sunspot getting bigger

THAT SUNSPOT IS GETTING BIGGER: Sunspot AR3105 emerging over the sun’s eastern limb is growing rapidly: movie. We’ve seen this sunspot before. It’s AR3089 returning after a 2-week trip around the farside of the sun. Instead of decaying, the old sunspot seems to be growing again. If this continues, it could soon pose a threat for Earth-directed flares. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text.

AN EXPLOSION OF AURORAS OVER NORWAY: Last night in Tromsø, Norway, there was an explosion of auroras so intense “it made my guests scream and laugh at the same time,” says aurora tour guide Markus Varik. “We had no idea the night would turn out like this!”

“There were swirls, spikes, curtains, draperies, you name it,” says Varik. “We must be getting close to the equinox.”

Indeed, that’s exactly what’s happening. The northern autumnal equinox is only 3 days away and, as all Arctic sky watchers know, auroras love equinoxes.

Researchers call it the “Russell-McPherron effect.” During the weeks around equinoxes, cracks form in Earth’s magnetic field. Even a slight gust of solar wind can slip through to spark a light show–no geomagnetic storm required.

Stay tuned for more outbursts of light as autumn approaches. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.