The Warning

My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide.

My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.

I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner.

There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions.

My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise.

The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.

When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages.

Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great and My Power almighty.

Your Jesus


1. How The Warning is a gift to mankind

2. The Warning – Second Coming Close – Chance to Save your souls

3. Prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience

4. What you will experience during The Warning and Prayer for instant pardon

5. The skies will open up during The Warning

6. My Children will face Me for the first time during The Warning

7. The Warning will prove that God Exists

8. The Warning is a Manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sr. Faustina

9. Atheists and scientists will say that The Warning was an illusion


Pope “Consecrates” World to Immaculate Heart with no mention of “Consecration” or the “Immaculate Heart”

Pope Francis’ October 13 Entrustment

No Mention of “Consecration”, No Mention of
“Immaculate Heart”, No Mention of “World”

by John Vennari

“Pope Francis Consecrates World to the Immaculate Heart”. This was the headline from EWTN, from Vatican Radio, from the National Catholic Register, and other Catholic news outlets.

Unfortunately these headlines are not accurate. Pope Francis’ “Entrustment” ceremony at the Vatican on October 13, 2013, contained no mention of “Consecration”, no mention of the “Immaculate Heart”, and no mention of “world”.

While any public Papal devotion to Our Lady is welcome, it must be said that Pope Francis did not consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart, but made a kind of general “Entrustment” to Our Lady. This despite Father Nicholas Gruner’s good and valiant efforts to spread awareness in Rome for the proper Consecration of Russia in the weeks immediately prior to the Pope’s ceremony.

We will first look at Pope Francis’ October prayer, and contrast it with the Consecration prayer of the Bishops of Portugal in the 1930s.

Act of Entrustment to Mary
Pope Francis: October 13, 2013

Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima, with renewed gratitude for Your maternal presence we unite our voice with that of all the generations who call You blessed.

We celebrate in You the great works of God, Who never tires to incline with mercy on humanity, afflicted by evil and wounded by sin, to heal it and save it.

Accept with the compassion of a Mother the act of entrustment which today we make with confidence, before this Your image to us so dear.

We are certain that each one of us is precious to Your eyes and that nothing which dwells in our hearts is unknown to You.

Let us reach Your sweet gaze and receive the consoling caress of Your smile.

Guard our life in Your arms: bless and strengthen every good desire; revive and foster faith; sustain and illumine hope; create and enliven charity; guide all of us in the path of holiness.

Teach us Your same preferential love for the  small and the poor, for the excluded and the suffering, for sinners and the lost: gather all under Your protection  and give all of us to Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus.[1]

Compare this “Entrustment” with the impressive, militant Consecration prayer by the Portuguese Bishops. Their prayer is a kind of “gold standard” of Consecration that we can rely on to contrast any other such prayer in our time. On May 13, 1931, three hundred thousand of the faithful came to Fatima for the Bishops of Portugal’s Consecration of Portugal to the Immaculate Heart. Their prayer reads:

  “The Shepherds chosen by Your Son to watch over and feed in His name the sheep He has acquired at the price of His blood — in this ‘Land of Holy Mary’, whose name cannot be pronounced without pronouncing Your own — come today — as the officials and consecrated representatives of their flocks, and in an act of filial homage of faith, love and trust — to solemnly consecrate the Portuguese nation to Your Immaculate Heart. Take it from our fragile hands into Your own; defend it and guard it as Your own property; make Jesus reign, conquer and rule in it. Outside of Him there is no salvation.”

 “We, the pontiffs of your people, feel a terrible storm raging around us, threatening to disperse and destroy the faithful flock of those who bless You because You are the Mother of Jesus. Afflicted, we stretch out our suppliant hands towards Your Son, as we cry out: ‘Save us, O Lord, for we perish! …’

 “Intercede for Portugal, O Our Lady, in this grave hour when from the East blow furious winds, bringing cries of death against Your Son and against the civilization founded on His teachings, deceiving minds, perverting hearts, and lighting the fires of hatred and revolution in the world. Help of Christians, pray for us!”

“Intercede for Portugal, Our Lady, in this troubled hour when the unclean waves of an open immorality, which has even lost the notion of sin, exalt the rehabilitation of the flesh in the face of the very Cross of Your Son, threatening to choke in this world the lily of virtue nourished by the Eucharistic Blood of Jesus. Virgin most Powerful, pray for us!

“Intercede for Portugal, Our Lady, in this hour of passions and doubts when even the good run the risk of being lost … Unite all the Portuguese people around Your Son, in the love of the Church and also in the cultivation of virtue, in respect for order and fraternal charity. Queen of Peace, pray for us.

“Remember finally, Patroness of our country, that Portugal once taught so many lands to proclaim You blessed among all women. In remembrance of what it once did for Your glory, Our Lady of Fatima, save it, by giving it Jesus, in Whom it will find Truth, Life and Peace.”[2]

As a result of this Consecration, which clearly used the words “Consecration,” “Immaculate Heart”, and plainly noted the objection of the Consecration: “Portugal” – and also mentioned the contemporary evils that needed to be opposed –  Our Lady graced Portugal with what has been called a three-fold miracle of conversion: 1) The restoration of Catholic life; 2) the restoration of Catholic social order; 3) the miracle of Peace: Portugal was spared from the ravages of the Spanish Civil War raging right next door, and Portugal was spared from the horrors of the Second World War.[3]


1. Text supplied by Fatima Center workers in Rome who were at the Vatican for the ceremony.
2. From The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. II, “The Secret and the Church,” Frere Michel, Immaculate Heart publications, p. 437.
3. For a more complete story of the Consecration of Portugal and its Remarkable Effects, go to “The Consecration of Portugal and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart (John Vennari),


Rare ‘Hybrid’ Solar Eclipse on November 3, 2013: How to See It

It’s almost upon us. The final eclipse of 2013 occurs this coming weekend on Sunday, November 3rd. This will be the fifth eclipse overall, and the second solar eclipse of 2013. This will also be the only eclipse this year that features a glimpse of totality.

This eclipse is of the rare hybrid variety— that is, it will be an annular eclipse along the very first 15 seconds of its track before transitioning to a total as the Moon’s shadow sweeps just close enough to the Earth to cover the disk of the Sun along the remainder of its track.

An animation of the path of the November 3rd hybrid solar eclipse. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center).

An animation of the path of the November 3rd hybrid solar eclipse. (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center).

How rare are hybrid solar eclipse? Of the 11,898 solar eclipses listed over a 5,000 year span from 1999 BC to 3000 AD in Fred Espenak’s Five Millennium Catalog of Solar Eclipses, only 569, or 4.8% are hybrids.

Who can see this eclipse?

People from northern South America, across the U.S. Eastern Seaboard and up through the Canadian Maritimes will see a brief partial solar eclipse finishing up around 30 minutes after local sunrise. The brief annular “ring of fire” portion of the eclipse begins at sunrise just ~1,000 kilometres east of Jacksonville, Florida, as it races eastward across the Atlantic. See our timeline, below.


Per il resto, attingete forza nel Signore e nel vigore della sua potenza.  Rivestitevi dell’armatura di Dio, per poter resistere alle insidie del diavolo.  La nostra battaglia infatti non è contro creature fatte di sangue e di carne, ma contro i Principati e le Potestà, contro i dominatori di questo mondo di tenebra, contro gli spiriti del male che abitano nelle regioni celesti.
Prendete perciò l’armatura di Dio, perché possiate resistere nel giorno malvagio e restare in piedi dopo aver superato tutte le prove.  State dunque ben fermi, cinti i fianchi con la verità, rivestiti con la corazza della giustizia,  e avendo come calzatura ai piedi lo zelo per propagare il vangelo della pace.  Tenete sempre in mano lo scudo della fede, con il quale potrete spegnere tutti i dardi infuocati del maligno;  prendete anche l’elmo della salvezza e la spada dello Spirito, cioè la parola di Dio.  Pregate inoltre incessantemente con ogni sorta di preghiere e di suppliche nello Spirito, vigilando a questo scopo con ogni perseveranza e pregando per tutti i santi, e anche per me, perché quando apro la bocca mi sia data una parola franca, per far conoscere il mistero del vangelo,  del quale sono ambasciatore in catene, e io possa annunziarlo con franchezza come è mio dovere.


The Warning

How The Warning is a gift to mankind

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011 @ 21:45

Why are these Messages frightening?

My beloved daughter, when people hear these Messages, they will question them, challenge them and pull them apart. More than that, they will pour scorn on them and ask the question: Why do these Messages not speak more of joy and happiness? Why are they frightening? Surely this approach to communicating to the world would not come from Jesus Christ? Surely Jesus Christ preaches love not terror? My answer to these charges is simple. It is because I love all of you that I now show you My Mercy through these Messages. I come first as Saviour for all, to free you, so that everyone can benefit from salvation. My death on the Cross was to give you a second chance to enter My Father’s Kingdom. This time I come back as a Just Judge. You are all now, through My Love for you, being shown Mercy by Me, first. This Mercy takes the form of an advance Warning to help you get your lives back in order before I return on Judgement Day.

Out of My Compassion for each and every one of you, I now give you the final chance to open your hearts and live your lives in the way you are meant to.


Joy on Earth cannot be compared to Joy in Heaven

Turn your back on sin, repent and bring prayer back into your lives. It is out of Mercy that I must warn you of the Truth. The joy that you believe is missing from My Messages is due to the fact that mankind has turned its back on true joy. The joy felt in Heaven cannot be compared to the so-called joy you experience on Earth. Joy on Earth, which comes from true love, will be pure. Joy that comes from worldly goods is meaningless.

My children, the joy I should feel from watching you is short lived, unfortunately, because of what I witness on the Earth today. All that you hold dear springs from worldly possessions, or through the acknowledgement from others who praise you. Little time is devoted to preparing yourselves for the next life.


The Warning is a Gift

My Mercy is being brought to you as a Gift. Accept it. Relish it. Reach out to Me, all of you. I Am your life raft in a fiery sea that is full of unexpected currents and eruptions. Save yourselves now, or face being sucked into a current of such magnitude that should you decide, at the last minute, to accept a lift into the raft, you will not have the strength to climb in.

The Purification in the world continues

I Am weary, children. No matter how much I attempt to communicate, many of you still turn a deaf ear. Even My priests do not heed My call when I wish to reveal My Mercy. As the Purification in the world continues and increases in velocity, now is the time to call Me children.


Earthquakes and other global disasters

Never fear the storms, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanoes and heat waves, which will descend on the world to help stop the antichrist and his army. My followers will be safe in the knowledge of that which awaits them in the New Paradise, which will result when Heaven and Earth infuse as one. These things must happen. They cannot be stopped as they have been foretold. These events, however, My children, will be short lived.

You, My believers, will be rewarded for your faith and endurance, in the face of huge opposition. The joy, then, My children, will be hard to fathom. Those of the Light will be enveloped with the Glory and Love that awaits you. Those in the dark will not be able to stand the Light. You may wish to do so, but it will hurt you so much that you will have to hide. But there is nowhere to go except the den of darkness, which is headed up by the king of darkness himself – the evil one. Is this what you want?

How Satan works through people

Do you understand the terror that the deceiver represents? Do you not realise that he lurks behind every single act of selfishness, greed and love-of-self? While you live what you believe to be your exciting, fun-filled and busy life, spending, eating, vanity dressing and constant search for the next entertainment, you are blissfully unaware of what is behind your actions.

That secret voice, which you cannot hear, but feel – when you feel an urge to act, which coaxes you to seek, seek and seek more fun, thrills, and excitement, comes from the evil one. No matter that your actions, cause you to smile, laugh and clap your hands with excitement. It is of little weight. These strong desires are designed to help you seek constant self-gratification. What good is that? Does it make you feel good when it is over? Of course it doesn’t. When you stop and ask yourself, what if I could no longer do these things – what then? Would it matter? At first, yes, perhaps it would be frustrating, but it is only when you are left with nothing that you will need to focus only on keeping yourself alive.

Food will become more important than fun-filled material goods. Then when you run out of food and go hungry, you will realise that none of those former attractions matter. This is the purification that will now take place quickly in the world. Through this purification, a form of cleansing, you will become whole again. Then and only then will you be ready to accept the Truth.

How Satan leaves you feeling empty

My children, you do not see Satan at work. You cannot see him, yet he spends all his time trying to steal you from Me. He causes you terrible pain, children. All the temptations he puts your way use the worldly appeal of money, beauty, possessions and talent, which are devoured by you because of greed and desire. You believe that when you have amassed all these things that you feel complete. Sadly, this is not true. This is the lie that Satan uses to entrap. When those of you who have reached such lofty heights of wealth, find that, for whatever reason, you have lost it all, then be thankful. For it is only when you come naked of worldly possessions that you can truly allow Me into your heart.

Message to the wealthy

For those of you with wealth – I do not condemn you. Because you have material comforts, this does not mean you are not following the right path. But you do have a responsibility to share and look after those less fortunate than yourselves. This is your duty. It is not the wealth or material comforts that are wrong. It’s not the joy and laughter that you experience when enjoying life that is wrong. It’s when it becomes an obsession and when your desire for luxury living takes precedence over your own faith and the welfare of others, that makes this an offence in My Father’s Eyes.

Your wealth, homes, clothes and possessions are like clouds passing through the sky. They are there one minute and gone the next. You cannot take them with you into the next life. It is your soul that will go with you. Look after your soul, show love to one another and those who cause you anguish in this life. Follow My Teachings. Ask for My Mercy. Only then will you join Me in the New Earth that is Paradise. Do not forfeit your inheritance and your place in My Father’s Kingdom.

Your beloved Jesus Christ

Every new law will mock the Truth laid down by My Father

Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father

My dearly beloved daughter, if only more people would believe truly in Me, their Jesus, then they would find peace in their hearts. Where there is no trust, there is fear. Fear prevents the Love of God from penetrating your soul and then you become a prisoner. Nothing, only My Light, will lift the burden.

When I tell you the Truth, I do this only because I love you and yearn for the day when we will be united, finally. Do not fear the Truth. My Love will fill you with the courage and the strength to stand firm and remain true to Me in all things. I protect all of those of you who ask Me, but it is only the souls who abandon themselves fully to Me, who will have no fear.

The wickedness of the beast will be disguised as charming and modern and it will be revealed to all behind the veneer of humanitarianism, charity and ‘care for the poor’. Do not believe, for one minute, that Satan’s disciples will ever show you their true colours. Every lie presented, to replace the Truth, will appear to be logical and for the common good of all. Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father in the Ten Commandments, given to Moses. Every gesture, subtle though it may be, will be designed to insult Me, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man. The deceiver, through his servants, cannot resist mocking Me, for he hates Me. He will insult every vessel in My Church through actions, words and the addition of Satanic symbols. Only those who know the Truth will see these abominations and understand exactly what such gestures really mean.

The power of Satan can confuse, distract and torment My disciples. He, Satan, will never leave you alone, especially when you bear witness to the Truth. But know this – he can be overcome when you trust in Me completely. When you abandon yourselves before Me, he will not be given the power to influence your faith in Me. He, Satan, is finished. His reign, painful though it was for humanity, is at an end. His final insult before Me will be carried out through the antichrist, who will imitate Me and fool the world into believing that he is Me, Jesus Christ, and that he has come to save the world.

When you know the Truth, you will be able to withstand this temptation. When you remain firm to the Truth, contained in the Most Holy Bible, you will be saved.

The final attack will be swift and then I will show the world the Truth and only those who are full of hatred for Me will deny it. Do not fear, for I Am the only Saviour of humanity. Only My Love will sustain you. Fear only for those poor souls who will spit at Me as I reach out, finally, to take them into the New Paradise.

Your Jesus


The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close

My dearly beloved daughter, the stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide.

My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.

I will be like a ray of sun, which will make every single fault, every sin and cry of despair, become clearly visible in the eyes of the sinner.

There will be wailing and a deep sense of sorrow felt within the hearts of men, as they come face to face with the state of their souls. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions.

My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise.

The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.

When miracles of God are witnessed on such a grand scale, know that My plan to bring humanity into the realm of salvation is in the final stages.

Go, My loyal followers, and trust always in My promise to salvage all souls. My Mercy is great and My Power almighty.

Your Jesus



Behold I Come
Revelation 22:12 Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Dear friends in Yeshua,

I wanted to post this update for all of my readers to let you all of know that my family and I have arrived safely in our new home that the Lord has provided for us in the mountains. It was a fantastic trip with no troubles, as the Lord’s hand of protection was upon us the entire 14 hour drive. We are still getting settled in to this new sanctuary, and face many challenges, however, Yeshua continues to be our guiding force and strength through everything we do. He has not missed one detail in His provision, and He continues to place people in our path to assist us in securing this property for His Kingdom purposes. There is much work to do, and many physical structure needs, but we know without a doubt that He has ordained every step of this mission. First and foremost, we are in need of the finances to have a septic put in and water run from the fresh water spring up to the house. We are currently taking buckets and filling them in the springhouse and then carrying them to the house for washing, etc. The second most important need would be repair to the two large outbuildings on the sanctuary. Once again, financial help for supplies is needed to make these structures sound and  operable. Right now, this is our focus.

We want to extend our sincere and deepest gratitude to every single one of you reading this, for all you have done to assist us in this move and in getting settled here. We especially would ask that you would continue to keep us lifted up in prayer each day, we covet prayers more than anything! We keep all of you in our prayers daily as well as we read the Word and pray together each morning. We thank everyone as well who have been so very generous in donating financially to this ministry. We could not be here without you!

Lastly, I am having to wait quite a while to get my internet service at the property, it’s been two weeks and we were told today it may be another week or more. There has never been service on this land before, so please continue to have patience with me as my cell phone service is sporadic at best and I have to come to town to the library to get internet so I will be delayed in responding to many of you through e-mails. I hope to be back on track very soon, Lord willing! I do feel we are getting very, very close to times when communication will be down for some time, and so we must all focus on keeping our LIFE-LINE with Yeshua grounded and secure regardless of whether of not we talk to each other. He will guide each one of us DIRECTLY in what He has purposed for us, and we are not to be in fear as events are upon us.

God bless every one of you and thank you from the bottom of your hearts again for supporting us and loving us as you have.
In Him always,
Julie and family
Posted by Julie daughter of the King at Thursday, October 24, 2013
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My children, it is My desire that you use this brief moment in time to enjoy your place with Me in My heart and in My Kingdom. You are in a very short pause for soon, all around you will change and although I have spoken about things that are coming, you will still find yourselves feeling it happens so suddenly. I hear each one of you, asking for more clarification of the things to come. And you will be given all that you need, each one specific to his/her purpose. I know each of you better than you know yourselves for I am your Designer. I also know that given too much detail, you would focus on events to come and I would lose your companionship in this moment of now. I ask one thing of you this day. Give Me this moment of now. Sit with Me, talk with Me, be with Me, in Me. Feel My peace and My love flooding your spirit. I have promised you a place in My Kingdom for all eternity and I continue to provide for you and protect you . What concern is it of yours what tomorrow may bring? I have guaranteed tomorrows to no one. You are only given today, remember your place. You are hedged in on all sides. Were you to be given too much information, you would simply not understand. Much is being accomplished in the spiritual realm on your behalf. Concern yourselves with me and our relationship together rather than the happenings in the world. I am moving powerfully and mightily for My children. Much is taking place that you are not aware of. Take your rest now, today, knowing that this journey you have been given is drawing to an end. My peace I give to you My friends. you will be told when this three days of darkness is about to occur so that you may gather your families together in preparation. Never fear as My voice will be heard by My people. Take rest that you are counted worth of My eternal Kingdom children.
The Only One you need
Matthew 11:29

King James Version (KJV)

29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Psalm 139
139 O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.
2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O Lord, thou knowest it altogether.
5 Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12 Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them