Could Syria ignite World War 3?

The crisis in Syria may appear to be no more or less than a civil war in a country many people would struggle to place on a map.

But it’s much more than that: it is rapidly becoming a sectarian struggle for power that is bleeding across the Middle East, with the potential to engulf the entire region in a deadly power struggle between two bitterly opposed Muslim ideologies, Sunni and Shia.

Already, the war inside Syria has resulted in 93,000 dead and 1.6 million refugees, with millions more displaced internally. And those figures are escalating rapidly amid reports of appalling atrocities on both sides.

Siria, ecco che guerra potrebbe essere

Obama e Cameron pronti a lanciare entro dieci giorni l’offensiva contro Assad. Gli arsenali in campo promettono colpi dal mare e dal cielo: dagli F-16 ai Tornado, passando per i vecchi Mig siriani


Siria, ecco che guerra potrebbe essere

Obama e Cameron pronti a lanciare entro dieci giorni l’offensiva contro Assad. Gli arsenali in campo promettono colpi dal mare e dal cielo: dagli F-16 ai Tornado, passando per i vecchi Mig siriani

di Simone Cosimi

L’eventualità di un attacco contro la Siria, evidentemente senza la copertura delle Nazioni Unite, si fa sempre più stringente. Il probabile uso di armi chimiche nell’operazione dell’esercito di Bashar al-Assad del 21 agosto alla periferia Est di Damasco sta facendo precipitare gli eventi: secondo Daily Telegraph e Daily Mail, Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna sarebbero infatti  decisi a iniziare una nuova guerra sul modello di quella kosovara del 1999 nel giro di dieci giorni. E le prossime 48 ore saranno decisive. Ma che guerra sarà? Quali le tecnologie e i mezzi messi in campo dalle potenze coinvolte e da quelle dell’area che potrebbero intervenire come Turchia e Giordania?

Posted in war

Useranno le profezie di Fatima per profanare la mia immagine

17 agosto 2013 – Madre della Salvezza: avranno bisogno di trovare luoghi di rifugio in modo da poter fornire le Messe quotidiane e la Santa Eucaristia.

by Messaggi da Gesu Cristo

O, miei cari figli, quanto piange il mio cuore per le sofferenze che affronteranno fra breve i sacerdoti all’interno della Chiesa Cattolica.

Tanti preziosi servitori di mio Figlio, il cui unico desiderio è quello di servire Dio e di portare le anime sulla giusta strada per la salvezza, stanno per essere messi di fronte a prove di tale portata che molti cadranno nella paura. Molti saranno ciechi alla Verità e accetteranno i grandi cambiamenti nella Chiesa e li accoglieranno, nella errata convinzione che essi siano per il bene di tutti. Coloro che riconosceranno l’inganno che sarà presentato ai Cattolici, scapperanno. Così timorosi per il loro destino, essi lasceranno la Chiesa, perché saranno troppo deboli per fronteggiare tale malvagità.

Quei sacerdoti che si rifiuteranno di accettare la falsa dottrina, saranno accusati di eresia e molti saranno redarguiti pubblicamente, per non aver obbedito a coloro ai quali sono soggetti. Molti saranno scomunicati. Altri saranno martirizzati. Poi ci saranno coloro che guideranno la Chiesa – la Chiesa data al mondo da mio Figlio – in segreto.

Essi avranno bisogno di trovare luoghi di rifugio, in modo da poter provvedere alle Messe quotidiane e alla Santa Eucaristia. Saranno guidati dallo Spirito Santo e saranno seguiti dall’Esercito Rimanante di mio Figlio, che rimarrà fieramente fedele ai Suoi Insegnamenti e ai Suoi Sacramenti fino all’ultimo giorno.

Dovete capire se siete in dubbio sulla validità di questo avviso: che io, l’amata Madre di Cristo, sarò utilizzata per nascondere il vero intento di quelle forze che sono entrate nella Chiesa di mio Figlio sulla terra. Io sarò usata come una figura di spicco della Chiesa per distrarre la gente dalle vere intenzioni di questo gruppo di malvagi. Per convincere i figli di Dio che essi rimangono fedeli alla vera Parola di Dio e alle tradizioni della Chiesa Cattolica, creeranno cerimonie che, dicono loro, mi onoreranno. Useranno le profezie di Fatima per profanare la mia immagine, con la presentazione di un grande inganno al mondo. Mi useranno per contaminare la Chiesa di mio Figlio e tutto quello che faranno lo faranno alla rovescia, in accordo con le richieste del maligno.

Dando l’impressione che essi onorano la Madre di Dio, molti cattolici saranno guidati in un falso senso di sicurezza. Ciò significa che ogni dubbio che essi potrebbero avere altrimenti, assistendo agli strani nuovi cambiamenti alla Messa e ai Sacramenti, sarà immediatamente dimenticato. Quanto questo mi fa soffrire! La mia immagine verrà deliberatamente usata per insultare mio Figlio.

Satana mi disprezza. Ha paura di me. Per colpire mio Figlio, egli, attraverso quelle anime su cui ha influenza, farà di tutto per contaminare la mia immagine attraverso molti rituali segreti e messe nere. La mia statua sarà adornata con simboli satanici e sarà profanata in molti luoghi da gruppi massonici che hanno acquisito il controllo.

Pregate, pregate, pregate, figli, ogni giorno, per aver la forza di affrontare questa malvagità con coraggio. Non abbiate paura di essa. Accettate che gli eserciti di Satana stiano ora controllando molte nazioni, in ogni parte del mondo. Quando accettate questo, potete allora ottenere la forza e la determinazione di cui avete bisogno. Quando chiederete queste grazie, attraverso la Crociata di preghiere, potrete  e aiuterete a mitigare questa malvagità.

La vostra amata Madre,

Madre della Salvezza.

World War

My dearly beloved daughter, it is with great Love that I come to communicate with you this evening. For I know the torment you have been suffering. The suffering, which you have now offered up for souls, means that they would have faced damnation had you not done so with joy.

My daughter, these Messages are authentic, but you must only communicate with Me during prayer or after prayer. This is important because the deceiver can sometimes try to intercept unless you are in quiet prayer with Me.

World War
My daughter, the prophecies about which I spoke are about to happen. My beloved Vicar (BXVI) does not have much time left in the Vatican, based on events which took place in March. Other events now to be witnessed by mankind include an earthquake in Europe, which will shock many. But this purification will help unite people, which will be for the good of everyone. Other global events including the volcanic eruption will occur now, (*details of location and month with visionary) while war in the Middle East will involve other nations. The other nations from the West will provoke a reaction from Russia and China. All will end in a World War.

Le guerre che coinvolgono l’Iran, Israele, Egitto e Siria sono interconnesse.

4 febbraio, 2012

Mia cara figlia prediletta, la tua fedeltà è testata ogni giorno. Cosi tanti cercano di fermarti nel tuo lavoro per Me, eppure non ci riescono a causa della Santa protezione offerta dal Cielo. Coloro che cercano di infliggerti dolore, sofferenza e abusano di te saranno puniti. Non tollererò tali azioni.


Ricordati che è stato predetto che nessun uomo può fermare il fuoco dello Spirito Santo che si riverserà dai Miei messaggi più sacri sull’intera umanità.


Chiedo, quindi, che tu continui a ignorare gli ostacoli posti davanti a te e ignorare l’odio poiché esso viene da Satana.


Collabora con l’odio e si diffonde. Ignoralo e morirà perché non riesce a trovare il nutrimento di cui ha bisogno per crescere e diventare virulento.


Adesso voglio che informi i Miei figli che gli eventi previsti nel Libro della Rivelazione sono ormai in atto nel mondo.


I Miei figli non devono avere paura perché la loro fede e le loro preghiere li aiuteranno ad attenuare gli effetti delle guerre, i genocidi, le carestie e l’apostasia.


Emergeranno guerre che coinvolgeranno l’Iran, Israele, Egitto e la Siria. Tutte saranno interconnesse.


Così, pure l’Italia subirà le conseguenze che sono collegate all’ascesa del falso profeta e del suo complice l’Anti-Cristo.


Pregate intensamente affinché tutti i paesi non siano trascinati verso un potere globale che controllerà il vostro denaro. Poiché se dovessero avere successo, allora sarà molto difficile.


Pregate Dio Padre, così che Egli possa impedire tali atrocità.


La Preghiera per le anime degli altri salverà le vostre anime. Questo è tutto ciò che chiedo. La Preghiera.


Pregate anche per la conversione.


Non è tempo ormai per dare un significato a tutte le cose, figlia Mia. Tutto andrà bene, una volta che la conversione avrà luogo, dopo l’Avvertimento.


Vai ora e informa i Miei figli di non temere quando proclamano la Mia Parola. Io starò accanto a loro.


Se sono derisi possono essere certi della verità della Mia Parola Santissima.


Il vostro amato Gesù

Navy ready to launch first strike on Syria


Britain is planning to join forces with America and launch military action against Syria within days in response to the gas attack believed to have been carried out by President Bashar al-Assad’s forces against his own people.

Royal Navy vessels are being readied to take part in a possible series of cruise missile strikes, alongside the United States, as military commanders finalise a list of potential targets.

Government sources said talks between the Prime Minister and international leaders, including Barack Obama, would continue, but that any military action that was agreed could begin within the next week.

As the preparations gathered pace, William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, warned that the world could not stand by and allow the Assad regime to use chemical weapons against the Syrian people “with impunity”.

Britain, the US and their allies must show Mr Assad that to perpetrate such an atrocity “is to cross a line and that the world will respond when that line is crossed”, he said.


Posted in war

Wars involving Iran, Israel, Egypt and Syria interlinked

Wars involving Iran, Israel, Egypt and Syria interlinked



My dearest beloved daughter your loyalty to Me is tested every day. So many try to stop you in your work for Me yet they cannot do this because of the Holy protection afforded you from the Heavens. Those who try to inflict pain, suffering and abuse on you will be punished. I will not tolerate such action.


Remember it has been foretold that no man can stop the fire of the Holy Spirit which will pour forth from My most holy messages for the whole of mankind.


I ask, therefore, that you continue to ignore the obstacles placed before you and ignore the hatred for it comes from satan.


Engage with hatred and it spreads.


Ignore it and it will die because it cannot find the nourishment it needs to grow and fester.


Now I want you to tell My children that the events foretold in the Book of Revelation are now unfolding in the world.


My children must not be frightened because their faith and their prayers will help dilute the effects of war, genocide, famine and apostasy.


Wars will emerge which involve Iran, Israel, Egypt and Syria. All will become interlinked.


So too, will Italy suffer the fallout which is connected to the rise of the false prophet and his partner the Anti-Christ.


Pray hard that all countries are not drawn into a global power which will control your money. For should they succeed it will be very difficult.


Pray to God the Father so that he can stave off such atrocities.


Prayer for the souls of others will save your own souls. That is all I ask. Prayer.

Pray, too, for conversion.

It is not long now for all things to make sense, My daughter. All be well once conversion takes place after the warning.


Go now and tell my children never to fear when they proclaim My word. I will be standing beside them.


If they are mocked they can be sure of the truth of this, My most holy word.


Your beloved Jesus

Pope electors told of ‘Smoke of Satan’ in Vatican


Pope electors told of ‘Smoke of Satan’ in Vatican

Message to conclave echoes earlier warnings of evil ‘superforce’ descending on Church

It’s a matter so dark and serious it has only been whispered about behind closed doors in Vatican circles by courageous priests such as the late John F. O’Connor, Alfred Kunz and the late Malachi Martin.

But now, thanks to the release by the Holy See of an official bulletin titled “Acta Apostolicae Sedis,” it has been confirmed that the papal conclave that elected Pope Francis March 13 heard a message, immediately before the voting, from a senior cardinal dealing directly with the threat of “The Smoke of Satan” descending on the Vatican itself.

The meditation about “that which Christ wants from his Church” was delivered by Maltese Prosper Grech, an 87-year-old Augustinian who could not participate in the vote. After his meditation, reports the Catholic online newsletter Chiesa, he left the Sistine Chapel.

He prefaced his remarks by saying: “I have no intention of making the identikit of the new pope, and much less of presenting a plan of action for the future pontiff. This very delicate task belongs to the Holy Spirit, who in recent decades has gifted us with a series of excellent holy pontiffs. My intention is that of drawing from Scripture some reflections to help us understand what Christ wants from his Church.”

Taking on what he characterized as an anti-Church media, Grech suggested when accusations are false, they should not be addressed, “even if they cause immense pain.”

However, he added: “It is another thing when what is said about us is the truth, as has happened in many of the accusations of pedophilia. Then we must humble ourselves before God and men, and seek to uproot the evil at all costs, as did, to his great regret, Benedict XVI. And only in this way can we regain credibility before the world and give an example of sincerity. Today many people do not arrive at believing in Christ because his face is obscured or hidden behind an institution that lacks transparency. But if recently we have wept over many unpleasant events that have befallen clergy and laity, even in the pontifical household, we must consider that these evils, as great as they may be, if compared with certain evils in the history of the Church are nothing but a cold. And just as these have been overcome with God’s help, so also the present crisis will be overcome. Even a cold needs to be taken care of well to keep it from turning into pneumonia.”

In a section of the meditation titled “Smoke of Satan in the Church,” Grech said: “The evil spirit of the world, the ‘mysterium iniquitatis’ (2 Thes 2:7), constantly strives to infiltrate the Church. Moreover, let us not forget the warning of the prophets of ancient Israel not to seek alliances with Babylon or with Egypt, but to follow a pure policy ‘ex fide’ trusting solely in God (cf. Is 30:1; 31:1-3; Hos 12:2) and in his covenant. Courage! Christ relieves our minds when he exclaims: ‘Have trust, I have overcome the world’ (Jn 16:33).”

Will Francis be “The Last Pope?” That’s the focus of a trail-blazing new documentary from WND Films, shot on location in Ireland, Rome and the U.S., the movie examines the prophecies of the popes by of St. Malachy, with interviews of experts on both sides of the question.

What is the meaning of this message?

Tom Horn, the bestselling author of “Petrus Romanus” and a featured interviewee in the new movie “The Last Pope?,” said Father O’Connor gave a homily titled “The Reign of the Antichrist,” in which he described how changes within society and in the institution were already at work before his death to provide for the coming of Antichrist.


August 19, 2013 – 11:55 a.m.


Peace to you, men of good will.

The sins of the flesh have taken over the vast majority of humanity.

Pleasures, to have and possess are the goal that many have undertaken. Poor creatures, so much vanity of vanities and with a dead soul, you are the undead who walk as errand shadows, the gods of this world are leading you to eternal death!

Everything is infected; my creation is covered by a black cloak of evil and sin. Damn those who abuse my children, who bleed my people and who shed the blood of my innocent, better they had never been born! I will punish all those nations which have approved laws against life, morality and justice with the full weight of my righteous anger ! I burn with jealousy for my creation, I will no longer allow so much injustice, so much immorality and sin, the limits of my patience have overflown! Very soon I will lay down my righteous wrath upon the wicked nations, then, they will know that I am that I am, Lord of Nations, Ruler of the Universe, the One True God. All -seeing, Knowing and Probing, who pays to each according to his works. Woe to the wicked nations, because with the same force with which they have transgressed my statutes, they shall be broken on the day of my righteous anger! Keep sinning and accumulating injustices, so that you further hasten your destruction! I tell you that in the Day of Judgment, there will be more tolerance for Sodom and Gomorrah than for you.

My faithful children living in some of these nations will be notified before the punishment for them to leave, just like I did with Lot and his family. Fire from the sky will fall on those nations and there will not remain of them stone upon stone, they will disappear from the face of the earth never to be remembered. Very soon you will know my righteous wrath wicked nations, I will sound my trumpets upon you day and night and you will know of my righteous anger. I am not pleased with your destruction, if ye repent and return to me, before the time of my righteousness comes, I assure you that I will forgive you. Remember: I am patient and forgiving, slow to anger and rich in mercy, if you come to me with humble and contrite hearts. I am also the Just Judge, who will not allow ye to continue destroying my creation and breaking my precepts.

For my love, mercy and patience, I am loved; yet I am feared by my righteousness. Who do you want to know, the God of Mercy or the God of Justice? Best decide once and for all, before I come as Judge, lest ye wail tomorrow! The Just Judge.

Praise be to God! I called upon him and I emerge victorious from among my enemies. The waves of death wrapped me, the torrents of hell frightened me, the ties of the abyss bound me, before me lay the traps of death. I cried to the Lord in my distress, I raised my scream to my God, and he heard my voice out of his temple, my call came to his ears (Ps. 18. 4 to 7). Psalm of protection for the days of divine justice.

Make known my messages, seeds of the God of Israel.

Make known my message to all mankind.