State al fianco di Maria, obbedienti alle Leggi Divine.

Carbonia 29.08.2023

State al fianco di Maria, obbedienti alle Leggi Divine.

  • Preparate i vostri templi!
  • Purificate i vostri cuori!
  • State in adorazione a Me vostro Dio Amore,
  • mantenete salda la fede in Me.
  • Seguite le mie Orme, mettete i vostri passi sui miei Passi,
  • non voltatevi più indietro …
  • siano i vostri cuori adoranti a Gesù Crocifisso,
  • supplicate la sua Misericordia.

Stanno per giungere sulla Terra momenti terribili: solo chi si sarà aggrappato a Me con tutte le proprie forze riuscirà a superare le dure prove.

  • Pregate il Santo Rosario, chiedete alla Vergine di congiungere le sue Mani alle vostre: Ella supplicherà con voi il Figlio suo affinché vi fortifichi.
  • State al fianco di Maria, obbedienti alle Leggi Divine per poter sconfiggere il nemico.
  • Non abbiate paura di abbandonarvi a Me il vostro Salvatore,
  • fatevi portare sulle mie Braccia, …solo Io Sono!!!

Miei amati, è il Padre che vi parla,

  • apritemi i vostri cuori, non deludetemi!
  • La battaglia è dura, ma chi si sarà donato a Me in anima e corpo, Io lo salverò assieme a coloro che Mi presenterà.
  • Vedo il vostro cuore piagato dalla sofferenza: offritela a Me, questo porterà la salvezza a coloro che amate!
  • I figli sono dono di Dio: amateli, curateli e pregate per loro.
  • L’avversario è forte, ma vi sono state consegnate le armi del Cielo per la battaglia!
  • Usate i sacramentali,
  • state in incessante preghiera: silenzio, adorazione e prostrazione davanti al Crocifisso!
  • Gesù vi attende ai piedi della sua Croce,
  • dall’alto di questa Croce vi guarda con amore infinito.

Amate Colui che ha donato la propria vita per salvarvi, …

oggi tocca a voi: offritevi per la salvezza dei vostri amati.

Gesù urla il suo dolore per questa Umanità perdutasi nelle lusinghe del Demonio:

  • Pietà, pietà di voi Figli miei!
  • Oh voi che credete nell’uomo e nella scienza,
  • voi che vi siete creati idoli sullaTerra, …
  • pietà di voi, perché non uscirete vivi da questa trappola infernale.
  • Lasciatevi guidare dal Cielo.

Figli miei, pregate per i miei profeti e sosteneteli.

  • La mia Opera trionferà solo se starete uniti,
  • siete tutti responsabili,
  • collaborate per il trionfo di questo Progetto Salvifico.

Amatemi e amate i vostri fratelli.

Vi amo!

Benedico voi, le vostre famiglie e le vostre case.

Vi esorto alla comunione spirituale quotidiana.

Dio Salva!

arriva la variante PIRLA, per tutti i covidioti nostalgici

Covid: il rebus di Pirola, la variante con due vecchie mutazioni. “Nessun nesso tra un caso e l’altro”

Il virologo Pregliasco: “Sequenze che risalgono al ceppo di Wuhan e alla Delta. Potrebbe essere più contagiosa”. Nessuna connessione epidemiologica tra i pazienti

Russia Warns “Predictions Of Apocalypse Are Getting Closer” As Trump Fires Vivek Bombshell

August 29, 2023


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A forewarning new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first notes Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev issued the grave warning this morning: “A recent claim by an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky that Western nations support Kiev’s attempts to destroy everything Russian increases the risk of all-out war between Moscow and NATO…If this is true, and we have no reason to doubt that it is, then it constitutes direct, legally significant proof of Western involvement in a war against Russia and serves as a reasonable casus belli to justify corresponding actions by Moscow against everyone in NATO states…The predictions of the Apocalypse are getting closer”.

As a nuclear war Apocalypse gets closer to becoming reality, this report notes, socialist European Union and NATO leader German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed surprise about President Putin’s complete lack of concern about Western sanctions, with him revealing what he told French President Emmanuel Macron: “Something bothers me more than the talks…Putin doesn’t complain about the sanctions at all”—a revelation quickly followed by top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov telling reporters: “On my part, I can only confirm that indeed, President Putin has never touched on the subject of sanctions in his interaction with the leaders of the countries that had introduced these sanctions”—and as to why President Putin isn’t concerned about Western sanctions, is evidenced in the World Bank revealing that Russia overtook Germany and the United Kingdom to become the fifth biggest economy in the world and Swiss global banking giant UBS reporting in its annual Global Wealth Report: “Russians got richer last year even as the war in Ukraine raged on, while the United States and Europe lost trillions of dollars…Russia added $600 billion of total wealth, but the United States lost more wealth than any other country last year, shedding $5.9 trillion, while North America and Europe combined got $10.9 trillion poorer”.

While predictably crashing their economies while making Russia richer, this report continues, the socialist Western colonial powers have now written off the counteroffensive of their puppet state Ukraine that has suffered 57,000 dead to bring its battlefield toll to over 400,000—and Bloomberg News just reported: “The longer Ukraine’s counteroffensive goes on, the more difficult it is for the US to maintain its support in political terms…If fighting grinds to an impasse over the winter, it’s a really big problem, there’s going to be war fatigue…The United States is going to be less and less interested in what’s happening in Ukraine and it’s going to be more and more difficult for Europeans to convince the Americans that Ukraine is an American problem”.

With Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden most responsible for crashing Western economies and creating a Ukraine whose rotting dead lying on battlefields can be seen from space, this report details, yesterday it saw United States House Speaker Kevin McCarthy declaring: “It looks like a culture of corruption that’s been happening within the entire Biden family”—a declaration joined by the news: “Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit establish that on multiple occasions, the Department of Justice intervened on behalf of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss to respond to congressional inquiries related to the Hunter Biden investigation”—news joined by the revelation: “Hunter Biden’s former business partner and fellow Burisma board member, Devon Archer, met with then-Secretary of State John Kerry just weeks before the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma was fired in 2016”—and last night, the House Oversight Committee shockingly reported: “The National Archives (NARA) possesses about 5,400 emails and records linked to President Joe Biden’s email aliases…All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit…When they do, many seek to hide it… The email aliases — “Robert Peters”, “Robin Ware”, and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates”.

Though Socialist Leader Biden won’t address the American peoples about the growing corruption scandal surrounding him and his family, this report notes, yesterday it was reported: “The Associated Press-NORC poll found that 77% of Americans say Biden is too old to carry out a second term…While an unsurprising 89% of Republicans expressed the sentiment, an impressive 69% of Democrats also say Biden is no longer up to the task, according to the poll”—a report joined by the beyond all belief news: “President Joe Biden is marking the 60th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington Monday, as authorities in Democrat-run Fulton County, Georgia, are detaining a black man who has been described as a “political prisoner”…Black Voices for Trump leader Harrison Floyd was denied bail on Friday after turning himself in to face several charges as one of 18 co-defendants with former President Donald Trump”.

Most shocking to Socialist Leader Biden, this report continues, was that after President Donald Trump was arrested and his mug shot released last week, Black social media sites erupted in a massive “The more you indict, the more we unite!” show of support for Trump—it was then reported: “As of Monday morning “First Day Out” by Trump the Don had shot up to #3 on the iTunes Hip Hop chart, #34 overall, and has garnered 2.8 million views on social media since its release on Friday”—with Black peoples throughout America comparing the unjust persecution of President Trump to that of assassinated civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., articles are now appearing like “White House Rejects Comparisons Between Trump And Martin Luther King Mug Shots”—and in the just released article “Trump’s Mugshot Is A Symbol Of The Right’s Struggle Against Tyranny”, sees it most factually noting: “Trump’s mugshot is bigger than Trump”.

At the same time radical socialist judges are rushing to hold sham show trials of President Trump during the most crucial dates of the 2024 election, this report details, the Wall Street Journal, in their just released article “The World Is Contemplating A Second Trump Administration”, observed: “The U.S. presidential election is more than a year away, but allies and adversaries around the world have already begun to contemplate—and even plan for—the return of Donald Trump to the White House”—an observation joined by the article “Post-GOP Debate Survey Shows Trump Didn’t Suffer For Skipping”, wherein it revealed: “The first Republican presidential debate did nothing to change former President Donald Trump’s formidable lead over his rivals for the party’s 2024 nomination…He remains backed by 58% of the party’s potential electorate — maintaining his 44-percentage-point lead over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis”.

Following last weeks Republican Party debate that President Trump skipped, this report notes, the leftist New York Times observed: “It was a moment the eight Republican candidates on the stage in Milwaukee should have known was coming…Though the question took an hour to arrive, they still seemed unsteady in their response: If Donald Trump is the party’s nominee for president as well as a convicted criminal, will they still support him?…Vivek Ramaswamy, the candidate who has clung closest to the front-runner, immediately raised his hand in the affirmative…He was followed quickly by Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina and Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota…Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, once seen as the most formidable challenger to Mr. Trump, looked to his left, looked to his right and then raised his hand — after the four others had done so”—and after showing his full support for President Trump, it saw Vivek Ramaswamy declaring to the American peoples: “It’s not morning in America…We live in a dark moment”.

Also during last weeks debate, this report concludes, it saw Vivek Ramaswamy proclaiming when asked about President Trump: “President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century”—a proclamation quickly followed by President Trump posting the message: “This answer gave Vivek Ramaswamy a big WIN in the debate because of a thing called TRUTH…Thank you Vivek!”—all of which is most critical to notice because Vivek Ramaswamy just fired an absolute bombshell with his “A Viable Realism And Revival Doctrine” open letter aimed directly at the warmongering Deep State, which everyone knows are the plans of President Trump, and wherein he declared to the world:

Washington, Monroe, and Nixon equals America First.

In his inaugural address, Thomas Jefferson famously summarized the thought of George Washington in what is now known as the Washington Doctrine: “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none.” The last of the Founders to serve as president, James Monroe, formulated the Monroe Doctrine, in which he declared to the European powers that the Western Hemisphere would henceforth be the unique sphere of influence of the United States. Over a century later, with the United States having ascended to superpower status, Richard Nixon expanded the corpus of American foreign policy strategy with his own doctrine, which called for our allies to bear their own security burdens and provide the primary manpower for their own defense, with America serving as defender of last resort.

In the years since Nixon formulated his doctrine, our country has moved from being one of two superpowers to ascendancy as the world’s sole superpower after the fall of the USSR. We squandered our post-Cold War opportunity to preserve that position through a bipartisan embrace of “democratic capitalism” with Communist China, on the false premise that we could spread democracy through capitalism by creating mutual economic codependence with China. Our mistaken posture towards Communist China led us over the last three decades to a new uncomfortable equilibrium, where the United States tenuously remains the world’s great superpower but our two great power rivals—China and Russia—are now working together in a way that threatens us. We must admit our mistakes, recognize our time, and adopt a revised strategic vision for our day aligned with reality rather than wistfully wishing the immediate post-Cold War order back into existence.

The Washington Doctrine provides apt inspiration of where to begin. I will lead our nation from the bloody follies of neoconservatism and liberal internationalism abroad towards a strategy that affirmatively defends our homeland. We will be Uncle Sucker no more. Rather than spending billions projecting power into global vacuums where our allies will not spend to maintain it themselves, we will put America First again—as George Washington urged—as we recalibrate and consider our true interests.

Nixon and Realism

Though I often pay tribute to George Washington, when it comes to foreign policy, the president I most admire is Richard Nixon. Against the chaotic backdrop of the 1960s, where battles over ideas spilled into the streets, Nixon asserted a cold and sober realism. He formulated peace in the Middle East, while maintaining only the lightest-possible military footprint there. He declined to intervene in the subcontinental war between India and Pakistan, while still demonstrating naval deterrence. He got us out of Vietnam. Most importantly, he recognized the unique threat posed by the Soviet Union. In China, he saw the greatest butcher of the 20th century, Mao Zedong. Yet rather than counting Mao’s crimes or launching a moralistic push for his downfall, he understood that Mao was the driver of the Sino-Soviet split. Nixon could never trust Mao to be a great leader or a saint, but he could trust him to act in his nation’s own interests. Thus it was that Nixon went to China and changed the Cold War forever.

If only Nixon could have seen the giveaways future administrations would offer to China. He was wary of the Chinese and believed they would become a great power and a great threat by the 21st century, but he could not have imagined that a whole generation of American leaders would help them do it—“useful idiots”, in communist parlance. In his day, many useful idiots populated the foreign-policy establishment, and he rejected their influence. Under Nixon’s leadership, the engines of state were turned from universalist language to, as he put it, driving local actors to take the “primary responsibility of providing the manpower for their defense”.

As U.S. president, I will respect and revive Nixon’s legacy by rejecting the bloodthirsty blather of the useful idiots who preach a no-win war in Ukraine that forces our two great power foes ever closer. The longer the war in Ukraine goes on, it becomes ever clearer that there is only one winner: China. I will lead America from moralism to realism by executing the inverse of what Nixon did in 1972: I will go to Moscow in 2025. I will deliver peace in Ukraine under the only terms that should matter to us—terms that put American interests first. The Biden administration has foolishly tried to get Xi to dump Putin. In reality, we should get Putin to dump Xi.

A good deal requires all parties to get something out of it. To that end, I will accept Russian control of the occupied territories and pledge to block Ukraine’s candidacy for NATO in exchange for Russia exiting its military alliance with China. I will end sanctions and bring Russia back into the world market. In this way, I will elevate Russia as a strategic check on China’s designs in East Asia.

With the same realist candor, I will admit that it is unacceptably dangerous that so much of our way of life is dependent upon Chinese manufacturing and Taiwanese semiconductors. I will declare economic independence from China. I will demand fairness in our trading relations with them. There will be no more industrial espionage and theft through forced “technology transfers” or other political favors as a condition for U.S. companies expanding into China, or else I will take swift action to punish China and to bar U.S. businesses from engaging in such behaviors. I will incentivize American companies to move supply chains away from China and rebase them in allied markets, especially in our own hemisphere, and I will use trade deals as the main way to do it. The key to so many supply chains is the semiconductor, and here, I will work with American industry to make certain our country achieves semiconductor independence.

Monroe and Security

If Nixon teaches us how to approach more distant foreign policy, it is Monroe who teaches us how to handle security and relations with our near-abroad in the Western Hemisphere. His doctrine has driven American grand strategy since the 1800s. I do not want to change Monroe’s centrality; rather, I want to reinvigorate Monroe.

As we look at the Western Hemisphere today, we see encroachments that James Monroe would never have tolerated: Chinese spy balloons drifting over our heartland, Chinese spy bases in Cuba, Chinese ports near the Panama Canal. We must re-embrace the Monroe Doctrine and say that America comes First and that our hemisphere is not to be encroached by our adversaries.

Our foes abroad have sowed discord in our home hemisphere. Waves of leftism have roiled Latin America and created economic instability. Unstable states are unable to protect their own people, often leading to parallel states like the drug cartels that plague Mexico. These cartels are then used as foot soldiers by Chinese criminal enterprises that use them to push poisonous fentanyl into our country. In the form of both migrants and drugs, our border is under attack.

A safe Western Hemisphere makes for a safe America. To our foes who wish ill upon us and our hemispheric partners, I say keep your distance or you will be made to regret it.   When I make that promise, I look especially at our U.S. Navy, which has fallen into sad decline but will be a key target of strategic investment for my administration. Meanwhile, to our hemispheric partners, I say, now is the time to invest in your own security and prosperity so that your people will have no desire to migrate.

Especially with regard to regional prosperity, I pledge that America will be a willing partner in the commerce Jefferson mentioned so long ago. We already have free trade agreements signed with twelve neighbors in our hemisphere, most especially the USMCA deal that covers our two most important trading partners in Mexico and Canada. Under my leadership, we will grow hemispheric trade to historic levels. We will pursue fair trade deals that will help create good-paying jobs both in the United States and in our neighbor nations, with an eye towards helping us to near-shore our supply chain and move it away from China.

My Foreign Policy Vision

With Nixon and Monroe firmly in hand, we can now move into application. Let us start with our great power rival, China, and the jewel of their near-abroad, Taiwan. We have operated in strategic ambiguity with regard to Taiwan for far too long. I will move to strategic clarity, by which I mean that China must understand that I will defend American interests in Taiwan. If Taiwan wants any partnership in their defense, then they will need to raise their defense spending and military readiness to acceptable levels. Meanwhile, I will commit to making sure Taiwan has the weapons they need for that defense, both from a sea-borne invasion, and in future, for a long-term insurgency against any occupying foreign force, if needed.

Aside from China, India is the key to our Indo-Pacific policy. I respect India’s realist tradition of non-alignment and equidistance, but I will nevertheless find ways to draw them closer to us and into regional leadership. Right now, India is the world’s largest arms importer, as well as a strong center for technology and engineering. The American defense industry needs time to grow and recover from decades of post-Cold War mismanagement. India can serve as a helpful partner in the meantime. We can use trade and tech transfer to unleash India’s tech and manufacturing might to not just arm India but other regional allies – to transform them from importer to exporter. In a similar way, I will pursue an AUKUS-style deal to share nuclear submarine technology and empower the Indian Navy. The result should be that if there is war in Taiwan, we can reliably depend on India to stand with us in a naval blockade of the Andaman Sea and Malacca Strait—the way of passage for China-bound oil supplies from the Middle East. This possibility alone will further deter China from invading Taiwan.

Elsewhere in Asia and Oceania, we must encourage other allies like Japan, the Philippines, and Australia to expand their defense budgets. These countries and others, including European countries like France and the U.K., should be encouraged to invest in poorer regional countries to offset Chinese economic influence, including the Polynesian islands. France and the U.K. both retain possessions in the regions, and I will encourage them to reposition their naval forces and permanently garrison their Pacific protectorates with manpower and assets. If we are to stand with the Europeans on their continent, then we should feel no compunction in asking them to stand with us in Asia.

On the European continent, we must seek a finite NATO border and pledge no further territorial expansion. European manpower should be the primary defense of Europe’s frontiers, with America as a balancer of last resort. Since about 1960, the United States has averaged about 36 percent of allied GDP but more than 60 percent of allied defense spending. Uncle Sam should not serve as Uncle Sucker to Europe. While European and American interests remain aligned, our spending priorities are not. No longer will America subsidize European weakness. Standing in the way of this recounting is the NATO bureaucracy, which is prone to push liberal internationalist missions that are beyond the alliance’s core role. Just like with the American administrative state, the NATO bureaucracy is beyond repair and must be pared to the bone. I will refashion NATO as a strictly defensive military alliance, not an internationalist club that opines on the domestic politics of its members.

One of my great hopes is that the United States will need to concern itself with the Middle East far less than we have in the last century. Oil drew us into the internecine rivalries of this region. Time and again, we tried to pick winners and losers in lands torn by ancient hatreds that were impenetrable to us. In the past few years, the Middle East has settled into an uneasy equilibrium. The Abraham Accords stand as a shining achievement that delivered a peace previously unimaginable. Yet we must recognize what more than anything drove these accords: Israelis and Arabs working together out of necessity to counterbalance the power of Iranians. There’s no one single power that poses a hegemonic challenge in the region, and if and when there is, America will be there to resist. We have settled at an uneasy equilibrium, but it is an equilibrium nonetheless—any further intervention by the United States risks throwing this situation out of balance again. We should therefore return to the Nixonian wisdom of keeping a minimal footprint in a region beset by historic grievances that Americans neither can change nor should even try to change with social engineering, unless a major great power threat emerges.

My campaign, at its core, is about reestablishing American national identity. When my two terms have elapsed, Americans will have taken back their country from unelected elites. We will rightly experience national pride again. The better we Americans understand our national identity, the better the world will understand us too. I will be honest with our partners abroad as I will be with our own citizens: the U.S. government’s job is exclusively to represent the interests of Americans. I further contend that the better we Americans understand our national identity, the better the world will understand our international identity. We still seek peace, commerce, and friendship with all nations. We remain committed to our own sovereignty above any internationalist delusions that promise paradise on earth, even as we still seek peace, commerce, and friendship with other nations. We are one nation under God, cognizant of the fallenness of our world, resigned to approaching it with realism, and yet enlivened with the certainty that our own liberty and prosperity may animate hope in the hearts of peoples abroad of what is possible when the greatest nation founded on freedom is indeed the strongest version of itself at home.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

OCTOBER 2023: the Mark of the Beast

The seven Vials of God’s Wrath

december 8, 2022


Mankind, you have accepted medication developed using the cells from the murdered innocent; those murdered through abortion. You have accepted the blood of the innocent into your bodies through your vaccines. I have Warned you through My servant, John, and now you must pay the price for your evil deeds.

The seven VIALS of GOD'S WRATH



Read My Scriptures and perceive what you have done in your blindness and repent:


Revelation 16

1 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.

2 And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image.

3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man and every living soul died in the sea.

4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood.

5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.

6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.

7 And I heard another out of the altar say, even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.


ridendo e scherzando stanno attuando fino in fondo il loro “programma”


File allegato:

una incredibile “coincidenza”:

in Apocalisse 16 (nell’originale greco e in latino) si parla di FIALE e non di COPPE.

Cure/vacchino = aggressore/aggredito  (leitmotiv per decerebrati)

L’INVASORE! In un bellissimo libro di Mark Rowlands: “Chi parla per il LUPO?”Dopo tre anni terribili nei quali un terribile virus con IFR=0,15% ha stregato miliardi di persone e ha indotto milioni di persone a farsi iniettare qualcosa che non solo non è servito a nulla ma che ha creato milioni di effetti avversi e malori improvvisi (ma ovviamente senza nessuna correlazione), l’umanità avrebbe potuto risollevarsi. Fermarsi per un secondo e tentare di capire come era stata INGANNATA. 

Invece nello stesso mese di febbraio si è trovata dinanzi questo NUOVO TERRIBILE NEMICO.

Per tre anni ci hanno fatto credere che non c’era altra soluzione che il diovacchino e che i terribili novax erano la causa prima dell’inefficacia delle ormai 4 dosi del diovacchino.

Quando a febbraio 2022 finalmente qualcuno si iniziava a rendere conto che qualcosa non quadrava in questa narrazione, simsalabim: l’AGGRESSORE e l’AGGREDITO. ecco pronto il freschissimo Goldstein da dare in pasto alle masse sempre più lobotomizzate. evvai con la raccolta fondi, i balletti su youtube e i conti correnti per l’invio delle armi, perché gli ucraini sono come i nostri partigiani.

Non sto qui a ricordare quando è cominciata davvero la guerra (agli italioti basta il mantra aggressoreaggredito, come d’altronde bastavano le scemenze pseudoscientifiche che ogni giorno zanzarologi e veterinari trasmettevano a reti unificate per terrorizzare i teledecerebrati) o quei 14.000 morti nel Donbass  che ovviamente non contano perché non hanno mai fatto audience.

Vabbè finisco qui. Mi scuso per lo sfogo, ma fa veramente male vedere a che livelli di demenza siamo riusciti ad arrivare nel nome della tolleranza e del progresso.

“Non è facile districarsi in questa confusione, come si vede negli atteggiamenti che VIA VIA assume papa Francesco”

Come spiegava bene Suor Lucia: ciechi che guidano altri ciechi.

Bastasse l’ATTO d’AMORE propagandato dal Bergoglio. Che ovviamente stona un pochino con la nota del Vaticano sulla liceità nell’accettare vaccini contenenti feti abortiti,  perché la cooperazione al MALE è REMOTA!!! tutto ancora visibile sul sito seppia

Finisco con la coincidenza con la quale ho iniziato (che non ho scoperto ovviamente io ma due veggenti Irlandesi che ci avvisano da tempo dei giorni terribili che ormai stiamo vivendo nell’inconsapevolezza generale):

Le sette fiale dell’Ira di Dio

Preparatevi, come ho detto, perché già si vedono le crepe e presto tutti cominceranno a vedere la Verità di ciò che sono stati costretti ad accettare in nome della scienza e della medicina. I giorni delle tenebre si stanno sgretolando e il male comincia a farsi vedere. Umanità, hai accettato i farmaci sviluppati usando le cellule degli innocenti assassinati; quelli uccisi con  l’aborto. Hai accettato il sangue degli innocenti nei tuoi corpi attraverso i tuoi vaccini. Ti ho avvertito tramite il mio servo, Giovanni, e ora devi pagare il prezzo delle tue cattive azioni. Leggi le Mie Scritture e percepisci ciò che hai fatto nella tua cecità e pentiti:

1 E udii una gran voce dal tempio che diceva ai sette angeli: Andate, e versate le fiale dell’ira di Dio sulla terra. 2 E il primo andò e versò la sua fiala sulla terra; e cadde una piaga fastidiosa e grave sugli uomini che avevano il marchio della bestia e su quelli che adoravano la sua immagine.

traduzione del messaggio dell’8 dicembre 2021:

Che Dio abbia pietà di tutti noi perché da tempo ci stiamo prendendo gioco di Lui e della Sua Parola:

“«Il mondo perisce perché non ha custodito la mia Parola, perché l’ha trascurata e derisa. Nessuna forza umana servirà a fermare la corsa del mondo all’abisso perché manca al mondo e alle forze del mondo la cosa che salva. La mia Legge.

Si è fatto un vuoto nella mistica foresta che avevo coltivata per voi perché aveste dimora all’ombra del mio previdente amore. Le vostre colpe lo hanno fatto e nel vuoto si è insediato padrone il Serpente eterno che vi avvelena col suo fiato e vi uccide col suo morso e impedisce che la mia Legge sia in voi agente di Bene.

Fumo, veleno, orrore, disperazione avete in voi e intorno a voi.

E potevate avere Luce, Pace, Speranza, Gioia. Questo potevate avere se aveste seguito la mia Parola, perché Io ho consumato tutto l’orrore della vita per preservarne voi e l’ho fatto con quella atrocità di agonia che ho patito per voi.
Ma avete gettato il mio dono e avete chiamato a maestro e re Satana. E Satana vi ammaestra e regola, vi sala e sferza per rendervi degni del suo inferno.»  Maria Valtorta 19 agosto 1943




Experimental mRNA jabs are set to replace all of our medicines, according to Bill Gates and the globalist elite, who are warning that we will be forced to take hundreds of mRNA jabs every year if we wish to participate in society.

Despite the legions of people who have died suddenly or suffered devastating health consequences, Bill Gates and the globalists are touting the mRNA Covid jabs as a huge success.

According to Big Pharma executives “there is a coming tsunami of mRNA medicines” including for heart disease and cancer, which just so happen to be the two main problems caused by mRNA jabs in the first place.









Fratelli oggi inizia la Novena alla Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi, la cui Festa si celebrerà il 28 agosto.

Questa nuova Venerazione è stata rivelata il 25 agosto 2006. Mentre ero in preghiera mi è apparsa la Madonna e con il Suo amore e la Sua tenerezza innata mi ha detto:

“Amata figlia, l’Amore Divino si riversa ancora una volta sull’umanità, Io Mi dono agli uomini con un titolo che Mi definisce come Madre di tutti gli uomini. Questo titolo sarà conosciuto come Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi.”
“Mia Amata, guardami, Io porto protezione al Popolo di Mio Figlio, offro riparo e soprattutto, nel Mio Ventre, vi presento Mio Figlio nel Sacramento Eucaristico, centro della vita e nutrimento dei Miei figli.”

Come Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi, Io vi affido:

Il Mio Cuore affinché vi rifugiate in Mio Figlio…
I Miei Occhi, affinché vediate il bene e desideriate la conversione…
I Miei Raggi di Luce, affinché questa luce raggiunga tutta l’umanità…
I Miei Piedi affinché siate fedeli al cammino della conversione e non vi fermiate né sotto il sole, né sotto l’acqua…

Vi chiedo di guardare la terra, di modo che possiate comprenderne il valore e perché ciascuno faccia in modo di portare la pace tra i Popoli…

Vi offro il Mio Santo Rosario, perché senza la preghiera non raggiungerete Dio…

Voi, figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato, perseverate, non venite meno, non dimenticatevi che il Mio Cuore Immacolato trionferà ed Io come Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi, intercedo per ciascuno dei Miei figli, anche se non Me lo chiedete.

Io non Mi riposo figli Miei, Sono Regina e Madre e riscatterò per la Gloria Divina il maggior numero possibile di anime, per questo vi invito ad essere amore, a mantenere la Fede, la Speranza e ad essere caritatevoli, a non lasciare che la disperazione vi turbi. Non temete, Io Sono qui, Sono vostra Madre, vi amo e intercedo per voi. (30.08.2018)

E nel messaggio della Santissima Vergine Maria del 3 maggio 2023 ci dice:

Voi Mi vedrete nel firmamento, in tutta la Terra!
Non abbiate paura di essere ingannati…
Sarò Io, vostra Madre, che andando in cerca dei Miei figli, vi chiamerò in ogni modo possibile.
Il segno che Io rimango con i figli del Mio Divin Figlio, e per fare in modo che non vi confondiate, sarà:
Io terrò in mano un Rosario dorato e bacerò il Crocifisso con grande riverenza.  Mi vedrete incoronata dallo spirito santo, nella raffigurazione della regina e madre degli ultimi tempi…

Con questa grande speranza e con grande fede nella Nostra Madre Santissima, diamo inizio a questa Novena.




(Dettato da San Michele Arcangelo a Luz de Maria, 17.10.2022)

Madre, che vedi questo momento di angoscia per i Tuoi figli e custodisci il Popolo di Tuo Figlio, Tu, Madre e Maestra tienici per Mano, affinché non vacilliamo, ma camminiamo sulla retta via, con la Fede necessaria per non venire meno.

 Il Credo.




San Gabriele Arcangelo annuncia alla giovane Vergine di Nazaret che sarà la Madre del Salvatore e Lei dà umilmente il Suo «Fiat».

Sul grano grande: Ave Maria
Sui grani piccoli: Cinque Padre nostro

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
colmami di umiltà affinché io possa essere lo schiavo del Signore.


San Gabriele Arcangelo dice alla Vergine Maria: «Non temere, Maria, perché hai trovato grazia presso Dio. Ecco, tu concepirai e partorirai un figlio e gli porrai nome Gesù.

Sul grano grande: Ave Maria
Sui grani piccoli: Cinque Padre nostro


Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
colmami di umiltà cosicché io possa compiere la Divina Volontà.


Dio, fonte di grazia infinita, ne ha colmato Maria. L’umanità possiede in Maria la Grazia Divina.

Sul grano grande: Ave Maria
Sui grani piccoli: Cinque Padre nostro

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
colmami d’umiltà, cosicché io sappia sperare.


“Lo Spirito Santo scenderà su di Te, su Te stenderà la Sua ombra la Potenza dell’Altissimo. Colui che nascerà sarà dunque Santo e chiamato Figlio di Dio.”

Sul grano grande: Ave Maria
Sui grani piccoli: Cinque Padre nostro


Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
colmami d’Amore per Dio, perché io conservi l’umiltà.



“Eccomi, Sono la serva del Signore, avvenga di Me quello che hai detto. E l’Angelo partì da Lei.”

Sul grano grande: Ave Maria
Sui grani piccoli: Cinque Padre nostro


Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Madre e Maestra insegnami ad essere fedele a Dio come lo fosti Tu.


Sui grani finali: Un Padre Nostro, tre Ave Maria e la Salve Regina.





Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Ti prego, aiutami a dire sempre Sì! a Dio.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Liberaci dalle grinfie del male.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
che l’oscurità non mi confonda, che i miei passi seguano la luce di Tuo Figlio.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
tenendoti per Mano saremo fedeli a Dio.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
intercedi per noi di fronte alla persecuzione.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Fa che come Te, restiamo saldi nella Fede.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
sia la Croce il Mio Rifugio come lo fu per Te.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
come per Te, anche il nostro rifugio sia in Tuo Figlio.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
liberaci dalla guerra, dalla pestilenza, dai terremoti e dalle persecuzioni.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
intercedi per noi affinché riconosciamo il malvagio impostore.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Tu Sei la nostra forza di fronte alle prove.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
Sii il nostro rifugio nei momenti di prova.

Regina e Madre degli Ultimi Tempi,
strappami dalle grinfie del male.





Chiedi al Tuo Divin Figlio di benedirci assieme a Te.
Nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo.







Giorno 1

Pregate per la conversione dell’Umanità.

Secondo Giorno

Pregare per coloro che non conoscono la Santa Trinità.

Terzo Giorno

Pregate che i persecutori e i nemici del popolo di Mio Figlio si disperdano.

Quarto Giorno

Offrite questo giorno per la conversione personale.

Quinto Giorno

In questo giorno vi invito ad amare i vostri fratelli e le vostre sorelle e a non disprezzarli.

Sesto Giorno

In questo giorno benedirete tutti i fratelli che incontretere, li benedirete con la mente, con il pensiero e con il cuore: tutt

Settimo Giorno

Offrite questo giorno affinché la fedeltà aumenti e non vacilliate nei momenti gravi.

Ottavio Giorno

Riparare per la lontananza dell’uomo dal suo Creatore e per l’incredulità nella Sua Parola.





Ninto Giorno

Vi invito a consacrarvi.