’ora di grande dolore per chi si è messo contro il suo Dio Creatore.

Pace e bene a voi o figli prediletti! …a voi che attendete il ritorno del vostro Maestro, ecco che in verità vi dico: aprite il vostro cuore, colmatevi di gioia perché ecco che si compie la profezia del Cielo. Dio si manifesta agli uomini e gli uomini Lo riconosceranno ma, non tutti potranno accompagnarLo nella nuova vita, il brevetto è per pochi, un piccolo resto, quello rimasto fedele a Gesù, quel piccolo esercito che affiancherà Maria nell’ultima sfida, quella finale, contro Satana. A loro sarà aperta la porta d’oro, entreranno ad abitare quel mondo che Dio ha preparato per i suoi Santi.

Figlioli, concedetemi l’onore di accompagnarvi fino alla Croce Gloriosa; datemi il vostro sì in assoluta fedeltà e amore a Colui che è l’Amore Perfetto e attende tutti i suoi per unirli al suo Petto. Dio squarcerà il suo Petto per far entrare ad abitare in Sé la sua creatura. L’uomo acquisterà la vita eterna e apparterrà a Dio, al suo Dio Creatore, per l’eternità, …la sua vita sarà nel gaudio eterno dell’amore.

Venite figlioli miei, venite a godere delle Bellezze di Dio, quelle che ha predisposto per tutti voi che Lo avete amato, adorato, servito e seguito, voi che avete bramato questo giorno per godere in eterno la sua Visione. Ecco il Banchetto è pronto, gli invitati siederanno con il loro Dio Amore e parteciperanno all’eterna Sua Bellezza. Amen!

Da Carbonia, vi benedice la vostra amata Madonna di Fatima!

You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time

Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation

My child, I am the woman clothed with the sun and it is the sun, which represents the Light of God in the world. Without the sun, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Life. Without God, there is only death.

My role as the Mother of Salvation, where I will assist my Son in this His final Mission, His final Plan to complete His Father’s Covenant to bring salvation to every soul, means that I will do all that I can to bring Him the souls He so desires. I wish it to be known that I have been appointed, not only the Queen of Heaven, but Queen over the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve nations will reign in the New Jerusalem. The twelve stars, on my crown, which were placed upon my head by my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, during my Coronation, signify this prophecy. Each of these stars represents the twelve nations, which will evolve on the Day of Judgment.

All souls, including those who will rise from the dead, as well as those who are alive in the world today and who remain in the Light of God, will make the transition into the New Heaven and the New Earth. They will join as one, in union with my Son, and they will be resurrected into perfect body and soul, just as it was when my Son rose from the dead. This state of perfection is the Greatest Gift from God and proves how merciful He is. This is the salvation, which my Son promised, when he endured His Agony on the Cross. And because of His great Love for humanity, He wishes to save every single soul and, especially, those who are lost to Him.

I now give all of you a special Gift, blessed by my Son, so that all souls will be granted immunity from the fires of Hell and be granted salvation. My Son desires that every soul be saved, no matter how grievous their sin. I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation. You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time. You must recite this Prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month commencing on Mondays, in the morning time. You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times.

This is the prayer you must say for each of the seven days.

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer:

My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls, the Gift of eternal salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Through your intercession I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.

Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls, who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference and who adore false doctrine and false gods.

We beseech you dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

My promise to assist my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Plan for humanity is to draw all of you, who recognise my role as Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix, together, so that the whole world can unite as one in union with Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Redeemer.

Go in peace. I will always pray for you dear children and I will always respond to your call to redeem mankind in the Eyes of God.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation


The first Sign

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin

My dearly beloved daughter, as My Time approaches, many will be asleep, but those who are blessed with their eyes open to My Light, will know the signs. They will also be given the blessings to prepare and only those who cling to Me will be able to endure the changes.

The closer the Day of My Great Coming draws, the more people, who say they love God, will withdraw from Me. Even those who say they are holy and exalt themselves within the hierarchy of My Church on Earth, won’t be able to see the Truth. They will not see the Truth because they will be so busy attending to matters and ceremonies, which will be insulting to Me.

The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which will loom larger, brighter and begin to spin. Beside it you will see a second sun. Then the weather will cause the world to shake and the changes will mean that many parts of the Earth will be destroyed. These punishments – and there will be many – will strip humanity of its arrogance, so that souls will beg for the Mercy of God. Nothing else will stir the hearts of stone of those who have shut the Love of God out of their lives.

The sin of humanity will escalate quickly and the sin of idolatry will wrap itself threefold around the Earth. Paganism, dressed like royal monarchy, will infiltrate My Church on Earth. When the heathens embrace My Church, it will not be to adore God. When pagans, atheists and other non-believers, who outwardly reject the Existence of God, embrace My Church, it will not be to Me, Jesus Christ, they will bend their knee. When My Church declares that it welcomes all, do not be fooled. It will not mean they are welcoming pagans into My Church, so that they can bow before My Tabernacle. No, it will be to parade idolatry, caused by the sin of pride, before Me, to desecrate the Holy and Sacred Tabernacles. They will place pagan symbols on My Altars and demand that unsuspecting congregations bow and accept their fellow brothers and sisters, with grace and generosity. All will be asked to deny the Truth, so as to welcome false worshippers, who will trample on My Altars. Then, the Hand of God will fall.

Wars will spread; earthquakes will shake the four corners of the Earth and famine will grip mankind and every wicked gesture and insult made before God will result in a terrible chastisement. When those who accept My Mercy lead My Church – every demon will curse these children of God. To protect them, God will intervene and woe to those who spit in the Face of their Creator.

The time has come. Those who curse Me will suffer. Those who follow Me will live through this persecution, until the Day when I come to sweep them into My Merciful Arms. And then, only those who remain, because they refused My Hand of Mercy, will be given over to the beast they idolized and to whom they sought pleasure from.

So many people will reject Me, right up to the end. Two-thirds will spit at Me, fight My Intervention and scream every kind of obscenity at Me. As the Day draws closer and closer, the hatred against Me, will be witnessed for all to see. Even those who give the world the impression that they honour God will curse Me quietly.

The day when the deceit of the beast will be exposed for all to see will be a day no one will forget. For that day, as the world will see the imposter, the antichrist, rise with My Crown on his head – dressed in the robes of red – will be the day when fire will pour from his mouth. As the horror finally sinks in, fire will envelope him and he and all those who pledged allegiance to him will be cast into the abyss. And then I will come as I have told you. I will raise up My Church and bring the world together in union with the Holy Will of My Father and peace, at last, will reign.

All I have told you is true. All that will happen will happen as I have told you. It will happen quickly, for despite My Anger, which is caused by the hypocrisy and ungratefulness of man, I come only to bring this suffering, finally, to an end. I come to save all sinners, but many will not want to be saved.

Be strong, My beloved followers, for I will protect all sinners, who accept My Hand of Mercy during The Warning. So every child of God, believers and non-believers, will be included in this Great Intervention from Heaven. But after this time, the angel of God will divide the good from the wicked. The time is short.

Your Jesus

My Father’s punishments have begun

My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals

My dearly beloved daughter, it is a mistake to believe that God would not mete out His Justice in the world at this time. My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals as the purification of the Earth begins.

The preparations are now underway and soon the enemies of God will be weeded out and punished, for they will never turn and ask for My Mercy. My Father’s Anger is great and woe to those who defy the Word of God, for they will be felled and trampled upon, as the final cleansing of the Earth will clash with the infestation of the evil one – all at the same time.

When you see nature’s elements react fiercely, you will know that the Hand of Justice has fallen. The pride of man, his self-obsession and his belief in his own flawed intelligence in spiritual matters, have brought upon the human race the outpouring of fire from the four bowls upon the four corners of the Earth.

You have ignored the warnings and so the battle to destroy sin has well and truly commenced.

Jesus Christ

Son of Man


November 2013 – the beginning of all tshtf



“You believe you can cast aside the Commandments of the Eternal Father and exist in peace? No, My children, already your world has given full evidence of what happens when you become arrogant and prideful and seek to rule as little gods upon earth. You cast aside all religious foundation and build yourself new religions that are guided by false doctrines of humanism and modernism and satanism. O My children, you never learn from your past, because you are now in a state far worse than in the times of Noe and Sodom. And what then shall be your fate?