COMET NISHIMURA VS. THE SUN: This month, Comet Nishimura (C/2023 P1) is passing by the sun inside the orbit of Mercury. The Heliospheric Imager on NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft has gotten some great footage of the close encounter:

“Comet Nishimura is looking spectacular!” says Karl Battams of the Naval Research Laboratory, who made the movie. “There are lots of beautiful interactions between the comet tail and the solar wind, along with a possible glancing blow from a CME.”

The other bright object in the field of view is Mars. Although the comet and the planet seem to be close together (especially on Sept. 23rd), they are in fact very far apart. Mars is on the far side of the sun hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

The comet will remain in STEREO-A’s field of view until Oct. 3rd, and Battams plans to make new movies every day. Stay tuned for more CME strikes to Nishimura.