latest messages of Love

Sunday 11 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, for My Truth, My Justice, is among you, working, every second of every day, to bring My Truth to the fore. The governments of this world will be in shock when, what they think was hidden, begins to be seen by all.
Already, it has begun as a trickle but, soon, will become a raging torrent, revealing all their lies. What was hidden in the dark, will be seen in the light.
Woe to those days for so many will be enraged, unwilling to forgive those who deceived them and did not care about anyone or anything but themselves.
Woe to you, mankind, you do not know what you have done but you have opened the gates of hell and given freedom to lucifer and his demons with your evil lives.
Trust Me and pray for those who are caught in this evil.
Trust Me and pray.
I Love you.Saturday 10 December 2022
Believe in Me, children, and do not lose hope in Me.  Have faith and watch as My Words are fulfilled. Watch and see as this world falls deeper into its own sin. See and understand as those in power lose control of what they thought they controlled but now begins to fall away from them.
The more you die to self, the more you will be able to see. Trust Me for it is self that blinds you to My Truth. Trust Me and remove the sin from your lives for sin is the scales that block you from seeing.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and stay close to Me.
I Love you

Friday 9 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and experience this Season of Joy as My Birth brought Freedom to this world.  Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak and let My Love penetrate your hearts so that you can begin to experience My Peace in your lives.
So many have grown cold and Love can no longer find rest in them. So, so many have closed their hearts and now only walk the path to hell.
Trust Me, children, and pray for those in need of My Love and We, together, will bring Life back to My people.  Trust Me and walk this Path with Me.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 9 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and pray for those in need.  Pray many Rosaries and prayers that come from the heart for those who are in danger of losing themselves to the fires of hell.
Trust Me, children, you can help with your love.  You can overcome the darkness and become a light that shines with the Love of your God.  Trust Me, children of Mine, and pray. Trust. I Love you.

Thursday 8 December 2022 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Trust Me and believe in My Truth. Do not fear, children, fear is only your lack of trust in Me, your God.  I have come to bring Freedom to this world of sin.  I shall cut through the sin and all will see the Truth. All will see the deception of those in power.
Believe, children of Mine, and learn to trust in Me. Learn to trust that I will fulfil all My Words. Trust that I will free this earth from the web of lies that it is now caught in.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 7 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and prepare as I have said. I come in these Words to guide you through this time and, if you do not prepare by dying to self, you, too, will wander off on the wrong path. I am the Light that guides you and, without Me, you are in great darkness.
Trust Me and follow the Words I give to you.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Tuesday 6 December 2022
Trust Me, children, as we approach the commemoration of My Birth. I have told you this should be a Time of Joy to all My people, a Time when Love is spread liberally throughout this world but, it has become a time of sorrow when so many go without and so many lavish themselves with the gifts obtained through greed and lies. It comes to an end.
I Come to bring Love to the nations.
I bring Peace to the troubled and Joy to My people.
It is time, it has begun.
Trust Me, children, and be My Hands, My Feet and My Lips; be the servants of Love.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 5 December 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not worry for your God is looking after you. Believe, children, do not let doubt drain your belief from you.
Look at these Words and see the things I have Warned you of are now happening around you. See My Words come to pass and let what you see drive the doubts away. Trust Me and walk forward with Me into the ‘Time of Peace’ that I have Promised you.
Believe and trust Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 4 December 2022
Trust Me and believe in these Words I give to you. Believe, I bring hope to the nations of this world. I come to tell you the Truth. I come to remove the evil that has been released by mankind’s sin.  Believe, children of Mine.
Trust in Me, your God, to guide you through to the ‘Time of Peace.’
Trust and believe for these Words are the Words of Love that I give to you as a Gift.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 29 November 2022
Believe in the Words I speak, My children, for there are many things to happen in this time. Look at My Words and read them, see them being fulfilled and rejoice that your God has Warned you and is looking after you.
Yes, there are many dark things happening within this world but, when you look at them, can you not see that I have guided you upon the Path so that you can see the things happening within and without My Church? So many are blind and cannot see. Do not lose heart but rejoice, children, that your God guides you through this desert to the Promised Land.
Be patient and continue to follow Me and great joy shall be yours as you see all My Words being fulfilled in this time of great darkness. I shall abolish the darkness and Light shall flood across the lands of this earth; rejoicing shall be heard in all lands as the peoples of this earth glorify My Name in Love.
Be patient, children, I Come.
I Love you.
Yes, it is easy to fall into the gloom of the darkness. Everywhere we look, we see anger, murder, lies, lust and greed. But, as Jesus says in these Words, He has Warned us of these things and we, as the children of God, should rejoice for He has opened our eyes to the Truth and we can see.
We are looked upon as being stupid because we can see the Truth of what is happening in this world. He has told us this is a Time of Cleansing when He will cleanse the Church of all those who have given themselves over to sin and are not willing to repent and only follow the lies of lucifer.
He will cleanse the world of all those who refuse to see the Truth and to live in Love. We, by being able to read these words and the Words that Jesus and His Mother, speaking around the world, prove we are part of the remnant.
All over the world there are Prophets, Visionaries and Seers, to whom Jesus, His Mother and the Saints speak through, delivering the same Words as He does in these Messages. We must not look at the dark side for all we will find in the darkness is sadness, depression and an unwillingness to go on. We must look to the Truth and see that Jesus is guiding us through this time.
When we see people caught in the web of darkness, sin, that Jesus speaks of, we show our Love by offering prayer and sacrifice for their freedom. So many people are caught in fear of what might happen in this time, this is only our lack of faith and trust in God. When we follow Jesus in Truth, we trust that He will look after us, look after our families and our friends. He is all Powerful. Trust Him!
Never be afraid of death, it is only the passing over from this world, a trial of tests, into Eternal Life with Jesus in Heaven. Have faith and do not fear, simply know that when we are truly sorry, repentant of our sins, Jesus has paid the price for us by His Death on the Cross.
Be patient, brothers and sisters, and rejoice in Jesus, Our Saviour, for He is getting us through this wilderness of lies that we are now living through. Do not worry about anything but trust that Jesus will guide us as long as we try to live our lives in Truth, showing Him that we are willing to spend time getting to know Him in prayer. Look up and smile and know that you are part of the remnant of Jesus.
Remember, Jesus has said in these Messages that no one would read them except by His Invitation. Even if you think that it is an accident, or that you are not reading them for the right reason, know, as He has said, you have been invited by Jesus, the Son of the Eternal Father, to read them. Rejoice and know that Jesus has chosen you.

Tuesday 29 November 2022
Be patient a little longer, My children, for all the Words that I have spoken will come to pass. So many of you desert your post because of your impatience. You lose faith and wander because you cannot see My Words being fulfilled but, if you look closely, children, My Words are being fulfilled and this world is falling deeper and deeper into darkness as each day goes by.
I have told you that this would happen. I have told you that the point will come when I will intervene and all will see My Intervention but, all must be given the time to decide to either stay at their posts or desert.
Remember, it is a test, a trial, that you are living through; no one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through deceit, all must be in Truth and so all are tested. This is why, I say, be patient, children.
For instance, those that only stand at My Side because of fear or reluctance of being separated from another, they are not there for My Sake and so they are deceivers who will wander off over time and only My true remnant shall be left: those that are willing to give of themselves to gather the harvest for My Sake.
I shall give all a chance to return and many will for I do not wish any of My children to be lost but all must be in Truth.
Trust Me a little longer, children, for all culminates and My Words will be fulfilled.
I Love you.

Sunday 27 November 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give you. I say, again, all is about to change and this world is about to see how little they have understood creation as it rebels against the destruction of mankind’s sin.
This earth is spirit, children, and science does not understand this and so they have dabbled in things they do not understand with their technology, their vaccines that have been brewed in hell.
Now, mankind will have to accept the consequences of his own actions. You murder your own children thinking that it helps control the population of this earth but, I tell you, this earth is only a test for each of you to answer the question of whether you want to spend eternity with Me in Heaven or without Me, in hell: the decision is yours.
You must answer the question by your actions, in the way that you live your life. I have provided you with the resources to live on this earth and I provide more than enough but so many take more than their share and so others go hungry. It is by your actions that you answer the question with whether you want to be with Me or not. This is why so many go to hell every day; they are not willing to give of themselves.
Wake up and see the Truth. Do not fail your test because you choose to remain blind. Wake up, children, for time is truly short and so few have listened and are not prepared for what will happen because of mankind’s sin.
Prepare. I Love you.

Saturday 26 November 2022
Believe, My children, believe in My Truth and you will receive your reward and Eternal Life will be yours with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven. Believe, children, for the web of lies is now at its breaking point and I need you to believe in My Truth: do not get drawn into the aftermath of what will happen when the Truth is seen of what those in power have done to the population of this earth in their greed.
Trust Me and stay close to Me. I am your God and I say: Love and Forgiveness are the only weapons that you need.Trust Me.I Love you.

Friday 25 November 2022
Believe, children, and do not be afraid. I am your God, the Creator of all things Good. Believe, I will look after My own. I will not allow the deceivers to blind you and steal you from Me.
Trust Me, children, and walk this Road of Truth that I place before you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 24 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid of the events that now take place on this earth. Yes, so many have given themselves over to evil and now are only the puppets of lucifer but, already, they begin to see the cracks form in their plans. Already, much of what they think that they were in control of begins to spiral away from them for they do not understand creation and have unleashed a great evil onto this earth that was hatched in hell.
Yes, I have told you that the blood of the innocent has been used to create medicines that are not medicines but are built to block My Grace from entering.
Mankind, you do not know what you have done but you have unleashed a great evil onto this earth and you will see its effects as the days pass by, you have killed yourselves. I will look after all those who call upon My Name in Truth.
Trust Me, children, the War has begun and My Justice will prevail.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 23 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know I am with you. Know that I will not let you be lost in this time of trial if, you but try to follow Me in Truth. I have come to bring Freedom to this world, I have come to crush the darkness. I have come to Shine the Light of Truth into this world, this generation of deceit.
I will crush the darkness and the Fires of My Justice will consume all that is not of Me and the peoples of this world will know Peace and My Spirit will, once again, be given the freedom to guide the people of God in the Ways of Truth.
Trust Me and do as I have told you.
Believe, I Love you.

Tuesday 22 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, for My Power is among you and you are about to see what it means to be of true follower of Mine. Already, it has begun and this world will stand in wonder at the Power of their God. Yes, many will reject Me for they will refuse to see the Truth in their blindness but, many will return before the end.
Trust Me, My people, I have told you I have not forgotten you.
Believe, children, your Freedom comes, rejoice.
I Love you.

Monday 21 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid. Simply know I Love you and that I will look after My own in this time. Trust Me and know My Justice is at work, uncovering the lies that this world has allowed in through their free will.
Stay close to Me and believe, know I Love you. Believe in My Truth and follow it for it is My Truth that will keep you safe. Trust Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 20 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, I am here, I am among you. I am guiding you through this time of trial; this time when My true believers are being persecuted by the blind of this world. So many are blinded, taken in by the lies of those in power.
Children, believe, for your freedom is close, when I will put an end to the lies. Trust Me and follow Me in Truth. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 17 November 2022
Be obedient to My Truth, My children, for it is only through obedience to My Truth that you can have Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Reject sin: do not try to justify sin for sin can never be justified. Sin is darkness and darkness cannot enter the Light and the Kingdom of Your Father in Heaven is the Kingdom of Light.
Wake up, children, and see the Truth, see how short your lives are upon this earth and that it is only a time of trial where you prove to Me, in your free will, where you want to live: in heaven or in hell; the choice is yours and you make this choice by the way you live your lives. I have given you a set of Rules to live by, (the Commandments) live them and Eternal Life will be yours.
I Love you.

Thursday 17 November 2022
Resurrection Retreat House, Ballina Co Mayo

Let this House of Mine that you are in become a place from where silent and reverent prayer is generated. When you wake in the morning, let My Love awaken in your heart; let it rise to Me as the bird rises into the sky where it soars effortlessly in the air where it feels at home. The air is like My Holy Spirit, He is your home. From this I will draw, from your little imperfect prayer, a great ten-fold love and in My Heart, because of it, great volcanoes of Love shall rise to cover the world and I will save it and draw men to Myself.
A Fire burns in My Heart at the houghht that a few souls would pray in this way, in this time, in this place; this would carry the hearts that pray in this way, to My Heart and My Fire of Mercy would flow to the world.
And, not just in the morning when you wake but every heartbeat, every footstep would shout My Name reverently to the Heavens and Angels would rejoice that there are some who would love Me in this way and in great reverence. And I will be moved to grant Mercy and a second chance to many. Through this, My Heart would be drawn here and My Love would be a Fire.

Wednesday 16 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth. Trust only in Me, your God, and follow My Commandments for they are still the Laws I gave mankind to live their lives by. They are not old-fashioned, as so many of you think for, I told you My Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow: it never changes.
I am a God of Truth and this is a Truth that you must learn to accept and obey if you want to be a follower of Mine. Trust Me and obey My Law and Eternal Life will be yours.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Monday 14 November 2022
I have come to bring Peace, children, to this world of chaos. I have come to guide you, My people, to safe refuge.
Believe, children of Mine, and follow Me in Truth. Know I will look after My own and that I will guide you through this time of darkness if you are but willing to try and live your lives in Truth.
Trust in Me and believe; trust Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 13 November 2022
Believe, children, it has begun: the time when Justice will overcome the darkness and the time when the web of lies collapses in on itself. I have told you that this time would come and that I would overcome the sin of this time.
Now believe, children, for your Freedom is at hand.
Believe and trust in Me: believe.
I Love you.

Saturday 12 November 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine. I am among you; I will not leave you. I have told you; it draws to an end, this time of lies but, still more and more lies will be thrown, to mar the waters of Truth. My Truth will prevail and this world will see what it has done before the end. So many will be lost because of their unwillingness to admit their role in the web of lies that lucifer spun with so many willing participants.
Pray that this time be shortened and that the participants in this sin repent before it is too late.
Pray, children of Mine, pray. I Love you.

Thursday 10 November 2022
Have faith, children of Mine, your time of trial comes to an end and this world will see the Truth. The peoples of this world will know how they offended their God.
Prepare, children of Mine, the change comes rapidly now and so many are in danger for they have not listened. I need your help, children: die to self so that you can see.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and believe.
I Love you.

Wednesday 9 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not let fear or worry be a part of you at this time. Believe, children of Mine, and know I am with you. I will overcome the evil and this earth will know Peace.
I am about to change everything; all that you think you know will be thrown into turmoil as science begins to realise how wrong they have been. I will show mankind that I am the Creator and that man has no power over creation except to destroy it in their greed.
Trust Me for it has already begun and those in power begin to see but cannot understand. Trust Me, children. Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 5 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine. Already, your Freedom is at hand. My Justice is burrowing into the web of lies that surrounds this world and already it begins to falter as My Truth burns away the glamour it has placed upon the peoples of this earth.
Already, My Truth begins to shine through the cracks and, when the web shatters, collapses in on itself and the Truth is seen, the peoples of this earth will be in shock at how easily they were deceived by those in power who were supposed to lead and look after them, their people.
Pray, children, for the anger shall be great and many will die at the hands of those who do not have My Light to guide them. Pray, children, pray for the time of My Truth is upon you and you have not prepared. Trust Me and prepare.
I Love you.

Friday 4 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, for I, your God, am about to show the peoples of this earth the error of their ways. You think that you understand and that your science can explain the Ways of Creation. I say, you understand so little, your knowledge would be compared to one grain of sand on a beach. This is your understanding of Creation. I will show you and you will be shocked at how wrong you have been.
I say, prepare, children, for the Days of Truth have birthed and you are not prepared. Trust Me, My people, it has begun.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 4 November 2022
Trust, believe, have faith in Me and you will overcome the doubts that prevail you, children of Mine. Only believe in My Truth for My Truth is deep in the hearts of all My children. It is up to each person to believe or reject My Truth. If you reject My Truth, then you will persecute My Truth with your desires to change it to suit the desires of this world and so accept sin as Truth. This is when you blind yourselves.
If you want to follow Me, you must accept My Truth, My Laws, as is, no matter if you disagree or do not like it, your obedience to the Truth will keep you on the Path to Heaven.
Trust Me and look only to My Truth. Trust Me, children of Mine.
Trust. I Love you.

Thursday 3 November 2022
Come, children of Mine, and allow Me to Teach you in the Ways of Truth. Already, I have prepared the spark of My Love that will ignite the Tide of Faith that will sweep this earth.
Prepare, children, and rejoice for your time of exile has ended and the Time of Faith has begun. Trust and watch and you will see the Power of your God begin to sweep the darkness aside. Trust Me, children, I am among you, I have not left you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 2 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear to look at the Truth. Do not fear because you are not allowed to call sin, sin, by those in power. Yes, many in this world have allowed themselves to be blinded by self and no longer see sin as being bad but, rather, they justify sin to be good.
I say, those who think sin is good are on the road to hell; this is the Truth that they do not want to hear. Many who enter the doors of My churches are on the road to hell for they live a lie and think that the Laws of My Church are out of date and that they should change.
I say, it is time for YOU to change for sin is sin and has no part in My Truth; if you do not change, you will never have Eternal Life with Me in Heaven.
Trust Me and be obedient to My Laws, My Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 1 November 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to control you. Do not think that I will let you go easily into a life of sin; yes, children, I give all My children many chances in their lives to turn away from the ways of self and come towards Me.
Self will always take the easy path of sin. This is why I have said: die to self. When you die to self, you choose the Way of your God, the Way of Love.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and choose Love and you will walk the Path to Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.
Please, choose the Path of Love.
I Love you.

Sunday 30 October 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, your time of trial draws to an end and you will see the Peace of your God descend upon My Creation. Trust Me. Many things will happen in rapid succession and will rock the very foundations of this earth. Mankind will begin to realise that the knowledge that they hold so dear is a lie.
You have been deceived by the beast of the pit, by his lies. Wake up, mankind, and see, he has deceived you and you have brought about your own downfall because you have listened to those in power and accepted their lies as Truth. You have fallen into the trap of lucifer and accepted his vaccines that were hatched in hell and now you must accept the consequences of your own actions.
The blood of the murdered, the innocent, cry out from within your bodies for Justice and still you do not see. I will cleanse you if you but ask in Truth.
Walk the Path of Truth and you shall live.
Walk the path of sin and you shall die.
The choice is yours. I give these Words to guide you, not to force you to walk the Path of Truth. Listen and Eternal Life will be yours. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 30 October 2022
I have called you to listen to My Words and many, many Words have been spoken but so few of you, My children, take the time to listen. So few of you acknowledge My Words of Truth within your hearts.
This world has become an evil place and only those who are willing to lie and cheat are accepted in this time. If anyone speaks My Truth or utters My Name they are frowned upon and ridiculed; they are ignored and looked upon as being simple. You know these Words to be true for you fear to speak My Name in public because of the reaction of those who are blinded by their own sin.
Mankind, you do not realise what you have done, you have unleashed a plague upon yourselves because of your evil ways: already it builds, it can be seen but still is ignored. Prepare, mankind, for what can be seen now is only the beginnings of the tide as it trickles ever forward. Already, it has begun, children, and you refuse to see the Truth.
My remnant, I speak to you: fight the sin in your lives, turn away from the darkness and come follow Me in Truth. Do not pick and choose what to believe. You either believe in My Truth or you do not.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and walk this Path of Light that I set before you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 30 October 2022
Trust, believe, have faith in Me, your God. Do not let self control you. Remember, self is the part of you that will listen to the inspirations of lucifer and act upon them if not controlled.
Listen, children, die to self, do not give self control for it will walk the path to hell. You can overcome self: trust Me and believe.
I Love you.

Friday 28 October 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events that are now happening in this world. Mankind has released his own chastisement with his sin and his greed. No longer do the majority look to the good of others rather, they only look to the good of themselves.
See what you have done: you have shattered the bonds of free will and have opened the Gates of Justice. I will return this world to what I created it to be before man’s greed, which has destroyed the greatest majority of My Creation, with their greed.
Prepare, prepare, prepare for already it has begun but you refuse to see for you are caught up in the glitter of this world. Mankind, the end of this generation of evil draws to a close. Do not be a part of those who call the Justice of their God down upon themselves.
Prepare! I Love you.

Thursday 27 October 2022
Come believe, children of Mine, and understand My Truth. Do not be afraid to walk this Path with Me. Do not deviate from My Truth for when you deviate from it, it becomes a lie.
You cannot change the Truth to suit a situation for then it is only a lie. I ask that you walk the Path of Truth with Me. Trust Me, child of Mine, as you read these Words of Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 25 October 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine. Prepare for the time when I shall call the faithful to help draw the fallen to the safety of My Fold. The harvest is great but the labourers are few. I am the Lord of the harvest and these Words are My Invitation to you, as you read them, to become a labourer in My Army of Love.
Listen to these Words of Mine and prepare by dying to self. The more you die to self, the more you will understand the Ways of your God. Believe, children, for the harvest is in need of your help. Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 24 October 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not become downhearted at the events of this world for soon, all will change and you, My remnant, will know the Truth for you have prepared. The oil in your lamps will shine bright and you shall become beacons to those who will be searching for Me. Trust in Me and continue to prepare.
Believe, children of Mine, and always trust in Me, your God.
Believe. I Love you.

Sunday 23 October 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear to stand up for My Truth. Do not let fear hold you back from coming to Me. I am the Truth and, when you stand up for the Truth, you stand up for Me.
Believe, children, for, the more you believe, the more you will be able to understand the Ways of your God and the more you will see what you ask for come to pass.
Trust Me, children of Mine, trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 22 October 2022
Feast of Saint John Paul II
Come believe, children, and walk forward in Truth and you will know joy, the joy of knowing Peace within your lives.
Believe and do the things I tell you and My Peace will be yours.
I Love you, My children, trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 21 October 2022
Believe in My Love for you; believe that I will guide you if you come to Me in Truth. Trust in Me, My children, and allow Me to be your guide. Come to Me in prayer and get to know Me. Trust Me, My children, trust in My Love for you.
Believe, children of Mine.I Love you.

Thursday 20 October 2022
Believe, My children, believe in My Truth and only My Truth for My Truth is the only Light that can guide you through these times of great darkness. I give you My Strength when you try to follow Me in Truth. I am the One who will guide you through this desert of lies created by lucifer and his demons.
Listen, I will bring My Truth and what he has created will be shattered for My Justice is My Truth and it brings New Life to the barren landscape that has been created through lies.
Believe, children, in My Truth and only follow My Truth. Look at what you believe and see the Truth; do not blind yourselves by believing in things that create conflict and puts blocks between you and My Truth.
Trust Me, I am Love: be Love and you will follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 19 October 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and be obedient to My Words. I have not forgotten My Words to you, My people. I have not forgotten My Promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church.
Yes, you can see the evil within My Church clearly now but, children, this darkness will not last long before it is all removed. I have told you, I simply give all a chance to repent or stand with the darkness. All are being given time to decide and that is about to end. Very few have decided to stand with Me.
I Love you, children of Mine. The cleansing has begun: stay close to Me and believe. I Love you. Be patient a little longer and Freedom shall be yours.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Wednesday 19 October 2022
Believe in My Love for you, children of Mine, and continue to prepare by dying to self. Self is your enemy that must be overcome. Trust in Me, be obedient to the calls that you feel to come and sit with Me.
Listen, children, I am your God and I call you to Me.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 18 October 2022
Believe, My children, and allow Me to guide you through this time when lies are in control. I will show you the Path that leads to safe refuge. Trust Me, My people, trust Me in this war against the darkness of this world. I will show you all the Truth, I will show this world that it has no power over Me.
Believe, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Tuesday 18 October 2022
My children, I call, once again, for you to help with My Houses of Prayer. These are the refuges that will hold My remnant as this world passes through its crucible of fire. A time when all that is not of Me will become dust and no longer mar My Creation. Trust Me. I need much prayer and sacrifice so that My Houses will stand strong against the tide of lies that crashes against their doors.
Trust Me, children, for all My Houses are about to be seen and their Light shall be seen by every nation on this earth. I call each one of you to help in this Work of Salvation.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 16 October 2022
Feast of Saint Margaret Mary
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid, I, your God, will look after My own. If you try to follow Me in Truth, then you are a follower of Mine. I am the Truth and only those who follow the Truth will see this time to an end.
I say, do not fear, children. I know how weak you are and how many times you fall but the important thing is that you get back up and fight. Be Warned, it is those who say they are followers of Mine but have accepted sin as Truth, these will be cast out for they are liars and their father is the father of lies; lucifer.
Understand, children, I Love you and when you try to follow Me in Truth, then I will be with you and I will guide you upon the Path that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Trust Me, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Sunday 16 October 2022
For the Weekend with the Patricks
My children, what do My Words mean to you? Should I give you only the Words you wish to hear? Should I give you Words that you need for your Salvation?
The Words I speak are not Words to comfort you but they are Words to bring you nearer to Me, to show you the Path to Me. Many of you take the Words that suit you from My Messages. How can you take a small part of My Body, My Giving, and leave the rest that does not suit you? How can you listen and not hear the Truth being spoken to you in a time of great lies?
25 “I told you, and you do not believe; the works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify of Me.
26 “But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep.
27 “My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me;
28 and I give eternal life to them and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of My hand.
29 “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.
30 “I and the Father are one.”
John 10:25-30
Many left Me when I told them a Truth that they could not take, a Truth that would be with them for eternity. They did not see the good of it, they blinded themselves to it and walked away.
59 These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum.
60 Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this said, “This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?”
61 But Jesus, conscious that His disciples grumbled at this, said to them, “Does this cause you to stumble?
62 “What then if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?
63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.
64 “But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe and who it was that would betray Him.
65 And He was saying, “For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father.”
John 6:59-65
My Heart, My House, is the place that I have chosen to be. As I have said, it is the place that My Truth goes forth from; a Truth that many do not hear because My Words cause them to stumble. It happened when I was on the earth and it happens still. I give you Words to bring you to the Truth and to the Light because I Love you.

Saturday 15 October 2022
Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila
Trust in Me, My children, as all things culminate. Stay close to Me in prayer within your daily lives. Believe, children, it is time for Me to make great changes on this earth as the days are so dark now few, if any, would survive without My Help.
I come as a God of War, I shall make war on the evil of this earth. The darkness will be dispelled and My Truth will flourish once again.
Trust Me, children, and stay close to Me.
I Love you.

Friday 14 October  2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to control you with guilt and fear for these are the two things that will stop you from moving closer to Me. Guilt of past sin and fear that they shall be seen or not forgiven but, trust Me, children. If you believe and trust in Me you will know My Forgiveness. Then your sin is cleansed and shall never be recalled.
This is the Sacrament of Forgiveness I have given to My people.
Believe, children, and move on, ever forward towards Me. I have not forgotten you, children, but so many of you have forgotten Me.
Believe, children of Mine, and come back to Me. Die to self: self is a coward, it will cower away from the Truth. Believe, children of Mine, and come follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 14 October 2022
For the Weekend with the Patricks
My children, come within that secret place that I have spoken of to you:
6 “But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.
Matthew 6:6
Come there, for there is the place that We meet. It is there that I will Teach you the Way of Love, the Way of Giving, the Way of self dying. I will show you what mars your giving to Me. That secret place is a school of learning for you.
I have spoken of these things before, if you care to read the Words, I have already given them to you. I have called you to silence, to take you away from this darkened world. This is where you will find Me in Truth. I will Teach you of My Love.
I have spoken of the days that you are living in and the days to come. These are bitter days to live through but I have not left you without comfort for I have called you to Me in the asking for silence.
These things that I have spoken of, I tell you because you need to know what lies in wait in the darkness for you but you also need the weapons of Love, of Peace. You need the Peace that only I can give, the Love that is firm and faithful, to get through these days. All that has been spoken of is here now; what you live through will be darkened even more. These days will darken until they are without My Light. This is why I call you to the inner place so that your preparation is not without Me.
Do not think you can see in the dark without My Light; do not think that your human understanding of these days will be enough to bring you through. No, My children, you cannot see without Me. I call you to be disciples of Light, My Light, in a dark world.
The darkness is not like you think. When evening falls, you know that the darkness will soon follow. You prepare for it by lighting lamps so that you can see when the darkness fully falls.
The darkness that I speak of is not like this. It is like the darkness of a blind man who cannot see because no light can penetrate his eyes. My Light is slowly being taken away from you by those who would see Me dead, once again, who would not see Me Resurrect. They try to make all seem that I have never been.
You believe, and rightly so. I tell you it is the darkness that they create to make you stop believing that is the darkness that I speak of.
When you come to Me in that secret place, like the lamps that you light in the evening, to prepare for the darkness that follows, I will Light your faith and the darkness that they create will not harm you for you will have My Light to guide you.
Come to Me in that secret place within your heart for I await. I Love you.

Wednesday 12 October 2022
Trust and believe in Me, children. Trust and believe in My Power to overcome all obstacles that come between Us. I am with you, My children, I will not desert you in this, your time of need.
I ask that you trust in Me and trust in My Love for you. Trust Me, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Wednesday 12 October 2022
Believe, children, and do not be afraid. My children, as all begins to change, simply trust Me and know I will guide My people through this time.
Trust Me, My children, trust Me.
I Love you.

Tuesday 11 October 2022
Who will I depend upon to do My Work, to be My Truth; to put love where My Love is needed?
What will you give Me from the goodness of your heart?
Will the crust of bread you throw at Me, as duty done, will it be enough to feed the world?
Will your love for Me reach the ones who need My Love, will it suffice to keep My Heart alive in you?
I will build your little love as a great tower, as a great light for all to see by and walk by for you will be a tower of My Light, a Light that is the same light for all.
Come to My Heart, My House and love Me in My Way of Life where your heart will open to all who come there seeking My Love. The act of your service, given to Me with gratefulness, is My Love. The act of dying to self is the giving of what you thought you were, thought you might become, to become what I know you are.
Will you come, My child, will you serve in love for Love?
I Love you.

Tuesday 11 October 2022
Trust in Me, children, trust in My Laws. Trust in the Words I have already spoken in My Scriptures; trust in My Love for you in these Words of Love.
I come to reclaim the nations, I come to show this world the Truth.
Trust, My children.  You think I am slow to act but I must respect the Gift of free will that I gifted to all My children. I will show you the Truth but in a way that cannot be denied by this world.
Yes, many will reject My Truth for they have rejected Me within their hearts and so walk the path to hell.
Trust Me, children, all will be revealed soon.
Trust Me, children, for it has begun: the fall of the mighty.
Trust Me, My Justice will bring Freedom to the nations.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 11 October 2022
Believe, have faith in Me, your God, I have not deserted you, My people. The more you come to Me in prayer, the more you will come to understand Me and My Ways. Believe, children, you will never get to know a person if you do not spend time with them. It is the same with Me, your God. Believe, children of Mine, believe in Me, your God.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 9 October 2022
Trust, believe, have faith in Me, children, and do not fear. I will give all in this world a chance to return to Me. I will not destroy this earth without giving all a chance for, yes, I will destroy all that has been built in greed. I will return My Creation to what I created it to be. This earth will shine, once again, with My Love.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and stay close to Me.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 8 October 2022
Come, children of Mine, and believe in the Words I give you. Believe I will look after My own if they are in Truth. Do not say you follow Me and do not be obedient to My Word, My Commandments. You are lying to yourself; you cannot change My Words to suit your lifestyle. If you do this, you are lying to yourself.
So, so, many of you blind yourselves to the Truth and only follow a lie. You want to believe the lie because My Truth does not suit the life you choose to live. So many of you are walking the road to hell while saying you are a follower of Mine.
Wake up and see the Truth before it is too late. Remember, it is too late for you when you draw your last breath on this earth. Your trial is over at this point and what you believe at the point of your death is what you will believe when you come before Me in Judgement. So many curse Me for not agreeing with their beliefs in Me. So many fling themselves into hell to hurt Me and think they are winning their own argument by their actions.
Trust Me, it is only the Truth that will enter My Kingdom. The more you try to find My Truth, the more you will believe and so the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours. Trust Me and live My Words. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 7 October 2022
Imagine in your inner hearts, a time, when many, who love Me, would close their eyes and retire into the inner chamber of their hearts and speak to Me. Little flames of silent prayer, within hearts, would ignite into a great flame, fanned by My Spirit as Love dispersed throughout the world. As a dry straw catches fire and ignites other straws near it, a great Fire of Love would burn with the warmth of My Love and the salvation of My Kingdom would live on this earth.
Wherever you are, My child, gain moments of your time to close your eyes and be with Me. No words need be spoken for words would mar the flow of Grace into your heart. A silent sigh, done often in your day, towards Me would be enough for the Fire of My Love to begin to smoulder and catch fire in this world and many would live spiritually with Me.
This would cost you nothing, My child, but would open My Kingdom to a world of darkness, bringing My Light into it. Oh, that that fire were already lit. Your prayer, “my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus,” would infiltrate the darkness of the world and the disintegration of that darkness would begin.
Do you love Me, My child? Then do this for Me. You already know that I Love you. Should you forget, just look at My Cross and kiss it often.

Wednesday 5 October 2022
My children, I call you to pray. To pray is to talk to Me, knowing that I am in your heart. When you wake up in the morning, greet Me as the One that is beloved by you, One that is your Master and Friend. Spend moments reaching into your heart to find Me for I am there; you may not recognise Me, at first, but, I tell you, persist, as the woman who had lost her coin and searched for it until she found it. When she found it, she rejoiced and called her neighbours to celebrate with her.
I am the Coin you have lost. I am what you seek within you. Deepen your search every morning as this is the time that you begin your walk into the world and, a time when you could be lost to Me, easily. Give Me your day so that I might accompany you through it.
Close your eyes in this time and seek Me for if you seek, you will find; if you knock, the door will be opened. No words need be spoken, only a Love that pulses between Us; a knowing that One is with the other and Love is ever present; Love is born anew within you. I am that Love. I am the Giver of Love and you are the taker of My Love.
Say often throughout the day: my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, and I am there, I have never left. Think of your sin and how it keeps you from Me and resolve to leave that sin behind. Then, I can begin the preparations within you to come to your heart and soul; to live in you and sup with you. It is this sin that attaches you to the world; break that attachment by staying with Me throughout your day, loving Me and resolving to love Me more.
I call you to this, I long for you to do this. Were it that this fire were already lit in your heart and burning brightly, were it that there was no sin within you to block the Love that I give you, were it that you knew Me as much as I know you.
Begin this, My children, for the longing I have for you is Pain to Me. I Love you.

Monday 3 October 2022

My children, listen to My calls! Listen, as I tell you the way that things are for this earth is not listening to their God but they simply listen to self.
You, My remnant, have been preparing for the Time that is now upon you and still I ask you to help Me prepare My Houses of Prayer. These you will need; these will be the Beacons that will draw My people to Me for indeed this world is a dark place, void of Love and compassion.
You, My remnant, are what I depend upon in this time and I ask you for help, once again, with My Houses for these are your giving to Me. These Refuges of Love are the Beacons that I, your God, will empower and they shall pulse their Light to the four corners of this earth; they shall call My children to safe refuge. Soon, My children, My Houses will spread like wildfire across this earth and they shall be the Beacons of Love that will hold My remnant, My Truth, until I have cleansed this world and My Church of the lies, the evil, that mars its corridors.
Trust Me, My remnant, and listen to My calls! Build My Houses, My Fortresses of Love and Truth. You are a part of them, My children, they are built with your prayers, your sacrifices, and your giving to Me, your God.
Believe, children of Mine, believe in My Love for you, believe in My Truth and do not be afraid. Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 30 September 2022
Come to Me and believe, children of Mine. When you look around this world you can see the effects of those that have given themselves over to greed. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer but, children, already the poor begin to see the lies and the days of blood approach rapidly.
Pray, pray, pray, children, that you do not become a part of this time. Stay with Me for your weapon is Love. Love one another as I have Loved you; if a man slaps you on one cheek offer him the other; do not speak ill of anyone but love everyone, this is your weapon.
Trust Me, My children, and believe.
I Love you.

Thursday 29 September 2022 -Feast of the Archangels
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be concerned at the events of this world. They who have not listened and went against Me must learn the consequences of their lies, their greed. You are My children and I will look after My own.
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear. I simply let this world see the consequences of their evil actions. You, My people, believe in Me and walk in My Truth and you shall know Peace. Trust Me. I will call you to help My people return when they are ready to listen.
Trust in Me, your God, and believe.
I Love you.

Wednesday 28 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and trust in Me, your God. All is changing and this world does not realise it. They, who think they are in control, are blinded by their own greed and cannot see they have gone too far with their deception. They cannot see what they have done and, already, it is too late to stop the events taking place that they have set in motion through their lies.
Already, the children of this earth begin to feel the effects of a plague hatched in hell and implemented by those given over to greed. Prepare, children of Mine, and do not fear for I am with you. I will guide you, My remnant, through this desert of lies to a new Time of great Joy and Peace.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 27 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to control you. Fighting self’s desires is fighting for My Truth in your life. Self’s desires are the inspirations of lucifer that only lead to sin and so to the path to hell.
Love is My Path: My inspirations will guide you on the Path to Heaven. The choice is yours, children, which inspiration you act upon. Self always promises the things of this world whereas, I promise you the things of My World, Heaven and Eternal Life.
Come, children, seek Me and come to know Me as a friend.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 27 September 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and be obedient to My Voice. Do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth. I have told you; it has begun. You will see as My Truth begins to seep out and expose the lies of this world. More and more will you hear those, who have been blinded by the lies, speak out as My Justice reveals the Truth to them. I have told you, the days of lies are slowly coming to an end.
Trust Me, children, and begin to live My Truth in your daily lives. It has begun: prepare now. Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 26 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know your God is with you. Believe in My Truth and understand My Ways. Believe in My Gospels and know My Truth from My Life. Do not try to change or accept change of My Words of Truth. I call you in these Words to accept My Truth into your hearts and begin to live in Love.
Trust Me. I Love you

Sunday 25 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not listen to the lies of this world. I have told you already, it has begun. The Spirit of Justice flows into the dark places and My Light begins to shine and, soon, all will be plain to be seen. My Truth begins to reveal the lies of those in power.
Prepare, children, prepare.
I Love you.

Saturday 24 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events that are happening in this world. Remember, I have already told you that these events would take place through mankind’s greed and lust for power. Remember, I have Warned you that I would destroy all that man has built through his greed; for mankind has listened to the inspirations of lucifer and so builds devices that advertise sin and spread it throughout this world.
Look at your televisions, your telephones: receivers of sin! They fill your minds full of desires that are not of My Ways but are of the ways of lucifer. They fill you full of lust, greed, anger, lies, adultery, vengeance and the list goes on and on. Yet, you believe these things are good!
I say stay away from them and use them as little as possible. Do not allow yourselves to be drawn in by the glitter and empty desires. Wake up and see the Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 23 September 2022 – Feast of Saint Pio
Believe, children of Mine, and know I, your God, am with you. Feel Me as you read these Words and know I am guiding you, if you are willing to fight self. Trust Me and believe for all is changing rapidly now as the evil one loses his hold on the web of lies he has spun over many centuries.
Prepare, children, for he will try to destroy everything through those evil men and women who have given themselves over to him by their actions. Trust Me, I will not allow his plans to be fulfilled. Trust and believe in Me, your God, by preparing.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 22 September 2022
Believe in My Words of Life and Freedom. Believe I am with you. I am here to save you from the dangers of this world. Listen to Me: these are My Words, given to help you survive this time. Believe, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Wednesday 21 September 2022
Already, you can see the tide of change and this world will be shocked at what has been going on in plain sight but only hidden behind lies. Already, the cracks begin to form in the dam of lies and soon all will come tumbling down and expose those who have been promoting the lies, because of their greed for wealth and power. Already, those in power grow wary for they can see the cracks that threaten to expose their treachery, their lies. Already, they try to draw the world’s attention away from what begins to be seen.
Children, the Spirit of Justice is working to bring Truth back into this world and, soon, all will be revealed and the powers of this world will not be able to stop the Truth from being seen.
Pray for this time for blood will descend upon the land for a time.
Pray that you be strong enough to resist it all.
Pray for those in power to repent before it is too late.
Pray, children of Mine, pray.
I Love you.

Tuesday 20 September 2022
Trust Me, My children, and do not fear. Trust in your God and walk the Path of Truth I set before you.
Believe, children of Mine, and do not let self control you.
Believe in My Truth and love all who you meet.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 18 September 2022
Trust and believe in Me, My children, and do not fear the oncoming events. This world must learn the Truth. Mankind must learn what they have done by listening to and acting on the lies of lucifer. I tell you the Truth, so, so, many will not survive this time because of their unwillingness to see how they have sinned against their God. So many will refuse to repent and so My Justice will be forced to remove their taint from this earth, I will not allow their evil to run free any longer.
Believe and prepare, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Saturday 17 September 2022

Trust and believe in Me, your God, children of Mine, for already My Power begins to flow back into this world. Already, the dark places feel the threat of My Light. Already the web of lies begins to weaken around this world. The darkness of lucifer cannot stand against My Truth, this is why I say so many times for you to trust Me.
All My Words will come to pass and this earth will know Peace, once again. Trust in Me, your God, and die to self. The Truth will become clear to you if you do this.
Believe, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Friday 16 September 2022
Come, children of Mine, and allow Me to guide you upon the Path of My Love. I am your Father and you are My children, trust Me and believe in the Words that are given to protect you from the evil that surrounds this world at this time.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 15 September 2022
Trust Me, children, and believe in the Words I speak for they are the lifeline I throw to you to remove you from the danger this world has unleashed by their sin. Trust Me, children of Mine, and allow Me to give you the strength to survive the lies of this world. So many are falling to them, so many will not listen to the Truth, so many are willing to walk blindly into the traps of lucifer.
Wake up, children, and listen, now, look around you and see the Truth. Love has grown cold and now mankind is walking headlong into the gates of hell by their actions. Do not be a part of the blindness and listen to My Words and prepare now for I will remove the evil from this generation and there will be Peace, once again, on this earth.
Trust Me and prepare, die to self and come follow Me in Truth, children.
I Love you.

Wednesday 14 September 2022
Prepare, prepare, prepare, children! Already the tide has turned and is rushing towards the shore at great haste and you are not prepared. Come close to Me and I shall protect you from the destructive force of what mankind has unleashed upon himself.
Trust in Me, children, for a tide of death is about to sweep this earth and I say to you: children of Mine, do not fear the events that take place for they will not touch you, My remnant, I will look after My own. Trust Me.
Prepare, now, children, make haste.
I Love you.

Tuesday 13 September 2022
Come, children of Mine, and take on these Words of Truth. Take on My Warnings for already it has begun and so few are prepared. Trust Me and do all in your power to remove the sin from your life so that I can prepare you for what is about to unfold.
The Truth will be very hard to believe and so many will refuse to see because of their unwillingness to change. Trust Me and prepare now. So little time is left.
Prepare. I Love you.

Sunday 11 September 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine. It is time to stand up for the Truth. I have told you; only those who try to live in My Truth will survive this ‘Time of Justice’. Only those who are willing to see the Truth as it is and not try to justify their sin, will walk out of this time unscathed.
I tell you: if you do not prepare, you will not survive this time and this is not a threat that so many of you will say it is, to justify your sin, it is simply the Truth. If you do not fight the sin in your lives, you shall call Justice down upon yourselves in your own free will.
My Justice comes to reveal the Truth and will not accept justification for it is lies. For sin is darkness and will attract the Justice of your God. All darkness will be cleansed and this earth will know Freedom.
These are My Warnings to you so that you have time to repent and follow Me in Truth. Time is so short, children, already a plague is among you, already the signs can be seen but are being justified by those in Power. It builds, children. The blood of the innocent calls out for Justice all over this world and Justice they shall have. No more will you murder your children for their blood calls from within those who will not listen.
Prepare and ask Me to heal you. I will remove the mark of death from those that ask Me in Truth. Trust Me.
I Love you.

Saturday 10 September 2022
Come, children of Mine, and listen to My calls. Do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth for your reward shall be great. Trust in Me and prepare now for you are all but out of time. Already, it has begun and My Justice is beginning to destroy the snares of lies that are blinding mankind to the Truth of what is happening.
Children, be Warned. When the dam breaks, this world will be in shock before it erupts into anger at how deceitful those in Power have been in order to try and control the peoples for their own means. Greed, lust, lies and fear have been their driving force and, in their blindness, they have fulfilled the desires of lucifer.
Be Warned, children, and stay close to Me for this earth is about to erupt in anger that is not of Me. I simply reveal the Truth and only those with My Light will walk free of the tide of anger that will sweep this earth. Prepare now while there is still time.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Saturday 10 September 2022
Come, children of Mine, I, your God, ask you in these Words to prepare. You do not know what approaches and so few are ready. Listen, now, and take on My Words of Warning and prepare, children of Mine.
Prepare, prepare, prepare: it comes.
I Love you.

Friday 9 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events that now take place in this world. I have told you the way it will be and I will fulfil My Words. Trust Me and believe for it is time to reclaim this world from those who have freely given themselves over to the evil one by their actions.
It has begun. I have already begun to reclaim this world and faith is beginning to build once again. Trust Me and prepare, children of Mine. The Justice of your God is among you.
I Love you.

Thursday 8 September 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, and do not fear. Trust in the Name of your God, I give it to you as a Gift. Now believe and bring My Name to life in your lives and see miracles happen before your eyes.
Trust in Me, have faith. My Name is Jesus, the Son of the Living God. Call upon Me and We, together, will spread the Light of My Truth into the darkness of this world.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Wednesday 7 September 2022
Look! I call for you to come, follow Me and do not doubt but trust that My Truth will guide you. Believe, children of Mine, and follow My Gospel Truth. Believe in the Words I give and see sin as darkness that blocks My Light from entering your soul. Remove the sin and you will see the Truth as it is and not as you want it to be.
Trust Me and follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Tuesday 6 September 2022
Trust Me and believe in what you ask for it is only through faith that My Power can be called upon, if you believe, all things become possible and you will do My Will. It is only through dying to self that you will be able to see clearly enough to see and believe in My Truth.
When My Truth rests within your heart then you may ask and it shall be granted to the Glory of Our Father in Heaven. Trust in Me and walk the Path I set before you.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Monday 5 September 2022
Believe, children of Mine, a trickle of faith begins, once again, to flow and soon will grow into a raging torrent that will sweep many souls out of the clutches of the evil one.
Believe, children, I have not left you, I have not forgotten you. You have been sifted and now is the time of rebuilding.
Trust in Me, children, and miracles will abound.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 4 September 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine. I have told you it has begun, the return of faith to this world. My Justice grows in strength every day as My Truth penetrates the dark places.
Trust Me and you will see the results of My Spirit as I bring the Truth to the four corners of this world. All that has been hidden will be revealed and the peoples of this earth will be shocked at how they have been deceived. The evil one has blinded so many with his vaccines that have been developed using the blood of the innocent who have been murdered by abortion.
Wake up, children, and see the Truth. This world is at war with lucifer, he is in control of so many: the media, governments and the wealthy control this world through the lies of lucifer. They cannot see what they have done, they are puppets who are blind and controlled by lucifer.
Trust Me, children, and prepare.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 3 September 2022

Come, children of Mine, and walk in My Truth and let Me see your faith in Me. Believe in My Power as it begins, once again, to manifest in this world. Faith is returning and My remnant will increase rapidly in number before I am forced to cleanse all creation of the evil brought about by man’s sin.
Prepare, children, and trust in Me, your God.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 2 September 2022
Come to Me all you who labour and are heavily burdened and I will give you rest. The rest of the Spirit will bring Peace to the body and mind. Trust in Me and stay close to Me. Come to Me often in prayer and you will find the Peace that this world can never give you. Trust Me, children of Mine, you are about to see and experience wonders that you would have never thought possible. Trust Me and prepare, children of Mine, for already My Spirit has begun to fill those who have taken the time to prepare.
Trust Me, children of Mine.
Believe. I Love you.

Friday 2 September 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and trust in your God. I call out to you every day but so few take the time to answer My calls. Come, children, I call you through these Words as you read them. No one reads My Words of Love except by My Invitation so believe I have called you to read these Words of Love.
Come, prepare and let Me see that you want to follow Me by the way you change your life, by the way you try to fight the sin that stops you from coming to Me.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 2 September 2022
Come, children of Mine, and let Me guide you, let Me show you the Path of Righteousness. I have come in these Words to guide My remnant to the ‘Time of Peace’ that I have promised.
Now you must ride the rapids with Me, I will guide you to the calm water ahead. All I ask is that you trust Me and remove the sin from your lives.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Thursday 1 September 2022
Trust Me, My children, and believe in My Love for you. I have not guided you wrong thus far. I will guide you if you make the effort to follow Me in Truth and I say again, make the effort to follow Me in Truth. So many say they follow Me in Truth but they are only lying to themselves for they follow the darkness of self, which is inspired by lucifer.
If you want to follow Me in Truth, you must die to self. Look at your lives and find the sin and do not try to justify the sin in your life for this is the first step that you must overcome. So, so many fall on this step for they refuse to see the sin in their lives and freely accept the justifications of self. Sin is sin and can never be justified, this is the Truth that you must set firmly as the cornerstone of dying to self. Sin is darkness and darkness is a block to My Light.
Remove the darkness and you will see the Truth. The scales will fall from your eyes and the Light of My Love shall shine forth from you, My children. Trust Me and walk this Path of Love that I set before you.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Thursday 1 September 2022
Come to Me, My children, and let Me see your Love for Me by the way you love your neighbour. Trust Me and follow this Path of Protection I set before you. Sin is your enemy; sin only leads to death eternal. Listen to Me and believe for you are fast running out of time.
I have told you of the events to come and now you are living in the time when all these events will be fulfilled. Trust Me, My children, and be obedient to My Laws.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Tuesday 30 August 2022
Believe, children, and take up the banner of My Truth and walk forward and see this world as it is. Pray and sacrifice for those in great need. So many are being lost every day and so few are willing to help. I cannot force those in darkness to believe. I will not break the gift of free will I have given to all but you can send lights to guide them out of the darkness through prayer and sacrifice.
You can help your brothers and sisters through your love. I have given My All by My Death on Calvary; I opened the Gates to Heaven to all through Forgiveness. I Paid the Price for all your sin, now, I ask for you to help through your willingness to give.
Trust Me, children, already the time of change is upon you. My Justice builds every day.
Trust Me and prepare.
I Love you.

Tuesday 30 August 2022
Believe in My Love for My children and that I will do all in My Power to save My people without breaking My Gift of free will. The people of this earth have wandered so far from Me that now, so, so many are beyond the point of listening to Me or anyone sent to help them. So many are caught in the trap of greed, lies and lust. It will come to an end but many, many millions will be lost before it ends.
This is an age of evil that has never been seen on this earth from its creation. Never before did so many turn to the lies of lucifer and accept them as truth.
Oh, mankind! You do not know what you have done. My Power is about to be unleashed and many will be saved but many more will be removed from this earth because of their refusal to change their evil lifestyle.
I Come. Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 29 August 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and listen to My calls of Love to you. I Warn you, My children, of a great and terrible event that is now approaching fast but so few are listening. I have Warned and Warned this earth through My Mother, My Saints and Myself throughout the centuries but most ignore My Warnings.
Now, children, you must prepare for I will put an end to the evil of this generation. Take on these Warnings and prepare by removing the sin from your lives. Trust Me and do as I have said.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 28 August 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give and prepare. Time is so short, children, and so few have taken the time to see and prepare. All are caught in the tide of sin that sweeps this earth. Greed, lust, jealousy and lies are now what control the peoples of this earth.
Look and see, children, and prepare. You do not understand what mankind has pulled down upon themselves with their sin.
A Great Chastisement is coming that will cleanse this earth of most of its population for they will refuse to turn away from their sinful lives. I will give all many chances to repent but so few will listen. Prepare, now, children, while there is still time for your brothers and sisters will need your help. Trust Me and prepare.
I Love you.

Friday 26 August 2022
Trust, believe, have faith in Me, your God, and do not fear. Fear is the greatest weapon that lucifer uses against My children. he controls this world through fear, greed and lust. Look around and see the reality of what is happening.
This world fears those who follow Me in Truth. Look at how few speak My Name because of fear. This is why so many are willing to attack and condemn those who are willing to follow Me in Truth. This world accepts sin as Truth because they fear to speak out against the lies. Trust Me, I am about to reveal the Truth to all. Come follow Me in Truth and your reward shall be great. Trust Me.I Love you.

Thursday 25 August 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and take on My Words of Truth, begin to believe. I am pleading with you to listen for you cannot understand what mankind has pulled down upon himself through his sin. So few will survive for so few are willing to listen to My Warnings that have been given.
Trust Me and prepare quickly, there is so little time left. Already the spark begins to grow and will soon ignite into a raging inferno.
Prepare, children, prepare.
I Love you.

Wednesday 24 August 2022
Trust, believe, have faith in Me, My children. Stay close to Me. Come, spend time with Me each day and get to know the Presence of your God. Trust: I will guide you if you make the effort to get to know Me.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 23 August 2022
Believe in My Truth, My children, and do not worry of the events that now take place on this earth. I have told you that mankind has turned to the darkness and you can see this in the tide of greed that now sweeps the earth as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The darkness encroaches in all parts of your society. Now, most of mankind are becoming ever blinder to the reality around them. I have told you of these events, I have Warned you that these things would come to pass.
It is soon time that I must intercede for mankind in his blindness will try to destroy all creation.
Mankind, you have become the puppet of lucifer and you are fulfilling his desires, his inspirations. Very few will survive this time for I mean to cleanse this earth of all that is evil.
A Great and Terrible Chastisement, never before seen by creation, is being called down by this generation’s sin. Stay close to Me, children, and follow My Words of Truth that tell you that you must die to self, that you must repent of your sins and that My Word cannot be changed for My Word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow; it never changes, it is you who must change.
Wake up, children of Mine, for this earth is about to run out of time and the harvest is about to be gathered. I say, wake up and repent of your evil deeds.
I Love you.

We will live in the very depths of him and he will know the reality of Us, the reality of a soul living in Heaven on earth. All this begins with love, My children, with love of Me. Your heart is a vessel that I can fill with Good Things but you must come away from the world and not live in its ways for this to happen. My Love extends beyond anything that this earth can ever teach you.
Come, children, beyond yourself and find Me. I Love you.

Monday 22 August 2022
Have faith in Me, My children, and know I will fulfil all My Words and show you that I have not lost this battle. I will show this world the Truth and all will come to know My Truth for a time and this world will be shocked at how it was deceived.
Trust Me and believe in what I say and prepare.
I Come, children of Mine. Trust Me. I Love you.

The Messages of Love as given to the two Patricks

Sunday 21 August 2022
I have come to call you out of the darkness. I have come to guide My people to safe refuge. I will not force any of you to believe. I have told you the Truth and this earth stands on the precipice of a Great and Terrible Chastisement brought about by this generation’s unwillingness to see the Truth of their sin in this world.
I shall shatter the lies and all will come tumbling down and this earth shall realise what it has done for a time and then the Great and Terrible Day of your God will befall this earth when only Truth will survive.
Wake up, children, and take on My Words and change your lives. Sin is the blindness that stops you from truly seeing My Truth. Change now while there is still time.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 20 August 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, more than ever in this time. You need to trust in Me, your God. Believe in My Love for you and do not fear the events that now happen in this world but trust in Me and know that I am guiding you when you try to truly live My Gospel Ways. Trust Me, children of Mine, and know I will fulfil all My Words.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 19 August 2022
Come, children of Mine, and take on My Warnings. Do not be afraid to take on these Words of Truth and prepare. There is so little time left before it will be too late for so many. So many are caught up in the greed of this time and can no longer see that they are killing the Light of Truth within themselves.
Sin is death eternal if it is not repented of. So many are so blinded by their sin that they can no longer see that they are following the darkness of greed. They listen to the false teachings that justify sin as being truth. In their blindness, they accept that the sins of the flesh are truth and so nothing is punishable by hell in their sight for hell no longer exists in what they believe. This is commonplace within My Church, so many have deserted Me and are blind to My Truth. So many are in need of help and so few are willing to help.
Trust in My Words and prepare.I Love you.

Friday 19 August 2022
If a heart is willing to find Me through love, then that heart will find Me. It will not find the world but will find the inner recesses of his soul for I am there, present in it. The response to My Love is simply your love. In the response to Love is found the path of blindness, blindness to the world; the soul learns how to keep the world out and, with it, any influence over it except Mine, the one that matters. In this is found great wisdom.
When I come to a soul, it is not in the way you think but in a different way, this, the Way of the Spirit, the Way of Truth, the Way of Life. My Love pours into that soul and the soul understands it not and wanders, wondering if this is My Way. The soul cannot understand what I am giving to it because of the imperfection that is in it, an imperfection that must  brought back to its full glory through dying to self.
My Sun begins to shine on the soul through the dying to self. When I was on the earth, I told you that there was a Fire within Me and how I wished it were burning already. My Heart was on fire like a thousand volcanos with Love for mankind.
I longed for Him to know Me, not through the things of the world, not with the things that he thinks is Me but in the reality of love for Love, the reality of Me dwelling in his soul.
Mankind sees Me only through what He sees around him but I am within him. I say to you again the Words I spoke before that you might see through the world and see Me at last:

23 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.
24 He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Fathers who sent Me.
John 14:23-24

Thursday 18 August 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and let Me see that you believe by the way you live your lives. I have told you that this world is heading towards its own destruction. I have told you that you must prepare by dying to self so that you will understand the Ways of your God and so that I can guide you through this time.
Children, the Truth is there are few who have taken on My Words and the Words of My Mother. I say again, prepare for time is so short and the Justice of your God is building in this world and, soon, it will bring the high and mighty to their knees. Trust Me, children, and obey My Words before it is too late.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 17 August 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the ways of this world for I have overcome its sinful ways by My Death on the Cross. Trust Me and follow Me in Truth and many things will open before you.
Trust Me, My children, for My Words are Truth and they are Life. I have not led you astray thus far. I simply tell you the Truth: fight the sin in your lives and the Truth will open out before you. I Love you.

Sunday 14 August 2022
Look to the Truth and see Me in all that you do. Do not desert Me for any reason for I am with you, guiding you on the Journey of Love that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. Trust Me, My children, and be obedient to Me and My Laws so that you will always know My Truth.
Trust Me, My children, and believe. I Love you.

Friday 12 August 2022
Look only to My Truth, My children, and see Me in those you meet. I have told you to love one another as I have Loved you. This I ask of you in this time when Love has grown cold.
Listen to My Words of Truth, die to self by removing the sin from your lives. I have told you this many times, now; be obedient and live My Words of Truth.
Trust in Me, your God. I Love you.

Thursday 11 August 2022
Come to Me, My little children, and let Me give you rest, the rest of My Heart. Let the Fire of My Love burn deep within your hearts.
Do not try to justify your sin, simply fight against the sin in your lives and remove it for sin is a door that stands locked between Us. You, My children, hold the key to the opening of the door.

Die to self, remove the sin from your lives and the scales will drop from your eyes and My Truth will be revealed.Trust Me, My children.I Love you

Wednesday 10 August 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give. Do not fear to follow Me in Truth but look to the Words of My Gospels and live them, then you will know the Kingdom of Heaven is yours.
So many of you try to change My Words of Truth to suit your selfish lifestyles whereas, I have told you, it is you who must change, not I. It is only through dying to self that you will find the True Path that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. I have told you this in My Scriptures, I have repeated these Words throughout history, yet, so many of you do not want to listen. Trust in Me and take on My Words of Truth and remove sin from your lives.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 8 August 2022
Trust in Me, My children, and do not be afraid to follow Me in Truth. Do not let fear control you but rather trust in My Love for you for perfect Love will drive fear out of your lives.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and do not be afraid.
I Love you.


Sunday 7 August 2022
Trust and believe in My Love for you. I have told you of the events that will take place on this earth and I have told you to prepare but, children, so few are ready, so few have taken on My Words.
I have told you that few would survive this time because so few will turn to Me and let Me guide them through this time of great danger. Listen, now, children, so that you can help your brothers and sisters through this time.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Saturday 6 August 2022
Come to Me, My children, and I will reveal the Truth of My Love to you. I will show you the Truth and the scales will fall from your eyes. The first thing that you must do to begin this Journey is die to self. Fight self’s desires and come walk the Path of My Love.
Be with Me each day, spend time with Me and let Me Love you. Trust in Me, I need you. You will come to know My Love for you and My people.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 5 August 2022
Believe in My Love for you and follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and My Love will flow into you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 30 July 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and fight the temptations of self. Self is the part of you that will listen to and believe the inspirations of lucifer. I tell you; you would be shocked at how many people go to hell every day.
Very few are willing to enter the Kingdom of Heaven for they will not accept that their lives were evil and so they refuse to repent. Wake up, children, and do not listen to the desires of self that want to follow the path of sin. If you do not listen, you will blame Me for your lives of sin in your justification.
Look, children, I have told you the Truth in these Words. Wake up and see the Truth! I have told you Truth. I Love you.

Friday 29 July 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and avoid all occasions of sin. Remove the sin from your lives and you will see this earth in a different light. I am with you, children of Mine, when you call upon Me.
Believe for the more you believe, the more you will come to understand My Ways. Believe, My little children, and know your God.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 24 July 2022 Feast of the King of Love
My children, it pleases My Heart that you would gather for Me on this Day, to celebrate My Kingship. I am not a King of this earth; I am the King of Heaven and I place no taxes upon you as an earthly king does. I have Paid your debts with My Love, with My Death. All I ask of you in return is that you stay away from sin in obedience to My Words in Scripture.
I say to you: “…Go and do not sin…” It is sin that holds you from Me, it is when you are in the grip of sin that you cannot get to Me.
Here I am before you, calling you to be with Me. I see you; I see your hearts and I see the effort that you make to live in My Ways. I also see the effort that you do not make to stay with Me. I see you struggle without Me and I long for you to cry out to Me to help you. I have many Graces for you, I have much Love for you.
On this Day, I Bless you, all you who are here, with My Graces. These Graces are precious and are given to you in your struggle to get to Me. All is done: I Am has done all for you on this Day.
Come to Me now, with your hearts, to give to Me for I have made you free to begin again the Path to self-dying. Do not give up for I am at the end of that Path waiting for you. Never forget, children, I walk the Path with you for I will not leave you alone.
Blessings from your King and Lord this Day.

Wednesday 20 July 2022
My children, you seek to find the answer to all the questions but, I tell you, that I am the answer to all your questions. There is no other answer. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. What more could you ask for? I am He who Loves you, I am He who has Died for you.
What good are My Words to you when you leave them to gather dust? Not only on your shelves but in your hearts also. My Words are My communication to you. They give you the Instruction on how to live your lives with Me. Is it a waste of time for Me to speak these Words to you?
I give you Words so that you can hear them and live them in your hearts. My Words are given to change you, not only in your hearts but in the way that you live each day according to My Words.
If I ask you to forgive one another in My Word, then this is My Command to you, through My Word.
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:14-15
If you do not forgive as I have asked you to, then, can you see how you do not live My Words? They become useless to you because you do not obey them. Obedience is everything to Me, as I Taught you in My Obedience to My Father.
I ask the world to be obedient to Me in these dark times, otherwise, how can I bring you through them?
My Words in My Scripture, were given to you to show you how to enter Heaven, the Kingdom of My Father, and to live each day of your life in the abundance of Heaven here, on earth. If you only read them but do not live them in your hearts, then that is when they are useless to you.
If you follow Me, then obedience to Me and My Word is the Instruction I give to you.
“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.
“My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples.
“Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.
“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
“These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.
John 15:7-11
The world and My Church do not listen, nor do they obey My Words. I call you, My remnant, to obey My Word and thus live them. I say these Words to you so that you might concentrate on the Instruction given to you on how to live in these dark times. You can choose to live without My Word by being blind to what I say.

Sunday 3 July 2022
Believe in My Truth and walk the Path of Righteousness with Me. Do not desire things that are beyond you for this is covetousness. Simply walk with Me and allow Me to guide you upon the Path of Truth.
Read My Gospels so that you will know My Truth.
Know I am with you. Know I will guide you if you die to self.
Trust Me, My children. Trust Me.I Love you.

Friday 1 July 2022
Come, children of Mine, and listen to My calls and believe in the Words I give to you. Believe, children, and come walk this Path of Discovery I place before you. I am Coming to unlock many things that mankind has lost in their greed and lack of belief. Many Gifts that I gave to mankind have been lost and locked but these I shall return to My remnant and they shall marvel at the Gifts of beauty that have been lost through man’s greed and lust.
Believe, children, and much shall be revealed. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 30 June 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to control you. Remember, I am with you and I will guide you through the dangers of this life if you follow Me in Truth. Truth is: trying to love one another, even when it goes against all that you know and desire. Self must be controlled if you want to follow Me for self will confuse and twist My Truth into something that will only lead to hell.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and believe in these Words I give to guide you back to My Truth. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 30 June 2022 – Ballina
Rise up, My children, rise up into the glory of obedience to My Word. In obedience you find the Path to My Heart, you find Life in abundance to Me.
Look around you, see what you walk away from! See what you are and what you can become, see how bright your Light shines when you know Me.
I am what you seek, I am what is behind the misery of sin: rid yourselves of it and you will see clearly your Path to Me.
Live My Ways and seek not the glory of the world. I have seen the earth’s glory fall many times as I saw satan fall from Heaven.
See the multitude that strived after the glory of the world, thus losing their souls, thus losing Me.
Why do you seek a world that is not Me? Why do you seek a world that promises you nothing? You seek it because you think there is nothing else, you have forgotten Me.
The Path to Me is narrow. It is not wide and plentiful; it is the Path of dying to self.
You seek to see in a world that is blind but, I tell you, seek to remain blind in a world that thinks it can see without Me.
Soon, you will see but it will not be what you wish to see: it will be Truth, My Truth.
How slowly lucifer plays you, so slowly that you cannot see that you play his game expertly. You wait for the world to collapse but, I tell you, wait in obedience for you cannot see anything without Me; with Me and through Me.
The blind are leading the blind for they think they can see. They think they know My Plans. I tell you, they do not and will not unless they humble themselves to believe in Me.
What do you do for Me, My children? The blind are still blind, the lame are still lame, the deaf are still deaf. How can this be if you say you believe in Me?

Tuesday 28 June 2022
Trust and believe in My Truth and do not fear to be a follower of Mine. I am with you, My children, when you recognise Me as your God and Saviour. I have Saved you from the clutches of sin and so from the fires of hell, if you but turn to Me in Truth.
So many say they follow Me but they only lie to themselves, they change My Laws, they change My Scriptures to suit their selfish lives and so are walking a path to hell. This is Truth, that those who say they follow Me in their own way do not want to hear.
I tell you the Truth in these Words. Many within My Church will never see the Kingdom of Heaven because of their evil deeds and their unwillingness to see or repent of their sin. Do not fall into these traps, children, they are traps of lucifer.
My Law is written in stone and cannot be changed no matter what you think it should be. Be obedient to My Law and follow it in Truth and the Kingdom of your Father in Heaven will be yours. Trust Me, My children, and come follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Monday 27 June 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear; simply know that I will win this Battle, that this world has freely walked into. I have told you, I will separate the good from the bad and this is what I am doing. All who want to follow Me in Truth will not get caught in the tidal wave of greed that now sweeps this earth.
Be aware, children, that the father of lies is trying to destroy all I created in Love. Be aware, he will try to draw all My people away through the glitter of this world. Die to self and he will have no hold on you, children.
Trust Me and walk the Path of Truth I set before you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 26 June 2022
Be in My Truth and walk its path of self-denial. Self will lead you upon a path away from Me and into sin. I have told you; you are on this earth to simply answer a question: do you want to be with Me in My Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven?
You answer this question by the way you live your life for Me, or for self and sin that leads to hell. My children, so many souls are lost every day for they refuse to see their sin, they refuse to see how they did not love their neighbour, through their sin. I hear their justifications, “…I did not hurt anyone, I did no one any harm, I did not sin, I said my prayers, I went to Mass, I said My Rosary…” and so on their excuses go. Then they become enraged when I show them the Truth of their lives and so they blame Me and everyone else for their actions and so hurl themselves into hell cursing Me and blaming Me for their actions and blaming Me for them throwing themselves into hell. This goes on thousands and thousands of times every day, so many are lost because they refuse to repent.
Trust Me and die to self so that you can see your sin. Believe, children, all this life is, is a trial. Overcome self and live forever in the Kingdom of Heaven with Me, your Creator.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 25 June 2022
Feast of the Immaculate Heart
Believe, children of Mine, for good times are coming to My people. A time where you will see My Power at work, once again. Now trust in Me and show Me that you trust by your knowing, believing, that I am with you; by knowing that I am guiding you and by being patient in waiting on Me. This is trusting. Be with Me in your trust.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Saturday 25 June 2022
Feast of the Immaculate Heart
Come, children of Mine, and listen to My call and prepare for the coming of My Spirit. I tell you, you have little time left and so few have taken on My Words. My Spirit now flows across this earth preparing those who have given themselves over to Me in Truth. Those who have listened and have walked the Path of dying to self.
Trust Me and begin now for many wonders await you in the days ahead.
Trust Me and prepare. Come. I Love you.

Friday 24 June 2022
Feast of the Sacred Heart
Believe Me, children, and stay close to My Truth and understand the meaning of My Truth in your life. Do not justify sin as being righteous for that will only lead you on a path to hell.
Be in Truth and look at your lives and see the sin and remove it. Trust Me, I will guide you when you walk the Path of Truth I have set out for you.
Believe, children of Mine.
Believe. I Love you.

Tuesday 21 June 2022
Trust and believe, children, when I say the blood of the innocent has been sacrificed on the altar of greed and the peoples of this world have freely accepted it into their bodies to prolong their lives and are now on the road to their own downfall.
Repent and ask Me to remove the mark of sin that you have accepted, by accepting the blood of those murdered innocent into your bodies.
Repent, children, and turn away from sin for this world will fall from the pedestal of self and freedom will come to My people. Prepare, children of Mine, prepare.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 20 June 2022
Trust and believe for My Truth will break through the darkness of this world. My Spirit grows stronger as the spark of Truth grows in faith. Soon, children, you will see it sweep out across the nations for I have told you the Truth and all My Words will be fulfilled.
Trust Me and believe in My Words of Truth and Love. Believe and pray that the spark of My Truth grows in faith rapidly all over the nations of this world.
Trust in Me and pray. I Love you.

Sunday 19 June 2022
Believe, believe in My Truth and follow it into the Kingdom of Your Father in Heaven. Children of Mine, I call you to repent of your sin and come follow Me for, already the change has begun when all will be given a chance to change their lives. I need My Army ready to help those who will come seeking Me.
Trust Me, I need you ready for many, many souls will cry out of the darkness of this world and they will need your help in finding the True Path that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Trust Me; die to self, repent of your sin and follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 18 June 2022
Come to Me often in prayer, children. When you come to Me, it is like charging a battery. I can fill you with the Grace you need. I did the same when I was on earth, I found a quiet place where I could pray, communicate with My Father. You must do the same in order to be strong enough to do My Work.
Believe! The more you come to Me, the stronger you will become but all must be done in Truth and not for self-gain.
Trust Me and believe in these Words I speak.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 17 June 2022

Believe in the Words I give to you through these, My Prophets, for the days are shortening and time runs out for this generation. You have allowed yourselves to be deceived by the lies of lucifer. You now blindly run into his traps and become more and more ensnared by his lies as time progresses.

I have Warned you, My children, that lucifer is the father of lies and, without My Help, he will deceive you. You have blocked Me from your lives and now stand unprotected. The freedom you have given to him I will put to an end. I will show all the Truth so that all have a chance to come back to Me and My Protection.

I ask you, My children, to prepare so that you can help those who come seeking help. You have so little time left now to prepare and there are so few who are ready or willing to help.

There are so few that have given of themselves and fought against the self in their lives.

There are so few who are willing to help in this Work of Salvation.

Trust Me, My children, and begin now to die to self, remove the sin from your lives and you, too, will become a Warrior of Love and We shall reclaim the ground that has been stolen through lies and many, many, many souls will be Saved through your work.

Trust Me, My children, and believe in the Words I have given for they are Words of Truth given to guide you through the traps, the lies of this time.

Prepare, My children, for, as I say, it has begun and begins to build rapidly. Soon, you shall see but only those that have prepared will understand and recognise the beginnings of Truth as it begins to seep back into this world.

Remember My Justice, IS My Love: it has begun. I Love you.

Thursday 16 June 2022

Believe in My Love for you, children of Mine, and let this world see that you are Mine by the way you love your neighbour. Trust Me, My children, and know I, your God, am with you and that I guide you when you ask Me in Truth, when you allow Me through the self, that so many use to keep Me out.

Self is your enemy, self must be fought against, self is the part of you that listens to the inspirations of lucifer and will try to justify sin as being righteous. Self will lead you to hell if you do not fight against it. Trust Me and die to self.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Trust Me, children of Mine, and let Me guide you through this time of lies. So many are being lost to the fires of hell every day.

Listen to Me, My children, and follow My Truth. Love one another and be obedient to My Truth. Do not try to justify sin as Truth for this, too, is a path that leads to hell. See what I say and be obedient to My Laws.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 13 June 2022

All has begun, children, all has moved on and soon this world will see the Truth of My Words as I begin to reclaim the ground that was stolen through lies. Trust Me, it has begun.

My Light begins to shine, once again, in this world. Trust Me and believe in My Words.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 11 June 2022

Believe in My Love for you and see My Truth as the only goal you need in your lives. See Me in Truth, see Me as a Person that does listen to your voice. So many pray to Me without faith, so many say they believe in Me but they only believe in the rules, regulations and myths. So few in this world see Me as a Real Person, or a Real God.

It has begun, I have fanned the spark to life and the faith has begun to burn. This world is about to be shocked at how Real I truly am. My people are about to get a voice.

Trust Me and prepare. Pray that the Spark of Truth spreads quickly.

Pray with faith in Me. I Love you.

Friday 10 June 2022

Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavily burdened and seek rest. This day, I give you rest through My Love which I bestow upon you through My Words of Love. I have given much to this world but all has been rejected through lack of faith.

Trust Me, the ‘Time of Miracles’ has begun and I will show My Power to My people through My servants of Love: it has begun.

Trust Me.I Love you.

Thursday 9 June 2022

Freedom is coming. Already the battle has been engaged and My Power begins to flow, once again, through faith. Believe, children of Mine, I am a Real Person, a Real God, if you believe and ask Me in Truth then I will answer in Truth.

Trust Me, all is changing. Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Trust Me and believe in My Words of Truth. I have told you all will change; this will happen so that this world can see and understand how wrong they have been in the understanding of Me and My Creation. Then, in free will, all may decide to follow Me or their lies. The decision shall be theirs but, I will give all a chance to return.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

Believe, My children, and do not fear but know it has begun. My Justice seeps ever deeper into the lies of this world and all that was hidden will begin to be seen. My Truth shall reveal things that will be seen as impassable by those who think they know and understand creation. I mean to bring this world back to the Truth but, first, I will let all see what they have done with their sin. I will show how greed, lust and lust for power, has all but destroyed My Creation.

Prepare, children, for all that you know and understand is about to change.

Prepare, now, so that you will understand what is happening.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 6 June 2022

Look to the Truth, My children, and know I am with you.

Believe in My Love for you.

Believe I want to guide you.

Believe I will look after you.

Believe in My Love for you and all My people.

Trust Me and follow Me in Truth.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 5 June 2022 – Pentecost Sunday

Come to Me, children of Mine, and see My Truth as this world changes. I have told you to prepare so that you would understand and be able to help your neighbour in this time when the world does not understand what is happening.

Trust Me, children of Mine.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Come to Me, My children, and let Me guide you through this Time of Great Peril. I have come in these Words to guide you upon a Path of Truth that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Trust Me, children of Mine, and let Me guide you.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Believe, children of Mine, and see My Truth. Look, I have told you and Warned you of the events to come if this world rejected Me. Now, it has begun and it cannot be stopped.

My Justice has descended onto creation and My Truth begins to be revealed. My Creation will no longer accept the greed of man, it will show you that you have no control over it. My children, stay close to Me and allow Me to steer you away from the dangers of this time.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 3 June 2022

Have faith in Me and believe in My Words of Truth. You have little time left to change your lives for it has begun, the great change where I will show this world the Truth and how little you and your scientists have understood My Creation. It has begun and will begin to grow rapidly now.

I will reclaim all that mankind has destroyed with their false knowledge and greed.

It has begun, children, prepare. I Love you.

Thursday 2 June 2022

Believe, have faith in Me and My Truth. Live in My Truth and do not distort it into a lie to suit your selfish lifestyles. Always remain in My Truth and you will be protected from the unseen dangers of this life.

Trust Me, children, and let Me be your guide. Sin is your enemy; it is darkness and so blocks My Light from entering your souls. Trust Me and remain in the Truth.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 1 June 2022

Come, children of Mine, and follow My Truth. See My Dream for My Houses and do not fear to follow My Truth. Come, children, and help Me complete My Houses of Prayer before the breaking of the seal that will release My Truth into this world like a great waterfall.

This world lives a lie at this time and My Truth will shatter the lie and many will come seeking help and My Houses must be ready.

Trust Me, children, and help with this Work in any way you can.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 31 May 2022
Believe in My Truth and follow it. Do not become distracted by sensationalism for I am to be found in the simple things of life such as loving your neighbour, loving all that you meet, not gossiping: this is where I am to be found. Do not look for great events but look for Love, this is Truth. I will be with you when you follow the Law of Love for, when you Love in Truth, you will follow all the Laws of My Church that I have given through My true Peters.
Trust Me, children, and Love.
I Love you.

Monday 30 May 2022
I am Coming, children, to break the chains of darkness that now surround My followers. My followers have no voice because of the lies of those in power. They think they have discredited Me and silenced Me with their lies and their power over the peoples of this earth.
You have no power and your lies are but mist that I shall unravel with a Breath from My Mouth. I have allowed you freedom to show who you wish to follow and, by your actions, you have proven that you follow the father of lies.
You have supped at his table and now spread his darkness throughout this world. I tell you, your time has come to an end.  I raise the Truth among you and it shall shatter your lies and all that you have done in secret shall be seen by all.
Repent, now, while you still have time and I shall wash you clean. Trust Me and come follow Me in Truth.Trust Me.I Love you.

Sunday 29 May 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and trust in My Words of Freedom. The peoples of this world have destroyed themselves with their lies, they have listened to lucifer and accepted the mark of sin into their bodies. It has begun; the ‘Time of the Harvest,’ when all will be tested and given a chance to return.
Believe, children, and prepare.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 27 May 2022
Believe and be obedient to My Words. Die to self and remove the sin from your lives so that you can recognise My Truth. Trust Me and fight for My Truth in your lives.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 26 May 2022
Believe in My Truth and do not seek Me in places I cannot be found. Do not take on false gods that are advertised as being Truth. These are even to be found within My Church. Be aware, children of Mine, lucifer has set many traps to ensnare you in this time of sin. Open your eyes and see the Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 26 May 2022
Open your eyes and see the Truth. Come to Me in prayer often so that I can guide you through this time of darkness. I have come in these Words, My children, to guide you.
Look around you, see how dark it has become. All sorts of sin is now accepted as being righteous and true. I say it is all still sin and lucifer has ensnared many, many of My people into thinking they are following the Truth but they are following a path to hell.
Do not be a part of this, be aware, My children. Read My Scriptures, know My Truth and you will remain safe. Trust Me, I Love you and I will guide you if you but let Me.
Trust, trust, trust! I Love you.

Wednesday 25 May 2022
Believe in My Truth and work for Me in your hearts. This is when you will see the Truth for, I will be able to Work through you to help My other children who are in need. Trust Me and fight against the sin in your lives. Sin is like a thick fog that makes it impossible to see My Truth. Trust Me and walk this Path, overcome sin and all will become clear.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 24 May 2022
Believe and follow My Truth. Sin is your enemy. Follow My Commandments and walk with Me; be My children and love Me by your actions.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 23 May 2022
Trust Me and believe in My Words, die to self and overcome the sin in your lives. This is when you will draw close to Me. Sin blocks you from My Grace. Use the Sacrament of Confession I have given to you to cleanse yourselves.
Trust Me, you can overcome.
I Love you.

Sunday 22 May 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak. I speak these Words to guide you to safe refuge in this time of great darkness. I Love you, My people, and I will guide you and see to your needs in this time as I change this world in ways that science cannot understand.
Trust Me for I mean to reclaim all that was lost in lies. I will show all the Truth. Trust Me and follow Me in Truth so that you will be under My Protection.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 20 May 2022
I am with you, My children, fight for My Truth in your lives and do not fear for I am with My people. Trust Me.I Love you.

Thursday 19 May 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear. I am with you, My people. I will guide you through this time. I will show My Love for you, My people, through My Prophets who are throughout this world: it has begun.
Trust Me and remove the sin from your life for, the more you remove the sin, the more you will see and understand. Trust Me and follow My Words of Truth. Trust. I Love you

Wednesday 18 May 2022
Come to Me, My children, and do not fear, I am with you. I will guide you to safe refuge if you but trust in Me, your God. I simply want you to complete your trial on this earth in Truth so that you will be with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.
Trust Me and walk this Path of Truth and show Me your love for Me by the way you love your neighbour. Trust Me and come walk this Path with Me.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 17 May 2022
Look only to My Truth and see Me before you. Look and see I am the Truth and My Laws cannot be changed to suit this time of freedom to sin. You walk the path to hell when you look at sin and say you have freedom for you think, in your blindness, it is not sin anymore.
I tell you the Truth: I did not change My Laws, I have not created man to lust after man, nor woman to lust after woman but you walk the path to hell when you give in to sin such as this.
Die to self and fight the desires of self that are inspired by lucifer. Fight the sin in your life and you will find Freedom.

Saturday 14 May 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and know I am with you. Trust Me! I will look after you if you but turn towards Me.
Believe, child of Mine, and know your God sees the Truth for I am with you.
Believe. I Love you.

Friday 13 May 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid to follow Me. Yes, this world will turn against you when you follow Me, just as it turned against Me. When you follow Me, you are destined for Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 11 May 2022
Now is the time, children, to stand up for the Truth in your lives and remove the sin. All is changing, children of Mine. The wheat and the darnel are being separated and you must fight for My Truth in your lives. Trust Me and do as I say, children. Time is short.
Believe. I Love you.

Wednesday 11 May 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know My Truth. Read My Scriptures and know I am with you.
Believe in My Love for you and read the signs of your times.
I am close, children. It has begun and soon, now, you will see many changes that this world will not be able to explain. Trust Me and prepare.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Tuesday 10 May 2022
Come, believe, children of Mine, and know I, your God, am with you. Turn to Me and begin this Journey of Truth that I set before you in these Words of Love for this time you now live in.Believe, children, and begin now.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 9 May 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give. Do not doubt but know you are in the time of My Justice when this world will change from the way you know and understand. I will bring My Truth back into this world for the sake of My remnant. Make sure you are a part of it.
Fight the sin in your life and try to follow Me in Truth. Never try to justify sin. Walk in My Truth and I will guide you through this time.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Monday 9 May 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and believe in My Truth. Show this world that you believe in Me. Show your faith and call upon the Power of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person. He shall help you in this Battle of Truth. Trust Me, the more you fight self, the more you will believe and the stronger your faith will become. Trust Me and begin now.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 5 May 2022
I have come in these Words, children, to guide you to the Truth. So many twist My Truth into a lie in order to confuse you and lead you on the wrong path. Trust Me and follow My Truth.
Sin cannot be justified into Truth, do not listen to the deceivers.
Trust Me, children of Mine, and read My Gospels, read the Words of My disciples and know My Truth.
Trust Me and be aware of the time you now live in. This is a time of great danger for all My people.
Trust Me and follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 4 May 2022
Believe in My Love for you.
Believe in the Words I have given you.
Believe, children of Mine, and open your eyes and see the Truth, it is all around you. This world has fallen and rejected their God. My Church is full of those who have rejected Me in favour of what they can gain for themselves.
Trust Me and see the Truth and come, follow Me to safe refuge. I call My Remnant to listen: prepare My Houses, there is little time left.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 3 May 2022
Look to the Truth, My children, and see Me in all that you do. Do not tell Me that you have not got the time for you never know the day or the hour when your time of trial will come to an end and then it will be too late.
Trust Me and begin now and fight for My Truth in your lives.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 30 April 2022

Believe, children of Mine, and work for My Truth in your lives. Trust Me and believe in My Words and stay away from all false teachers that try to twist My Truth to suit their lies. Those who promote sin as Truth, they are but black hearted tombs who only draw the people on a path to hell.

Be aware, children, and read My Scriptures so that you can know and recognise My Truth. Trust Me and stay on the right Path that only leads to Eternal Life with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.

Trust Me and stay alert, children.

Friday 29 April 2022

Come to Me, My children, and do not be afraid. Do not let the lies of this world take you from Me. Remember, I told you that lucifer is the father of lies and it is he who controls this world through those who refuse to see or live by the Truth. So many have given themselves over to the lies of lucifer and are now leading themselves to hell.

Trust Me, children, die to self, repent of your sins and follow Me in Truth and the Kingdom of Heaven is yours. Believe in My Words and know I will look after My own.

Trust Me, children.I Love you.

Thursday 28 April 2022

Have faith, children, and believe for all that I have said will come to pass and the lies of this world will be seen. Pray, children, for there are hard days ahead for those who have no faith in Me for they have brought about their own chastisement through their actions and their lies. It has begun and this world tries to hide and ignore what is plain to be seen. The blood of the innocent calls out now from the bodies of those who accepted their blood to try and prolong their own lives.

It has begun. The Days of Blood, where many will fall victim to their own blindness, their own sin. Wake up, children, and repent and come, follow Me. I will give you safe passage through this time.

Trust Me and prepare.I Love you. Love you.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Believe in My Truth and only My Truth. Never try to justify sin with the false teachings that those who are supposed to be the leaders of My Church come out with. Do not listen to their false teachings for their teachings will only lead you on a path to hell.

Trust Me, children, and learn My Truth. Read My Scriptures, read My Gospels and know My Truth. Trust Me in all that you do and I will guide you.

Believe.I Love you.

Tuesday 26 April 2022

I call you, My people, to prepare for all is about to break and change. I have told you to prepare and prepare My Houses. When all changes, My Houses will be seen and feared by those who have given themselves over to evil, they will become the refuges of My Truth and My people will flock to them seeking My Truth.

All is about to change in ways that mankind could not imagine. Trust Me, My children, for I mean to guide and protect My remnant.

Trust Me and prepare.I Love you.

Monday 25 April 2022

Believe, children of Mine, for faith is the key to My Power working through you. Believe, children of Mine, and trust in My Love for you.  Know that I am with you and that I can only work through your belief, your faith in Me. This is why I ask that you die to self for, the more you remove the sin from your lives, the clearer your vision will become and the more you will believe.

Trust Me, children of Mine, and do not become downhearted when you fail in your struggles to remove the sin. Look, this is why I gave My priests the Power to forgive sin in the Sacrament of Confession so that you could cleanse your souls.

Trust Me, I have given you all the tools you need to overcome self, it is up to you to use them or not. Trust Me, I await your call for My Help.

Trust Me. I love you.

Sunday 24 April 2022 Divine Mercy Sunday

Trust and believe in the Words I speak for they are the Pathway to the ‘Time of Peace’ that I Promised to My remnant. Trust Me, children, and die to self. It is the sin in your lives that you refuse to look at and justify that blocks Me from you.

Look at your lives in Truth and see where the sin is hiding and remove it. The more sin you remove from your lives, the more you will come to understand My Truth. Trust Me and do as I say and a new life will open before you.

Believe, children, I am Coming.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Believe, children of Mine, and move forward into My Truth for I mean to use you, My followers, to change this world. Remember, My Spirit is with you and all you have to do is believe and He shall work through you.

I told you, you would do greater things than I did if you believed.  It is time to believe and show this world I am Alive in you, My children. Die to self and My Spirit will fill you and use you to show this world the Truth.

Trust in Me for it is time to begin to reclaim what has been lost through lies. Trust Me, children of Mine.

Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 22 April 2021

Trust and believe in My Truth, have faith in Me, your God, and do not worry. I have all in control and this world will see what I have done to protect My own as the time draws to an end.

Come, listen, children, for there is little time left before all that you know and understand will come to an end. Believe, children, the more you believe, the stronger My Power will work through you.

Believe, children of Mine, believe.

I Love you.

Thursday 21 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not allow self to steal My Truth from your hearts. Self is the enemy that only looks towards the easy path.
Self does not want to fight the desires that lead to sin.
Self is what you must die to.
Sin blocks My Light from entering your soul.
Fight the sin in your lives and remove it.
>Trust Me and follow these Words of Truth and come back to the Life I have set out for you in My Gospels.
>Trust Me, children of Mine.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Monday 18 April 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, and know I am with you. I will never leave you, simply know I Love you. This is why I give you so many Words to guide you through the darkness of this time. If I do not give you Words, many of you will lose interest and wander off into this world for you have not begun to live My Words in Truth.
I say, you must prepare in order to be able to help in this Work of Truth. My Justice is breaking down the web of lies and soon, all will break and the Truth will come out like a great tidal wave into this world. You must be ready, children.
Trust Me and begin now, while you have time.
Trust Me and begin.
I Love you.

Sunday 17 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not worry about the events that now take place in this world for I will put an end to the evil Myself. The events that you see in this world are brought about by evil men and women who have lost Me in their lives and now listen to the inspirations of lucifer. They only seek power and wealth, greed consumes them.
Pray for these poor blind souls that they repent before the end. Trust Me, children, and prepare for, the Day of Change fast approaches when mankind will no longer understand creation in the ways they thought they understood.
I will show the Truth and My followers will rejoice while all others will tremble in fear because of their lack of understanding. I need you ready, children, so that you can help those in need. Trust Me and prepare, die to self, remove the sin from your lives.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 16 May 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and know I am with you. Know that I will look after you in this time of great peril. I will show you the Path, all you who have a willingness to follow My Truth. Trust Me, My children, and prepare your hearts; prepare My Houses that will shine forth like great beacons to those who are searching for Me and My Truth.
Trust Me and prepare for there are so many that will come seeking help. Trust Me, children of Mine, and know it is I, who have invited you to read these Words of Mine and know it was no accident that you read these Words.
I say, prepare, for you have days left to prepare.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 15 April 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give you to prepare. Children, you cannot believe what is to come but all that you know and understand will change in an instant and this world will be left in confusion for, not even your scientists, will be able to understand or explain the events that will take place.
If you prepare now, you shall understand and be able to help Me gather the harvest, those who were lost but want to return. Prepare, children, prepare while there is still time.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Holy Thursday 14 April 2022
I Am is with you, children, on this night you keep vigil with Me. Feel My Sorrow in your hearts. You cannot know what is in My Heart this Holy Night, you cannot know the Sorrow of what is passed and what is to come. I ask of you to watch with Me, give of this time to Me.
I ask of you who are bound to Me in Love, in obedience, to comfort Me. As I said on that first Holy Night, not all of you are bound to Me for the world has called you from Me. Come back to Me, at least, on this Night.
Oh, children, the Sorrow of what is to come weighs heavily on Me; the Son of Man, once again, carries a heavy Cross in darkness. My Sorrow for you, My children, is great as I see what is to come.  Stay with Me, not only this Night but all nights. You can only know in Heaven what your company means to Me.
I do not ask you to look at the future to find dates and times, let these things look after themselves but only stay with Me. Be My comfort for, when you only see dates and times, you do not see Me. It is I, whom you seek, I, and I, alone.
Look at Me, children, look at Me. I am God and Man; I am also Brother. I am King, I am Lord and I am the Beggar who begs you to come to Me.
The path is set: those who live by the sword will perish by the sword, those who live by sin, will die by sin. All this in the free will that I gave you.
Gaze on Me, gaze on the One who is bloodied and beaten for you.
You ask, how can You, a God, be sorrowful like this? I answer: sin sorrows Me; your sin.

Thursday 14 April 2022
My children, listen to My calls. I say, again, change your lives and come follow Me in Truth and do not be afraid. All is about to change as My Army begins to rise and My Power begins to flow back into this world.
Believe, children of Mine, and trust in Me, your God.
I Love you.

Wednesday 13 April 2022
Come to Me, My remnant, and believe for much is to happen and many will be lost because of their unwillingness to listen but many will be saved with your help. Die to self and become My Army of Love that I have told of.
I will call My Army to go out and find those who are in need and help guide them back to Me. Prepare, children, for this time fast approaches.
Trust Me and prepare.
I Love you.

Tuesday 12 April 2022
Look to the Truth and see Me in all that you do. Believe in My Words of Truth and live them. Read a little from My Gospels every day so that you know the Truth.
Believe, children of Mine, and know that I am with you; know that I will guide you upon the Path of Truth if you make the effort to follow Me.
Believe and know I Love you.

Tuesday 12 April 2022
My children, I call you My children but, you are far from Me. Have you stopped believing in this Dream of Mine? A Dream that spans the universe and beyond, to Heaven itself? What have I done to you that you would refuse Me when I call?
Ah, children, you do not know Whom you refuse, you do not know Me. You run from Me into your own lives and you close the door in My Face. I give you My Words to ponder, to remember, to read and know that I will continue to Love you and call you until I can do so no more. Your love for Me, My children, is brittle, like the dried up grass, like the sand that is blown by the wind. I give you My Scripture to ponder:
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock:
25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand:
27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

Matthew 7:21-27

Appeal Update – A Call to the Remnant

Jesus speaks of His remnant, those who remain faithful through the tide of lies that is now sweeping this earth. We are the ones that are laughed and scorned at when we talk about Jesus. No one wants to listen to us.

The Houses of Prayer, the Refuges, are very important and Jesus wants us, the remnant, to build them and prepare them for what is coming. We have asked Jesus why He does not let us win the lotto or send a millionaire who would come and prepare and finish the Houses all in one go but Jesus says, no, He wants His remnant to prove, by our actions, that they, we, all want the Houses of Prayer. Some of us can do the manual labour, some of us have the means to provide, to buy the materials and pay the bills and, some of us a great gift of prayer and sacrifice; these things are all equally as important. We are all Jesus’ family in this preparation, we, who try to follow His Truth.

We at the Houses need your help for the bills are climbing, once again. We continue with the preparation of the Houses and some of them are so close to finishing. Everyone has done so well: we thank Jesus for all your help every day.


Come, My children, listen to My call and prepare My Houses for they are the Lights that will shine like great beacons in the darkness of this world. Soon, I shall ignite them and this world will be shocked at what you, My remnant, have created through your faith in Me, your God.

Trust Me, My people, I am calling you to prepare My Houses, they are My Gift to this world through you, My remnant. They will be responsible for the lives of many, many, millions upon this earth.

Prepare, My children, prepare.

Come to Me often in prayer for I am your strength.

Fight the sin in your lives and show Me that you believe, by your actions.

Trust Me, My little remnant, and follow Me in Truth.I Love you.

Monday 11 April 2022
Believe, children, and do not fear the events of this world but know I am with you. I will not allow the evil one to take you from Me, if you are willing to follow the Path of Truth I have set before you.
Believe in My Laws, My Truth, and do not listen to those false teachers of My Law, those who change it to suit their selfish lifestyles.
Trust Me and believe, children, We, together will overcome the darkness of this world.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 10 April 2022
Believe, children, you are now in the last days of this time when mankind has rejected their God in favour of the lies of lucifer. It has begun: the beginning of the end for this generation of lies.
I have told you what would happen if you rejected Me. In free will, you have accepted the blood of the innocent into your bodies to try and prolong your own lives.
Can you not see what you have done?
In this very action, you have rejected your God and cut yourselves off from My Grace. You truly are a blind generation! I told you, anyone who loses their life for My Sake will gain Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
By accepting the blood of the murdered into your bodies, you have done the opposite to what I have said and, so, you follow the path of lucifer which leads to death eternal in hell.
Wake up, generation, and repent of your evil and selfish lives and I will accept you as part of My remnant, who will see the Time of Peace, Joy and Love that I have Promised for all who remained faithful to the end.
Wake up, children, and repent while you have still time.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Saturday 9 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear, I am with you, My people. Believe, children of Mine. I come in these Words to guide you on the Path of Truth that will guide you, My remnant, you, who have accepted My Words and decided to live them.
I am your God and I will be the Light that guides you through this time of darkness. You must prepare, children of Mine, and know I will give you a voice once again. No longer will this world have the power to silence Me with their lies.
Trust Me and prepare so that you will be able to help your brothers and sisters.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Friday 8 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not despair. Do not think that I have abandoned you for My Justice, My Truth, is at work in this world. Soon, you will see the results of this as many begin to fall from their places of power as this world begins to realise what has been done in greed and lust for power.
Trust Me; I shall cut through the web of lies that all in power think they are safe behind. I will show this world the Truth.
Prepare, children of Mine, prepare.
I Love you.

Tuesday 5 April 2022
Believe, My children, your time of exile is coming to an end. This time has come about through a wall of lies that has been placed between Me and My people and so, all that believe in Me, have been silenced but now, I will give My people a voice.
My Justice cuts through the lies and soon you will see the results of this. Trust, your days of silence are coming to an end. My Power will be seen, once again, and this world will see the Truth.
Trust Me, children, and believe.
Trust Me.
I Love you.

Monday 4 April 2022
Come to Me often in prayer, children. The more you come to Me in faith, the stronger you will become.
Trust Me and allow Me to Teach you My Truth. Trust Me and believe.
I Love you.

Saturday 2 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, for My Words are Truth and they are Life. I have spoken many, many Words throughout the centuries Warning of this time you now live in. Look and see how My Words of Warning are coming to pass. They have been ignored by My Church and so the world.
I have told you the signs to look for yet, very few are willing to look. Look at a generation that murders their own children in the wombs of their mothers and then use their bodies for medication, beauty products and many, many more.
You run, in your millions, to receive vaccines developed from the bodies of the murdered. You, who know that they are made from the bodies of the murdered! I listen to your excuses for accepting this evil poison, developed through the inspiration of lucifer, into your bodies.
You say you accept them for the good of others, because you want to go on holiday, because you were ill or vulnerable and so on, your excuses, your justifications go on.
I say, you do not realise what you have done by accepting these poisons. You have cut yourselves off from Me in your own free will and this taint can now only be removed by asking Me to remove it in Truth, humility and obedience.
Mankind, you have the beginnings of a plague that you cannot stop, except through repentance.
I Love you.

Friday 1 April 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know I am with you. I protect My own and I will bring My people through this time of great darkness. I will show My people: I live in you who listen to My Words and live them.
Believe: the Time of Miracles has arrived and I will show this world how wrong they have been in accepting the lies of lucifer. Trust and be prepared, children of Mine.
I Love you.

Thursday 31 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine.
Believe in My Words of Truth.
Believe in the Path I have given you.
Believe in My Love for you and all My children.
Believe, children of Mine, for all is about to change and this world, will see I am not a dead God. I shall show My people My Truth. My Power can overcome all obstacles and I will carve through the lies of this world.
Remember, yes, it was lucifer who created the web of lies in this world through those who said yes to him. he cannot force you to carry out his plans; he inspires you and, in free will, you must agree or disagree to carry them out.
So, children, you cannot blame lucifer for your actions for you it was who said yes and did his will. Open your eyes and see the Truth. Your sin is your own and it is you who must repent and seek Forgiveness. I have told you to fight against the desires of self.
Die to self, repent and come follow Me in Truth and do not try to justify your sin. Trust Me, children of Mine, for I only desire you to be with Me in the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven. Trust Me. I Love you

Wednesday 30 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, for I have spoken much through these Words of Truth to guide both you and My Church back to the Truth. You cannot see the Truth if you live a lie. This is why the scribes and Pharisees crucified Me because they refused to see the Truth, they refused to see that I was their Saviour.
Look at the Truth of these Words of My servants and see how My Church, My people, have deserted Me. I ask you, do you trust Me when you sit in My House with a mask covering your face? Do you not think that I can protect you from My Creation? How blind you have become, My people, no longer do you see the Truth of the Power of your God. You have allowed self and the desires of self to blind you to the Truth.
Now, I shall begin to cleanse this world for, by your actions, you have proven to Me that you do not believe. Harvest time is upon you, My people, this is the time when I will remove the darnel from the wheat.
Prepare, mankind, prepare for you do not realise what you have done by your actions. You call yourself My followers and you accept the blood of the murdered into your bodies because you fear death. Open your eyes, see the Truth. By your own actions you have judged yourselves.
Repent and turn away from your evil lifestyles. Ask Me to cleanse you of the mark that you have accepted in free will into your bodies. I Love you, My people, and I will accept you back if you but ask in Truth and turn away from sin. Time is short, children, and you are not prepared. Prepare.I Love you.

Appeal Update A Call to the Remnant
Jesus speaks of His remnant, those who remain faithful through the tide of lies that is now sweeping this earth. We are the ones that are laughed and scorned at when we talk about Jesus. No one wants to listen to us.
The Houses of Prayer, the Refuges, are very important and Jesus wants us, the remnant, to build them and prepare them for what is coming. We have asked Jesus why He does not let us win the lotto or send a millionaire who would come and prepare and finish the Houses all in one go but Jesus says, no, He wants His remnant to prove, by our actions, that they, we, all want the Houses of Prayer. Some of us can do the manual labour, some of us have the means to provide, to buy the materials and pay the bills and, some of us a great gift of prayer and sacrifice; these things are all equally as important. We are all Jesus’ family in this preparation, we, who try to follow His Truth.
We at the Houses need your help for the bills are climbing, once again. We continue with the preparation of the Houses and some of them are so close to finishing. Everyone has done so well: we thank Jesus for all your help every day.

Come, My children, listen to My call and prepare My Houses for they are the Lights that will shine like great beacons in the darkness of this world. Soon, I shall ignite them and this world will be shocked at what you, My remnant, have created through your faith in Me, your God.
Trust Me, My people, I am calling you to prepare My Houses, they are My Gift to this world through you, My remnant. They will be responsible for the lives of many, many, millions upon this earth.
Prepare, My children, prepare.
Come to Me often in prayer for I am your strength.
Fight the sin in your lives and show Me that you believe, by your actions.
Trust Me, My little remnant, and follow Me in Truth.
I Love you.

Writing by the two Patricks
When we look at the Church today, our hearts break to see what is going on in Gods House. The pope, cardinals, bishops, priests and people have proven, by their actions, they have lost faith in the Power of Jesus Christ, our God.
At the first signs of a so-called plague, a pandemic, all turned their backs on Jesus. We were not allowed to receive Jesus in the Eucharist on our tongues, then they removed the Holy Water, removed Confessions and then closed the churches. Where was the faith and trust in our God to keep us safe from disease? When we look at the priests and bishops donning masks and telling the people to also wear masks in front of Jesus Christ, the Word of the Creator, it is plain to be seen there is no faith, only fear.
The Truth is, the Church is run by faithless old men who sit in great houses with their wealth and fear death. These words sound harsh but, the Truth is always harsh, that is why Jesus was Crucified by the scribes and Pharisees, they did not want to hear the Truth.
As we have learned from Jesus, death of the body is but the beginning of True Life. Death is freedom from the trial that living on this earth is. Our lives are so short on this earth, we have little time to prove whether we want to spend eternity in Heaven or not; we answer the question by our actions. Jesus has said, anyone who loses his life for My Sake will gain it in the Kingdom of Heaven.
When we listen to the Pope say it is our moral duty to receive a vaccine that has been developed using the cells of children murdered through abortion, we can truly see the faith has gone. So many priests have stood on the altars telling their congregations to receive the vaccine, even though they know it has been developed from murdered children. It would say they do not care because they worry about dying. It is time to see the Truth and know that we must follow the Ways of Jesus and not the ways of this world for the ways of this world will only lead us on the path to hell. We know the Truth is: we should not receive any vaccine or any medication developed using the blood of the innocent. How can any of us stand before Jesus and say: “I accepted medication that I knew was developed from the blood of the murdered innocent.”
I know many priests and bishops read these words and you must ask yourself; can you truly stand in front of Jesus and justify what the Church has done? Hotels, nightclubs and bars have no social distancing, no masks but, when you go to your local church, the priests and people are wearing masks and there are empty seats between each row to keep the people apart! It is a faithless church we see.
Our Lady said to the children in Garabandal that many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the road to perdition and are taking their flocks with them and this is so clear to be seen now. We know there are still many good cardinals, bishops and priests out there; it is time to stand up for the Truth and speak out against the blasphemies that are plain to be seen within the Church of today. We have a Pope who constantly goes against the Law of God, he speaks with a forked tongue, shatters the Truth in one sentence and rebuilds it in the next, just as the father of lies does. As James 3:11 says:
11 Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?
His corrupt words suit so many people in this world for so few actually want to follow the Truth and want sin to be accepted within the Church.
This world cannot see or understand what it has done in its blindness but we can see for Jesus has shown us the Truth of what mankind has done. The gates of the abyss have been unlocked and the demons have been given free access onto this earth through sin and the lack of faith from within the Church. lucifer believes now he can destroy this earth and all who live on it. his pride has blinded him and he cannot see the Truth.
Jesus has Warned us throughout the centuries of what would happen if mankind deserted their God. If we take the time to look at the prophecies of the Saints, the prophecies within Scripture and the prophecies of Gods witnesses on this earth today, we will see that His Words are being fulfilled and we are walking headlong into a Great Chastisement that will wipe out two thirds of mankind and all that mankind has built in greed and lust for power.
Once, the Church of our God shone like a great diamond now, it is as dark as a lump of coal but, remember, Jesus said the gates of hell shall never prevail against My Church. It may look as though the gates of hell are prevailing but it is all but a trial, a test. All who do not try to live the Truth of Jesus, in their blindness, have entered the trial, the test, and have shown their true lack of faith in Jesus. Yes, it is plain to be seen that very few actually believe in Gods Power.
We speak to the remnant, to those who truly believe in the Power of Jesus, it is time to prepare, as Jesus and His Mother keep repeating in Messages all over this world. We can see there is little time left to prove ourselves by our actions. We all know the Truth, we have the Commandments, the Gospels and the Catechism; we have no excuse to go against the Truth that Jesus has given to us through His True Church. Pray, pray, pray for all those who have deserted the Path of Truth and have allowed themselves to be blinded by the desires of self.

Tuesday 29 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not give in to the calls of this world. Trust in Me and My Ways for I will guide you to the Kingdom of Our Father in Heaven.
Trust Me, My children, for the Spirit of Justice is at work in this world and My Justice will reveal the Truth that has been hidden. Trust Me, children of Mine, and stay close.
I Love you.

Monday 28 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and see the Truth. The more you die to self, the more will become visible to you. Believe, the key to following Me is in dying to self. Self will lead you on a path towards Me that is a lie for all you will find is a Truth that is twisted into rules, built by self which you will refuse to see past and so you will not find Me.
Trust Me, die to self, fight and remove the sin from your lives and you will find the True Path that only leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 27 March 2022
Fight for My Truth in your lives. Do not give in to the web of lies that tries to ensnare all the peoples of this earth. I tell you the Truth, you must stay close to Me in the days ahead for many more lies will spew from those in power who are controlled by the lies of lucifer. Do not listen or get caught up in their lies for they only bring about their own downfall as they grow in confidence in their own power.
Trust Me, My children, and do not be taken in by their lies. Live My Words and trust in Me, your God, and I will guide you through this time. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 25 March 2022 Feast of the Annunciation
Believe, children of Mine, for Truth has been spoken in these Words and no longer will I allow this world to silence My people with their lies. I am the Truth and you will be confused for this world can no longer recognise the Truth because you have listened to the lies of lucifer and no longer see Me, your God, in this world.
Trust Me, My people, and We, together, will overcome the lies of this generation. I am with you, My people, believe, for already it has begun and this world will bend, once again, to My Will, My Love.
Prepare, children, all creation is Mine and will listen to Me. I will show all how wrong they have been in their understanding of creation. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 24 March 2022
Believe, children, and do not doubt My Words when I say it has begun; already My Justice has penetrated into the dark places and soon, you will see so much of that, that was hidden in the lies, come out into the light.
The web of lies will begin to crumble and the peoples of this earth will see the Truth of what has been done to them, in greed and lust for power. I have told you these things and I have said you must prepare but, so few take on My Words.
Listen now, children, for much chaos will reign on this earth as the Truth is seen and you must be ready to listen to My Truth.
Trust Me and prepare.I Love you.

Wednesday 23 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid for I, your God, will look after all who read My Words of Truth and try to live them.
I can understand your weakness, children, but I ask that you try to fight self and you will overcome with My Help. Trust Me, children of Mine, and fight. Believe in My Words and know all sin is your enemy. Trust in Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 22 March 2022
I have told you what would be if this world did not listen to the Heavenly Warnings. Now, you can see the peoples of this world have not listened to My Warnings. This world has become a dark place where only sin reigns. I have Warned you what would happen if it came to this point. Now, I must intervene so that mankind does not destroy themselves and this earth.
Woe to you, who refuse to listen for the Days of Wrath fast approach when you will be held to account for your evil ways. Wake up and see what you are unleashing upon yourselves.
Repent now, and return. You have been Warned. Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 21 March 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine, and believe in the Words I give to guide you through the darkness. You are My people, do not think it is an accident that you read these Words. It is I, who has invited you to read them but it is up to you if you begin to live them.
Trust Me, My children, and believe in My Words of Truth. Trust and live them. I will guide you through this time of great danger.
To all the peoples of this earth, I say, it is truly an evil place for, mankind, you have deserted your God and Love has grown cold.
Believe, children, and prepare for I will now begin to reclaim many that have been blinded by the lies of lucifer. Trust Me and prepare. I Love you. Come, I Love you. Believe.
I Love you. Trust, I have come in these Words to save you from the darkness. I am your God and I do not desert My Flock. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 20 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not let fear consume you. Fear blocks My Truth from entering your hearts. Trust Me and know that I am in control. Trust Me and know I will look after My own. Believe, children of Mine, and know I Love you.
Trust, trust, trust! I Love you.

Saturday 19 March 2022 Feast of Saint Joseph
Look, children of Mine, and see the Truth; see how this world lies about everything. lucifer has entrapped almost everyone in his web of lies and this world begins to see but cannot understand why they are being forced to lie about nearly everything they do. They have removed Me from their lives and now walk a path laid out by lucifer.
Look, children, and see the Truth. I have called you, My remnant, to pray for those who are blind, that they return before it is too late. This world does not realise what is coming for I will rebalance the scales of free will that lucifer has overbalanced with his lies.
Trust Me and prepare, children of Mine. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 18 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, your time of exile comes to an end. No longer will you be silenced, no longer will this world be allowed to silence My Words of Truth. The Battle of Love is about to begin in earnest. Many, many people will not survive this time for they will be unwilling to listen or take on My Words of Truth. I will cleanse this earth of all that is evil.
If the people of this earth do not turn away from evil, I will remove them, I will cleanse this earth for My remnant. Trust Me, My people.Trust and return. I Love you.

Thursday 17 March 2022 Feast of Saint Patrick
Come, children of Mine, and do not let the lies of this world cause you to fear the events you now see. So much is happening but the real Truth is happening behind closed doors. I will put an end to their plans. I will show this world how they have controlled the events in this world through greed and lust for power.
Trust Me, children, and do not fear, I am in this world and My Truth is guiding you. I allow the deceivers to walk towards their own destruction. Trust Me, children, all has begun and cannot be stopped. Trust Me.I Love you.

Wednesday 16 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear. I tell you the Truth, My Power is at work in this world, already, the Light of My Truth begins to burn and soon, this world will see and recognise My Truth as it burns its way through the darkness.
So many will not listen, so many will be lost for they will be unwilling to change their ways. Evil has been given so much freedom in so many lives and now, they are unwilling to change. Pray, children of Mine, for these poor, blind souls.
Pray for the Gift of sight that they may see and repent before it is too late.
Pray for your brothers and sisters.
Pray, children of Mine. Pray.I Love you.

Tuesday 15 March 2022
Come, children of Mine, and do not be afraid but simply know I am with you. I will protect My own. Have I not Warned you of the time you now live in? Have I not told you My Justice is upon this earth and soon you will see the results of the Power of My Justice?
My Justice is My Truth and I will show this world the lies that are being promoted as Truth by those in power.
Believe, children, your Freedom approaches rapidly. Believe and prepare.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 13 March 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, as the days become ever darker. I will not relent in My calls for My children to return. I say, break away from those who have chosen to walk the path of lies for they will influence you to their thinking. Stay away from such people and pray that they see the Truth before it is too late.
Likewise, stay away from priests that preach lies for they will influence you into their way of thinking. Do not listen to such people for they walk the path to hell. Pray for these poor, blind souls.
Pray much, children of Mine, and stay vigilant for you are in much danger.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 12 March 2022
Trust Me and prepare, there is no time to delay, children. I have told you, the more you prepare, the more you will understand the true meaning of My Words. I tell you; you have very little time left, the last grains of sand are falling and then it will be time to reclaim this world from evil men and women that think they are in control.
Trust Me and prepare. I will begin to reclaim My people and then I shall send a great and terrible Chastisement that will consume this world in fire and all that has been used for evil will be consumed. This earth itself will be cleansed of all the taints of evil.
Trust Me and prepare now. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 11 March 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak for all is about to begin and this world will not understand or be able to explain the events that will take place. I mean to show how wrong mankind has been by accepting the lies of lucifer.
Look at this world, there is no Truth: media, governments all lie for self-gain. You have become an evil generation. I will put a stop to it.
Repent. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 10 March 2022
Come, children of Mine, it is time to listen. You have so little time left and so few have listened. Trust Me and fight the self that is within you, fight the desires that go against My Will, My Laws. Trust Me and overcome. I Love you.

Wednesday 9 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and see the Truth I speak of.  Look at the lack of faith in My Church. I give holy water, which is a spirit of protection to keep you safe from harm. The more you believe, the stronger the protection but, now, you can see the faith of those men who call themselves the leaders of My Church, they have removed the protections I gave because of their lack of faith. They removed the holy water, Confessions and Love from My Churches.
I tell you, your days are numbered because the fall of all that you think you know and understand is but days from happening.
You faithless leaders, you who call yourselves My bishops, My priests, you have little time left to repent and take up your staff and lead My people to safe refuge. Repent, now, while there is still time and come back to Me, sons of Mine.
The time of Battle is here and My remnant will be all that is left, be a part of it. Come, I Love you. Be open to My Truth, children, and do not blind yourselves. Trust Me and walk this Path of Freedom I set before you. Trust Me, die to self and take up your cross and come follow Me in Truth. Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 8 March 2022
Believe in My Words and be obedient to My calls to prepare. The more you prepare now, the more you will understand the meaning of My Words. I Come, children, to undo the great wrongs of your time. I will put an end to the evil of this generation. I will show all the Truth of how they were deceived by those in power. I will show the Truth of what you have accepted into your bodies through your accepting of the blood of the innocent.
Children, you do not realise what you have done nor do you understand the consequences of your actions. I have told you that this earth and everything is spirit. You have accepted the blood of the innocent and they now call out for Justice from within your own bodies. Justice they will have.
Repent now and ask Me to cleanse this taint from your bodies for already it has begun; the plague you have brought about by your unwillingness to care about your brothers and sisters who were murdered, to develop your vaccines, your medications of death.
All has consequences, children, and you must prepare so that you can ride the rapids of this generation’s evil actions. Prepare, children, it is up to you, in free will, if you listen. You have been Warned. Prepare. I Love you.

Monday 7 March 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and see the Truth of what is happening. The faith of those who say they follow Me has all but gone. When I speak of My Church, I speak of all who purport to follow Me. I did not put division in My Church but they were put there by mankind’s lack of faith in Me.
I speak to My Church as one and I say: your cleansing is here! You will be stripped of your lies. You argue and bicker to who is right and who is wrong in the way you follow Me; I tell you the Truth, when I look at all of you who purport to follow Me, I see very few who follow Me in Truth. I look at your faithlessness and see so many who only walk the path to hell in their lies. You do not follow My Truth, you only follow the lies that lucifer has inspired you with.
I do not accept sin, no matter how you try to justify it as Truth. Sin is sin and, if you walk the path of sin, you walk the path to hell. Trust Me and see the Truth. I have told you not all who say “Lord, Lord,” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Look in Truth at your lives and come follow Me in Truth. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 6 March 2022
Trust Me and believe it has begun: the Reclaiming. I have called many of My Prophets and they have listened; soon, you will see the results of this.
My Messengers: hear My Word and deliver it to My people but, the more you believe, then My Words cease to be Messages and become the Living Word with Power and Authority. This is when you will see the Gifts of My Spirit manifest themselves in My people. Already, it has begun.
Trust Me, children of Mine, it is but a trickle now but soon it will become a mighty flood which will bring this world to its knees as many realise how they were deceived by those leaders of My Church who ran and hid at the first sign of a so-called plague. They closed My Churches and removed the Sacraments of Faith that I gave to My Church to protect My people.
I see the lack of faith that is within My priests, bishops and cardinals. I see how you did not turn to Me. You do not believe but, rather, you revel in the wealth and comforts My people provide for you through My Church.
Repent now for your days of revelling are coming to an end in this world. See those within this world who truly believe for My Spirit rests on them for they have opened their hearts to Me in Truth. Prepare, mankind, it has begun. Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 5 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be afraid but know, I, your God, am with you. I will put an end to the events that are escalating in this world, as it runs the path of its own destruction through those who have been blinded through greed and lust for power.
Believe, children, I have told of these events throughout the centuries. I have Warned you through My Mother and many servants of Love but still this generation refuses to listen.
Trust Me, My people, I will guide you, My remnant, to the new time when all evil will have been removed. Trust Me and stay close for things will begin to change rapidly and man will be shocked and baffled at the events. Science will not be able to explain for I will show all how wrong they were in their understanding of creation. All creation is spirit; what man thinks he knows is but a shadow to the Truth.
Prepare, children, stay close to Me and I will guide you through to the ‘Time of Peace.’
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 4 March 2022
Trust Me and believe, children of Mine. Believe in Me your God, your Father, your Friend. Believe in My Power to overcome the evil of this world, this generation. Trust in My Power to look after both you and your families. Trust in Me for everything is about to change.
The spark of faith ignites and this world will change so rapidly and My people will have a voice and this world will see how they were lied to by those in power.
Pray, children, for indeed many trials are ahead but I will guide My own; some will not even realise they were in a trial for I mean to guide My own for the cleansing is not for those who follow Me in Truth. Trust Me and prepare. Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 3 March 2022
Trust in Me and believe in the Words I give you. Look, Freedom is coming! My Justice is penetrating deep into this world and soon, you will see how all will change in ways that you could not believe possible.
Trust Me for I am taking back control and I will give My children a voice, once again. No longer will My people be silenced by those who believe they are in control. I will bring the high and mighty to their knees and all will see their lies and what they have done to My people through their greed and lust for power.
Trust Me, I am in control and all is about to change.
Prepare, children, prepare.I Love you.

Wednesday 2 March 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events that now take place. The events that you see is the control mankind has given lucifer in their own free will. You complain about so much of what goes on but you do not see the Truth as thousands of My children are murdered in their mothers’ wombs each day. There is a war being raged against the innocent and very few are willing to help.
Mankind, you do not know what you have done. You have given lucifer the power to destroy this earth many times over and it is only Me who stops him. Soon, I will step in and I will put an end to the suffering of the innocent for they call out to Me for Justice. You have used their bodies, their blood, to try and prolong your lives and you think you will not pay for your evil actions?
Prepare, children, for mankind cannot imagine what he has created by his own actions. It comes, children, prepare. I Love you.

Monday 28 February 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and do not be afraid. Do not listen to the media and those in power for what you hear are truths twisted into only lies. I come to undo what they have done. I come to hold all to account for their actions both within My Church and without. All will have to account for what they have done to My people with their lies that lucifer has inspired them with for they have become his followers by their own actions.
Trust Me, children, and stay close to Me. I will guide you. I will look after My own.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Sunday 27 February 2022
Believe in Me and fight for My Truth in your life. Do not doubt that I am with you for when you enter this Journey of Truth then you are bound to Me as I am to you. Believe, children of Mine, and always know I am with you. Do not fear the events of this world. I have told you, man is falling into his own traps designed by lucifer in order to destroy him.
Trust Me, children, I am in control. I will not let you fall into the traps of lucifer when you are with Me. I will bring Freedom to My people. I will show this world the Truth and I will remove all that have chosen to continue to follow evil. Believe and trust in Me. Believe. I Love you.

Saturday 26 February 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give you. I have not led you wrong but have guided you upon the path that leads to Heaven and Eternal Life. Open your eyes and prepare, children of Mine, for little time is left.
Already My Prophets begin to awaken in all the countries of this world. I tell you the Truth: you do not know what is coming, children, and you must be prepared. Trust Me and begin, now, before it is too late.Trust Me and begin. Trust.I Love you.

Friday 25 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear the events of this world for I am in control. Trust Me, I am showing this world the error of its ways. My Justice is slowly seeping into every dark place and all that has been hidden will come to the fore.
Trust Me and believe and prepare for the Coming of My Spirit. He will guide you on the Path of Faith, if you have prepared.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 24 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and let My Truth penetrate your hearts. Let My Love guide you through the trials of life. Love one another; do good to those that persecute you and Love your enemy.
Love is the greatest weapon I give to you. Love is your shield; Love is your armour and Love is your sword.
Love all that you meet and you will be truly following Me. I have told you what this world has done to itself by accepting the blood of the innocent into their bodies and you must prepare so that you can help your brothers and sisters when they are in need.
Trust Me and prepare, die to self, remove the sin from your lives and follow Me in Truth, this is how you prepare. Trust Me.I Love you.

Tuesday 22 February 2022
Trust and believe, children of Mine, your time of exile is coming to an end. The peoples of this earth have been sifted like wheat and have been found wanting in faith. Only a few have stood by their faith in Me in this time of trial and persecution.
I tell you, unless man repents of his sin there shall be a great chastisement and the countries that see themselves as great will fare badly for it is they who have promoted sin and destroyed a great part of their people through abortion.
Repent, man, for your God is about to strike you down. I speak to you who have blinded yourselves and walk the path of evil. Do not justify your sin for I can see the Truth and none will be spared that continue to walk the path that lucifer has set before them.
I Come, children.
My Prophets begin to stir, to awaken and the Power of My Spirit shall flow through them. My army is in every country and they shall reclaim many before the Day of Cleansing. Trust Me and let Me guide you through this time.
Trust Me, children of Mine. I Love you.

Monday 21 February 2022
Come to Me, children of Mine. Feel My Presence for, truly, I am with you. So many have rejected Me in this time, so many enter the gates of hell every day. So, so many are lost to Me.
Pray much for your brothers and sisters for, each time you pray, I send Grace to help open their eyes to the Truth. The more you pray, the more I will be able to help My children.
Trust Me for I can use your free will to help others. Do as I say and many will be turned away from the path of hell. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 20 February 2022
I have not forgotten you, My children, I have not forgotten My promises. I tell you the Truth: I am Coming to put an end to the lies that surround Me and My Truth. You speak of Truth but, so many times, you only allow self’s desires to cloud My Truth and so it becomes a lie.
Trust Me and live My Truth, speak My Truth and this world will hate you for, it first hated Me. This world will laugh and mock you for following Me but this, I have already told you.
Look at what you believe is Truth and remove self from it and you will find Me. It does not matter who rejects you for following Me as long as you have Me and walk the Path of Truth I set before you. Believe, children of Mine, believe. I Love you.

Saturday 19 February 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak for I am truly among you, My people. The God of Justice has come to His people and Truth shall be seen. I shall blind the high and mighty and they shall reveal their lies in their own arrogance and pride.
Trust Me, My people, for Truth will be seen in every country of this world.
Trust Me and let My Love penetrate your hearts.
Trust Me, your God. Trust. I Love you.

Friday 18 February 2022
Be what I have called you to be, My children, be the Warriors of Love. Love your neighbour, love your enemy, love all who persecute you. Love is the only weapon you need to overcome the evil of this world.
Trust Me, all is about to change in a way that you would not believe possible. My Power will be seen once again in this world. Trust Me, My children, and prepare.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Thursday 17 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine. The reclaiming has begun, the Spark of Truth has ignited and soon will begin to consume the darkness as My Truth is given freedom within My people, once again.
It has begun, children, are you ready, have you prepared? If not, prepare now, die to self, remove the sin from your lives so that you can see the Truth.
My priests, you who remain loyal to Me, your freedom comes. You, too, must prepare; fight the sin in your lives. The more you fight, the more you will see and understand as the scales fall from your eyes.
Trust Me. My Spirit is at work in this world. I have not left you and, now, it has begun. Feel the excitement of Truth as it begins to seep back into this world.
Trust Me, My children, I have not forgotten you.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Wednesday 16 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know I am with you. Believe in what I ask of you. Do not reject My Words of Truth for it is only in dying to self that you will truly understand the meaning of My Words.
Believe, children, for Justice is among you and more and more you will see the effect of this Truth as more and more, that, that was hidden is brought into the light. Believe and be obedient to My Commandments, My Words of Truth, My Laws. Through obedience, you will find Eternal Life. Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 15 February 2022 – Feast of Saint Claude de la Colombière
Believe, children of Mine, and walk this Path I set before you.
Believe in My Words and simply obey the Instructions of dying to self.
Remove the sin from your lives. Trust Me, children, and follow.
You will begin to see the Truth if you follow My Instructions.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 13 February 2022
Trust Me, My children, and be obedient to My Words. I have told you the way it will be and that only My Light will be able to guide you through this time. Now, be obedient to My Words for you cannot realise or understand what lucifer has planned for mankind. You have walked straight into his traps, his plans, in free will. You have given him all that he needs to destroy your world many times over.
How blind you have become, children!
You no longer listen to your God and now believe I do not exist. It is time to show this world the Truth. It is I, who keep all in balance, even though man has destroyed almost everything with their sin. If it were not for My remnant, this world would be already destroyed through the influence lucifer has over you.
Prepare, it has begun.Trust Me.I Love you.

Saturday 12 February 2022
Look to the Truth, My children, and see what is happening in this world. Look and see how you are being deceived by those who have listened to the lies of lucifer and now try to force you to believe their lies as Truth.
Look! You have rejected My Commandment, “…thou shalt not kill…” You murder your own children and now inject their blood into your veins. Yes, you will say it is not blood but, blood is the building block of life and you have developed your medicines, your vaccines and many other things from the bodies of aborted children. You use their cells and so, their blood.
I have Warned you in My Scriptures and now you must accept the consequences of what you have done. The blood of the innocent cries out to Me from within your bodies and so, now, you have entered a spiritual realm that you do not understand. You have blocked My Light from entering your souls and so you are walking a dark path when you accept these things into your bodies in free will.
Trust Me and come away from these things and I will cleanse you.
Trust Me: this is a call for you to return, a chance for you to be saved from eternal death. Come follow Me. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 11 February 2022 Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
Trust and believe in the Words I give to guide you through this time of great evil when mankind has forgotten their God. Trust Me for I am about to change everything that you think you know and understand. I am your God and you have grieved Me by your evil actions, your lies.
Do not think I do not see what goes on behind closed doors. I see all the lies, the deceit of mankind and it is time for your lies to be seen. I will show what you, leaders, have done. I will show them all your plans and this world will be shocked when they see what you have done.
Trust Me now and return to Me before it is too late. Trust Me.I Love you.

Thursday 10 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not fear for your God is with you. I have spoken many Words and told you of the events to come but still so few of you listen and prepare. You allow the world and its ways to control you.
I have told you lucifer only wishes to destroy all that I have created and now he has destroyed so many for they have accepted his lies as Truth. I cannot help you, children, if you do not listen. If you do not prepare, then you will not be able to fight the lies that lucifer has put into this world and so many now accept them as Truth.
Look at My Church and see there is little time left, it is all but destroyed and I must step in before it is totally destroyed for I will fulfil My Words and the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church.
See and listen, children, and prepare. It is almost time and you have not prepared. Trust Me and come walk this Path: die to self by removing sin from your lives so that you can see.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Tuesday 8 February 2022
Trust and believe in the Words I speak and know that there is little time left to prepare. I have Warned you what would happen if you did not listen to Myself and My Mother. We have spoken so many Words that have been spoken through many thousands of Messengers around this world but so few have listened.
Trust Me, children, die to self, fight the sin in your lives and come, follow Me in Truth for I am about to change everything you know and understand. Science will see and understand how little they truly know. I will give all a chance to return and repent.
Trust Me, children of Mine. I Love you.

Monday 7 February 2022
Trust Me and believe in My Words. I Come to bring Freedom to My people. I Come to bring Justice to this world of lies, of darkness. I will cleanse this world of the lies; I will show all the Truth of those in power. I will break the shackles that the leaders have enslaved My people with for they have become liars who deny and avoid the Truth to stay in power.
I am Coming as a God who will reclaim all of My Creation in a chastisement that has never, nor will ever, be seen on this earth again because your generation is so corrupt, so evil.
You, who are willing to listen, I say: repent for the countdown has begun to the collapse of all that you know and understand for I will put an end to the false knowledge. I will show you all how little you truly understand about My Creation.
Prepare, children of Mine, time is short.
I Come.I Love you.

Sunday 6 February 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and do not be dismayed by the events that are taking place in this world. Simply know My Justice is bringing the Truth to the fore and all that has been hidden is being shown as it is. Trust Me, children of Mine, and believe in the Words I give. Do as I say: prepare for the Coming of My Spirit for He will build your faith, if you have prepared. Trust Me and do as I say. Trust. I Love you.

Saturday 5 February 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak. Trust Me, My children, and be obedient to My Words. Fight the sin in your lives and come away from the temptations of this world. I am with you, My children, and when you turn to Me, I will guide you.
Trust Me, children, and do not let this world guide you away from Me with its glitter and false Truth.
Trust in Me and let Me be your Guiding Light. I have given you much to guide you on the Path of Truth. Trust Me, My children, I am the One who Loves you.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 4 February 2022
Trust Me, My people, and do not allow self to control you. I have been guiding you through these Words of Truth so that you will be safe in this time of great darkness when the leaders of My Church have deserted Me and My people in favour of the wealth and glamour of this world.
My Church is now led by a man of lies who only believes in himself and sees himself as a great king that serves his people in the ways of true gentleness and understanding. Yet he only leads My people on a path to hell that he himself walks in free will.
Open your eyes and see the Truth of what is happening around you. Die to self so that you can look and see the Truth and all the lies that are promoted as Truth by the leaders of My Church and this world.  All will become clear.
Come follow Me in Truth; die to self and see what is truly happening.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 3 February 2022
My children, look and see the Truth: this world is falling deeper and deeper into the darkness of lucifer. It is now on the path to its own destruction brought about by the sin of this generation.
You are a barbaric generation!
You say you look to protect the rights of others; you say you do not want to offend anyone.
You look to remove such things as male and female because you do not want to offend those who are blinded by sin.
You say you protect but you only open a clear path to hell for yourselves and your brothers and sisters.
It has come to the point that I must intervene for everything that I created in Love will be destroyed. Never has there been such an evil generation. I tell you; you have little time left to repent before I put an end to your evil ways.
Repent and return.  These are your last Warnings before I begin to reclaim My people and My Creation away from your lies. I will separate the wheat from the chaff and the chaff will be cast into the eternal fire.
Be Warned, generation, I am your Creator, your God, and I Love all of you. Listen now and repent. I Love you.

Monday 31 January 2022
Believe in Me, My children, for already it is too late for many. They have allowed themselves to become so blinded by the lies of lucifer, they will no longer listen to anything that involves Me or My Laws.
Pray, children, for so many are falling to the lies of lucifer and I cannot stop them for they refuse to listen to My calls, My inspirations.
Look, children, and see the Truth of what is happening around you. You are surrounded by the lies of lucifer but all now begins to crumble as My Justice seeps ever deeper into this world.
Prepare, children, prepare. I Love you.

Sunday 30 January 2022
Trust and believe in the Words I give you. I am here in this world and all My Words will be fulfilled. I have spoken Truth and you can see the towers of lies crumble but still those in power have blinded themselves to the extent that they no longer see the Truth of what is happening around them.
Soon, they will see but it will be too late and this world will see what they have done in their greed and lust for power. The media of this world have accepted their lies and fuelled them with their own. Science has also lied for wealth and funding. They all will be seen in their true light.
Pray for the days when blood will run.
Pray for those who lucifer will try to use.
Pray that this time passes quickly.
Pray that these poor souls will turn away from sin.
Pray, My children, pray.I Love you.

Sunday 30 January 2022
Trust Me and believe, children of Mine, I am with you in this, your time of need. This is why I say stay close to Me and I will guide you through this time of Great Tribulation. Trust Me, children, and let Me guide you; the more you die to self, the more you will understand My Ways.
Trust Me and walk this Path I put before you. Sin is your enemy.
Trust Me.I Love you.

Friday 28 January 2022
Trust and believe, children. Read My Words and see them being fulfilled before your eyes. This world is in so much danger. Mankind has given so much power to lucifer through his sin and it is he who desires to destroy mankind and all that I have created in Love.
Stay close for My Justice will destroy the web of lies that lucifer has spun and this world will grow angry when all begin to realise what has been done to them by those leaders that they trusted.
Stay close and believe for I will guide you through this time. This earth will know Justice: it shall be cleansed of all the lies, the traps lucifer set through evil men and women.
Believe, children, I Come.
I Love you.

Thursday 27 January 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and walk this Path of Truth with Me. Believe in the Words I speak and know I have called you to read them. There are no accidents with Me, your God. Do as I say and fight the sin in your life for there are only days until this world will change in ways you could not imagine or believe.
Trust Me. I will regain many in this time and this world will see the Power of their God.
Trust Me. I Love you.Prepare.

Tuesday 25 January 2022
Go out, My children, and look around you. See the Truth: Love has grown cold and all are in need of your help. Pray for all those you see. Ask Me for the Graces to see the Truth, I will help.
The more you fight against self, the more you will see and understand the needs of My people. Believe and become a Warrior of the Truth. Trust Me, I will guide you in your Journey if you ask.Trust Me.I Love you.

Monday 24 January 2022
Trust Me, children of Mine, and follow My Truth. Look to My Gospels, look to My Disciples and understand the Words of Truth that are within My Scriptures. If you do not try to die to self then you will not understand My Truth and you will try to change My Scripture to suit your selfish lifestyle.
Remember I said:
22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy Name? And in thy Name have cast out devils? And in thy Name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from Me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:22-23
When you do not die to self, you change the Words of My Scripture and say My Words did not mean that, so that you can justify the sin in your lives. So, see it is only through dying to self you will come to understand the true meaning of My Words.
I have spoken many Words through My Prophets to Teach you and point you in the direction of the Path of dying to self that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven but so few choose to listen.
Trust Me, children, and listen now for it has already begun and you have so little time left until the fall of the towers of lies, that will anger the nations.
Trust Me and stay close to Me.
I Love you.

Sunday 23 January 2022For Priests and the World
Look to the Truth and see the Words that I speak. I have come into this world to Warn you through these Words of Truth of what is happening around you. Yes, many of you cannot see or understand the meaning of My Words for you have accepted the ways of the world into your lives and try to live two lives; one with Me and one without Me.
I have told you, clean water and dirty water cannot run from the same pipe, as you know, the dirty water will poison the clean and so it is you who allow the ways of the world to poison your belief, your faith, in Me and so you do not understand My Ways. I come in these Words to set you on the right Path, the Path of Truth.
Look at how many of My priests have been blinded to My Truth and no longer lead My people. Yes, I can see you, My priests, as you read these Words, as if in hiding. Many of your fellow priests and bishops read these Words.
Soon, it will be time to come out of hiding. I can see you, My brothers, My little warriors, and I ask you to stand strong for My Justice is upon this earth and will give you freedom from the chains of lies that are now binding you.
Be patient, My little sons, for I am a Warrior of the Truth, I am the Truth and I will cleanse this world.  I will cleanse My Church and all will know freedom from the evil that has penetrated its depths.
Prepare, I say, prepare, guide My people away from the danger of sin. Trust Me, My children. Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 21 January 2022
Believe, My children, and trust in Me, your God when I say, prepare. Little time is left and so few have listened, now trust in Me and do as I say.
Believe. I Love you.

Thursday 20 January 2022
Believe, children. I am your God and I speak in these Words to Warn you of the danger mankind has placed himself in. You do not know or understand what you have done. The murder of the innocent in abortion has given lucifer the power to destroy this earth, many times over.
he now plays with the peoples of this earth and blinds them into accepting poison into the soul. The blood of the innocent that you accept into your bodies is like liquid sin for many, many thousands were murdered to bring it into this world.
Only I can remove it and only from those with a truly repentant heart. You have allowed lucifer to convince you to accept something into your bodies that has the power to poison the soul and so the body for both are one.
Repent, children, before it is too late. Repent and ask Me to cleanse you.
Trust Me. I Love you.
Read these Words and understand.
9 If any man hath an ear, let him hear.
10 If any man (is) for captivity, into captivity he goeth: if any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like unto a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
12 And he exerciseth all the authority of the first beast in his sight. And he maketh the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose death-stroke was healed.
13 And he doeth great signs, that he should even make fire to come down out of heaven upon the earth in the sight of men.
14 And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived.
15 And it was given (unto him) to give breath to it, (even) to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as should not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bond, that there be given them a mark on their right hand, or upon their forehead;
17 and that no man should be able to buy or to sell, save he that hath the mark, (even) the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.
Revelation 13:9-18

Wednesday 19 January 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and stay close to Me for you live in very dangerous times when those in power try to destroy the soul with their poisons that were given by lucifer. Be patient and stay strong. This is the ‘Time of Sifting’ when only My remnant will survive and remain with Me. Then I will give all a chance to return and My remnant will help those in need and many will be released from the clutches of evil and walk in the Light of My Truth.
Trust Me, children, and remain with Me and be My remnant.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Tuesday 18 January 2022
Trust Me, My children, and know I am with you. I say, stand strong and do not let those who are controlled by lucifer force you into accepting their medication that has been developed from murdered children.
I say, stand strong for, soon, I shall put an end to their reign of power. They shall pay the price for what they have done. They have murdered the innocent and used their blood to develop vaccines and many other substances that only poison the soul and block My Light from entering. So many have accepted the mark of sin and now are cut off from Me. It has begun a plague, created by lucifer and given to science and mankind; you have accepted it in free will.
Prepare, prepare, I say it again and again, stay with Me and, if you have accepted their vaccine, their poison and wish to be cleansed, ask Me with Truth in your heart and I will cleanse you of it. Do not accept their poison and think that you will ask Me afterwards to remove it for that is only a lie and you are only deceiving yourselves and not Me.
Remember, I am the Truth and I can see what is in your heart. Trust Me and stay close to Me and I will bring the deceivers to their knees.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 16 January 2022
My children, I Love you. I have given proof of My Love by dying on the Cross of Love. What other proof do you need?
Take My Life, My Cross, into your lives and live your life for Me. Let nothing stand in the way of you and I. I am always with you, even in the sorrow and the pain in your lives: I am there. All you need is faith in Me to believe that I Am is with you.
I call you to Myself, I call you to live the Way that befits Heaven, even though you live in this vale of tears and darkness, even though you do not see Me, I am there, with you, in every tear. Reach out into the darkness with faith and you will know My Light.
Follow Me. Follow the Footprints of Blood that you know I have shed for you. I go before you, in your faith in Me, on this narrow Path to bring you to the Light. I am with you.
Look at these Words of Scripture that I place before you and see that it is your hearts, your faith in Me that I seek. See how your hearts must be ready, with the good soil of faith in Me so that you will produce fruit for the Kingdom of faith, for love of Me.

13 And He said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How will you understand all the parables?
14 The sower sows the word.
15 These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.
16 In a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy;
17 and they have no firm root in themselves, but are only temporary; then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away.
18 And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word,
19 but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
20 And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on the good soil; and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold.”
21 And He was saying to them, “A lamp is not brought to be put under a basket, is it, or under a bed? Is it not brought to be put on the lampstand?
22 For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light.
23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
24 And He was saying to them, “Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides.
25 For whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.”
Mark 4:13-25

Think on these Words, children, for the darkness is near to you but I am also near to you. Will you choose Me?

Saturday 15 January 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and trust in My Love for you.
Believe in My Love for only through My Love can the darkness of this world be overthrown.
Trust Me, Love is the greatest weapon you have, there is nothing that can stand against its Power.
Trust Me and love your enemy, do good to those who persecute you.
Believe, children, for I am Love.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Saturday 15 January 2022
My children, I greet you and I Love you. This year you have entered has already brought much darkness with it and there will be more to come. This darkness must happen, My children, so that when the Light comes, it will bring a great brightness with it, My Brightness.
You, too, have much to do in this year; you must shed your darkness and your sin for if you do not, you will not be able to see the Light. You must be aware of Me in your hearts. I have asked for a radical change before and you have half-heartedly obeyed Me.
How can I lead you if you will not follow Me? How can I be a Shepherd, keeping the sheep safe, if they do not follow Me? Will these Words fall upon deaf ears?
Read these Words that My Beloved, John, has written:

2. 1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
3 Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.
4 He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
5 But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.
6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
7 Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you heard from the beginning.
8 Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining.
9 He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now.
10 He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him.
11 But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
12 I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake.
13 I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, because you have known the Father.
14 I have written to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.
15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For all that is in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – is not of the Father but is of the world.
17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.
19 They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us; but they went out that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us.
20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.
21 I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
22 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son.
23 Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.
24 Therefore let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, you also will abide in the Son and in the Father.
25 And this is the promise that He has promised us – eternal life.
26 These things I have written to you concerning those who try to deceive you.
27 But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
28 And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.
29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.
1 John 2

My children, take heed, take Warning for you need to leave the darkness behind in order to see the Light. I speak not only to you, who are gathered here, but to the world.

Thursday 13 January 2022
Trust Me, believe in the Words I speak and prepare yourselves for the Truth that is about to strike this world. It shall reel under the weight of My Truth and many will not survive because of what they have done to their fellow man. I say, again, you do not know or realise what you have called down upon yourselves with your sin.
Believe, children of Mine, and prepare yourselves by dying to self. Sin is your enemy: remove it from your lives.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 12 January 2022
Believe in My Truth and try to live it in every part of your daily lives. The more you try, the easier it will become, as the ways of this world begins to lose its hold on you.
Believe, children, for the more time you spend with Me in prayer, the more you will come to believe in My Ways. Trust Me, children, and you will overcome self.
Believe. I Love you.

Tuesday 11 January 2022
Trust Me, My children, for I have not led you wrong. I have told you what would and will happen and how to remain safe. Do not give in to the pressure this world puts on you to accept their ways, their whims and desires for they are the inspirations of lucifer that they follow.
Stay strong and trust in Me, My children. Be close to Me in your thoughts, words and actions. Walk the Path of Love and see the good in all that you meet, love them, do not judge or condemn them.
Trust Me, children. I Love you.

Monday 10 January 2022
Believe in Me, children of Mine, and overcome the desires of self. Self is what drives you to walk away from Me and convinces you that I will accept such things as the act of homosexuality, living together outside of marriage, intercourse with many different partners, abortion and much, much more. I will not accept any of these things as truth or right.  They are sins and sin is darkness inspired by lucifer.
So, so many have blinded themselves to the Truth and are convinced that I did not create unjust laws, such as they see, are within My Church.  I tell you, My Laws are Just, My Commandments are there to keep you safe and away from sin. I am Coming as a God of Chastisement and I will cleanse all evil from this earth. Trust Me and die to self so that you will not be a part of the cleansing. Believe, children of Mine, I am with you.
Trust Me.  Love you.

Sunday 9 January 2022
Trust and believe in what I say, children. Remove sin from your lives: the more you remove sin, the more I will be able to fill you, then, the more you will see and understand the meaning of My Words, My Ways.
Trust Me, children, and do as I say. I will keep you safe and away from the traps of lucifer as long as you walk the path of dying to self. Believe, children of Mine, and read the signs of your times. Trust Me. I Love you.

Sunday 9 January 2022
Trust Me and believe in the Words I speak. I have given many Words to guide you. Look and see many of these Words have been fulfilled and soon, many more will be fulfilled. Let this give you strength and faith to follow on through the persecution of My true followers that is happening now.
Believe, children, I see your peril and I have answered your cries. I have sent the Spirit of Justice onto this earth and I will fulfil all My Words through My Justice.  Justice will be given to all the innocent children you murdered through abortion.
Never before has lucifer convinced a generation to murder so many of its own children.
Never before has there been such an evil generation, not even in the time of Noah were people so distorted in their thinking, their beliefs, that they murdered so many of their own children.
Mothers, fathers, think nothing of murdering their own children. Truly, you have become evil in your greed to fulfil the desires of self. You murder your children and their blood calls out to Me for Justice and, now, it even calls out to Me within your own bodies as you allow your scientists to inject you, in your millions, with a drug that was developed using the blood of your murdered children.
Oh, you blind and foolish generation! lucifer has convinced you to destroy yourselves. So many of you are dying and have died from the poison that he has convinced you to accept. How blind you have become since rejecting Me in favour of science! You have walked headlong into his traps even though I have inspired so many to speak out and Warn you what is happening but you call them scaremongerers, stupid and anti-vaxers and much more.
I have tried to Warn this generation; now My Justice will answer the calls of the innocent and Justice they shall have. Repent and ask Me to cleanse you of the poison that is within. Trust Me and come follow Me in Truth. I will guide you safely through this time.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Friday 7 January 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and know I hear all your prayers. Know I answer your prayers that are not only the desires of self. Yes, children you ask Me for many things that are not necessary in your lives, then you grow angry with Me because I refuse to fulfil the desires of self in you. Remember, I am the Truth and I will not answer your prayers that will only lead you onto a path of sin.
Trust Me, children, to guide you in the Truth. I will fulfil all that is asked in truth and faith. Believe in Me and do as I ask and you may ask for anything in My Name and it will be granted, to the Glory of the Father in Heaven. Trust Me, children, and follow Me in Truth.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Thursday 6 January 2022
Trust and believe in the Words I speak. I cannot tell you how important this is in this time of great darkness. My Justice is at work in this world but so many will not see or recognise the Truth that My Justice uncovers before it is too late. So many are so steeped in the lies of this world that you will not be able to convince them to turn away from evil.
Pray for your brothers and sisters that they accept the Graces that I offer to all My children so that they can see My Truth.
Look at My Churches, see how few enter their doors in Truth. So many of My true followers are not allowed to enter My Churches because they will not accept the insults that this generation cast at Me by their actions.
Prepare, mankind, for you have angered the Father of All and He will unleash the Power of Creation and all will be cleansed of all that is evil and those who have chosen to follow the ways of evil.
Prepare, children of Mine, and stay close.
I Come. I Love you.

Wednesday 5 January 2022
Believe, children of Mine, and trust in the Words I give to you. Believe when I say stay close to Me and My Ways. Staying close is being with Me in your heart, as you go about your daily lives; going against the desires of self is staying with Me and fighting against sin for My Sake. These things all bring you closer and coming to Me each day in prayer and sacrifice.
Trust Me, children, do these things in truth and your life will change.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Wednesday 5 January 2022
Trust and believe in My Power to overcome evil. My Justice has come to destroy the evil that mankind has allowed to grow in their free will. Children, you do not understand My Creation but there is always consequences for evil actions. Sin is why there is so much pain and suffering in this world at this time. Sin is destroying My Creation.
Your scientists think they understand Creation but you cannot understand Creation for the greater part of Creation is Spirit. All that you see was created by Me and so possesses a spirit.
You are killing the spirit of this earth with your evil, your sin. You say global warming. I say global sin!
In order for this earth to survive, I must remove the evil that mankind has freely accepted. Trust Me, My remnant, I will bring Peace onto this earth and all will know True Freedom but first, you must endure the tribulations as I reveal the Truth and rectify the wrongs of this generation.
Children, stay close to Me in obedience to My Laws, My Ways, and I will guide you through this time.
Trust Me. I Love you.

Monday 3 January 2022
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
Trust Me and believe in the Words I give. Yes, children, I try to convince you to believe in the Words I give so that you will prepare for the events that are about to take place. The more you prepare, now, the stronger you will be and the more I will be able to use you to help My lost sheep.
Trust Me and believe for little time is left and My people are in great need. Trust Me and begin to prepare. Trust. I Love you.

Prepare My Houses of Prayer – Available Free of Charge

Aiutaci da Lassù, Benedetto.

Benedetta De Vito: Ora Incensano il “Pastore Tedesco”. Aiutaci da Lassù, Benedetto.

31 Dicembre 2022 Pubblicato da Lascia il tuo commento


Marco Tosatti

Cari amici e nemici di Stilum Curiae, la nostra Benedetta De Vito offre alla vostra attenzione, sull’onda dell’emozione, q queste riflessioni su Benedetto XVI. Buona lettura, meditazione e condivisione.


In un certo palazzo romano, rosa come le pennellate di tramonto della chiara primavera, abita un certo professore universitario, uno scienziato, un gran dottore che conosco per buon vicinato e perché ha una figliola bellissima. E’ stato uno dei firmatari del documento che impedì al mio dolce Benni (così tra me, chiamo Benedetto XVI) di parlare alla Sapienza. Non solo, durante la orrida psico-pandemia firmò un’altra carta per chiedere al governo di chiudere in morsa d’acciaio il Paese.  Quando vidi la sua firma in calce a quest’ultimo documento – era l’ottobre del 2020 – gli mandai la mail che segue e che, per caso, non è stata da me cancellata:

Caro xyz (perché il peccato si rivela, il peccatore mai)

ho letto che sei tra i 100 firmatari del manifesto del Terrore e me ne dispiaccio. Non condivido una sola parola di quanto scrivete e chiedete a governo e Presidenza della Repubblica. Chiudere il Paese entro tre giorni è semplicemente una follia.

Stretta alla Croce di Nostro Signore, sotto al dolce Manto di Maria, prego per voi che inoculando la paura nei poveri italiani, già scossi, fragili, impauriti, senza più una guida neppure spirituale (visto che il Pontefice non conferma più nessuno nella fede) li trascinate su strade pericolanti e non lungo i dolci sentieri della Via, della Verità e della Vita che sono i miei, nella grazia.

Seguivano i saluti. Alla sua risposta ironica e leggermente sprezzante (che mi lasciò del tutto indifferente, visto che io non agli uomini desidero piacere, bensì solo al Signore), gli risposi così: “

“Il tempo lo trovo sempre. Mi dispiace non averti scritto quando eri tra quanti hanno impedito al mio dolce Benedetto XVI di parlare alla Sapienza… Ma ci saranno altre occasioni. Sì con simpatia”.

Seguiva  la sua risposta di nuovo in sottile presa in giro. Ma chissene, io volevo e dovevo prendere le difese di Papa Benedetto che, proprio oggi, è volato in cielo nelle dolci mani del Signore. E non è stata la prima volta che ho difeso a spada tratta Benedetto XVI (con il quale ho avuto l’onore di avere uno scambio di lettere, diciamo così, in terza persona) perché ora in tv tutti a sperticarsi di elogi su di lui, ma ai tempi, gli stessi che ora lo incensano, lo chiamavano il “pastore tedesco” e lo raccontavano per come non era. La solita, odiosa propaganda a senso unico che mostrava il modernismo come stella polare mentre era la stellina falsa di Lucifero. E ora, più che mai, dobbiamo pregare l’Arcangelo Michele affinché ci guidi nella lotta. Senza più l’”argine Benedictus”.

Ora Benni, il mio dolce Benni e vero Papa (perché l’altro ha detto e scritto di non essere il Vicario di Cristo, e quindi che cosa è proprio non si sa…) ha raggiunto il suo posto in cielo, dove il Signore, ne sono certa, lo avrà accolto a braccia aperte e io, da quaggiù, poiché non devo più difenderlo (la propaganda ora è dalla sua parte), prego per lui, affinché interceda per noi che, qui, rimaniamo senza il  Kathekon, nel mondo al contrario, senza Dio, che ha costruito la grancassa buonista dei lupi travestiti da agnelli. Aiutaci da lassù, Benni!

Fratelli, non è il momento di vivere nel “forse”, ma è il momento della preparazione prima della mietitura.  

27 DICEMBRE 2022

Amati figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato:


Figli Miei, perché vi possiate mantenere in unione con il Mio Divin Figlio, la Fede è imprescindibile (Mt. 17, 20; 1 Gv. 5, 4-5). L’uomo spiritualizzato sarà preparato per rimanere saldo in mezzo a quanto verrà portato a compimento.


Preparatevi figli, siate più spirituali, è urgente.
Preparatevi figli con quanto ritenete sia opportuno.
Non aspettate per prepararvi, fatelo subito.

IL MOMENTO DELLE TENEBRE STA ARRIVANDO e i Miei figli, se continueranno nella Fede e ad essere fraterni gli uni con gli altri, riusciranno ad aiutarsi.

Amati figli del Mio Divin Figlio, la guerra sulla terra andrà avanti con maggiore forza e porterà la carestia, che si generalizzerà in modo inarrestabile.

Figli Miei, nei costanti appelli perché vi preparaste, la Casa Paterna ha insistito perché consideraste quei segni e quei segnali che vi hanno annunciato quello che si trasformerà in una triste realtà per l’umanità.

Siate previdenti: giungerà il freddo che rimpiazzerà il caldo e il caldo sostituirà il freddo.

Mantenetevi in allerta, le tensioni tra i paesi si trasformeranno in guerre tra i paesi.

L’umanità rimarrà in un’angoscia costante.

L’oscurità colpirà diversi paesi nel bel mezzo della guerra.


Pregate figli Miei, pregate per tutta l’umanità.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate per l’India, il suo popolo soffrirà.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, non aspettate, ascoltatemi figli.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate perché la Fede cresca quando gli eventi avanzeranno.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, i terremoti continueranno su una scala più ampia.


Figli Miei:



Figli amati, sarà duro affrontare i propri peccati (1) … Non peggiorate le cose peccando contro il prossimo.

Il Mio Divin Figlio patisce il peso del cattivo modo di comportarsi e di agire degli uomini.

Siate fraterni, aiutatevi a vicenda, rispettatevi e pregate per non cadere nel peccato.

Siate persone di pace e usate la lingua per adorare la Trinità Sacrosanta.

Quali persone che fanno il bene, adorate Mio Figlio “in spirito e verità” (Gv. 4, 23-24).

Amate i vostri fratelli come Mio Figlio ed Io li amiamo.

Non temete, “Non ci sono forse qui Io che sono vostra Madre?” Io vi proteggo.

Mamma Maria







La Parola benedetta della Nostra Madre Santissima ci mette di fronte a uno scenario molto serio e lacerante.

Con il passare del tempo, dobbiamo considerare la vicinanza di molti eventi che potrebbero accadere alla velocità di un fulmine.

La ragione della grande apatia spirituale dell’uomo, è da cercare nel disamore per la Trinità Sacrosanta, nell’indifferenza verso il Sacro, nella mancanza d’amore per il prossimo e nella pretesa di voler essere migliori del proprio fratello.

Dobbiamo darci da fare per appartenere maggiormente a Dio, per rafforzarci e per addentrarci in una migliore conoscenza di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, così da poterlo amare di più.

Non neghiamo ciò che ci è stato anticipato nei Messaggi precedenti, che forse sono stati letti con leggerezza.

Fratelli, non è il momento di vivere nel “forse”, ma è il momento della preparazione prima della mietitura.


La Florida Vuole Vederci Chiaro. Gran Giurì sui Rischi del Siero e i suoi Danni.

31 Dicembre 2022 Pubblicato da Lascia il tuo commento

Marco Tosatti

Cari amici e nemici di Stilum Curiae, mentre la Banda del Siero – politici (Repubblica ha intervistato la Ronzulli!) gazzettieri di siringa e ovviamente alcuni sanitari – cercano di ravvivare il terrore un po’ spento dall’Aspirina grazie alla Cina, altrove c’è gente che agisce con serietà per guardare un po’ più a fondo nella colossale operazione che ha devastato le vite di milioni di persone negli ultimi due anni. Speriamo che la promessa di una Commissione di Inchiesta in Italia non sia vana. 

Così il Governatore della Florida, Ron De Santis, ha deciso l’istituzione di un Gran Giurì per verificare la correttezza, e il grado di rischio delle misure prese in campo vaccinale contro il Covid da Federal Drug Administration e da Big Pharma.

Ecco, nella nostra traduzione, il documento:

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida – Oggi il governatore Ron DeSantis ha tenuto una tavola rotonda con il dottor Joseph Ladapo, chirurgo generale, e con medici, ricercatori ed esperti di salute pubblica di fama mondiale per discutere degli eventi avversi dei vaccini COVID-19 a base di mRNA e annunciare nuove azioni aggressive per responsabilizzare il governo federale e Big Pharma, tra cui:

Istituzione del Comitato per l’integrità della salute pubblica. Il Comitato sarà supervisionato dal Chirurgo Generale e valuterà le raccomandazioni e le linee guida federali in materia di salute pubblica per garantire che le politiche di salute pubblica della Florida siano adeguate alle comunità e alle priorità del Paese.
Presentazione di una petizione per la costituzione di un Gran Giurì a livello statale per indagare su crimini e illeciti commessi contro i cittadini della Florida in relazione al vaccino COVID-19.
condurre un’ulteriore sorveglianza sui decessi improvvisi di persone che hanno ricevuto il vaccino COVID-19 in Florida, sulla base dei risultati delle autopsie. Lo Stato collaborerà con l’Università della Florida per confrontare la ricerca con gli studi condotti in altri Paesi.

L’amministrazione Biden e le multinazionali farmaceutiche continuano a spingere la distribuzione su larga scala dei vaccini a base di mRNA al pubblico, compresi i bambini di 6 mesi, attraverso un’incessante propaganda che ignora gli eventi avversi della vita reale. Alla tavola rotonda di oggi, il governatore e gli esperti sanitari hanno discusso i dati relativi ai gravi eventi avversi. Questi rischi includono disturbi della coagulazione, lesioni cardiache acute, paralisi di Bell, encefalite, appendicite e herpes zoster.

“Gli operatori sanitari devono sempre comunicare ai loro pazienti i rischi di un intervento medico in modo clinicamente appropriato e conforme agli standard della pratica etica. Il Presidente Biden e Big Pharma hanno completamente impedito che ciò avvenisse: è sbagliato”, ha dichiarato il chirurgo generale Joseph Ladapo. “Con queste nuove azioni, faremo luce sulle forze che hanno oscurato una comunicazione veritiera sui vaccini COVID-19”.

Comitato per l’integrità della sanità pubblica

Il chirurgo generale supervisionerà il Comitato per l’integrità della salute pubblica, un comitato di ricercatori esperti incaricato di valutare le decisioni, le raccomandazioni e le linee guida federali relative alla salute pubblica e all’assistenza sanitaria. Il chirurgo generale riceverà i suggerimenti del comitato per garantire che le politiche di salute pubblica siano adeguate alle comunità della Florida e allineate alle priorità dello Stato. Tra i membri ci saranno:

Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD
Martin Kuldorff, PhD
Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
Joseph Fraiman, medico
Christine Stabell Benn, MD, PhD
Bret Weinstein, PhD
Steven Templeton, PhD

Gran Giurì

L’industria farmaceutica e la FDA si sono rifiutate di rilasciare i dati relativi ai pazienti ai ricercatori indipendenti. Nel frattempo, i vaccini COVID-19 prodotti da Pfizer e Moderna sono stati approvati dalla FDA per pazienti pediatrici e adulti e continuano a essere commercializzati come sicuri ed efficaci, anche se i vaccini non prevengono la trasmissione e gli eventi avversi sono stati minimizzati e ignorati dall’amministrazione Biden e da Big Pharma. In risposta, il governatore DeSantis ha presentato una petizione per istituire un gran giurì a livello statale per indagare sui crimini e gli illeciti in Florida relativi ai vaccini COVID-19 e raccomandare ulteriori metodi di applicazione.

La petizione è disponibile qui.

Sorveglianza delle autopsie

Il mese scorso, alcuni ricercatori hanno scoperto fatti allarmanti sul vaccino COVID-19 in Germania. Tra le autopsie eseguite su 25 persone decedute inaspettatamente entro 20 giorni dalla vaccinazione COVID-19, quattro indicavano decessi dovuti a insufficienza cardiaca aritmogena acuta. Lo studio ha concluso che “la miocardite può essere una complicazione potenzialmente letale in seguito alla vaccinazione anti-SARS-CoV-2 a base di mRNA”.

Per indagare ulteriormente su questo fenomeno in Florida, il dottor Ladapo condurrà una ricerca attraverso l’Università della Florida per valutare i decessi improvvisi di individui in buona salute che hanno ricevuto il vaccino COVID-19. Il Dipartimento della Salute utilizzerà anche la sorveglianza delle malattie e le statistiche vitali per valutare tali decessi.

“Questo è stato un periodo tremendamente difficile per tutti, ma siamo quasi alla fine ed è ora di iniziare a fare un bilancio di ciò che è andato storto e fare delle riforme per evitare che si ripeta”, ha dichiarato il dottor Jay Bhattacharya, docente di politica sanitaria presso la Stanford University Medical School. “Credo che la questione centrale che ha causato i problemi sia che abbiamo messo a tacere le persone qualificate dall’esprimere il loro pensiero, e di conseguenza il processo decisionale ai vertici del Paese è stato assolutamente abissale. Quando si ha la censura, il tipo di soppressione delle voci che è essenzialmente un sistema di credito sociale che sminuisce le persone che non sono d’accordo con il CDC, si prendono decisioni sbagliate che non vengono controllate. Non vedo l’ora di lavorare nei prossimi anni per riformare la sanità pubblica americana in modo che quando ci sarà un’altra pandemia faremo un lavoro molto migliore di quello che abbiamo fatto durante questa”.

“La ricerca del nostro gruppo ha rivelato che i vaccini possono influenzare il rischio di infezioni non mirate”, ha dichiarato la dott.ssa Christine Benn, M.D., Ph.D., Presidente di Health Sciences, Dipartimento di Ricerca Clinica, University of Southern Denmark. “I nuovi vaccini COVID-19 non sono ancora stati studiati per i loro potenziali effetti sul rischio di altre infezioni”.

“Il nostro studio ha esaminato con la lente d’ingrandimento gli studi clinici originali di Pfizer e Moderna che hanno portato i vaccini sul mercato alla fine del 2020. Negli studi originali, i vaccini a base di mRNA hanno aumentato gli eventi avversi gravi a un tasso notevolmente superiore a quello inizialmente previsto”, ha dichiarato il dottor Joseph Fraiman, medico di medicina d’urgenza del Thibodaux Regional Medical Center. “Il nostro studio, sottoposto a revisione paritaria e pubblicato ad agosto su una delle principali riviste del settore, indica che i vaccini COVID a base di mRNA devono essere urgentemente rivalutati. Credo che, a meno che ulteriori studi non dimostrino chiaramente un profilo danni-benefici favorevole, l’uso del vaccino mRNA non dovrebbe essere raccomandato in adulti e bambini sani. Indipendentemente da ciò che raccomandano le nostre agenzie federali, è loro dovere etico informare il pubblico di questi risultati per consentire il consenso informato di coloro che hanno scelto di assumere i vaccini COVID”.

“È chiaro che abbiamo urgentemente bisogno di analisi aggiornate e completamente trasparenti dei rischi e dei benefici dei vaccini per tutte le fasce d’età, affinché i medici possano formulare raccomandazioni informate e i pazienti possano prendere decisioni consapevoli”, ha dichiarato la dott.ssa Tracey Høeg, medico epidemiologo e ricercatore clinico presso il Dipartimento di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica dell’Università della California San Francisco, Acumen, LLC. “I mandati o i requisiti generalizzati per i vaccini COVID-19 non sono né scientifici né etici, data l’inefficacia dei vaccini nel fornire una protezione duratura dall’infezione o dalla trasmissione e l’incertezza che circonda i benefici e i rischi dei vaccini attuali”.

“È sempre importante bilanciare benefici e rischi. Per le persone anziane ad alto rischio che non sono state sottoposte a Covid, i benefici del vaccino superano i rischi potenziali di reazioni avverse”, ha dichiarato il dott. Martin Kulldorf, Ph.D., direttore scientifico del Brownstone Institute; Fellow dell’Academy for Science & Freedom dell’Hillsdale College. “Per i bambini, i giovani adulti e coloro che hanno avuto il COVID, il rischio di morire a causa del COVID è minimo, quindi anche un piccolo rischio di una grave reazione avversa al vaccino, come la miocardite, farà pendere la bilancia contro il vaccino”.

“C’è stata un’enorme perdita di fiducia nella sanità pubblica e penso che questo si possa vedere nella diminuzione dell’adozione dei vaccini tradizionalmente utilizzati”, spiega Steve Templeton, Ph.D., Professore associato di Microbiologia e Immunologia, Indiana University School of Medicine-Terre Haute. “Non si tratta solo di persone anti-vaxx; si tratta di persone che hanno davvero perso la fiducia nel sistema e penso che sia necessario ripristinare questa fiducia per far sì che le persone credano nell’efficacia dei vaccini che sono stati utilizzati per decenni senza problemi e sono stati molto efficaci”.

“Il processo decisionale relativo al covid è il più grande errore della storia umana”, ha dichiarato Bret Weinstein, ex professore di biologia evolutiva dell’Evergreen State College. “La censura sta creando la falsa sensazione che tutti i medici responsabili siano d’accordo sul da farsi e che i pochi medici che dicono il contrario siano delle frange di pazzi. E questo non potrebbe essere più lontano dalla verità. Il messaggio che ci è stato dato dalle autorità sanitarie pubbliche non era solo inetto. È andato ben oltre. Era davvero l’opposto di tutto ciò che avremmo dovuto fare. Poiché ci è stato imposto con questa forte forma di coercizione, è stato ampiamente accettato perché la gente non aveva scelta. Poiché il vaccino era così mirato, abbiamo effettivamente spinto questo agente patogeno a diversificarsi”.

“È un crimine terribile che questo vaccino sia stato spinto dai media così a lungo e che abbia impedito di comunicare qualsiasi notizia sugli orribili effetti collaterali nei media main stream”, ha dichiarato Steven Ordonia, vittima di eventi avversi da vaccini mRNA. “Questo vaccino ha quasi rovinato la mia vita e l’ha gravemente alterata”.

“Prima del vaccino ero attiva, facevo ginnastica e correvo le gare Spartan”, ha dichiarato Michelle Utter, professionista sanitaria e vittima di eventi avversi da vaccini mRNA. “Lavorando nel settore sanitario durante la pandemia, ci sono state inviate e-mail che ci dicevano l’importanza del vaccino e che erano sicuri ed efficaci. Dopo il mio primo vaccino, un’ora dopo ho accusato sintomi simili a quelli dell’influenza. Prima di fare il vaccino successivo, ho chiesto se dovevo farlo perché avevo paura di avere una reazione… Il farmacista e altri dipendenti sono venuti a rassicurarmi che non avrei avuto di nuovo la stessa reazione. Contro il mio istinto l’ho presa… 45 minuti dopo ero nel parcheggio e stavo male in macchina, le anche mi facevano così male che non riuscivo a muovermi e avevo infiammazioni ovunque. Lavorando nell’assistenza sanitaria si potrebbe pensare di ricevere le migliori cure e le migliori risorse a disposizione, ma sono stata ignorata, ingannata e abbandonata”.


27 DICEMBRE 2022

Amati figli del Mio Cuore Immacolato:


Figli Miei, perché vi possiate mantenere in unione con il Mio Divin Figlio, la Fede è imprescindibile (Mt. 17, 20; 1 Gv. 5, 4-5). L’uomo spiritualizzato sarà preparato per rimanere saldo in mezzo a quanto verrà portato a compimento.


Preparatevi figli, siate più spirituali, è urgente.
Preparatevi figli con quanto ritenete sia opportuno.
Non aspettate per prepararvi, fatelo subito.

IL MOMENTO DELLE TENEBRE STA ARRIVANDO e i Miei figli, se continueranno nella Fede e ad essere fraterni gli uni con gli altri, riusciranno ad aiutarsi.

Amati figli del Mio Divin Figlio, la guerra sulla terra andrà avanti con maggiore forza e porterà la carestia, che si generalizzerà in modo inarrestabile.

Figli Miei, nei costanti appelli perché vi preparaste, la Casa Paterna ha insistito perché consideraste quei segni e quei segnali che vi hanno annunciato quello che si trasformerà in una triste realtà per l’umanità.

Siate previdenti: giungerà il freddo che rimpiazzerà il caldo e il caldo sostituirà il freddo.

Mantenetevi in allerta, le tensioni tra i paesi si trasformeranno in guerre tra i paesi.

L’umanità rimarrà in un’angoscia costante.

L’oscurità colpirà diversi paesi nel bel mezzo della guerra.


Pregate figli Miei, pregate per tutta l’umanità.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate per l’India, il suo popolo soffrirà.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, non aspettate, ascoltatemi figli.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate perché la Fede cresca quando gli eventi avanzeranno.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, i terremoti continueranno su una scala più ampia.


Figli Miei:



Figli amati, sarà duro affrontare i propri peccati (1) … Non peggiorate le cose peccando contro il prossimo.

Il Mio Divin Figlio patisce il peso del cattivo modo di comportarsi e di agire degli uomini.

Siate fraterni, aiutatevi a vicenda, rispettatevi e pregate per non cadere nel peccato.

Siate persone di pace e usate la lingua per adorare la Trinità Sacrosanta.

Quali persone che fanno il bene, adorate Mio Figlio “in spirito e verità” (Gv. 4, 23-24).

Amate i vostri fratelli come Mio Figlio ed Io li amiamo.

Non temete, “Non ci sono forse qui Io che sono vostra Madre?” Io vi proteggo.

Mamma Maria



A Storm Is Coming When Benedict Dies

Perhaps you can relate to the following scenario.

It is often the case that families are dysfunctional, even if well-intentioned and not altogether bad. But, fallen human nature being what it is, the relationships between siblings and relatives are complex and often contentious.

Never is this dysfunction more apparent than during a crisis (which is why so many families suffered from deeper dysfunction when the cult of 2020 began). One of those times of great crisis for a family is when the patriarch of the family is set to die.

When the patriarch is set to die, it means that a whole era of history is set to die with him, which is, of course, very sad. In addition to the sadness of losing the leader of the family, there is the added reality that, when he dies, it will be necessary to divvy up the inheritance—if there is any—and handle the affairs.

In the best of scenarios, everything is taken care of in an airtight fashion with no room for backstabbing and politicking by greedy siblings. However, when there is confusion about the role of the executor, or if there is more than one executor, then unless the dysfunctional family is suddenly imbibed with an overflow of fraternal charity, the family will likely crumble to pieces after the patriarch is gone.

That rebellious and absentee sister who magically reappeared to spend time beside Dad when he was dying—worried he would forget to leave her some cash if she didn’t—is ruthless when her inheritance is at stake. That brother who has sullied his dad’s legacy is all too eager to step into the role of leader, even though he has the spine of a mollusk. And poor mom is heartbroken and in no place to deal with her bratty, grown-up children, let alone the guilt of realizing she raised them that way.

Needless to say, after Dad passes on, what is left in his wake is a storm of epic proportions that rips the family to pieces.

This is what—I believe—will happen after Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI dies.

The Church can be compared to many things, and one of those things is a family. And the fictitious family we just considered could also be called the Roman Curia.

Although Benedict is “Pope Emeritus,” he still is in many ways the patriarch of the Church.

Confusion about this era of two men dressed in white notwithstanding, Benedict is like the oldest living member of the family, a relic from another era who represents a lost generation in a time where all the sons of the family view the past as the greatest enemy.

Now, before I continue, I believe it is necessary to speak honestly about Pope Benedict; but, at the same time, there is no sense in being overly polemical, especially given the sensitive nature of the end of a man’s life.

That being said, it must be considered that Pope Benedict—no matter how well-intentioned—is more like the father of that dysfunctional family we described than not.

What I mean to say is that it is entirely possible that he is, in many respects, a good man—even a great man in some ways—while, at the same time, he was without the ability or willingness to fix the deep dysfunction in the family he inherited.

I am not saying that one man, even the pope, could single-handedly defeat the decades-old modernist onslaught in the Church. But if I were to think of a pope in a similar situation—namely Pope St. Pius X—it must be admitted that there were stricter and more effective measures that could have been implemented. I am not saying that one man, even the pope, could single-handedly defeat the decades-old modernist onslaught in the Church. But it must be admitted that there were stricter and more effective measures that could have been implemented.Tweet This

Remember, he knew all too well how bad things were. He told us, upon his election, to pray for him that he “may not flee for fear of the wolves.”

Benedict knew there were wolfish hirelings masquerading as shepherds; and ultimately, it seems, he was not able to withstand their attacks. I understand that partisans of Benedict might be uneasy to hear him spoken of as if he failed in any capacity, but it is simply a fact that he told us he was worried about fleeing, then he ultimately fled.

Benedict is a paradoxical pope, to say the least. Some of his actions and theological writings make him seem like a champion for Tradition. At the same time, some of his works—especially his earlier ones—look like they could have been ghostwritten by Teilhard de Chardin.

He is the pope who liberated the Latin Mass; but he is also the pope who didn’t do enough to ensure the Latin Mass couldn’t be supressed by his successor.

Personally, I believe that Benedict’s presence in Rome—even if passive and symbolic—has acted as a sort of stopgap against the worst onslaughts of neo-modernism set to be unleashed after his death. As long as he is alive and wearing white, he is like the dying patriarch that his progeny largely despises but to whom at least a bit of honor must be feigned for matters of decorum.

When he dies—which will likely happen very soon—all honor and decorum will be a thing of the past.

If there is any inclination in Modernist Rome to play nice a bit with Tradition and theological orthodoxy for the sake of a ceremonial hat-tip to the failed experiment of the hermeneutic of continuity, this will be gone when Benedict is gone.

When Papa Emeritus is deceased, any faint glimmer of a pre-conciliar era will be officially gone, and the dysfunction inherent in the fraternity of the Church’s hierarchy will be—I believe—on full display.

And just like in a dysfunctional family after the death of the patriarch, I imagine there will be numerous spats and splits to follow.

Brace yourself.