Распад кометы ISON может грозить падением метеорита под Новый год, говорят астрономы

Вероятность этого события ученые уточнят по мере наблюдения за скоростью и светимостью фрагментов кометы


Comet Ison: alive and kicking

COMET ISON LIVES (UPDATED): Cancel the funeral. Comet ISON is back from the dead. Yesterday, Nov. 28th, Comet ISON flew through the sun’s atmosphere and appeared to disintegrate before the cameras of several NASA and ESA spacecraft. This prompted reports of the comet’s demise. Today, the comet has revived and is rapidly brightening. Click to view a SOHO coronagraph movie of the solar flyby (updated Nov. 29 @ 1800 UT):

Before the flyby, experts had made many predictions about what might happen to the comet, ranging from utter disintegration to glorious survival. No one predicted both.

Karl Battams of NASA’s Comet ISON Observing Campaign says, “[colleague] Matthew Knight and I are ripping our hair out right now as we know that so many people in the public, the media and in science teams want to know what’s happened. We’d love to know that too! Right now, here’s our working hypothesis:

“As comet ISON plunged towards to the Sun, it began to fall apart, losing not giant fragments but at least a lot of reasonably sized chunks. There’s evidence of very large dust in the long thin tail we saw in the [SOHO coronagraph] images. Then, as ISON plunged through the corona, it continued to fall apart and vaporize, losing its coma and tail completely just like sungrazing Comet Lovejoy did in 2011. What emerged from the Sun was a small but perhaps somewhat coherent nucleus that has resumed emitting dust and gas for at least the time being.”

Battams emphasizes that it is too soon to tell how big the remnant nucleus is or how bright the resurgent comet will ultimately become. “We have a whole new set of unknowns, and this ridiculous, crazy, dynamic and unpredictable object continues to amaze, astound and confuse us to no end. We ask that you please be patient with us for a couple of days as we analyze the data and try to work out what is happening.”


Persecution of Genuine Visionaries

My daughter, write this to warn the world of the persecution being inflicted on My chosen souls, sent to the world to impart the Truth, in order to save souls in advance of My Second Coming.

You will notice that My chosen visionaries, seers and prophets, are the ones who will be rejected, outright, over and above the false prophets. These beautiful souls of mine, chosen for their simple devotion, will suffer, in union with Me, the rejection that I suffered at the hands of mankind.

Those who suffer in Me, with Me and because of Me, are the genuine prophets. They are the souls who will be tormented, treated with contempt and condemned outright on My behalf. They will also be rejected by My own Church, though not by all My sacred servants. Devout followers, who follow My Teachings closely, will also be tempted to reject them, until, in time; the Truth will slowly dawn on them.

Since the beginning of time when I chose to send prophets into the world, out of My Divine Mercy, to remind you all of My Teachings, very few were believed at first. Many were scorned and viewed to be suffering from a vivid imagination, depression, or simply condemned as being deluded. Most of these prophets were, themselves, overwhelmed when they experienced their first Divine encounter. Many of them doubted these mystical experiences for some time before they accepted the authenticity of them. They were slow to reveal their experiences to any. It took them time to accept.

All of My chosen souls, while accepting their calling, were reluctant to reveal the Messages, or instructions from Me, even to those sacred servants of mine, including nuns, priests, bishops and cardinals. They felt in awe of these people and knew in their hearts, that the questions imposed on them would be very difficult to deal with. Many who were called did not reveal their Messages and used prayer and personal suffering to carry out their duty to Me.

Others, who did reveal the Messages, as instructed by My Blessed Mother and I, were not believed. It was only through the Divine manifestations, which became evident in time, that they were believed.

I urge all My followers to listen to your heart. Look at the Messages imparted by My precious visionaries and seers. These Messages are being given to you, out of Pure Love, to help guide you and save souls. That is the objective. If you decide that they are not of Divine origin, pray for guidance. If you decide that they are, then pray, pray, pray for My visionaries that they will be listened to.

Now let Me warn you of the signs to watch out for when My genuine visionaries are persecuted in My Name. Followers of the deceiver, seeing their Light, will target them, not lightly, but with a viciousness that will take your breath away. Not only will they torment them, through ridicule, but they will go to tremendous lengths to discredit them, and all in My Name. The pain that My disciples suffer is nothing to the pain that it causes Me.

My suffering has reached such a level, in recent times, that I Am reliving, all over again, the terrible torture I endured when I died for your sins, all sins, for all mankind; including those who torment Me and My visionaries; Including those murderers, those people who publicly deny Me and boast about it, and for the terrible evil in the world, at present.

Please listen to My visionaries. You will feel it in your hearts, when you hear the Truth. Please do not fall into the trap of those who persecuted the visionaries of My Blessed Mother, including Saint Bernadette or My little children at Fatima. They were treated with the utmost disrespect, especially by My sacred servants. They are the ones who hurt the most, when My Divine manifestations are given to mankind, out of Love. My Heart suffers more when they do not believe in the supernatural Divine, nor recognise it when it is presented to them.

Please pray for My visionaries, and especially, My visionaries whose Messages cannot be denied for the love they show and the warnings they contain, for they are My true visionaries. You will recognise them by the insults, slander, torment and abuse they receive at the hands of My children.

If you look at the abuse they receive and then look at the lies that are spread about them, in such a demeaning way, you will then have to ask yourself. If this person has been tormented so far and not believed, why does the abuse continue so harshly? Then you will have your answer. Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance in discerning My true prophets, visionaries and seers from the rest who are deceiving you.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ


When I come as the King of Mercy, not one soul will be left in any doubt as to Who I Am and What I Am

My dearly beloved daughter, tell all of My followers – all those who believe in Me, Jesus Christ – that they must allocate time each day to Me in prayer, in order to save the souls of those who are lost to Me. By the Graces, which I give to you, I desire that in return, you will help to bring Me the souls of those who break My Heart.

I must ask that you endure the pain you will feel, because of the separation of humanity from Me, Jesus Christ. This will be caused by the schism in My Church on Earth. By accepting this suffering with complete submission, I can conquer the grip, which the evil one exerts over those who are too weak to proclaim the True Word of God. You must never fear this Mission, for it is given to the world because of the generosity of My Beloved Father. He simply wants to reclaim His Creation, intact, so as not to lose one single child of His.

No matter who scourges you, mocks you or persecutes you, just remember the punishment, which befalls all those who spit in My Face. Then, ignoring the taunts, you must pray fervently for each of these poor souls. Be generous in heart and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that then you will fight, alongside My Heavenly Army, to salvage the world from evil. You must await therefore, with love and trust, and I will bring you great Blessings.

Hope must never be discarded because of fear. Fear must never blind you to the task which is required of you, so when I come as the King of Mercy, not one soul will be left in any doubt as to Who I Am and What I Am. Gather together. Unite. Bring all souls into My Merciful Arms. To help Me do this, you must recite this special Crusade Prayer to help Me gather and unite all souls.

Crusade Prayer (128) To gather and unite all souls:

Dearest Jesus, help us, Your beloved disciples, to gather the world in Your Arms and present to You the souls who are in most need of Your Great Mercy.

Empower us with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to ensure that the Flame of Truth engulfs all those who have become separated from You.

Unite all sinners so that each is given every chance of reconciliation.

Give all of us the strength to remain firm to Your Holy Word when we are forced to reject the Truth, which has been proclaimed to the world through the Most Holy Gospels.

We remain in You, with You and for You, every single step of this, our journey to salvation. Amen.

Be at peace. Trust in Me. Leave all your prayers at My Feet and I will respond to every single request made of Me to save any soul whose name is presented to Me.

Your Jesus




Questa vecchia anticaglia di Dio

Dio. Questa vecchia anticaglia di Dio, questo vecchio cero di Dio che brucia nell’oscurità dei secoli, questo fuoco fatuo rosso sangue, questa misera candela smoccolata da tutti i venti, noi, uomini del ventesimo (ventunesimo) secolo, non sappiamo che farcene. Siamo uomini razionali. Siamo degli adulti. Non ci illuminiamo più con una candela. Abbiamo un tempo sperato che le Chiese ci liberassero da Dio. Erano fatte per questo. Le religioni non ci disturbavano. Le religioni sono pesanti e la pesantezza ha un che di rassicurante. E’ la leggerezza che ci fa orrore, questa leggerezza di Dio in Dio, dello spirito nello spirito. E poi siamo usciti dalle Chiese. Abbiamo fatto molta strada. Dall’infanzia all’età adulta, dall’errore alla verità. Ora sappiamo dov’è la verità. E’ nel sesso, nell’economia e nella cultura. E sappiamo bene dov’è la verità di questa verità. E nella morte. Crediamo al sesso, all’economia, alla cultura e alla morte. Crediamo che l’ultima parola di tutto spetti alla morte, che scricchioli fra i suoi denti stretti sulla preda, e guardiamo i secoli passati dall’alto di questa convinzione, con indulgenza e disprezzo, come tutto ciò che si guarda dall’alto. Non possiamo volergliene per tutti i loro errori. Erano senza dubbio necessari. Ora siamo cresciuti. Ora non crediamo che a ciò che è potente, ragionevole, adulto – e nulla è più puerile della luce di una candela che trema nel buio.”

Christian Bobin Le Très-Bas