7-year-old Florida boy hit by space junk

LOXAHATCHEE, Florida – A 7-year old boy in Florida had to have three staples in his head after he was hit with meteorite fragments while playing in his driveway.

Steven Lippard was hit with what looked like small pebbles.

The fragments were taken to Florida Atlantic University where researchers determined they met all the criteria that make up meteorites.

Scientists are now doing further chemical testing to confirm that they are meteorites.

Despite having three staples put in his head to close his wound, Lippard is expected to be okay and not have any permanent injuries from the space rocks.

Ho passato tre anni cercando di aprirvi gli occhi alla Verità

15 novembre 2013 – Starete davanti a Me da soli, senza nessuno accanto a voi

Mia amata figlia prediletta, per l’Autorità di Mio Padre, Dio l’Altissimo, desidero informare tutti coloro che soffrono nel Mio Nome, che il tempo in cui l’Avvertimento avrà luogo è vicino.

 Quelli di voi che hanno sono venuti a conoscenza di questo, il Mio Grande Giorno della Misericordia, vedranno i segni a breve. Dovete confessare i vostri peccati davanti a Me, in modo da essere adeguatamente preparati per questo evento che scuoterà il mondo.

 Farò questo presto, in modo da poter salvare quelle persone che hanno tagliato il cordone ombelicale che li lega a Me, prima che sia troppo tardi. Dovete aver fiducia in Me e raccogliervi in preghiera, in modo che le anime nelle tenebre non periscano prima che Io conceda loro l’immunità per i loro peccati. Guardate ora nei vostri cuori e nelle vostre anime e vedeteli come Io vedo voi. Cosa vedete? Sarete capaci di stare davanti a Me e dire: “Gesù, io faccio tutto quello che desideri da me per vivere la vita che Tu ti aspetti da me” ? Direte: “Gesù, io Ti ho offeso perché non riesco a farne a meno, quindi per favore abbi Misericordia della mia anima” ? O direte: “Gesù ho peccato, ma solo perché dovevo difendermi”?

 Starete davanti a Me da soli, senza nessuno accanto a voi. Io vi mostrerò la vostra anima. Vedrete ogni macchia su di essa. Rivivrete i vostri peccati e allora Io vi darò il tempo per chiederMi di mostrarvi la Mia Misericordia. Non perché voi abbiate diritto alla Mia Misericordia, ma solo perché Io ho ​​deciso di darvi questo Dono.

 Il Mio Giorno sta per sorgere in modo imprevisto, attraverso i segni che vi verranno mostrati in anticipo.

 Ho passato tre anni cercando di aprirvi gli occhi alla Verità.

Alcuni di voi l’hanno accettata. Altri Me l’hanno ributtata in faccia. Ora è il momento della Mia Divina Misericordia e solo a coloro che Mi aprono il cuore e che Mi accettano, verrà data la possibilità di redimersi.

 Siate grati per il Mio Amore incondizionato.

 Il vostro Gesù.



The Great Comet: Will a Pope Flee in December?


Nostradamus warned that the next-to-last pope would “flee Rome in December when the great comet is seen in the daytime.” That’s the latest news spreading over the net, and it seems it may have started with NBC’s World News. If that prophecy (not to mention others about which I’ve been writing) is accurate, the next-to-last pope is either Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, or the one who will be elected in the conclave, which officially opens tomorrow, March 12.
Readers of this blog know that the topics of my most recent articles have included “a bishop dressed in white” who is described in the Third Secret of Fatima (a Vision),  the lightening that struck St. Peter’s dome hours after Benedict XVI announced his resignation, the earthquake near Rome three days after the official abdication, and prophesies like the alleged St. Malachy “Petrus Romanus” prophecies. My latest article, Comets and Coincidences, made the connection between the upcoming November 2013 Comet ISON and another Nostradamus prophecy.  
While the most recent prophecy excerpt about a pope fleeing in December (while a great comet lights the daytime sky) is certainly intriguing, I’m not certain if the news writers got this one right. In the World News article, no further information on this particular Nostradamus prophecy is offered –  not the quatrain number, not even the entire prophecy. All we have is an excerpt.  (Meanwhile, I’ve already conducted a search. So far, every website or blog simply repeats the exact excerpt of a sentence (to wit, “flee Rome in December when the great comet is seen in the daytime”), and nothing more. I f I may, I would like to invite my readers to look it up. If anyone has any success finding the entire prophecy, I would appreciate a heads-up, accompanied by a link. Thanks so much!)
Here’s the thing: If Nostradamus did indeed prophesy with those words, he indicated that December is the month of the “great comet.” The NBC World News article makes a brief reference to the calendar difference of Nostradamus’ time to ours, but the article again offers no specifics. The facts are that Nostradamus died in 1566 A.D. and the Gregorian calendar was instituted on October 4, 1582 – advancing the calendar by 10 days (but during a leap year, 11 days). Now that’s a bit uncanny if Nostradamus did prophecy about a December comet, and here’s why:

1.) Comet ISON will enter the sun’s orbit on November 28, 2013 A.D.  If it survives, astronomers are predicting it could become so bright that it will be seen in the daylight hours – and, indeed, that would be a “great comet.”  
2.) As I noted in Comets and Coincidences, Nostradamus did predict that “the great star will burn for seven days” and a cloud will cause two suns to appear. He concludes the prophecy: “The [Great] Mastiff will howl all night, and the Pontiff will flee to another country.” In his book, Catholic Prophecy, Yves Dupont mused that the “Great Mastiff” could be “Arab powers.”

3) If we can take Nostradamus literally, and if Comet ISON is the “great comet,” it will begin to burn brightly on or around November 28th, and continue to burn through Wednesday, December 4th or Thursday, December 5th. If such is the case, Nostradamus was right about a “great comet,” down to the very month.

Speaking of comet prophecies, here is another one from St. Hildegard of Bingen (d. 1179 A.D.):

“Before the Comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scoured with want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent by an earthquake, storm and tidal waves will be devastated. It will be divided, and in great part submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies in the east through a Tiger and a Lion.”

“The Comet by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues. All sea coast cities will be fearful and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves, and most living creatures will be killed and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease. For in none of these cities does a person live according to the laws of God.”

It is very amazing when these “coincidences” of lightning strikes, minor earthquakes, comets, and papal prophecies are getting the attention of secular news sources. Meanwhile, many Catholics who are making inquiries to their priests about these signs are usually being told to calm down, relax, and simply live a life of sanctifying grace.

Frankly speaking, if more people were living a life of sanctifying grace, we wouldn’t be receiving these warning signs from God. I’ve said this before but will say it again, quoting Fr. Bernard Kramer, who was an biblical exegete, especially on the Apocalypse: “In the Septuagint, the word [sign] is used for celestial phenomena.” (The Septuagint is the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament.)

In the Old Testament, God said, “Let there be lights made in the firmament of Heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.” (Gen. 1:14-16, Douay-Rheims Bible) In Hebrew, the word ‘season’ is ‘moed’ and and signifies an appointed or fixed time (which means it does not indicate the seasons of spring, summer, fall, or winter.) 

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, said: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves; Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved.” (Lk. 21: 25-26) That is an infallible prophesy. It will happen. What’s more, this infallible prophecy seems to have a connection to St. Hildegard’s, mentioned above. Moreover, the word “heavens” could mean the skies above, but it could also mean “the Church” since in biblical prophecy, the word “heaven” or “heavens” usually indicates the Church.  Again, if that is the case, Our Lord could have meant “For the powers of the Church shall be moved” – indicating a Pope and perhaps also the hierarchy.
For these reasons, let’s pay very respectful attention to the signs so far given. Is it really a coincidence that lightning struck the dome of St. Peter’s, just before 6 p.m., on the same day Benedict XVI announced his resignation? How about the “light” earthquake that struck near Rome, three days after the pope’s official resignation? Perhaps they were small but remarkable “coincidences” (the news about both certainly received attention), but let’s also consider that in the Bible, God uses lighting and earthquakes as signs.

Finally, let’s also look at this year’s comets and the timing of their appearances. The comet that blazed through Russia did so on the first Friday in Lent, Comet Pan-STARRS is appearing at its brightest during Lent, and Comet ISON (if it successfully passes through the sun) will burn brightly during the first week of Advent 2013. Both Lent and Advent are penitential “seasons” of the Church.  The common sense of a faithful Catholic would say it is highly likely these comets are signs from God.  Pay attention and respond as we should.  Pray and do penance for our own sins and for the conversion of sinners.


Entire nations will disappear

Pastor Enoch message 17 Nov 2013
November 17, 2013 – 2:15 p.m.
Many nations will suffer by the transformation of my creation, the earth has begun its cycle of purification and those countries where there is more sin and wickedness, will be hit by the cries of my creation. The winds are stronger, the seas churn and the interior of the earth has started boiling. The continents will move some more than others and its inhabitants will let us hear their woes.
Oh?, who will stand the test of my righteousness? The man with sincere heart who hears my voice and abides by my precepts, he will be like the house built on the rock, nothing will collapse him.
But those who are like leaves in the wind, those double-minded, who are neither cold nor hot; those whose faith is weak, they will fall like sand castles.
Awaken my people, that the time of my righteousness is near dilate no more your conversion, for time is no longer time! My justice is coming and knows no mercy, I say this sons of Adam, that your sin and evil, has awoken it. Woe unto you who you walk away from me, ye who turn their back to me and not their face, for the passage of my righteousness will leave not a trace of you!
Entire nations will disappear, only tears, pain and chaos, will be heard everywhere! Of no use will be to lament in the time of my righteousness, because no one will listen. Run, run, come and settle your accounts in order with your master, because the vigilant horsemen have begun to pour their glasses and will turn my creation in a valley of tears! Heed my words and put them into practice; remember, then two shall be in the field: one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken and the one will be left (Matthew 24, 40-41).
My awakening of consciousness is approaching and many remain asleep, even after I call them, they want not to wake up. The blinder of sin let them not see, or hear my anguished appeal, I tell you, unless you head to these last bells of mercy, you are going to be lost eternally, anyone who appears before me, without the proper attire, you will not enter my banquet. Again I tell you: He who wants to save his life will lose it, yet whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For many are called and few are chosen.
Amend, make amends, so that when you present yourselves before me, you may be irreproachable; love and forgive your brothers and owe nothing to anyone other than love. The nigh t of my justice is coming, sooner. Reckon and retake at once the way of salvation, so that tomorrow you will not wail.
Your Father Yahweh, Lord of Hosts, Lord of Nations.
Make this message known to all mankind.