There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one

On September 25, 2012 @ 12:50 pm

My dearly beloved daughter you must never become complacent and feel that this work, when it seems to be going well, will for one moment escape the scourge of the evil one. He is furious. He picks at every task you undertake, creates problems and obstacles, which leave you frustrated and helpless.

So many people are blind to the scourge he inflicts on humanity. Because they cannot see him they do not believe that he exists. Those who open the way to him, through sin, and allow him into their souls will find it impossible to rid themselves of the terrible hurt and discontent he will bring into their lives.

There are only three ways to protect yourselves from the evil one.

The first is, the Sacrament of Confession cleanses your soul, if you are genuine in your remorse. For non-Catholics please accept the Gift of the Plenary Indulgence in Crusade Prayer (24), given to the world through this Mission.

The second way is through the daily devotion to My Mother who has been given the power to crush Satan. Her Holy Rosary is an important shield, which will cover you and your family away from his evil eye.

The last is through the State of Grace, which you can achieve through regular communication with Me by receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist.

So many people who want to escape from the clutches of Satan, and who in their hearts know they have been sucked into a vortex of evil, must turn to Me and ask Me to help them through this special Crusade Prayer (78) Save me from Evil.

O Jesus protect me from the power of Satan.

Take me into Your Heart as I release all my allegiance to him and his wicked ways.

I surrender my will and come before You on my knees with a humble and contrite heart.

I leave my life in Your Holy Arms.

Save me from evil. Release me and take me to Your safe haven of protection now and forever.


Your Jesus

Morocco flooding kills 3

RABAT, Sept 29, 2012 (AFP)

Two women and a teenaged boy have died in flooding that has plagued Morocco over the past two days, authorities said on Saturday.

A 50-year-old woman, her daughter-in-law and the 14-year-old boy were swept away by flash flooding on Friday in the western region of Safi.

The younger woman was rescued, but later died in hospital in the Atlantic coastal city of Safi, southwest of Rabat.

The North African kingdom has been inundated by unseasonal rains and hit by heavy winds since Thursday.
In Agadir, south of Safi, authorities said more than 50 millimetres (about two inches) of rain have fallen since then, a fifth of normal annual precipitation.

La gota fría se lleva diez vidas

La peor parte del temporal en el sureste de España ya pasó, pero sus efectos persistirán al menos durante semanas. Las comarcas más castigadas por la gota fría que atravesó Andalucía oriental y la región de Murcia el pasado viernes trataban ayer de recuperar algo parecido a la normalidad y hacían balance de los numerosos daños. Mientras las lluvias se moderaban y las ramblas regresaban a sus cauces, los servicios de rescate añadían más nombres a la lista de víctimas mortales, que suma ya diez personas.

Pakistan floods kill 371, affect 4.47 million

Monsoon floods in Pakistan have killed 371 people and affected nearly 4.5 million, the government’s disaster relief agency said on Friday.

Pakistan has suffered devastating floods in the past two years, including the worst in its history in 2010, when catastrophic inundations across the country killed almost 1,800 people and affected 21 million.

Prepare to witness signs soon to be revealed from Heaven

On September 23, 2012 @ 8:00 pm

My dearly beloved daughter it is with love that I ask all of God’s children to prepare to witness signs soon to be revealed from Heaven.

Signs will be presented to the world in different ways in order to awaken God’s children. Many will try to deny these signs and dismiss them as superstitious and in the imagination of believers.

For those who will witness the signs you must know that they will help you to prepare your souls. For when you have nurtured your souls and have asked for the forgiveness of your sins, your suffering, after The Warning, will be minimal.

Accept these signs, these miracles, as a Gift from Heaven.

Do not fight them or ignore them for they are proof of My Promise to prepare you all before My Second Coming.

Go now and have faith.

Trust is the most important act of loyalty for Me, your Jesus.

Trust in Me and all will be well.

Your Jesus

Hackers, Possibly From Middle East, Block U.S. Banks’ Websites

Sept. 27, 2012

The financial and banking industries are on high alert tonight as a massive cyberattack continues, with potentially millions of customers of Bank of America, PNC and Wells Fargo finding themselves blocked from banking online.

“There is an elevated level of threat,” said Doug Johnson, a vice president and senior adviser of the American Bankers Association. “The threat level is now high.”

“This is twice as large as any flood we have ever seen,” said Dick Clarke, an ABC News consultant and former cybersecurity czar.

Sources told ABC News that the so-called denial of service attacks had been caused by hackers from the Middle East who had secretly transmitted signals commandeering thousands of computers worldwide.

The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission

On September 24, 2012 @ 3:30 pm

My dearly beloved daughter I must warn you about false prophets who try to interfere with this mission.

So many poor deluded souls, who believe that they are receiving divine messages, are being led astray by the evil one.

He does this by preying on their love for me and targets, especially, holy devout souls.

Any person who tells you that they have a message from Heaven which instructs you to change or amend a message from Me is a liar.

This is not the way in which I authorise communications from Heaven. The only messages I allow to be communicated from one visionary to another is one of support and love, but only when this is necessary.

Messages received by genuine prophets or chosen souls are either true or false.

There is no in between. Heaven would never send a message to contradict another message received by a chosen soul from Heaven.

Beware of false prophets. Those who do not realise that they are false can cause terrible harm when they interfere with My Holy Word. You, My daughter, must not engage with those who say they come in My Name unless I instruct you otherwise.

The false prophets are poised now and will pounce on this mission. You must not engage with them.

Be alert to these dangers for the most dangerous of all will be the man who will come and claim to be Me.

Allow yourselves, My disciples, to be drawn to the false prophets and you will be easy prey to the antichrist and his false prophet.

Trust in My Holy Word. Many of you cannot, still, accept the Truth and you will argue with me but it will be of no use. For the biggest criticism you have of Me, is that I love all of God’s children, especially sinners.

I love all equally. To those of you who accuse Me of favouring sinners know this.

Never try to confuse others by saying that Jesus condones sin. You know this is a lie. I detest the sin but love the sinner.

Your Jesus



“Il non avere una seconda chance fa parte dei metodi incomprensibili di Dio per avvicinarci alla verità. Non abbiamo una seconda chance perché in realtà ne abbiamo già avute infinite. Non le abbiamo sapute vedere.”

OdL 2012

Russia halts imports of Monsanto corn over cancer fears

AFP Photo / Philippe Huguen

Russian authorities temporary suspended the import and sale of Monsanto’s genetically-modified corn after a French study suggested it may be linked to cancer.

­The Russia’s consumer-rights regulator Rospotrebnadzor asked scientists at the country’s Institute of Nutrition to review the study. The watchdog has also contacted to European Commission’s Directorate General for Health & Consumers to explain the EU’s position on GM corn.