“E li radunarono nel luogo che in ebraico si chiama Har-Maghedon”



COMET ISON OUTBURST CONTINUES: The abrupt brightening of Comet ISON on Nov. 14th has pushed the comet into the range of naked eye visibility. Dark-sky observers around the world report seeing it with their unaided eyes on the morning of Nov. 15th. To the human eye, ISON is just a faint smudge of magnitude +5.5. Backyard telescopes are revealing much more. The effects of the outburst have propagated into the comet’s suddenly riotous tail, as shown in this image taken on the morning of Nov. 15th by Damian Peach:

“It’s hard to believe this is the same comet I photographed on Nov. 10th,” says Peach. “Now that ISON has experienced an outburst, the show has really begun.”

The increase in brightness and emergence of multiple gaseous streamers could be caused by fresh veins of ice opening up in the comet’s nucleus. Rapid vaporization of ice by solar heat is a sure-fire way to boost a comet’s visibility. But, as NASA’s Comet ISON Observing Campaign states, “we have no idea.” The comet’s nucleus is hidden from view by a hazy green atmosphere, so events in the interior remain a mystery.



Comet ISON is getting all the press, but it’s not even the brightest comet in its own patch of sky. That would be Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1), one of four comets now rising in the east before dawn:

Pictured from left to right are exploding Comet LINEAR X1, sungrazing Comet ISON, short-period Comet Encke, and the brightest of them all, Comet Lovejoy. All four are visible in binoculars or backyard telescopes, and Comet Lovejoy (mag. +6.0) is visible to the naked eye from dark-sky sites. Comet ISON is actually one of the faintest of the group; only expanding Comet LINEAR X1 (mag. +8) is more difficult to see.


An apparition of so many comets at once is a rare thing, and amateur astronomers are encouraged to wake up early for a tour of the pre-dawn sky. Dates of special interest include Nov. 15-18 when Comet LINEAR X1 passes by the bright star Arcturus, Nov 17-18 when Comet ISON has a close encounter with Spica, and Nov. 18-20 when Comet Encke buzzes Mercury. These stars and planets make excellent naked-eye guideposts for finding the comets. Meanwhile, bright Comet Lovejoy is approaching the Big Dipper; if you can’t see it with your unaided eye, a quick scan with binoculars will reveal it. Sky maps: Nov. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.

Comet ephemerides: Comet ISON, Comet Lovejoy, Comet Encke, Comet LINEAR X1



As predicted, sunspot AR1890 has unleashed another strong flare, an X1-class explosion on Nov. 10th at 05:14 UT. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a bright flash of extreme ultraviolet radiation from the blast site:

This is the third X-flare from AR1890 since Nov. 5th, and all three have something in common: brevity. AR1890 tends to produce impulsive flares, peaking sharply in a matter of minutes or less. Often, brief flares do not produce coronal mass ejections (CMEs), but this one could be an exception. A movie of the flare shows a plume of material lifting off the sun shortly after the UV flash. That could be the beginnings of an Earth-directed CME. Stay tuned for further analysis. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


Filippine, tifone Haiyan: centinaia di morti a Tacloban

La tempesta, tra le più potenti della storia, ha distrutto centinaia di case, provocato frane e onde alte fino a sei metri. Corrente e comunicazioni interrotte in varie isole. Quasi mezzo milione di persone hanno trovato riparo nei centri di evacuazione

MANILA – Centinaia di persone hanno perso la vita a Tacloban, nelle Filippine centrali, a causa del tifone Haiyan, uno dei più devastanti che la storia ricordi. Lo rendono noto fonti governative. Un ufficiale dell’aeronautica che ha sorvolato la capitale dell’isola di Leyte riferisce di aver visto i corpi delle vittime nelle strade trasformate in torrenti dalle inondazioni.

Haiyan, probabilmente il più violento tifone che abbia mai colpito l’aricpelago, sta lasciando rapidamente le Filippine dopo aver distrutto case, provocato frane e nubifragi, interrotto l’erogazione dell’elettricità e le comunicazioni nelle isole di Cebu, Samar, Leyte e Bohol, colpite un mese fa da un terremoto che aveva causato 222 morti e sede di affollate mete turistiche. Quasi mezzo milione di persone, precisano i responsabili, hanno trovato riparo nei centri di evacuazione.

Il tifone ha toccato terra con raffiche fino a 313 chilometri all’ora, una velocità che, se confermata, lo farebbe diventare il più potente mai registrato nella storia. La tempesta, di “categoria 5”, è arrivata dall’Oceano Pacifico, portando con sé anche piogge torrenziali e onde alte fino a sei metri.



The Warning

My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide.

My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.

I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner.

There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions.

My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise.

The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.

When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages.

Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great and My Power almighty.

Your Jesus


1. How The Warning is a gift to mankind

2. The Warning – Second Coming Close – Chance to Save your souls

3. Prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience

4. What you will experience during The Warning and Prayer for instant pardon

5. The skies will open up during The Warning

6. My Children will face Me for the first time during The Warning

7. The Warning will prove that God Exists

8. The Warning is a Manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sr. Faustina

9. Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion


Rare ‘Hybrid’ Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013: How to See It

It’s almost upon us. The final eclipse of 2013 occurs this coming weekend on Sunday, November 3rd. This will be the fifth eclipse overall, and the second solar eclipse of 2013. This will also be the only eclipse this year that features a glimpse of totality.

This eclipse is of the rare hybrid variety— that is, it will be an annular eclipse along the very first 15 seconds of its track before transitioning to a total as the Moon’s shadow sweeps just close enough to the Earth to cover the disk of the Sun along the remainder of its track.

An animation of the path of the November 3rd hybrid solar eclipse. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center).

An animation of the path of the November 3rd hybrid solar eclipse. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center).

How rare are hybrid solar eclipse? Of the 11,898 solar eclipses listed over a 5,000 year span from 1999 BC to 3000 AD in Fred Espenak’s Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses, only 569, or 4.8% are hybrids.

Who can see this eclipse?

People from northern South America, across the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and up through the Canadian Maritimes will see a brief partial solar eclipse finishing up around 30 minutes after local sunrise. The brief annular “ring of fire” portion of the eclipse begins at sunrise just ~1,000 kilometres east of Jacksonville, Florida, as it races eastward across the Atlantic. See our timeline, below.