You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time

Mother of Salvation: I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation

My child, I am the woman clothed with the sun and it is the sun, which represents the Light of God in the world. Without the sun, there is no Light. Without Light, there is no Life. Without God, there is only death.

My role as the Mother of Salvation, where I will assist my Son in this His final Mission, His final Plan to complete His Father’s Covenant to bring salvation to every soul, means that I will do all that I can to bring Him the souls He so desires. I wish it to be known that I have been appointed, not only the Queen of Heaven, but Queen over the twelve tribes of Israel. Twelve nations will reign in the New Jerusalem. The twelve stars, on my crown, which were placed upon my head by my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, during my Coronation, signify this prophecy. Each of these stars represents the twelve nations, which will evolve on the Day of Judgment.

All souls, including those who will rise from the dead, as well as those who are alive in the world today and who remain in the Light of God, will make the transition into the New Heaven and the New Earth. They will join as one, in union with my Son, and they will be resurrected into perfect body and soul, just as it was when my Son rose from the dead. This state of perfection is the Greatest Gift from God and proves how merciful He is. This is the salvation, which my Son promised, when he endured His Agony on the Cross. And because of His great Love for humanity, He wishes to save every single soul and, especially, those who are lost to Him.

I now give all of you a special Gift, blessed by my Son, so that all souls will be granted immunity from the fires of Hell and be granted salvation. My Son desires that every soul be saved, no matter how grievous their sin. I ask that you now begin the Novena of Salvation. You must begin this immediately and continue it, as I instruct you to, to the end of time. You must recite this Prayer for a full seven consecutive days during one calendar month commencing on Mondays, in the morning time. You must recite it three times during each of the seven days and on one of these days you must fast. By fasting you are requested to eat only one main meal during the day and then bread and water only at the other two meal times.

This is the prayer you must say for each of the seven days.

Crusade Prayer (130) Novena of Salvation Crusade Prayer:

My beloved Mother of Salvation, please gain for all souls, the Gift of eternal salvation through the Mercy of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Through your intercession I plead that you will pray to release all souls from bondage to Satan.

Please ask your Son to show Mercy and forgiveness for those souls, who reject Him, hurt Him with their indifference and who adore false doctrine and false gods.

We beseech you dear Mother, to beg for the graces to open the hearts of those souls who are most in need of your help. Amen.

My promise to assist my Son, Jesus Christ, in His Plan for humanity is to draw all of you, who recognise my role as Mediatrix of All Graces and Co-Redemptrix, together, so that the whole world can unite as one in union with Jesus Christ, your Saviour and Redeemer.

Go in peace. I will always pray for you dear children and I will always respond to your call to redeem mankind in the Eyes of God.

Your Mother

Mother of Salvation


My Father’s punishments have begun

My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals

My dearly beloved daughter, it is a mistake to believe that God would not mete out His Justice in the world at this time. My Father’s punishments have begun and the world will witness many more ecological upheavals as the purification of the Earth begins.

The preparations are now underway and soon the enemies of God will be weeded out and punished, for they will never turn and ask for My Mercy. My Father’s Anger is great and woe to those who defy the Word of God, for they will be felled and trampled upon, as the final cleansing of the Earth will clash with the infestation of the evil one – all at the same time.

When you see nature’s elements react fiercely, you will know that the Hand of Justice has fallen. The pride of man, his self-obsession and his belief in his own flawed intelligence in spiritual matters, have brought upon the human race the outpouring of fire from the four bowls upon the four corners of the Earth.

You have ignored the warnings and so the battle to destroy sin has well and truly commenced.

Jesus Christ

Son of Man


Useranno le profezie di Fatima per profanare la mia immagine

17 agosto 2013 – Madre della Salvezza: avranno bisogno di trovare luoghi di rifugio in modo da poter fornire le Messe quotidiane e la Santa Eucaristia.

by Messaggi da Gesu Cristo

O, miei cari figli, quanto piange il mio cuore per le sofferenze che affronteranno fra breve i sacerdoti all’interno della Chiesa Cattolica.

Tanti preziosi servitori di mio Figlio, il cui unico desiderio è quello di servire Dio e di portare le anime sulla giusta strada per la salvezza, stanno per essere messi di fronte a prove di tale portata che molti cadranno nella paura. Molti saranno ciechi alla Verità e accetteranno i grandi cambiamenti nella Chiesa e li accoglieranno, nella errata convinzione che essi siano per il bene di tutti. Coloro che riconosceranno l’inganno che sarà presentato ai Cattolici, scapperanno. Così timorosi per il loro destino, essi lasceranno la Chiesa, perché saranno troppo deboli per fronteggiare tale malvagità.

Quei sacerdoti che si rifiuteranno di accettare la falsa dottrina, saranno accusati di eresia e molti saranno redarguiti pubblicamente, per non aver obbedito a coloro ai quali sono soggetti. Molti saranno scomunicati. Altri saranno martirizzati. Poi ci saranno coloro che guideranno la Chiesa – la Chiesa data al mondo da mio Figlio – in segreto.

Essi avranno bisogno di trovare luoghi di rifugio, in modo da poter provvedere alle Messe quotidiane e alla Santa Eucaristia. Saranno guidati dallo Spirito Santo e saranno seguiti dall’Esercito Rimanante di mio Figlio, che rimarrà fieramente fedele ai Suoi Insegnamenti e ai Suoi Sacramenti fino all’ultimo giorno.

Dovete capire se siete in dubbio sulla validità di questo avviso: che io, l’amata Madre di Cristo, sarò utilizzata per nascondere il vero intento di quelle forze che sono entrate nella Chiesa di mio Figlio sulla terra. Io sarò usata come una figura di spicco della Chiesa per distrarre la gente dalle vere intenzioni di questo gruppo di malvagi. Per convincere i figli di Dio che essi rimangono fedeli alla vera Parola di Dio e alle tradizioni della Chiesa Cattolica, creeranno cerimonie che, dicono loro, mi onoreranno. Useranno le profezie di Fatima per profanare la mia immagine, con la presentazione di un grande inganno al mondo. Mi useranno per contaminare la Chiesa di mio Figlio e tutto quello che faranno lo faranno alla rovescia, in accordo con le richieste del maligno.

Dando l’impressione che essi onorano la Madre di Dio, molti cattolici saranno guidati in un falso senso di sicurezza. Ciò significa che ogni dubbio che essi potrebbero avere altrimenti, assistendo agli strani nuovi cambiamenti alla Messa e ai Sacramenti, sarà immediatamente dimenticato. Quanto questo mi fa soffrire! La mia immagine verrà deliberatamente usata per insultare mio Figlio.

Satana mi disprezza. Ha paura di me. Per colpire mio Figlio, egli, attraverso quelle anime su cui ha influenza, farà di tutto per contaminare la mia immagine attraverso molti rituali segreti e messe nere. La mia statua sarà adornata con simboli satanici e sarà profanata in molti luoghi da gruppi massonici che hanno acquisito il controllo.

Pregate, pregate, pregate, figli, ogni giorno, per aver la forza di affrontare questa malvagità con coraggio. Non abbiate paura di essa. Accettate che gli eserciti di Satana stiano ora controllando molte nazioni, in ogni parte del mondo. Quando accettate questo, potete allora ottenere la forza e la determinazione di cui avete bisogno. Quando chiederete queste grazie, attraverso la Crociata di preghiere, potrete  e aiuterete a mitigare questa malvagità.

La vostra amata Madre,

Madre della Salvezza.

Two Popes are back

A second photo of the “two Popes” from May 2, the day of Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI’s return to the Vatican, has emerged.

The photo depicts Benedict, 86, with Pope Francis, 76, in prayer in the chapel at the Mater Ecclesiae monastery in the Vatican gardens, where Benedict will now be living.

Vaticano, Benedetto torna accolto da Papa Francesco

Il Papa emerito fa ritorno in Vaticano. Ad attendere Benedetto XVI all’eliporto una delegazione della Santa Sede guidata dal decano del collegio cardinalizio Angelo Sodano e dal segretario di Stato Tarcisio Bertone. Ratzinger soggiornerà nell’ex convento di clausura dove ad attenderlo c’è il suo successore Bergoglio

CITTA’ DEL VATICANO – L’elicottero è atterrato intorno alle 17: dopo due mesi trascorsi a Castel Gandolfo, Joseph Ratzinger è tornato da Papa emerito in Vaticano, dove risiederà, all’interno del monastero “Mater Ecclesiae”, recentemente ristrutturato, con il suo segretario, l’arcivescovo Georg Ganswein, prefetto della Casa Pontificia, e le quattro “memores Domini” che lo hanno accompagnato in questi anni.



Instead he disguises evil as good

The greatest horror I witnessed in My Time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end

On March 25, 2013 @ 2:50 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws. He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with every reason why I should turn away from the Will of My Father. He wanted to torment Me and so he displayed the power he would still have, despite My death on the Cross.

I was shown the final destruction of My Church on earth; the seizure of power within it by masonic sects; the immorality of man; the lack of shame on the part of God’s children, as they engaged in vile sins of the flesh; the murder of innocents and the falling into error by those who profess to speak in My Name.

So powerful is Satan that he planted doubts in My Mind about My being the Son of man. I, in My Divinity, could not succumb to sin but I tell you this, so that humanity can understand how evil can tempt you to turn away from Me.

Satan does not present evil in the most obvious ways. Instead he disguises evil as good. He is cunning and can trick even the most holy amongst you, into believing that a lie is the Truth.

As people fall away from My Teachings they will embrace sin willingly and with greed in their hearts. Without direction they will always fall from grace.

When My Name is being wiped off the face of the earth,

man will be unable to find God.

Whatever religion you follow it does not matter because your only route to God is through Me, His only Son. Because of My death on the Cross, I saved you – including every man, woman and child alive in the world today- from the fires of Hell. If you do not accept this then you cannot enter the Gates of Paradise. It is only through the Son that you can be presented to the Father. Reject Me, Jesus Christ, and you reject your salvation.

How little you have learned about sin and the way in which it separates you from God. The spread of sin has never been so rampant since God created the world.  You sinners have reached new depths, which disgust Me.

You have exposed even the little ones, who were entrusted into your care, to behave like demons. You lack charity, love and compassion for one another and yet many of you display your acts of faith for the world to see and admire. Just as the Pharisees dictated the Laws of God, but did not practice them, nor did they show humility, so too, will those of you who say you come in My Name cave in to the sin of pride.

So much do you still need to learn about My Voice and My Teachings, which still fall on deaf ears. Then there are those who spend all their time proclaiming their knowledge of God, say they know the prophecies, which have still to be revealed, but know nothing. Were it not for My great Mercy you would be unfit to enter My Kingdom.

The time has come for all those who claim to guide God’s children, in the ways of the Lord, to beg Me, Jesus Christ, for the Gift of Humility.

It is time for you to listen to the Truth, as it was given to you, for you don’t have much time to redeem yourselves in My Eyes.

Your Jesus


My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near

On March 16, 2013 @ 12:40 pm


My dearly beloved daughter, what rage, what anger and what fear is being felt by those who refuse to accept My Cup of Suffering at this time.

The rage of Satan, against these Messages, will increase quickly and every effort will be made to denounce you, My daughter.

Suffering is to be accepted by you, because of your surrender to My Holy Will, which is of your own accord. So you, My daughter, must remain silent as the screams of the beast and those poor souls he uses to attack you continue. I say this to all of My beloved loyal disciples – remain firm. Keep your heads bowed in humble servitude and offer your suffering for those souls who will not accept the Gift of Truth.

Those responsible for infiltrating My Church on earth chose the time of Lent, deliberately, to insult Me, their Jesus, who died in agony to save their souls.

So infested are they, those who roam the corridors of Rome, that the biggest sign will be seen in the chaos, which will ensue, as they adhere to the command of the imposter. Chaos, disorder, division and contradiction will be seen everywhere in Rome. This disorder comes from Satan for it cannot come from God.

Anger comes from the evil one and his rage is palpable when My Light spreads amongst God’s children. Make it known that when attacks of such a vicious nature are inflicted on another, in My Name, that it is My Presence which provokes such a reaction.

Only I, Jesus Christ, and My followers can be the focus of such abuse and so, when you find that this becomes unbearable, please say this short prayer:

 “I share this pain with You, dear Jesus, and ask that You bless my enemies and those who scourge You with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

The discord will continue and My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near.

Hold onto Me, your Jesus, and place all your trust in Me as I build My Remnant Army, in preparation for the ugly battle for souls which lies ahead.

Your Jesus