Scozia, bollette della luce gonfiate: “noi non pagheremo!” (VIDEO)

Guardate cosa succede in Scozia.
Gli scozzesi bruciano le bollette dell’elettricità davanti all’edificio del regolatore a Glasgow con le parole: “Non pagheremo!”. In Uk l’aumento delle bollette sarà dell’80% da Ottobre: la bolletta domestica media annua dovrebbe raggiungere £ 3.549 (€ 4.180). Io avviso solo che gli scozzesi e i britons in generale sono molto più ricchi di noi (non che ad essere più ricchi degli italiani ci voglia molto…

Vedi qui:

Presto i figli di Dio saranno rapiti.

Carbonia 27-08-2022  –  (Prima locuzione).

Presto i figli di Dio saranno rapiti.

Oggi sono con voi, come sempre, …appena inizia il santo Rosario Io sono qui con voi, unisco le mie mani alle vostre mani, vi benedico nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo, vi ammanto in Me e vi esorto sempre di più ad essere fedeli a Gesù Cristo mio Figlio, e ad essere pane vivo in questo mondo, essere il sale della Terra.

Ecco, ora siamo in quei tempi nei quali vedrete manifestarsi tutto ciò che le profezie di un tempo e di oggi hanno rivelato.

I servi del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo sono tutti uniti, sono pronti alla battaglia, presto il Signore darà i doni dello Spirito Santo:

… beati coloro che hanno creduto anche senza vedere,

… beati coloro che hanno camminato sulle orme del Signore,

… beati coloro che con tanto amore e con tanta generosità hanno operato per il bene di quest’Opera di salvezza, e per questo Colle del Buon Pastore.

Dio ha prescelto i suoi figli, li sta chiamando a radunarsi tutti qui in questo Colle.

Vedrete le sue meraviglie, figli miei, ormai siamo in quei tempi, manca poco alla manifestazione della Croce in cielo, manca poco alla manifestazione di Dio agli uomini. Presto i figli di Dio saranno rapiti, portati in un’altra dimensione e rimandati sulla Terra quali apostoli degli ultimi tempi, per recuperare tutte quelle anime allontanatesi da Dio, … che hanno rifiutato Dio!

Dio tenterà in ogni modo di salvare questi figli, mettendoli in ginocchio davanti alle sofferenze più brutte.

Sta arrivando una grande catastrofe figli miei!

Ve l’ho detto e lo riannuncio oggi qui al Colle del Buon Pastore, luogo scelto dal Cielo.  

Dio, un giorno vi rivelerà per quale motivo ha scelto questo luogo.

Molti si domandano come mai Carbonia?

Come mai quel luogo?

Come mai quella veggente? … Come mai?

Figli miei, non mettetevi di questi pensieri, pensate solo a pregare e a purificarvi l’anima per essere pronti al momento in cui Gesù si manifesterà al mondo.

Solo Dio sa quello che deve fare!

Solo Dio conosce il suo disegno!

A voi resta solo pregare, portarvi sempre più vicino a Lui per la salvezza della vostra anima.

Pregate per coloro che sono lontani da Dio, pregate per coloro che ancora rifiutano Dio e beffeggiano questa chiamata al “Colle del Buon Pastore.” Qui il Buon Pastore si manifesterà e abbraccerà tutta l’Umanità a Sé.

Mettetevi pronti. … tutto sta per succedere!

Le Cose di Dio si devono realizzare in questo tempo, non si tratta di anni!

Perciò, preparatevi a questo incontro, per molti sarà anticipato per altri verrà posticipato, (…secondo la purezza del proprio cuore) Ecco, per questo vi chiedo di prepararvi: … siate pronti! … siate puri per non subire neanche un minimo delle sofferenze che verranno.

Congiungo le mie mani alle vostre mani e abbraccio tutti voi che siete qui al Colle, vi benedico e benedico tutti coloro che da lontano Mi stanno seguendo in questa chiamata speciale a Carbonia.
Tutte le opere verranno a radunarsi! L’Opera di Dio è Unica!

Dio ha chiamato in tanti luoghi, e questo è un posto prescelto dove si manifesterà la grandezza di Dio.

Vi benedico ancora nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.


Dice ancora la Vergine: Non chiedetevi perché, non fatevi queste domande, pregate e dite: “Signore anticipa il tuo ritorno perché siamo stanchi di vedere questo mondo in rovina, siamo stanchi di vedere le creature soffrire per la cattiveria di Satana”.

Siamo alla battaglia finale, … allo scontro finale!

A breve Maria SS. schiaccerà, con il suo Calcagno, il Serpente antico; al suo fianco avrà un seguito fedele a Gesù Cristo, i suoi figli, coloro che hanno risposto il loro sì a Gesù, che hanno seguito il santo Vangelo, conoscono le Sacre Scritture! Sono a conoscenza di Dio! È molto importante, la conoscenza di Dio!!

Chi è Dio per voi?

Figli miei, chi e Dio per voi?

Attenti! … non c’è nessun altro Dio Creatore! … non c’è nessun altro Dio che vi possa dare la salvezza! Ma Solo Gesù Cristo, il Figlio di Dio, il vostro Salvatore, la SS. Trinità: Dio Padre, Figlio e Spirito Santo, abbracciati da Maria SS. in un unico abbraccio d’amore. Amen.

7 Dead Doctors in 14 Days Don’t Lie…

toe tags These Last Days News – August 29, 2022
URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.

7 Dead Doctors in 14 Days Don’t Lie…

“Be known it to you that it has been written of and spoken of as 666, the masters of deceit. Satan has entered into the highest places of your government, of each nation of the world, to sow confusion, discontentment, atheism, communism, satanism, and all manner of evil.”
– Jesus, October 2, 1980

“The octopus of evil having many arms now is reaching out. The evil and the agents of satan in human form have entered into the highest places in world governments and in My Son’s Church.”
– Our Lady, March 18, 1977

The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on August 26, 2022:

by Wayne Allyn Root

Have you ever heard of seven doctors dead in a 14-day period (from July 13 through July 28)? How about five dead doctors in a few days, in one city (Toronto)? How about 14 dead doctors in the past nine months? And these dead doctors were mostly YOUNG.

Do these headlines catch your attention? Because they’re all true. Confirmed. Fact. It all just happened in Canada, a small country of 30 million (one-tenth the size of America).

In Canada they’re obsessed with the COVID-19 vaccine. The government is ruthless to the point of appearing criminally insane. If you don’t get vaccinated, it’s difficult to live a normal life. And you absolutely can’t practice medicine anywhere in Canada.

And they don’t count you as vaxxed if you took one or even two COVID-19 vaccines. Nope. In Canada, you need four vaccines.
Virtually everyone is vaccinated. There is no choice – if you want to avoid arrest, keep your money, keep your dog, keep your job and participate in society. I think there’s a country music song in there somewhere!

So, we know all the Canadian doctors are triple- or quadruple-vaccinated. That’s a certainty.

And yet we also know five doctors died in a matter of a few days in one city – Toronto. FIVE.

We also know seven Canadian doctors died in one 14-day period.

We also know 14 Canadian doctors (at least) died in the past nine months. One of my heroes, Steve Kirsch, just wrote about this development.

Steve is a lifelong Democrat megadonor to the Democratic Party who has become a Republican because of injuries and deaths linked to the vaccine. Despite donating $20 million to Democrats, he tried calling many Democratic senators and representatives (whom he donated to) to inform them about all the vaccine deaths and catastrophic injuries.

They wouldn’t return his calls. He appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show recently to talk about it.

Back to all these dead doctors – mostly young dead doctors. Have you ever heard of anything like this? Of course not, because it’s never happened in my lifetime. I’m guessing it’s never happened in history. Perhaps it happened during the plague in the Middle Ages (known as “the Black Death”).

Maybe we should start calling the COVID-19 jab “the Black Death II.”

Did you know about any of these dead doctors? Of course you didn’t. It’s been a total media blackout. Why would five dead doctors in one city be worthy of media coverage? Or seven dead doctors in 14 days in one small country? Nothing to see here. Just move along.

Canadians are freaking out. The shrieking noise on social media got so hot and heavy that a Canadian newspaper was forced to publish a story. A Toronto hospital was forced to admit in that newspaper story that five young doctors had in fact died. But they warned readers not to jump to conclusions. The vaccine had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Of course the vaccine had nothing to do with it. And former President Bill Clinton never had sexual relations with that woman. And President Joe Biden says we’re not in a recession. And Biden also says inflation is now at zero. And the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan was flawless. You can always trust those in authority to tell the truth, right?

Something is very wrong. It’s apparent the vaccine is killing, crippling and disabling thousands per week. Deaths in the United States are skyrocketing higher than ever seen in history. So many of these victims are dropping dead “suddenly” and “unexpectedly.” Those are the words in almost every obituary nowadays.

They’ve even developed a name for it: SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). One day they’re perfectly healthy, but the next day they have died in their sleep, died in the middle of a business meeting, died while swimming, died while driving or died while playing sports.
Heck, last week a Saudi ambassador dropped dead in the middle of a speech, right in front of the TV cameras.

And then there’s the dramatic explosion of cancer. Rare cancers. Fast-growing cancers. Stage 4 cancers. And these victims all just happen to be vaccinated (most of them with the booster).

Does this seem normal to you? Have you ever seen this before in your lifetime? The government knows what’s happening. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention knows. The life insurance companies know – they can’t afford the massive losses. The funeral homes know – business is booming. The honest doctors know – they’re just afraid of losing their license if they go public. Big Pharma knows – the deaths and injuries were reported in the vaccine trial data that they tried to keep secret for 75 years.

I believe it’s clear this vaccine is a disaster. It’s time to stop the vaccine before there are no doctors left. Then who will be left to treat the millions of victims who are vaccine injured? Think about that.

Seven dead doctors in 14 days don’t lie.

13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses…

These Last Days News – August 29, 2022
URGENT: Forward a link to this web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.

13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses…

“My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government—an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression.”
– Our Lady, September 7, 1985

“Within your land, the United States, and many nations that have fallen to corruption and sin, great trial will be given. The crops will fail; there will be famine and thirst in many regions.”
 – Jesus, July 15, 1977

“My children, do not be concerned of any worldly possession, for soon many shall know hunger. There is a spiritual hunger now in your world and in your hearts, but soon your country, the United States, will join other nations in knowing physical hunger and want.
“My children, can this be avoided? What price must you pay before you will listen and awaken from your lethargy and realize what has been happening to your country and many countries of the world, as you go along like ducks upon the waters following leaders who have become paganized in their lust for power.”
– Our Lady, November 24, 1979

The above Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on August 28, 2022:

by zollie21

A few weeks ago, I shared an article on Facebook about the potential for an economic collapse in the near future, and someone left a comment saying, “Why do I keep hearing this warning over and over and over for years, and yet nothing ever happens?” Good question. When people keep saying that the sky is falling and it never does, it’s hard not to be skeptical.

As I said in my response to him, “After the stock market crash in 2008, everyone started claiming an was about to happen, but what they didn’t realize is that it DID happen… in 2008. Since then, the economy has slowly been recovering. But the systemic problems that led to the crash were never corrected, and the bubble has been re-inflating. It can’t re-inflate forever.”

Just like in the years leading up to the Great Recession, people have too much debt and not enough wealth. Meanwhile, the stock market has soared to new heights, as it always does before it comes crashing down.

In my opinion, we are currently in the mother of all financial bubbles, and the next recession—or depression—will start by the end of the decade, but it will take something to set it off. Maybe the student loan bubble or the subprime auto loan bubble will pop, causing all the other bubbles to pop, too. Or maybe a nuclear incident with North Korea will cause markets to panic.

We’ll have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I believe it’s more important than ever to prepare for a financial collapse, so in this article I’m going to cover 13 things you should do before that happens, starting with the most obvious ones:

1. Stockpile the Necessities

Having some extra food and water is a good idea in general, particularly if you live in an area where inclement weather can affect your daily life. To prepare for an economic collapse, however, you’ll need to have months of rations on hand.

Stockpile enough food, at a minimum, to survive a season without any incoming produce grown yourself. Store enough water for several months’ use and make sure you have multiple ways to purify future water supplies.

Also, stockpile plenty of medical supplies as doctors may be in short supply after a major collapse. Another thing that may be in short supply is electricity. Get all the things you’d need for a power outage, including ways to cook food and keep warm (or cool if it’s summertime). And don’t forget home security measures.

The latest news is shocking!!!

Experts predict that an EMP strike that wipes out electricity across the nation would ultimately lead to the demise of up to 90% of the population.

However, this figure begs an important question: if we were able to live thousands of years without even the concept of electricity, why would we suddenly all die without it?

Desperate times means desperate people.

2. Build Some Bug Out Bags

Depending on the severity of the collapse, your town or city might become so dangerous that you have no choice but to leave it and head for a bug out location. But first, you’ll want to put together bug out bags for yourself and your family. You could even make bug out bags for your pets.

You should also consider getting a good bug out vehicle. If all you have is a small car, then you’ll have a hard time getting where you need to go.

3. Grow Your Own Food

Unless you have an underground vault the size of the Sistine Chapel in your backyard, you probably won’t be able to stockpile a lifetime of food for you and your loved ones. A more sustainable option is to grow your own food.

Growing your own food takes quite a bit of trial and error to reach a point where you can live off your own produce, which is all the more reason to start sooner rather than later.

4. Create Your Own Electricity or Learn to Live Without

In the event of an economic collapse, being dependent on the power grid is not the best situation to be in. The more you rely on electricity to accomplish your daily tasks, the more you’ll be behind when the power goes out. Solve this problem by learning to do as many daily activities without electricity as possible.

For example, start using kitchen gadgets and off grid lights that work without power. Combine this with a portable generator for the essentials and you’ll be self-reliant and comfortable.

5. Keep Cash on Hand

If the market tanks, you may still have some time to buy your way out of a sticky situation before inflation hits or the economy collapses altogether. Keep a hefty sum of cash on hand at all times so that you can make an emergency purchase without having to take a trip to the bank.

You never know when you might have to use it, especially if the electricity is out and no credit card transactions are possible.

6. Invest in Precious Metals

When other currencies lose their value, you can trust that gold and silver will still be viable for making purchases in a disaster scenario. In fact, when inflation hits, the price of gold and silver goes up tremendously because these precious metals keep their value despite economic changes.

Be sure to have them in a form that is easily tradable, like coins, rather than in a larger form such as bars.

7. Stock Up on Barter Items

I know, I know, I’ve mentioned cash, precious metals, and barter items now. So you’re probably wondering, which one should I get? Well, all three, if possible. In a deflationary collapse, you’ll want cash. In an inflationary collapse, you’ll want precious metals.

And in a total collapse, you’ll want barter items. Try to have a little bit of each so you’re prepared for every possibility.

8. Get Out of Debt

Once you’ve acquired at least a little bit of cash, precious metals, and barter items, it’s time to start getting out of debt. If the economic crisis isn’t catastrophic (i.e. society’s infrastructure is left intact), you’ll want to make your money go as far as possible.

To that end, get out of debt as fast as you can! You want to be able to respond to a rapid change in the economy as quickly as possible. If inflation hits, you lose your home, or scarcity becomes a real problem, you don’t want to owe your creditors the money you need to survive. To do that…

9. Lower Monthly Bills / Spend Less

In the same vein as paying off debts, lower your bills and try to spend less at the store, so you can spend your money on more important things. Having a monetary obligation to too many places can be a serious drawback in the event of a crisis.

Great ways to lower monthly bills are mentioned earlier: grow your own food, provide your own electricity, and pay off your debts.

10. Create an Emergency Fund

After you’ve gotten out of debt, create an emergency fund that will allow you to handle anything that comes up during a disaster. If the economy is in crisis but stable enough that your money still has value, having 3-6 months’ expenses saved can go a long way toward keeping you out of crisis mode yourself.

11. Learn to Eat Healthy and Exercise Right

Getting in the habit of eating right and exercising is very important for preparing yourself for a survival situation. When the economy collapses, chances are you’ll be burning a lot more calories simply trying to survive than you normally do.

Similarly, knowing the proper fuel to put in your body will pay off later when you’re having to work to stay full.

12. Learn Self Defense

The best time to learn how to defend yourself is now. Start with firearms training and become proficient with rifles, shotguns, and pistols. You may need them to protect yourself, others, and to hunt with. Stockpile ammunition as well, preparing for a shortage or a time when you won’t be able to purchase or find any.

13. Beef Up Your Home Security

After an economic collapse, there are going to be a lot of desperate people out there who won’t think twice about breaking into your home and taking your supplies so they can feed their families.

Don’t make it easy for them. Reinforce your doors and windows, set up hobo alarms so they don’t catch you off guard, put up solar-powered motion lights to try and deter them, and get some guns and ammo in case they manage to break into your house.

“Your country, America the beautiful, shall know hunger. Your country, America the beautiful, shall know revolution. The just shall be crucified. Evil shall run rampant, My children. This curse upon mankind is allowed for the redemption of those few who shall be saved. My children, I have warned you through countless visitations upon earth to mend your ways that offend the Eternal Father very much.”
– Our Lady, June 1, 1978

“My child, you will see that the message goes throughout the world. Do not be slowed down in your endeavors by scoffers, those who say there will not be a Third World War. Are they God? Oh no, they will know what it is to see blackened bodies along the roadside, their children, stomachs distended with starvation. ‘This cannot happen here in the United States,’ I hear voices saying. O My children, it will! Your crops will rot. Your children will be barred from their own homes because they have become a source of murder.
“Please, My children, listen to your Mother. It is urgent that you pray and protect your children. You must see that they wear the brown Scapular, and also any medals that will keep satan from their door.”
– Our Lady, May 28, 1983

“A country that shuts out its God starts down the path for its own destruction. A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell. Servitude, desecration, soul destruction—all will reap what they have sown. Floods, great heat, death. You will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis, many will be cleansed.”
– Our Lady of the Roses, April 1, 1972

L’Aifa confessa: “I dati dei morti Covid sono falsati”

L’Aifa confessa: “I dati dei morti Covid sono falsati”

Clamorosa ammissione del direttore Magrini: “Nell’ultima settimana, nemmeno un morto per polmonite da Covid”

Ascolta l’articolo
00:00 03:11

C’è voluto un po’ di tempo, ma alla fine ci stanno arrivando tutti quanti. Prima i virologi, che da qualche giorno chiedono un “riconteggio” dei morti di Covid. E ora anche il direttore generale dell’Aifa Nicola Magrini, secondo cui qualcosa non torna nel bollettino di decessi giornalieri dovuti al coronavirus.

Le polemiche, come noto, ruotano attorno all’utilizzo degli antivirali come il Paxlovid prodotto dalla Pfizer. Secondo Roberto Burioni, non tutti i medici di base lo prescrivono. Magrini smentisce (“da oltre tre mesi siamo il Paese europeo con il maggior numero di trattamenti con il farmaco antivirale Paxlovid”) eppure qualcosa non torna. Come mai la curva dei decessi non scende così rapidamente come quella dei contagi? “Per rispondere – dice Magrini a Repubblica – bisognerebbe capire qual è la ragione del decesso. Un numero importante di morti attribuiti al Covid non ha in realtà Sars-Cov2 come causa principale“.

La notizia è clamorosa. Ma come, scusate: fino ad ora abbiamo impostato tutte le misure di restrizione, mascherine, lockdown e green pass basandoci sull’assunto che “non si possono accettare così tanti morti” (giustamente), e poi scopriamo che vengono calcolati a casaccio? “È cambiato molto rispetto al 2020 quando le polmoniti erano la causa principale dei decessi – assicura Magrini – ora non lo sono più. Se una persona muore di ictus o un tumore, ma incidentalmente è positivo, non è l’infezione virale la ragione del suo decesso. Su questo servirebbero più informazioni, ma non ha senso ora aprire polemiche: ho verificato i dati di un paio di regioni e nell’ultima settimana, fra le morti di persone positive in ospedale, non c’è neanche una polmonite da Covid nella diagnosi principale. Ci sono invece pazienti in cui l’infezione figura come complicanza nelle diagnosi secondarie”. Serve aggiungere altro?

No, se non alcune informazioni che il direttore dell’Aifa ha fornito per quanto riguarda i vaccini. A settembre l’Ema (l’Agenzia europea per i medicinali) dovrebbe approvare il nuovo vaccino di Pfizer e Moderna (che intanto si fanno guerra legale) aggiornato alle nuove varianti. “Viene chiamato bivalente o duplice – spiega Magrini – perché contiene sia la spike del virus di Wuhan che quella di Omicron 1. La commissione tecnico scientifica di Aifa darà il proprio parere verosimilmente il 5 settembre, e pochi giorni dopo potremmo avere a disposizione le fiale dei nuovi vaccini duplici”. Il prodotto andrà agli over 60 che non si sono contagiati negli ultimi quattro mesi, oltre che a chiunque abbia patologie particolari o fattori di rischio. Il tutto nella speranza che le nuove varianti nel frattempo non li rendono obsoleti ancor prima del via della campagna vaccinale. “I vaccini ulteriormente aggiornati  – insiste il direttore Aifa – dovrebbero arrivare a partire da metà novembre per quanto riguarda Pfizer e a dicembre per Moderna. A quel punto resterà da vedere se Omicron 4 e 5 saranno ancora in circolazione”. Il tutto con la possibilità che ogni 5-6 mesi “i soggetti a rischio” debbano rivaccinarsi.

È giunta l’ora della grande purificazione!

Carbonia 24.08.2022 (ore 11.27)

È giunta l’ora della grande purificazione!

La mia misericordia sarà per tutti coloro che Mi riconosceranno quale loro Padre, l’Unico e Vero Dio!

Miei amati figli, la tenebra dilaga, già avvolge questa Umanità che non vuole aprire i propri occhi alla realtà, né il proprio cuore al suo Dio Creatore.

Ravvedetevi in fretta, o uomini, il temporale è in arrivo e stravolgerà ogni situazione, porterà grandi disastri e immenso dolore.

Figli miei, voi non volete credere ai miei messaggi, non vi concedete un attimo di riflessione, andate avanti nella situazione che vi accerchia, seguite la voce di colui che vi sta schiavizzando; … state seguendo il pastore sbagliato o uomini! State andando come un branco di pecore al macello! … Siete convinti che tutto tornerà come prima, non vi rendete minimamente conto della misera fine che vi viene incontro.

Attendete forse che il Demonio vi afferri completamente? … che vi renda suoi?

Ravvedetevi in fretta o uomini! Scioglietevi dai lacci della Morte, gridate con tutto il fiato che vi resta in corpo, il mio santo Nome, affinché Io, il vostro Dio Creatore, <avvertendo la vostra angoscia,> vi venga in aiuto.

La fine è ormai segnata, “tutto è scritto!” … ancora un poco e la vita su questa Terra cesserà per come l’avete conosciuta.

Amati figli, Dio farà nuove tutte le cose, riordinerà ogni cosa in Sé e donerà al suo popolo il nuovo Paradiso.

Ecco, la Vita viene in aiuto ai suoi figli! Pregate la Divina Misericordia perché questo succeda prima che Satana trascini a sé ancora molte anime. … Pregate per queste vite perdutesi nella Menzogna!

Ora si manifesteranno i segni annunciati nell’Apocalisse!

Il mondo subirà una grande trasformazione!

È giunta l’ora della grande purificazione,
tutto deve compiersi secondo le Sacre Scritture.

Dio ha fretta di inaugurare la nuova Terra con i suoi eletti:è la fine di un mondo corrotto: … la pace, l’amore e la felicità saranno sovrani nella nuova vita perché Dio abiterà con il suo Nuovo Popolo!