Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike

President Barack Obama has won backing from key US political figures on his plans for a military strike on Syria.

Mr Obama said a “limited” strike was needed to degrade President Bashar al-Assad’s capabilities in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack.

Key Republican leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor both voiced their support for military action. Congress is expected to vote next week.

The UN earlier confirmed that more than two million Syrians were now refugees.

More than 100,000 people are thought to have died since the uprising against President Assad began in March 2011.


Obama’s Syria Attack Resolution Authorizes Boots on the Ground

Plan for military intervention greases skids for war throughout the region, says Harvard professor

Paul Joseph Watson
September 3, 2013

The Obama administration’s draft resolution for military intervention which Congress is set to vote on next week is so broad that it would authorize boots on the ground as well as regime change and open ended war throughout the entire region, according to Harvard Law School professor Jack Goldsmith.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Goldsmith served as Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel from 2003–2004, and Special Counsel to the Department of Defense from 2002–2003.

In an article for the Lawfare Blog, Goldsmith reveals how the White House’s proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) would give Obama the power to deploy ground troops in Syria, despite the administration’s claims that it is only seeking to carry out “limited” strikes that have no connection to regime change.

“The phrase ‘The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate’ would include authorization for ground troops, should the President decide they were ‘necessary and appropriate,’” writes Goldsmith.

Missili nel Mediterraneo, Israele: è nostro test Netanyahu: non è consigliabile attaccarci

Il lancio registrato dalla stazione Armavir. Mosca: allarme missili

Israele svela il mistero dei due missili rilevati nel Mediterraneo da Mosca, ma di cui non si riusciva a rintracciare nè la provenienza, nè la destinazione precisa. «Sono nostri – ha detto il ministero della Difesa dello stato ebraico – si tratta di un test missilistico condotto insieme agli Stati Uniti». Il ministero ha spiegato che alle 6,15 Gmt (le 8,15 italiane) è stato lanciato un solo missile (e non due come comunicato da Mosca) che viene usato per testare i sistemi anti-missile.

THE SAME OL’ GAME: Congress WILL authorize WAR in Syria

Here we go again… Over and over again we see the same ol’ dog and pony show… Happened with the bailouts… obamacare.. etc..


Right now CNN and all the other “major” news outlets are debating and interviewing people, senators, congressmen, etc about this Syria problem… You have warmongers like Mccain and Lindsey Graham spewing off their bs propaganda.. All this will all lead to the actual debate on the house and senate floor.. There will be an “intense” debate on the floor which will last at most a few days.

Both the house and senate will first have the oral vote. The NAYS will be louder than the YAYS but then the hypocrites will have the actual WRITTEN VOTE and the resolution WILL PASS.

If somehow it fails. There will be a SECOND VOTE and it will pass then.

Then within 24 hours the airstrikes will begin.

This is ALL A DOG AND PONY SHOW. Obama will be glorified as a true bipartisan President. All the new outlets will hail Obama for getting Congress approval. Blah Blah Blah,

The only thing this whole show has done is BUY TIME for Obama and America…

Something BIG is coming to the WORLD.

Get ready. Have emergency supplies. Emergency Plans. Stored Food. And the means to PROTECT yourself and your family.


God Bless.


Could Syria ignite World War 3?

The crisis in Syria may appear to be no more or less than a civil war in a country many people would struggle to place on a map.

But it’s much more than that: it is rapidly becoming a sectarian struggle for power that is bleeding across the Middle East, with the potential to engulf the entire region in a deadly power struggle between two bitterly opposed Muslim ideologies, Sunni and Shia.

Already, the war inside Syria has resulted in 93,000 dead and 1.6 million refugees, with millions more displaced internally. And those figures are escalating rapidly amid reports of appalling atrocities on both sides.

Russia to create Mediterranean fleet to protect Syria

Russia to create Mediterranean fleet to protect Syria. 50314.jpeg

During the Cold War, the Mediterranean was the most important area of ​​strategic struggle between the West and the USSR. Many years have passed, a lot has happened, but the importance of the Mediterranean Sea has remained the same. Russia, a successor of the USSR, has lost some of its influence in the region over the years. It appears, though, that the country is not going to sit on its hands watching others taking its place under the Mediterranean sun.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking in front of the military, announced plans to restore the permanent presence of the Russian Federation Fleet in the Mediterranean. Putin believes that such a move is not an act of “saber rattling.” The president said that Russia had its own interests in the Mediterranean that are related to the national security of the country. The region is strategically important to Russia, and the country plans to deploy its warships in the Mediterranean Sea on a permanent basis.

Caos in Siria, Francia e Gran Bretagna pronte alla guerra

Parigi e Londra hanno le prove dell’utilizzo di gas sarin. E si preparano. Ribelli sconfitti a Qusayr: «Centinaia di morti».

La presa di posizione è chiara, come lo fu già per la Libia e per il Mali.
«Tutte le opzioni sono sul tavolo», ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri francese Laurent Fabius parlando della situazione in Siria. L’Eliseo sembra pronto anche a un intervento militare contro il presidente Bashar al Assad.
Sulla nuova determinazione del governo di François Hollande pesano i risultati dei test che provano l’utilizzo di armi chimiche da parte del regime. Si tratta, secondo quando dichiarato da Parigi, di gas sarin, di quello prodotto dagli Usa e dall’Urss durante la Guerra fredda e lanciato, negli Anni 80, da Saddam Hussein contro la popolazione curda.
I tecnici di laboratorio francesi hanno concluso che è stato «usato in diverse occasioni e in maniera localizzata anche in Siria, almeno una volta dal regime siriano».



Russian sources: Syria set for war with Israel. Iron Domes at Haifa and Safed

Russian and Iranian media Sunday, May 5, predicted full-scale Middle East hostilities involving Israel erupting in the coming hours, in the wake of Israel’s renewed strikes against Iranian missiles bound for Hizballah and other targets around Damascus. Russian sources reported rumors that President Bashar Assad was on the point of declaring war on Israel.
Russia Today claimed that an Israeli rocket strike Sunday caused heavy Syrian casualties – according to rumors, at least 300 members of the Syrian Army’s 501st Unit dead and hundreds filling four Damascus hospitals.

Assad “to declare war” on Israel following fresh airstrikes

Reports suggest that Syria’s embattled dictator, Bashar al-Assad, is shortly set to declare war on Israel after interventions against the regime

Following evidence of chemical warfare and an increasinly reticent US position, Israel has in recent days taken widely reported steps to neutralise threats emanating from within civil war-torn Syria.

While strikes from Lebanese airspace this weekend are not thought to have been on chemical weapons caches, the recent Israeli intelligence regarding the use of such weaponry is thought to have spurred on a round of strikes, including the latest just hours ago.

The Syrian state news agency SANA, citing initial reports, said early Sunday that Israeli missiles struck a military research center near the capital Damascus.

Syrian state television has reported that a major strike on an ammunition depot in Qassiyoun mountain shook Damascus, while Hezbollah’s Al-Manar station claimed the explosion may have been a downed Israeli jet.

Rumours are surfacing online that following the latest volley of attacks on the Syrian regime, President Bashar al-Assad will soon officially declare war on Israel, with speculators pointing to 5am local time for official confirmation. This information continues to persist despite the technical state of war that currently exists between the two states.