who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter

They will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter

On February 18, 2013 @ 6:00 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, as the changes within My Church on earth intensify, so also will the voices of the false prophets rise, in unison, to endorse the abomination in My Church. As I reveal to you, the true end time prophet, the Truth – most of which is already known – lies will be spread to confuse all those who follow Me.

For every instruction I give to you, for the world, the exact opposite will be declared from the mouths of the false prophets. They will declare words of comfort to My followers who will find the Truth too awful to bear.

Through their wicked lies they will bring God’s children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendour in the Seat of Peter.

When I told you of the great division in My Church, I did not tell you how this would happen. So hear Me now. Just as the priests during My time on earth rejected My Holy Word, so too will the priests just before My Second Coming reject Me. Not only will they reject My Word, given to you, My daughter, but they will accept the changes, which will be forced upon them. Their sacred gifts will be rendered impotent, as soon as, they accept the blasphemies and the new rules presented to them. 

My faithful followers will also be divided in their loyalty to My Church on earth. All you must do is to follow My Teachings given to you in My Father’s Book. There is no need to run anywhere, as I Am present amongst you.

You know the Truth. It has been fed to you, as Christians. So when you see that God’s Commandments and My Teachings are being re-written, and My Holy Sacraments changed, then you must turn your backs. Do not allow lies to frighten you, rather be frightened for those who accept these new evil acts and laws, purported to be from Me and who fail to understand the Truth.

Your Jesus


The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome

The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome

On February 17, 2013 @ 7:00 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the schism within the Catholic Church, as foretold, will now be witnessed, for all the world to see.

The departure of My dearly beloved Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict XVI, marks the beginning of the end. I have, through you, My chosen prophet, over the last two years, tried to prepare My Church on earth for this sad event.

The Masonic elite have grasped control over My Church and they will wield the most wicked deceit upon Catholics.

The Keys of Rome are now within My Hands having been passed over to Me by My Father. I will direct all of My followers so that the Truth can be sustained and that My Holy Word remains intact.

The false prophet will now take over the Seat in Rome and My Word, just as it was in My Time on earth, will be treated as heresy.

Make no mistake, for as the deceit is presented to the world, as if the new reign represents the Truth, you, My daughter, will suffer terribly in My Holy Name just as the prophets, which came before you.

My followers must remain calm and pray for the salvation of all of My most sacred servants who will be caught up in this abomination. I call on them to respond as follows.

Continue to follow My Teachings. Never waive from the Word of God. Remain loyal to your sacred duties and administer the Holy Sacraments as you have been instructed by Me.

The Teachings of the Catholic Church, based on its formation by My Apostle Peter, remain infallible. Now this will change once the foundation is rocked by the changes to come.

Shortly, you will no longer recognise My Church and you will feel very uncomfortable when you witness how My Holy Word will be tampered with.

Your Jesus


Questo è l’inizio della fine

13 febbraio 2013 

La Massoneria ha infiltrato la Mia Chiesa sulla terra e presto lo scisma, come preannunciato, creerà divisione e inquietudine tra i Miei fedeli servitori.


Mia amata figlia prediletta, c’è grande rabbia in Cielo in questo momento in cui la Corona di Spine scende per schiacciare il Mio Corpo, la Chiesa Cattolica, sulla terra.

Questa profezia che vi è stata data molto dettagliatamente negli ultimi due anni, si è compiuta. Ora, mentre si realizzeranno presto altre Mie rivelazioni, ben pochi dei Miei sacri servitori potranno ignorare le Mie suppliche alla razza umana in questo empio periodo del vostro tempo.

Essi, il gruppo malvagio, hanno cominciato la loro campagna per cancellare dalla terra la Verità dei Miei Insegnamenti.

Il Mio Santo Vicario è stato costretto a prendere questa decisione e, come risultato, ne soffrirà moltissimo.

La massoneria ha infiltrato la Mia Chiesa sulla terra e presto lo scisma, come preannunciato, creerà divisione e inquietudine tra i Miei fedeli servitori.

Molti non hanno idea dell’inganno che viene loro presentato. Né sanno che le fondamenta della Mia Chiesa, la Chiesa Cattolica, sono state ridotte in polvere. Al suo posto sorgerà l’abominio ed Io dovrò intervenire e inviare segni al fine di avvertire ogni anima dell’importanza della preghiera per poter discernere la Verità dalla finzione.

Non è il crollo della Chiesa Cattolica, che presto diventerà evidente, che dividerà il mondo. Sarà il suo coinvolgimento nella creazione di una nuova chiesa, una religione mondiale, che introdurrà il paganesimo e l’idolatria.

Il falso profeta si è preparato bene e il suo tempo sta arrivando. In collaborazione con l’Anticristo, egli porterà il mondo in ginocchio. Non sarà a Dio che presteranno omaggio, ma alla bestia.

Esorto tutti i Miei discepoli, i Miei seguaci cristiani ovunque, di mantenere la calma. Pregate per la pace e lasciate che Io, il vostro Gesù, vi guidi in questo momento.

Invito tutti i Miei cardinali, i Miei vescovi e i Miei servitori sacri, a unire il loro gregge e rimanere fedeli ai Miei Insegnamenti. Prestate molta attenzione a quello che vi sarà chiesto di predicare perché esso cambierà. Le vostre omelie saranno concepite e scritte per un mondo secolare e non avranno alcuna sostanza.

In questo tentativo, considerato come la modernizzazione della Chiesa Cattolica, ecco ciò che vi sarà presentato: la promozione di congregazioni integrate, tutte le religioni raggruppate in una sola, la cosiddetta Chiesa Cristiana Unificata. Tutti i segni esteriori potranno in un primo momento sembrare uguali, ma questo è ciò che vogliono farvi vedere. Lentamente non riconoscerete più le Mie Sacre Scritture, poiché nuove parole, nuove espressioni e nuovi formati per presentare i Sacramenti  saranno poste davanti a voi.

Si creerà il panico tra i sacerdoti conservatori, veri e fedeli, che saranno allarmati per i nuovi metodi moderni che la Chiesa abbraccerà quando sarà rilanciato un nuovo tipo di chiesa alternativa e moderna.

Sarà attraverso la rete della massoneria, che si è infiltrata in ogni angolo della Chiesa Cattolica, dei governi e dei media, che questo abominio sarà presentato come una grande innovazione.

Questo è l’inizio della fine. La Mia Presenza sarà discretamente bandita nella cerimonia delle nuove messe.

Tutte gli sfarzi e i cerimoniali maschereranno un tabernacolo vuoto, poiché la Mia Divina presenza non sarà più consentita da Mio Padre.

Dovete rimanere uniti, se siete cattolici, e continuare a frequentare le Messe quotidiane e fare la Santa Comunione. Tutti i Cristiani devono sapere che anche loro saranno attirati nella Nuova Religione Mondiale, complottata dalle nazioni che sono in combutta con i traditori della Mia Chiesa Cattolica. Essi desiderano creare una facciata secolare e umanistica, facciata che maschererà il male che sarà sottilmente incoraggiato.

La battaglia è incominciata, ma voi, Miei amati seguaci, siete più forti di quanto pensate. Io sono sempre qui. Vi ho preparati bene. È necessario, per sopravvivere, che voi recitiate questa Crociata di Preghiera.

Crociata di Preghiera (100) per la sopravvivenza del Cristianesimo.

O caro Gesù, Ti supplichiamo di darci la capacità di sopravvivere alle prove che affrontiamo adesso, appena  l’ultimo Vero Papa termina la sua Missione per Te.

Aiutaci a sostenere la terribile violenza che dovremo affrontare a causa del crollo della Chiesa che abbiamo conosciuto.

Non farci mai deviare dalla Verità della Tua Divina Parola.

Aiutaci a rimanere in silenzio, quando sono poste sulle nostre spalle gli attacchi per indurci a rinnegare Te e i Sacramenti che hai dato al mondo.

Ricopri il Tuo Esercito con il potente amore di cui abbiamo bisogno come scudo per proteggerci contro il faso profeta e l’Anticristo.

Aiuta la Tua Chiesa sulla terra a diffondersi e moltiplicarsi, in modo che essa possa aderire alla Verità e aiutarti a condurre i nostri fratelli e sorelle sulla via della Verità per prepararsi adeguatamente alla Tua Seconda Venuta.


Non preoccupatevi, Miei seguaci. Tutto è nella Mie Sacre Mani. Siate pazienti. Non giustificate ognuna delle vostre azioni, nel Mio Nome, poiché quando fate ciò voi difendete la Mia Parola, mentre tutto quello che dovete fare è proclamare la Mia Parola.

Il vostro Gesù.


Why the Pope resigned

Messages from Our Lady
to Brother Eduardo

February 12th, 2013

In these 25 years that I have been coming to earth, once again I invite you to live My messages. Beloved, I invite you to use more often the holy water. Many of you do not know the value of holy water. I ask you to use it often in your homes, not only in prayer but also daily to scare the enemy.

Many are wondering why the Pope resigned.

I answer: My Little ones, he was forced to resign. It was against his will … do not criticize but pray.

Also on this day I invite you to redouble your prayers. Who pray a rosary, pray two. I invite you right now to pray for the election of a new pope, otherwise he will be forced to leave the seat of the Vatican.

I had announced in past messages the change of the Vatican Headquarters to another place, this will happen soon.

I invite you to pray with confidence. Pray!

Little children, very briefly what I had spoken in many parts of My apparitions will begin to happen, the martyrdom of My favorite sons, the priests.

Pray beloved children. The Church needs help and you must help her.

Seer: Our Lady asked that her image of Mystic Rose, walk among the faithful here present in the chapel of the sanctuary.

Our Lady: Dear children, I ask you to live the holy Gospel every day. Prepare to live this Lent with much prayer and penance. For many it will not be easy, but I’ll be with you for I am your Mother you.

I am the Queen of Peace – Mediatrix of All Graces. I invite the children when you visit this sanctuary, to bring roses.

Remember the miracles that occur on the petals here during my apparitions. God wants to give more…

Seer: Our Lady said to where she wants her images of Mystic Rose arrive, she will be present bringing Graces of His Son Jesus. Have respect for those images.

Our Lady: My prophecies from La Salette, are already being concretized in the midst of you.

Dear children, I am happy with the presence of each of you here today in My sanctuary. Continue forming groups of people to pray at home. It is necessary to aware families to pray the rosary at home. Beloved children continue to pray for priests, bishops and consecrated souls.

I am the Victorious Queen! I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



“And he said onto them “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven” Luke 10:18


This is the final battle. My Vicar has fallen. My Church will fall, but soon it will rise again

On February 14, 2013 @ 6:00 pm

My dearly beloved daughter, the battle has finally entered its last stage between My Father’s Kingdom and the realm of Satan.

How the evil one fools My Father’s children, including those who follow the Truth of My Teachings.

Nothing is as it seems.

The power of Masonry has increased and they infest, not only the political world, but, the House of God, My Body on earth.

The Catholic Church is despised, more than any other Church on earth, which proclaims My Holy Word.  This is because it has been guided by Me and has adhered to My instructions, given to humanity, since I declared that My Apostle Peter was to establish My Church on earth.

My Church on earth has been the focus of the evil one, who has, throughout the centuries, divided My Church and scourged all those who practice My Most Holy Sacraments.

Not once did he, the evil one, relent in his plan to persecute My Church. Cunning, deceitful, arrogant, boastful and full of self-importance, he, the deceiver, believes his power is almighty. He targets, always, those who have been accorded the responsibility to lead God’s children to eternal life.

My Catholic Church has, for some time, suffered terribly, by the hand of Satan. Not once, have they been left to do their holy duty to Me, in peace.  Then to ensure that he, the evil one, could cause even more harm, he infiltrated those sacred servants of mine by sending his own servants to mix amongst them. It was then that the abomination of evil entered My Church.

When sin was committed by those appointed to nurture souls, it was I, Jesus Christ, Who was accused and put into the dock.

The biggest deceit of all was when the evil one convinced man that it was I, Jesus, Head of the Church on earth, Who betrayed humanity. Humanity was born with sin. Man will sin, until the time of My Second Coming. To discard Me, as the Saviour of the World, because of the sins of man, including those whose responsibility was for souls who have been led astray, will be your downfall.

Instead of the Truth, you will allow the lies of the beast to corrupt your hearts. You are now under the control of evil in My Church and many will fall prey to the lies, which will now be presented to you, as the Truth.

The Truth of My Teachings will soon be declared as irrelevant and untrue. My Father’s Rage at this infestation in My Church, on earth, will soon be felt amongst his servants, in My Church in Rome.

This is the final battle. My Vicar has fallen. My Church will fall, but soon it will rise again.

Your Jesus


‘Monster’ Sun Spots Could Lead To Massive Solar Storms

An enormous storm is growing on the surface of the Sun – and could send massive solar flares our way soon.

The colossal sun spot is large enough to swallow six Earths.

Sun spots usually grow out of shifting magnetic patterns on the star, and can ‘pool’ together to create very large features or blemishes on the surface. Sun spots are actually cooler than the rest of the Sun, but can lead to violent eruptions.

Nasa said the sun spot is still growing, and is increasingly volatile.


Virgin Mary: The Arrogance and Pride of Humanity is Insulting to the Presence of God

On February 13, 2013 @ 8:10 pm

My Holy Mantle covers all those of you who call on me, your Heavenly Mother, during these times of Chastisement. As the Anger of my Eternal Father increases, you, my dear children, must pray hard to dilute the suffering, which will surge, like a flood, over the earth.

You must keep focused on what my Son tells you and remain united in prayer, so that sin can be forgiven. The hedonistic cloud, which hangs over the western part of the world, which has shunned my Son, thickens every day.

The arrogance and pride of humanity is insulting to the Presence of God. Their empty souls are like empty vessels, and they are filled with worthless riches, which are created by the hand of man. No room do they have in their greedy hearts for True Love, the Love of God. Without the Love of God, they are unable to love anyone, other than themselves. This means that humanity suffers, more than they should, because love is not shared.

If you only care for yourself, you cannot give comfort, or ease the suffering of those who are reliant on others.

Wake up, children. Only by opening your hearts to the Truth will you be able to win over the Mercy of my beloved Son.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation
