Preparatevi all’incontro con il vostro Dio Amore.

Carbonia 26.05.2023

Preparatevi all’incontro con il vostro Dio Amore.

Come il sole vi riscalderò, metterò in voi un cuore nuovo, un cuore puro,
…sarete raggianti di Me, della mia stessa Luce brillerete.

Amati miei,

  • il vostro andare sarà nelle mie vie, quelle dell’Amore Infinito.
  • Io canterò a voi il mio immenso Amore:
    al mio dolce canto vibreranno i vostri cuori!
  • Nei vostri occhi si accenderà una luce nuova,
    gioia immensa e amore infinito verranno in voi!
  • Le mie Mani prenderanno le vostre mani,
    vi accompagnerò a una danza festosa che mai finirà, …
  • non avrete più a soffrire.
  • Ecco, il Cielo vi prenderà in Sé e vi ricolmerà di Sé,
  • sarete “uomini nuovi”,
    sarete Immagine e Somiglianza del vostro Dio Amore.
  • Gestitevi nell’amore, date esempio di cose buone,
  • e nella vostra carità osannate Colui che vi ha creati.
  • Purificatevi o uomini,
    preparatevi all’incontro con il vostro Dio Amore, …
  • il suo intervento è prossimo: tutto sarà rinnovato;
  • il Bene impererà, … il Male cadrà.

Miei amati Figli,

  • Io vengo a rinnovare ogni cosa:
  • la mia Creatura sarà in Me e vivrà nella grazia del suo Dio Creatore.
  • State nella Verità, Figli miei,
  • non fatevi abbagliare dalle false luci di questo mondo!

Oh voi che Mi conoscete… oh voi che acclamate il mio Santo Nome, in verità vi dico:

  • state in attesa di Me,
  • non appesantite il vostro cuore con il peccato,
  • scioglietevi dalle catene del Demonio,
  • anelate alla Vita,
  • state in Me!
  • Sta per sorgere un sole nuovo, …un Sole di vita eterna!

Figli miei,

  • state per entrare a godere di ciò che Io vi ho preparato,
  • il mio Giardino vi attende con tutti i suoi fiori profumati e frutti deliziosi:
    … danzerete a piedi nudi sull’erba verde dei miei prati,
    danzerete e inneggerete Me,
    il dolce Profumo di vita!

Dio È!

“The Storm Is Coming” Warning Issued As “Doomsday Playbook” Appears

25 May 2023


Hello Folks,

In his video address to participants of the 11th International Meeting of High Representatives for Security Issues yesterday, President Putin told the top security officials from 100 of the world’s nations:

Clearly, the international situation can be described in terms of mounting instability.

Different regions see old hotbeds of tension expand and new ones emerge, the negative burden of conflicts is piling up, and people in many countries are experiencing the dramatic aftermath of the foreign-engineered coups.

This state of affairs directly stems from the desire of individual states and associations to preserve their dominance and impose their rules as they continue to act in complete disregard of other countries’ sovereignty, national interests and traditions.

All of that goes hand in hand with building up military capacity and brutal interference in the internal affairs of other countries, as well as the attempts to secure unilateral advantages from the energy and food crises provoked by a number of Western states.

Russia is convinced that there is a workable alternative to this destructive course and policy of blackmail and illegitimate sanctions, which includes the strengthening of stability around the world, the consistent building of single and indivisible security, and the solution to formidable tasks leading to economic, technological and social progress.

To get there, it is primarily important to coordinate the efforts of all countries and to ensure painstaking joint work based on the principles of mutual respect, partnership and trust. These approaches are laid down in the revised Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept.

I have said more than once and I will say it again: our country stands ready to establish close interaction with all countries that have an interest in countering common threats and challenges facing humanity.

We highly appreciate the fact that Russia has many partners in different regions and on different continents and the historically strong, friendly, and trust-based ties with the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America and we will work to fortify them in every way we can.

I am sure that acting together we will build a more just multipolar world, and the exceptionalism-driven ideology, as well as the neo-colonial system that made it possible to exploit the resources of the whole world, will inevitably become a thing of the past.

To understand the thoughts and principles underlying President Putin’s words, you first need to understand that Russia has the world’s largest amount of natural resources valued at over $75-trillion.

You next need to know that upon assuming leadership over the world’s largest amount of natural resources long coveted by the socialist Western colonial powers, President Putin was educated in free market principles by the American libertarian think tank CATO Institute headquartered in Washington, D.C..

Also educating President Putin about free market principles was the late Nobel Prize winning American economist Milton Friedman, whose “I, Pencil” video is a masterpiece of explaining how free markets principles work, and in commenting on the Western idea to impose a price cap on Russian energy resources, President Putin told the socialist Western colonial powers last October:

In this regard, I would like to quote American economist, Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman: “We economists don’t know much, but we do know how to create a shortage. If you want to create a shortage of tomatoes, for example, just pass a law that retailers can’t sell tomatoes for more than two cents per pound. Instantly you’ll have a tomato shortage”. It’s the same with oil or gas.

Let me remind you that Milton Friedman passed away in 2006 and he had nothing to do with the Russian government and can no longer be branded Russian agent of influence.

These appear to be universal facts. However, some nations’ leaders and their bureaucratic elite ignore these obvious factors.




Because President Putin has strictly adhered to free market principles, the top American rating agency Moody’s just reported: “Russia’s economic pull in the Eurasian Economic Union remains strong despite geopolitical tensions and Western sanctions”, and in the economic report “The BRICS Has Overtaken The G7 In Global GDP” released in March, saw it revealing: “The current BRICS five now contribute 31.5% of global GDP, while the G7 share has fallen to 30%…The BRICS is expected to contribute over 50% of global GDP by 2030…The BRICS currently include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, while the G7 includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the European Union…The BRICS is also expanding – Bangladesh, Egypt and the UAE have all just joined the BRICS New Development Bank, with numerous other countries poised to do the same”.

Unlike BRICS nations that strictly adhere to free market principles, the socialist Western colonial powers have adopted a radical socialist woke ideology they call the “rules based international order”, that they can’t define while trying to impose it on the rest of the world by force and threats, but whose destruction of free market principles sees the Wall Street Journal reporting today: “Wall Street is breaking out its doomsday playbook for how to survive a U.S. default”, and in a glimpse of what’s to come, the leftist Washington Post article “Why Warren Buffett’s Taiwan Pullout Has Unsettling Implications” published today reveals: “If you pay attention to what Warren Buffett thinks, you’re probably doing it for investment advice, not geopolitical predictions…But there’s something more than a little unnerving about the “Oracle of Omaha” selling his conglomerate’s remaining shares in the world’s largest chipmaker, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), because he isn’t confident that Taiwan is a safe place to do business anymore…On an analyst call this month, Buffett said, “I don’t like its location, and I’ve reevaluated that””.

You should also note world-renowned Brazilian geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar having just warningly observed:

Make no mistake about what the G7’s Hiroshima Communique is all about.

The setting: a city in neo-colony Japan nuclear-bombed 78 years ago by the United States, for which it made no excuses.

The message: the G7, actually G9 (augmented by two unelected Eurocrats) declares war – hybrid and otherwise – against BRICS+, which has 25 nations on its waiting list and counting.

The G7’s key strategic objective is the defeat of Russia, followed by the subjugation of China. For the G7/G9, these – real – powers are the main “global threats” to “freedom and democracy”.

The corollary is that the Global South must toe the line – or else. Call it a remix of the early 2000s “you’re either with us or against us”.

Meanwhile, in the real world – that of productive economies – the dogs of war bark while the New Silk Road caravans keep marching on.

The key New Silk Roads of emerging multipolarity are China’s ambitious, multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Russia-Iran-India International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC). They have evolved in parallel and may sometimes overlap.

What is clear is the G7/G9 will go to the ends of the earth to undermine them.

Per la vostra superbia attraverserete la grande tribolazione!

Carbonia 21.05.2023

Per la vostra superbia attraverserete la grande tribolazione!

Battetevi il petto oh voi tutti che siete nel peccato!
Usatemi misericordia, o uomini!

Sia in voi il pentimento; umilmente prostratevi a Me e chiedete il mio Perdono. Io sono Colui che tutto può: nella mia grande Misericordia opererò su coloro che con cuore contrito Mi chiederanno perdono.

Figli miei, siete voi che dovete tornare a Me, Io sono sempre pronto a perdonarvi: fatevi puri, perché il vostro Dio Creatore vi riabbracci a Sé e vi doni di Sé.

Questa Umanità si pentirà di non aver accolto i miei insegnamenti e i miei appelli di conversione! La superbia dell’uomo cadrà quando si troverà di fronte alla morte!

Oh, uomini! …

  • senza di Me non potete nulla, sono Io che vi ho creati e solo in Me sarete salvi.
  • Uscite dalle vostre iniquità, o uomini, guardatevi attorno, vi state flagellando con le vostre stesse mani,
  • avete creduto di essere all’altezza di creare ma non siete Dio!
  • Io vi creai per essere Immagine e Somiglianza di Me, ma col vostro rifiuto avete fallito, avete preteso di prendere il mio posto e questo non sarà mai possibile, …
  • solo IO SONO!!!

Figli miei, oh voi che Mi state combattendo:

  • sappiate che nulla potrete ottenere di buono gestiti da Satana,
  • avete fallito nella vostra scelta, ancora avete sbagliato,
    i vostri errori vi si ritorceranno contro
  • L’allontanamento da Me, la disobbedienza a Me, vostro Dio Creatore, vi porterà ad essere “nudi”!!!
  • Perderete tutto Figli miei!
  • Per la vostra superbia attraverserete la grande tribolazione:
    lì sarete forgiati come oro al crogiuolo.
  • Vi renderò ”nuovi”; vi farò capire che solo Io sono DIO e che a Me appartenete perché Io vi ho creati per Me.

Piegate le vostre ginocchia: “ora”!

Non tardate: la luna nera non porta nulla di buono!

Lo sconvolgimento è in atto!

Questo vostro Pianeta ha subìto i vostri maltrattamenti:

  • avete avvelenato la terra, l’acqua e l’aria,
  • ora non avrete che il resoconto di tutto questo male.
  • Quando vi troverete nella situazione di non aver né cibo, né acqua,…
  • quando l’aria sarà divenuta irrespirabile,
  • quando ormai tutto sarà avvelenato, cosa farete?
    Come sopravvivrete?

Avete pensato a questo?

  • Il cibo sintetico che l’uomo sta creando è un cibo mortifero:
    il vostro corpo non sarà nutrito e perirà.
  • Figli miei, è giunta l’ora di aprire bene i vostri occhi e fare discernimento!
  • Non siate burattini nelle mani del maledetto “burattinaio”.
  • Non fatevi abbattere come birilli!
  • Riprendete in mano la vostra vita, dite “BASTA” a questo sporco gioco del Demonio.
  • Rinunciate a Satana! Rinunciate a tutte le sue seduzioni!

Vi attendo “ravveduti”, nuovamente capaci di gestire voi la vostra vita.


la NASA ha perso i video originali dell’allunaggio

In early 2005, responding to inquiries from NASA retirees and others, NASA began a search for the 14-track data tapes. Ultimately, the agency couldn’t find the tapes and determined that they had most likely been erased and used again, which was standard practice at the time. The search, led by NASA engineer Dick Nafzger, focused on finding the specific tapes, knowing the data had all been recorded and saved elsewhere.

solar activity

GLANCING-BLOW CME: NOAA forecasters say that a CME might deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field on May 21st. It left the sun yesterday, propelled by an erupting filament of magnetism in the sun’s southern hemisphere. The impact could produce minor G1-class geomagnetic storms. Aurora alerts: SMS Text.

INTENSIFYING SOLAR ACTIVITY: By the time you finish reading this, the sun will have probably flared again. Earth-orbiting satellites are detecting an almost non-stop fusillade of M-class flares so closely-spaced they overlap in time:

Pulses of UV radiation are ionizing the top of Earth’s atmosphere, creating a rolling series of shortwave radio blackouts around all longitudes of our planet. Ham radio operators may notice fluctuating loss of signal at frequencies below 20 MHz.

The source of these flares is a pair of sunspots rotating over the sun’s eastern limb:

On the left is AR3310, which produced a powerful M9.6 flare on May 16th. On the right is AR3311, which has produced everything else. The flares will become increasingly geoeffective as the sunspots turn toward Earth this weekend. If current trends continue, there could be an X-flare, too. Solar flare alerts: SMS Text.