John Leary messages

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Wednesday, January 9, 201

..Jesus said: “My people of America, you are on the threshold of watching your Constitutional rights taken away by your President’s edicts in his Executive Orders. The current issue is on gun control, but your President has already written several Executive Orders when he cannot get Congress to act on issues, like immigration. There are more issues on the National Debt Limit, and balancing your Budget. These are places where Congress needs to act, especially passing a Budget that has not been done for several years. I warned you that more Executive Orders will be given, and there are plans to use them already for gun control. Be watchful of these coming events if they demand that you need flu shots or chips in the body. Do not take any chips in the body even if they threaten you. Do not take the flu shots either because of the side effects on your immune system. If they make chips in the body mandatory, then you will need to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to My nearest refuge for your protection.”

Thursday, January 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I was just starting out on My ministry of proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Today’s Gospel was in the synagogue of Nazareth, and I read the scroll of Isaiah which speaks of healing the blind and letting captives go free. I told them that this prophecy was fulfilled that day. At first the people were pleased with My words of healing, but later when I spoke of healing sins, or that I was the Messiah sent from God, then they wanted to kill Me. They knew Me as a child from that town, and they could not believe that I was sent by God. As a result there was not enough faith in My miracles, so I did not heal many people in that area. Even today, there are few people who believe in Me enough to follow My Commandments. Without faith in accepting Me as Master of their lives, it is hard for people to be saved. It takes humility and a personal commitment to serve Me that is necessary for salvation. Without love of Me and love of neighbor, it will be difficult for people to come to heaven. This love of Me and neighbor is a requirement to get into heaven at your judgment. I am merciful, but I am just as well. I died for love of all of mankind, but those, who desire heaven, need to make an attempt to love Me with their yes.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated the Epiphany with My Star of Bethlehem and the Magi with their gifts. Now, you are seeing signs in the sky that are signifying the coming of the Antichrist as he mocks My Star of Bethlehem. My Star was a real miracle, but the Antichrist’s signs are not miracles because they are formed by lasers. Be prepared to go to My refuges of protection from the evil ones in the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, the early Americans used weapons to defend themselves from the British. This is why the right to bear arms is protected in your Second Amendment. It would be hard to take over America while its citizens were well armed. This is why the one world people will try to strip your guns and take away your Second Amendment rights. I do not condone killing with guns, but they are a means of immediate self-defense. I encourage My faithful to let My angels fight your battles so you do not have to kill people.”…

Sisma Emilia

Il precedente, un anno fa. Quello a cui si riferisce Gresta è il sisma di esattamente un anno fa, il 25 gennaio 2012, quando ci fu un’altra scossa di terremoto nella regione, la prima di due che non provocarono vittime ma fecero danni e molta paura, un prodromo di quello che, dal 20 maggio in poi, quando i morti ci furono, divenne quello che è definito il Sisma Emilia. Nel primo caso il “cuore” del sisma, di magnitudo 4,9, era stato localizzato tra Brescello, Poviglio e Castelnovo Sotto, nel Reggiano; due giorni dopo, alle 15.53, un sisma di magnitudo 5,4 aveva avuto per epicentro l’Alto Appennino parmense, tra Corniglio, Berceto e Monchio delle Corti. Due scosse forti, dunque, ma anche profonde, molto più di quella principale del 20 maggio: 33 chilometri la prima, ben 60,8 chilometri la seconda. Tra gli edifici più danneggiati da quelle due scosse ravvicinate ci fu la Reggia di Colorno; nella prima scossa rimase danneggiata anche la chiesa di Brescello, il paese di Peppone e don Camillo nella Bassa reggiana, dove alcuni calcinacci caddero in chiesa.


Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit?

An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime.


The previously secret nuclear site has become a center for Iran’s nuclear activity because of the 2,700 centrifuges enriching uranium to the 20-percent level. A further enrichment to weapons grade would take only weeks, experts say.

N. Korea completes preparations for nuclear test

By Kim Eun-jung
SEOUL, Jan. 23 (Yonhap) — North Korea has completed all technical preparations for a nuclear test and can carry it out in a few days if it makes a decision, a South Korean intelligence source said Wednesday.

North Korea had dug up a tunnel for a test at its Punggye-ri nuclear test site, but the tunnel has now been plugged with dirt and concrete, the source said, suggesting that all measuring and other equipment has already been installed inside.

It was unclear when the tunnel was sealed.

“North Korea has completed technical preparations for a nuclear test,” the source said. “If (North Korean leader) Kim Jong-un makes a political decision, the North can conduct a nuclear test in a few days.”

Stratospheric Phenomenon Is Bringing Frigid Cold to U.S

An unusual event playing out high in the atmosphere above the Arctic Circle is setting the stage for what could be weeks upon weeks of frigid cold across wide swaths of the U.S., having already helped to bring cold and snowy weather to parts of Europe.

This phenomenon, known as a “sudden stratospheric warming event,” started on Jan. 6, but is something that is just beginning to have an effect on weather patterns across North America and Europe.


British Nationals Urged To Leave Benghazi

The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest

British, German and Dutch citizens are urged to leave the Libyan city of Benghazi following a threat made against Westerners.

The Foreign Office has urged Britons to leave the Libyan city of Benghazi in response to a “specific and imminent threat” against Westerners.

The FCO has been advising against travel to most of the country since last September, but has now stepped up its warning.

Germany has also urged its citizens to leave Libya’s second city, citing knowledge of a specific threat.

The Dutch government has warned its nationals that “staying in this area is not to be advised”.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: “We are now aware of a specific and imminent threat to Westerners in Benghazi, and urge any British nationals who remain there against our advice to leave immediately.



The World War is being staged

The abolition of all signs of my Son will mean the beginning of the end

On January 18, 2013 @ 7:30 pm

My children, the tide has turned, as sin continues to spread everywhere. As sin becomes acceptable in the hearts of man, the earth will groan in agony beneath the weight of darkness.

The World War is being staged and soon it will reveal the ugliness, which lies in the hearts of world leaders, who are united, as if by an umbilical cord. One feeds the other, but soon none will remain a leader in their own nations, because they will only answer to one master, the antichrist.

To many, the world may seem the same, but, it is not. It is because of the evil, brought about by the demons incarnate who wander the corridors of power, that the whole of humanity will suffer. The power, held by these slaves to evil leaders, will mean that civil rights will disappear. The signs can already be seen. Soon, they will all be abolished and you will have to trust in my Son, and surrender to Him, so that you can withstand the injustices, which you will have to bear witness to.

The abolition of all signs of my Son will mean the beginning of the end. Once this happens, you will know that the time for the Second Coming is close.

You must keep in prayer, children, and continue to recite the Crusade Prayers, for they are very powerful and will help to mitigate the suffering which is being planned by the evil group.

The earth will now shake where the seats of these demonically influenced leaders are located. The Hand of God, the Most High, will strike the earth, but many of those who lead sinful lives can be saved through your prayers.

The influence of the evil one is now being felt amongst the Churches and those who proclaim the Holy Word of God. They are the primary targets of the evil one and the antichrist will not relent in his pursuit to destroy all Christian Churches.

Pray, pray, pray for the army of Christ to remain calm and at peace. It will be when you trust completely in my Son, through the surrender of your free will, that you will become strong. Then you will be able to withstand these trials.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation