Popolo mio, è verità infinita che Io voglio salvarti!

Carbonia 27.03.2023

Popolo mio, è verità infinita che Io voglio salvarti!

Gesù, il tuo Salvatore viene a te in aiuto.

Figlia mia:

  • il tuo cuore è in Me,
  • amami sempre e divulga la mia Parola;
  • siamo alla fine di un ciclo di vita,
  • la mia SS.ma Madre è per manifestarsi in ogni casa, affinché gli uomini si ravvedano!
  • Questo evento… è grazia di Dio!
  • La verità è in Me!

Scrivi al mio amato Popolo:

Amati miei,

  • la mia collera cadrà su questa Umanità iniqua,
  • scaccerò il Male,
  • trasformerò la Terra in un Paradiso da abitare, nella felicità e amore immensi.
  • Sono Colui che gestisce la Storia;
  • oh uomini non siate ignoranti della Verità:
  • studiate le Sacre Scritture,
  • e vivete intensamente il mio Santo Vangelo, per non trovarvi spiazzati quando Io chiamerò per nome i miei Figli per ricoverarli nei miei rifugi.
  • Tornate a Me, amati Figli, riprendete in mano la vostra vita!
  • L’ora tuona nella morte,
  • il male impera: siete in pericolo!
  • Abbiate il coraggio di allontanarvi dal peccato!
  • Dite il vostro “basta!” all’infame!
  • La cattedra di Pietro è stata usurpata dal nemico!
  • Satana ha portato l’Inferno all’interno delle mura di Roma:
  • il suo piano è quello di distruggere la Chiesa di Gesù Cristo.

Figli miei, come ben sapete,

  • il mondo è già in guerra!
  • a breve, un grande boato sarà avvertito da questa Umanità: …
  • tremerà la Terra! Tremeranno i cuori degli uomini!
  • Si vivrà una strage: l’aria sarà avvelenata e causerà gravi problemi respiratori, ci saranno molte morti!
  • Pregate Figli miei, pregate, pregate umilmente, supplicate il mio intervento.
  • Purificate i vostri cuori con una buona confessione:
  • stando in ginocchio davanti al Crocifisso supplicate la misericordia di Dio!
  • Un temporale improvviso scuoterà tanti cuori,
  • ci sarà un grande risveglio, l’uomo capirà e vorrà tornare al suo Creatore.
  • È giunta l’ora della vostra conversione urgente, o uomini…non perdete tempo,
  • avviatevi a Me, il vostro Dio Amore!
    • Maria Santissima, a breve, entrerà nelle vostre case, …
  • si manifesterà nella sua sfolgorante Luce Divina, vi chiederà di seguirla in obbedienza al volere di Dio Padre, affinché in voi succeda la grazia della vera vita.

Dio attende il ravvedimento dei suoi figli, con tanto amore attende riabbracciarli a Sé.

  • Mettete in voi l’abito bianco, quello della festa,
  • ricongiungetevi a Colui che vi ha creati, affinché Egli, il Padre vostro che è nei Cieli, possa ricoverarvi nel suo Petto, farvi divini in Lui, inattaccabili dal Male;
  • mai più Satana potrà infierire sui figli di Dio!

Un terremoto serpeggia da nord a sud, … l’Italia sarà ferità in maniera grave.

Oh! Italia mia, troppo ti sei allontanata dal tuo Dio Creatore,

  • hai posto ostacoli tra te e Lui,
  • nella tua debolezza hai dato il tuo “sì” al nemico:
  • ti sei fatta gestire da lui,
  • ti sei privata della vera libertà e della vita.
  • Hai tenuto fede alle false promesse di Satana,
  • non hai fatto nessun discernimento,
  • hai creduto in lui e basta!

Poveri uomini,  oggi sento il vostro respiro debole, affaticato, il petto dolorante, l’anima sfiancata dal tradimento al vostro unico e vero Dio, il vostro Creatore.

  • Imbevuti del veleno di Satana non riuscite più a tenervi in piedi,
  • siete come ubriachi,
  • andate come zombi, impotenti di gestire la vostra vita!

Amata figlia, scrivi ancora:

Popolo mio, è verità infinita che Io voglio salvarti, liberarti dagli artigli di Satana, ancora ti richiamo a Me per ridonarti la vita in Me.

  • Amatemi o uomini:
  • non rinnegate il vostro Creatore,
  • non seguite il Demonio,
  • lui opera in voi per trascinarvi all’Inferno con sé.
  • Svegliatevi figli miei, svegliatevi!!!
  • Datemi la possibilità di aiutarvi,
  • fermatevi, per un solo istante,
  • chiamatemi in vostro aiuto e Io vi soccorrerò.
  • Vi amo, siete i miei Figli!
    • Rinunciate a Satana… alle sue seduzioni… alle sue menzogne.
    • È tutto falso quello che lui vi manifesta,
  • non abbiate timore di riprendere la via della santità.

Io Sono!!!

Wuhan researcher claims China engineered COVID-19 as a ‘bioweapon’

Wuhan researcher claims China engineered COVID-19 as a 'bioweapon'
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By CNBCTV18.com Jun 28, 2023 1:01:57 PM IST (Updated)

A Wuhan Institute of Virology researcher has claimed that COVID-19 was engineered as a bioweapon by China, revealing experiments and suspicious activities surrounding the pandemic’s origins.

According to an ANI report, a researcher from the Wuhan Institute of Virology claims that China allegedly engineered the coronavirus as a “bioweapon.”
In an interview shared by ANI, Chao Shao told Jennifer Zeng, a member of the International Press Association, that he and his colleagues were given four strains of the virus to determine which strain could spread most effectively. Zeng, a Chinese-born human rights activist and author, took the interview between March and April 2020.
Chao Shao recounted an incident where another researcher from the institute, Shan Chao, admitted that their superior had given them four strains of the coronavirus to test their infectivity across various species, including humans. Chao Shao also referred to the coronavirus as a “bioweapon.”


24 GIUGNO 2023

Amati figli del Mio Cuore, voi siete creta nelle Mie Mani…

L’umiltà (1) è la grande virtù che Io amo nelle persone…

VOI STATE VIVENDO I MOMENTI CHE PRECEDONO LA GRANDE DEVASTAZIONE MONDIALE.  L’invidia riuscirà ad annullare la mente dell’uomo e lo porterà a dimenticarsi che distruggerà sé stesso.

Le lotte, le minacce, la supremazia, progrediranno…



Pregate figli Miei, pregate, Cuba tremerà con forza, parte del suo territorio collasserà.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, la Giamaica patirà nella sua zona meridionale, a causa del tremore della sua terra.

Pregate figli, pregate, Haiti e la Repubblica Dominicana soffriranno a causa della forza della natura, saranno duramente scosse.

Pregate figli, pregate, Porto Rico verrà colpita da uno tsunami.

Pregate figli, Aruba soffrirà.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, Trinidad e Tobago saranno scosse.

Pregate figli Miei, pregate, piccoli isolotti saranno investiti da uno tsunami.

Figli Miei:


Il Mio Popolo ha fede e infatti sa che, in quanto Popolo in cammino, verrà da Me liberato da quanto accadrà all’umanità durante il compimento delle Profezie. (2)

Il luogo per proteggersi dal pericolo sarà “un cuore di carne” (Ez. 11,19) in caso contrario nulla basterà.

Il firmamento sembrerà essere in fiamme e questo sarà il risultato del male compiuto dall’uomo.

Io non Mi stancherò di chiamarvi a un cambiamento di vita.


Voi siete i Miei figli, abbiatelo chiaro in mente. Vi benedico.

Il vostro Gesù


(1) Riguardo all’umiltà, leggere…
Riguardo al compimento delle profezie, leggere…





La situazione mondiale è in crisi e a un livello molto serio. Questa non è la mia opinione, ma mi esprimo sulla base di ciò che Nostro Signore mi fa sapere.  Ciascuno di noi ha la responsabilità di impegnarsi il più possibile, al fine di essere migliore, nella consapevolezza che ci troviamo sull’orlo del baratro.

Nostro Signore mi Ha detto:

“Chiunque si trovi lontano da Me, e ritiene di avere una totale protezione, nell’aver costruito ciò che considera la migliore difesa contro le armi nucleari, è in errore.
IO SONO COLUI CHE SONO! (Es. 3.14), mi ha detto Nostro Signore, e compirò miracoli per quei Miei figli che sono umili. Io li proteggerò senza bisogno di costruzioni di ferro o di altri materiali. Ma Ho bisogno che abbiano Fede, perché senza Fede non sono niente.
 Rispettate le Mie opere, queste Mie Parole, perché resterete allibiti quando vedrete compiersi la Mia Protezione per i Miei figli.”


Queste sono le parole di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo.


 Vi invito a pregare:


Signore, abbiamo bisogno di Fede
(Ispirata a Luz de Maria, 24.06.2023)


Signore, che conosci e ascolti i nostri pensieri,
in questo momento abbiamo bisogno di fede.

Quella fede che ci porti a guardare la grandezza delle Tue opere e
l’infinita Misericordia con la quale compi miracoli nei Tuoi figli.

Quella fede che sia capace di condurci a Te, che Sei nostro Padre.

Quella fede che guardi il Tuo Cuore, vivendo del Tuo Palpitare.

Tu, Signore, Sei tutto quello di cui i Tuoi figli hanno bisogno,
il Sacro Alimento, diletto degli stessi Angeli.

Tu Sei la luce che illumina l’anima, anche quando tutto è oscurità,
perché Tu Sei il Santo, Tu Sei il Potere, Tu Sei la Sapienza che ci guida,
Tu Sei Colui che tutto conosce e tutto sa, eppure Sei l’umile per eccellenza.

Tu Sai da cosa ci liberi, Signore, per questo con fede Ti diciamo: grazie Signore!
Grazie per quello che è successo, per quello che sta succedendo e per quello che succederà.
Perché la Tua Volontà regni in tutta la Creazione, nei secoli dei secoli.




Sunday, May 28, 2023


Message received May 27-28, 2023

My daughter and My children, another large shift has taken place these past few days, another convulsion of all that is created as My approach is so very near now. This contraction in the spirit, as a woman giving birth, was more intense and powerful than before. You are sensing the tearing now more palpably in this realm, as evil is making its full exposure and all that is made by Me must respond to the gravity of the frequency change. 

As you have reflected these past few days on Shavuot (Pentecost), you remember that I made a covenant with My people on Mt. Sinai, and then I came to fulfill that covenant in the flesh, dying and rising again, then sending My Holy Spirit 50 days after My death.  I have given you My Ruach Hakodesh to counsel you in all your ways. I am here with you, and I will lead and guide you in all things, just as I did then. Do not place your trust in anything but Me.  

As the world, and especially your nation have given themselves over to idolatry in all ways, they will now see the consequences of their choices. I alone am Yahuah, God, and I will not give My glory to another or My praise to idols. The ways of man have only brought death and destruction, but I have come to bring life everlasting. I will make Myself known to the world and none will be able to deny that I AM THE GREAT I AM. There is none besides Me.

Hold on My dear ones, hold on and remain steadfast in your faith, as all this must occur, but I assure you it will occur quickly, as I will act powerfully and nothing will be the same. The revelation of who I am that has been covert for most will suddenly be revealed in such a way that not one soul on the earth will have a doubt that I AM lives and that I AM in control of all things. Remain still as you have been instructed. You can sense the change that is here, the awesomeness and the weightiness of creation preparing to receive her Creator. I am in every aspect of every thing. I am in the pulse of life everywhere. 

Pray earnestly to be found firmly grounded in Me and in position to serve those I bring to you. Many, many will be seeking and searching for answers, for truth, and it is My truth manifesting in and through you that will show them the way of redemption and salvation. I will thunder, and I will roar in the heaven-lies and in the earth and the great separation will have been made between those who stand with Me and those who are against Me. No excuses will be accepted, as it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. I will be exalted in all the earth as all those who are Mine are redeemed, while those who are not will receive their recompense.

I am near to those who are of a contrite heart and a broken spirit. Those chosen to lead others will be the servants first and foremost of all souls. I will only use vessels emptied and completely void of selfish desires and ambitions and vessels fully surrendered to Me in all aspects of life. 

It all begins now in earnest My children. Stay close to Me, watch, wait in great faith and anticipation, and rejoice, for you were created for such a time as this!!


Isaiah 13:8

And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames.

Zech. 11:6

For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the LORD: but, lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbour’s hand, and into the hand of his king: and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.

Exodus Ch. 19 and 20

Acts 1:8

But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Acts 2:3-4

And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Jer. 50:34-35

Their Redeemer is strong; the LORD of hosts is his name: he shall throughly plead their cause, that he may give rest to the land, and disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. A sword is upon the Chaldeans, saith the LORD, and upon the inhabitants of Babylon, and upon her princes, and upon her wise men.

Jer. 51:47

Therefore, behold, the days are coming when I will punish the idols of Babylon. Her entire land will suffer shame, and all her slain will lie fallen within her.

Deut. 28:15

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

Isaiah 42:8

I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

John 10:28

And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any manpluck them out of my hand.

Isaiah 45:21

Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.

1 Pet. 5:9
Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.

Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Jer. 25:12-38

12‘Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation,’ declares the LORD, ‘for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans; and I will make it an everlasting desolation. 13‘I will bring upon that land all My words which I have pronounced against it, all that is written in this book which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations. 14‘(For many nations and great kings will make slaves of them, even them; and I will recompense them according to their deeds and according to the work of their hands.)’”

15For thus the LORD, the God of Israel, says to me, “Take this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it. 16“They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.”

17Then I took the cup from the LORD’S hand and made all the nations to whom the LORD sent me drink it: 18Jerusalem and the cities of Judah and its kings and its princes, to make them a ruin, a horror, a hissing and a curse, as it is this day;19Pharaoh king of Egypt, his servants, his princes and all his people; 20and all the foreign people, all the kings of the land of Uz, all the kings of the land of the Philistines (even Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and the remnant of Ashdod); 21Edom, Moab and the sons of Ammon; 22and all the kings of Tyre, all the kings of Sidon and the kings of the coastlands which are beyond the sea; 23and Dedan, Tema, Buz and all who cut the corners of their hair; 24and all the kings of Arabia and all the kings of the foreign people who dwell in the desert; 25and all the kings of Zimri, all the kings of Elam and all the kings of Media; 26and all the kings of the north, near and far, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the earth which are upon the face of the ground, and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them.

27“You shall say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, “Drink, be drunk, vomit, fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you.”’ 28“And it will be, if they refuse to take the cup from your hand to drink, then you will say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts: “You shall surely drink! 29“For behold, I am beginning to work calamity in this city which is called by My name, and shall you be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment; for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth,” declares the LORD of hosts.’

30“Therefore you shall prophesy against them all these words, and you shall say to them,
‘The LORD will roar from on high
And utter His voice from His holy habitation;
He will roar mightily against His fold.
He will shout like those who tread the grapes,
Against all the inhabitants of the earth.

31‘A clamor has come to the end of the earth,
Because the LORD has a controversy with the nations.
He is entering into judgment with all flesh;
As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword,’ declares the LORD.”

32Thus says the LORD of hosts,
“Behold, evil is going forth
From nation to nation,
And a great storm is being stirred up
From the remotest parts of the earth.

33“Those slain by the LORD on that day will be from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be lamented, gathered or buried; they will be like dung on the face of the ground.

34“Wail, you shepherds, and cry;
And wallow in ashes, you masters of the flock;
For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions have come,
And you will fall like a choice vessel.

35“Flight will perish from the shepherds,
And escape from the masters of the flock.

36“Hear the sound of the cry of the shepherds,
And the wailing of the masters of the flock!
For the LORD is destroying their pasture,

37“And the peaceful folds are made silent
Because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

38“He has left His hiding place like the lion;
For their land has become a horror
Because of the fierceness of the oppressing sword
And because of His fierce anger.”

Heb. 10:31

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Matt. 20:16

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

Romans 6:11-13

Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

Jack Maxey explains CIA connection to Hunter Biden, Metabiota and Wuhan lab

Featured Image The Eric Metaxas Radio Show / Rumble
0:00 / 9:05


(LifeSiteNews) — In today’s episode of Faith & Reason, Hunter Biden laptop expert Jack Maxey reveals his new findings concerning the Biden family, the CIA, Metabiota, and the Wuhan lab.

“The problem is Hunter [Biden] is doing criminal behavior with the blessing of U.S. intelligence,” Maxey explains in the episode.

Maxey then first goes into the history of the company Metabiota, with which Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca investment firm had investments and which is connected to the controversial biolabs in Ukraine.

“I’ve talked for over two years about Metabiota, which is an American company that was the prime contractor inside the U.S. intel-operated laboratories in Ukraine, the ones that they said didn’t exist,” Maxey says. “And then they admitted, ‘okay, they do have smallpox in them,’ even though the World Health Organization said that had to be eliminated 30 years ago.”

Maxey goes on to say that “Metabiota runs them [the biolabs in Ukraine]. Metabiota is also inside the Wuhan lab. They were partners with a guy named George Gao, who’s the head of the Chinese [equivalent to the] CDC.”

READ: ‘Sweetheart deal’: Hunter Biden to plead guilty to tax misdemeanors to avoid felony gun charge prosecution

Then the historian and former member of Steve Bannon’s War Room explains the connection between the then-head of the Chinese CDC and Hunter Biden, saying that Gao was “introduced to Metabiota through Hunter Biden because Hunter Biden had a relationship with a woman named Xiaoying Zeng in Beijing through a company in Beijing called Radix.”

This part of Maxey’s findings is covered by LifeSite’s report from last November.

Gao, as scientist, is an expert on coronaviruses, and is connected with the gain-of-function research that is believed to have been the cause of the coronavirus so-called pandemic.

Further research of the name “Xiaoying Zeng” shows that such a woman exists in the U.S., and that her full name is Xiaoying Gao Zeng.

More importantly, the e-mail address given on the internet linked to this woman is the same e-mail address that can be found on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

But let us return to Jack Maxey’s new findings.

“… today I just put together some extra dots,” Maxey says in the newly released interivew. “Metabiota is a portfolio company of an investment group based out in San Francisco that is funded by the CIA, that’s not secret, called In-Q-Tel.”

“Hunter was in conversation with one of those board members early on about Metalbiota, and I’m guessing it was long before it became a portfolio company of a taxpayer funded, CIA-run investment firm in San Francisco called In-Q-Tel.”

READ: Tucker Carlson: Hunter Biden and his father’s administration represent a ‘total inversion of virtue’

In-Q-Tel’s website can be found here, and explicitly states it is working “to enhance and advance national security for the U.S. and its allies.” According to the Department of Homeland Security, “IQT is the independent, non-profit strategic investor for the CIA and the broader U.S. Intelligence Community – including DHS.”

The collaboration between In-Q-tel and Metabiota is of public record, as shown in this 2017 article.

According to Maxey, George Hoyem is the In-Q-Tel man with whom Hunter’s firm was in contact.

For example, the following 2014 email from Hunter’s laptop shows that a representative from Metabiota reached out to Hunter’s firm, explaining that he was introduced to In-Q-Tel’s Hoyem.

“Wanted to give you a heads up that I got an intro to George Hoyem at In-A-Tel I don’t think that was the person you mentioned but wanted to make sure. He is based in SF [San Francisco],” Nathan Wolfe of Metabiota told John DeLoche, an associate of Hunter Biden on October 1, 2014.

DeLoche responds back on the same day with the words: “Nathan, That’s great. Gillman Louie is the founder of In-Q-Tel and a close friend of mine and Will’s. He runs his own firm now, Alsop Louie partners in SF. We will make an intro when the time is right. Best, John.”

Further explaining the link between Hunter Biden, the CIA and Metabiota, Maxey goes on to say: “So that means that when Hunter was out trying to get his besties, with the help of Boies, Schiller [of this firm, whose names are often found in the Biden e-mails] and other people in Washington, D.C., to get investors, insiders invested in this deal, this private company, my guess is Hunter already knew full well that In-Q-Tel was going to be the buyer.”

That is to say, that the U.S. government would invest in a company that Hunter Biden was involved with. States Maxey: “There’s a bribe paid to the Bidens from the United States, CIA and right out of the backpocket of every American. And if you want a bonus, hey, that’s the pandemic which they were also all involved in.”

READ: Biden snaps at NY Post reporter asking about foreign bribery allegations: ‘Dumb question’

The historian and political analyst then draws a direct link between the Bidens and the COVID pandemic: “If nothing else, people out there, the Biden family profited directly from experimentation going on inside the Wuhan lab through the relationship with George Gao, Metabiota and their profit from it in coronavirus research in the Wuhan lab. And the CIA knew every single detail.”

This would further point not only to Chinese involvement in the origins of the coronacrisis, but also to U.S. governmental involvement.

Maxey then expounds on other areas of the Biden corruption:

And then you remember Hunter goes to try and sell Metabiota to the Ukrainians. A month later, his dad gets the prosecutor fired. He [the prosecutor] was trying to prosecute Zlochevsky [Mykola Zlochevsky], who is the chairman of Burisma, the very company that later hired Hunter Biden for $82,000 a month. Well, the same company a year and a half later hires a guy named Cofer Black. Cofer Black is a CIA case officer, retired, formerly worked very closely with John Brennan in Riyadh on Saudi Arabia, the same John Brennan who led the group of 51 intelligence professionals when they interfered in the 2020 election, calling the laptop Russian disinformation and a fabrication of the Kremlin.

Herewith, Maxey draws the connection between the role of the CIA in covering up the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2016 presidential election, that now can be seen as a direct attempt at election interference.

Maxey then encourages listeners to be alert and to face reality: “Connect the dots, people. Our target has to be these rogue intelligence agencies. Hunter Biden is a bit player. He’s like a kid selling crack on the corner. He is not the cartel leaders.”

When asked by LifeSite’s editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen as to what should be done about these 51 intelligence people who gave their names to the statement that the laptop was a piece of disinformation, Maxey insists upon action: “I believe that the United States Congress should call all of them in. They only have to ask them one question. Who asked you to sign this and what led you to sign it? And then after they’ve answered those two questions, I’d ask them all to leave. And I’d have a press conference demanding that all of their security clearances be pulled because these people are still employed in the private sector.”

Thus, Hunter Biden has to be protected by the powers-that-be because he knows too much, but he is not the leading figure, according to Jack Maxey. “I think this has been a fix from day one [to protect Hunter Biden], because, as I’ve always said, it’s not about Hunter. It’s about the big wigs who are protecting Hunter. Hunter’s just like a street mob boss. We’ve got to take down Tammany Hall. And that’s essentially what the intelligence services, with the complicity of the Department of Justice have become. It’s a protection racket for dirty actors on the inside.”

READ: Jack Maxey shares the latest on Biden family corruption, FBI persecution of pro-life conservatives

It is here that we, once again, speak of the Deep State, a network of elites within the U.S. government agencies that do not serve the American people, but their own private and well-connected interests.

Jack Maxey’s findings are very important, and hopefully he will further detail them in the near future. They certainly would explain why Hunter Biden seems to get a “sweetheart” treatment by the prosecutors in Delaware, as Faith & Reason host Liz Yore calls it. “But not Hunter [is not being punished for his crimes],” insists Maxey. “You know why? Because Hunter has the ability to take down the CIA and the FBI. 100 percent.”


24 DE JUNIO DE 2023

Amados hijos de Mi Corazón, son barro en Mis Manos…

La humildad (1) es una gran virtud que Yo amo en la criatura…


VIVEN LOS MOMENTOS PREVIOS A LA GRAN DEVASTACIÓN MUNDIAL.  La envidia logra aplastar al mismo pensamiento del hombre y llevarle a olvidar que se va a destruir a sí mismo. Avanzan las luchas, las amenazas, la supremacía…



Oren hijos Míos, oren, Cuba se estremece con fuerza, cae parte de su territorio.

Oren hijos Míos, oren, Jamaica padece en su zona sur por el estremecimiento de su tierra.

Oren hijos, oren, Haití y República Dominicana padecen por la fuerza de la naturaleza, son estremecidas fuertemente.

Oren hijos, oren, Puerto Rico es alcanzado por un tsunami.

Oren hijos, padece Aruba.

Oren hijos Míos, oren, Trinidad y Tobago es estremecida.

Oren hijos Míos, oren, pequeños islotes son presa de un tsunami.

Hijos Míos:



Mi Pueblo posee fe, tanta que sabe que como pueblo en marcha, es librado por Mí de cuánto va a suceder en la humanidad en medio del cumplimiento de las Profecías. (2)


El lugar para protegerse del peligro es “un corazón de carne”, (Ez. 11,19) de lo contrario nada será suficiente.


El firmamento parecerá estar en llamas, siendo esto producto del mal del hombre.


No Me cansaré de llamarles al cambio de vida.



Son Mis hijos, ténganlo claro. Les bendigo.


Su Jesús


(1) Sobre la humildad, leer…
(2) Sobre el cumplimiento de profecías, leer…






La situación mundial se encuentra en crisis y en un nivel muy serio. No hablo yo, sino con base en lo que Nuestro Señor me comparte. Cada uno es responsable de dar lo más que pueda para ser mejor, a sabiendas de que estamos al borde del abismo.

Nuestro Señor me dijo:


“El que se encuentre lejos de Mí y con toda la protección que pueda tener para construir lo que él considere es la mayor protección contra un arma nuclear, se encuentra equivocado.

¡Yo Soy el que soy! (Ex. 3.14) me dijo Nuestro Señor y Yo haré milagros en favor de Mis hijos humildes; les protegeré sin necesidad de construcciones de hierro u otros metales. Pero necesito que tengan fe, porque sin fe nada son.

Respeten Mis obras, estas Mis Palabras, porque caerán por tierra cuando vean cumplida Mi Protección hacia Mis hijos.”

Esas son las palabras de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo.


Les invito a orar:


Señor, necesitamos fe.
(Inspirada a Luz de María, 24.06.2023)

Señor, que conoces y escuchas nuestros pensamientos,
en este momento necesitamos fe.

Esa fe que nos lleve a mirar la grandeza de Tus obras,
la infinita misericordia con que obras milagros en Tus hijos.

Fe que sea capaz de llevarnos hacia Ti porque eres Nuestro Padre.

Esa fe que mire Tu Corazón y vivamos por Tu Palpitar.

Eres Señor la necesidad de Tus hijos,
el Alimento Sagrado, delite de los mismos Ángeles.
Eres la luz que nos iluminará el alma cuando todo sea oscuridad,
porque eres Tú el Santo, Tú el Poder, Tú la Sabiduría que nos conduce,
Tú el que todo lo conoce y lo sabe y aun así eres el humilde por excelencia.

Tú sabes de qué nos libras, Señor, por ello en fe te digo: ¡gracias Señor!
Gracias por lo que ha pasado, por lo que pasa y pasará.
Porque Tu Voluntad reina en toda la Creación por los siglos de los siglos.





È giunto il tempo della mia Giustizia!

Carbonia 24.06.2023

È giunto il tempo della mia Giustizia!

Così dice il Signore:

  • Soccomberanno gli empi!
  • Soffierò nuova vita sui miei Figli!
  • Uscite da lì, o Popolo mio, per non incorrere nella stessa sorte dei malvagi:
  • pianto e stridore di denti per gli assassini del mio Popolo!
  • Tuonerò la mia Giustizia!
  • Farò tremare le mura di Roma!
  • Stramazzeranno al suolo gli empi,… mai più si solleveranno contro il mio Popolo.
  • Grido a te o Popolo mio, fuggi lontano dalle mura di Roma, perché il tempio sconsacrato crollerà, le sue macerie sotterreranno i traditori!
  • Questo è il tempo in cui vedrete succedere ciò che Io vi ho annunciato attraverso i miei profeti: conoscerete la Mia Misericordia e … la Mia Giustizia!
  • L’uomo va ignaro di ciò che dovrà subire a causa del peccato al quale non vuole rinunciare.

La tempesta è ormai su di te o Popolo ingrato, o Popolo infedele. Oh tu, che dicevi di amarmi, ma come Giuda Mi hai voltato le spalle e ancora Mi tieni Crocifisso.

La tua superbia sta per cadere:

  • ti spoglierò di tutto,
  • ripulirò questa Umanità da tutte le sozzure del Demonio!

L’uomo si è messo contro il suo Dio Creatore per seguire il maledetto Serpente Antico, ma …

  • è giunto il tempo della mia Giustizia:
  • separerò la zizzania dal buon grano e brucerò la pula.
  • Scuoterò i cuori degli uomini, li renderò pane a Me, li trasfigurerò in Me, perché da Me hanno avuto la vita: essi Mi appartengono.
  • La Vita chiama a Sé i Suoi;
  • la folgore sta per venire giù dal Cielo con potenza,
  • morirà tutto ciò che a Dio non appartiene,
  • Egli solleverà i suoi Figli fedeli a Sé, prima del grande reset! (riportare allo stato iniziale).

E voi, o uomini di scienza:

  • avete ormai perso il lume della ragione,
  • vi siete prostrati al nemico,
  • la vostra sapienza termina qui con questo mio appello!

 … … Sono stanco!


  • il mio Pianto e il mio Dolore sono infiniti,
  • questa Umanità ha perso il buon senso, è priva di meditazione,
  • il Demonio è riuscito – nell’inganno – a prendere potere sull’uomo.

Figli miei, quale sorte su di voi!

  • Non avete ascoltato il mio appello di salvezza;
  • Satana vi ha resi suoi complici!

Manca poco all’ora del mio Intervento,

  • destatevi dal sonno o uomini!
  • Convertitevi prima che la Luna si spenga e la tenebra vi prenda. Amen!


Indications of Poseidon Test Launch From Submarine Belgorod

Indications of Imminent Poseidon Test Launch From Submarine Belgorod

Flag Russia Russia’s largest submarine, Belgorod (K-329) has sailed from Severodvinsk in the Russian Arctic in the past few days. This is likely unrelated to the Wagner coup/rebellion but may be significant all the same.

Also sailing from Severodvinsk was the support ship Akademik Aleksandrov. This ship is associated with testing the 2м39 Poseidon Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo. The sailing of the two together, plus other signs observed, may indicate that a Poseidon test launch is imminent.

  • I would say that a Poseidon launch from Belgorod, the first for this submarine, is at least likely.
  • Additionally, it is possible that it will involve 6 weapons, which is the submarine’s full load.

CLICK to Enlarge.

Russian state media outlet TASS has recently reported that the first sea trials of Poseidon will take place this summer. TASS also reported on June 23 that “Russia will not notify US of Poseidon drone tests”. Historically the tests of strategic weapons were declared ahead of time to prevent misinterpretation by the US (and vice-versa).

The tests may also be indicated by a NOTAM (navigation warning: Notice To Airmen) which has been set up for June 25-30 in the Barents Sea. However at this stage this association is purely circumstantial.
Notam Warning


Belgorod is Russia’s latest and largest ‘special mission’ submarine. It can carry 6 Poseidon weapons in the bow together with regular torpedoes. Uniquely it has a second mission related to Seabed warfare, carrying deep-diving nuclear-powered midget submarines. These could target undersea infrastructure such as sensor array, pipelines and internet cables. At the moment it appears that the Poseidon mission is taking precedence however.

CLICK to Enlarge.

Akademik Aleksandrov

Akademic Aleksandrov was reported that the “oceanographic research vessel” when completing sea trials. However evidence quickly surfaced showing that it was actually related to the testing of Poseidon. It appears likely that she superseded the Pr.20180 Class weapons ship Zvezdochka 600 which previously supported Poseidon testing with the specialist submarine B-90 Sarov. Possibly the cranes aboard Zvezdochka 600 do not have the capacity required for current or future iterations of Poseidon. In the trials Akademic Aleksandrov would be used to recover the Poseidon test rounds.

Poseidon support ship Akademik Aleksandrov

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